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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Astrasmom

  1. Understand that this is a tool and just because you have the band placed inside doesn't mean that you can sit back and watch the pounds fall off of you. Although it's not diet, it's also not a miracle cure. Your old habits still follow you. The secret is to follow the plan that your doctor gives to you, listen to your body, and reward yourself for your success (something other than food). And most importantly try and find a support group in your area. This website is awesome but it's even better when you have actual people infront of you. Remember you can't do this alone. You need support. Don't beat yourself up if you make a mistake, just get back up and try again. Don't get discouraged because the weight doesn't come off as fast as you would like it to, or as fast as others does. And the biggest secret, don't be afraid to talk to your doctor. If you need a unfill as you go along. GET IT. Being too tight is just as bad as having no restriction at all. And don't be afraid to try new foods. Make sure you chew chew chew and take at least 20-30 minutes to finish your meals. Use a small plate and a baby spoon it helps to take smaller portions.
  2. Astrasmom

    Hi everyone, newbi here

    The Lapband is pretty much for life also. You really don't want to have it removed because you will probably gain your weight back again. You can have it removed in an emergency situation or of course if there are complications with the band. It's safer than the Gastric Bypass and they don't redirect your stomach like the bypass. With the band you are supposed to take vitamins also. We don't have dumping syndrome like the bypass does. There are certain foods that you may not be able to eat as well. For me it's bread, Pasta, rice and certain red meats. Everyone is different. I chose the band over the bypass because of a few reasons. I have heard that the gastric bypass stops working after 2 years because they can't adjust you anymore. Also I know someone that almost died because of the bypass. And also I just didn't feel safe with my stomach being permanentaly redirected. I have only one regret with the band and that is that I didn't get it done sooner. I have had no complications so far. The band has changed my life. It is a tool and it's definately NOT the easy way out. You have to work hard. The band does help you to keep the weight off but you still have to work to lose the weight. It's not a diet. It's a lifestyle change. Diets are boring and don't work. With the band you can eat anything in moderation as long as you can tolerate it. Good luck and I hope this information helps you.
  3. Astrasmom

    Vomiting every day...

    You really shouldn't vomit everyday. If the band is too tight you aren't getting your proper nutrients and it could cause big problems in the future. It doesn't mean you have to go and have all of your fluid removed. Maybe just a tiny amount. But honestly I can see maybe 'slimming' once because you didn't chew your food well enough, but everyday? Not good.
  4. Astrasmom

    Is pizza gone forever?

    I have 1 slice of pie at least once a week. I do have to cut it into very small pieces and eat really slow. I have had 5 fills already and I won't give up my pizza. If you do eat it. Make sure that the pieces are VERY small and you eat very very slow.
  5. Astrasmom

    banded today!

    Try Gas-X strips and a heating pad will also help with the pain. CONGRATULATIONS!! Make sure you walk too. It helps to get that gas moving.
  6. Hi there. My names Dawn. I was banded on Oct 23, 2009. I would be happy to a buddy or a mentor if you like. Congratulations on your journey. The day will be here before you know it. Please feel free to email me with questions, add me as a friend... ask away. cc-dmtermini@comcast.net I'm also on Myspace and you can check out my blog which might help you also. :cursing: Good luck to you.
  7. As with any surgery there are complications. That doesn't mean they happen to everyone. These are all questions that you need to ask your surgeon about. If you do get the surgery. I will promise you will be feeling sexy again in no time. And you will be out socializing again. Good luck to you.
  8. Thanks for your kind words. I hope your feeling ok?

  9. Astrasmom

    All dreams come true.....believe

    It's honestly hard to believe that 6 months have gone by already since I've had my surgery. It seems like just yesterday. Lets see, today I fit into my first pair of size 14 jeans in 22 years. I have lost 80lbs and I feel awesome. I sure wish I had known about this surgery years ago. Well actually I did but I was one of those people who thought that getting weight loss surgery was a cop out. BOY WAS I WRONG!! If you had asked me 6 months ago about losing weight and if I had any faith in myself that I would actually lose this weight, I would have laughed in your face. I had pretty much give up all hope of ever losing weight. I was so sick and tired of diet hoping and losing the weight but getting bored of the diet and putting the weight back on again and then some. My self-confidence was pretty much in the crapper. UNTIL...I finally started losing the weight. At first it came off pretty quickly and then around my first fill it slowed down to 1-2 pounds a week. Which is what it really should be anyway. Eventually I started really feeling better about myself and decided that if I didn't change the way I was thinking I would wind up back in the same boat I was before the surgery. Here's my point. Everyone got this way some way or another. Whether it was because of depression, because you love food, because you were sick, comfort, etc. The only way that it will work for you after you have the lapband surgery is to have faith in yourself. Faith that you CAN lose the weight, and FAITH that if you do make a mistake it's not the end of the world. Just pick yourself back up again and try. You also have to go into this with the mind set that this is a tool not a cure all. This is NOT a diet it's a lifestyle change. In order for the band to work for you, you have to work for the band. It's NOT going to change your old habits. It's NOT going to tell you to stop eating. It's NOT going to tell you what to eat and what not to eat. So then you ask, if it won't do that, then why did I have to get the band? Couldn't I have lost the weight by myself without having to go through all of this? Some people can, BUT most will gain the weight back again. The lapband will help you keep that weight off. Providing you follow your doctors plan and you make your regularly scheduled check-ups for fills with your doctor. My doctor is my savior. He saved my life. And because of this I lean on him pretty hard. After all that is what he is there for. Don't feel embarrassed to call your doctor. And please if you are having alot of trouble and you have already called your doctor and you were told that you can't have a fill. CALL AGAIN! Be persistent and don't give up. You also can't do this alone. Food is an addiction. As I said you can't just slap the band on and expect your addiction to suddenly go away. You need support. Please if you have a support group in your area and the ability to get there. PLEASE GO. Having support over the internet is wonderful however there is nothing better then having other people directly infront of you that are going through the same things that you are. Please reach for your dreams. Anything is possible if you believe. Believe in yourself. Set small goals and reward yourself after you have reached that goal. Maybe instead of a food reward though you can reward yourself with something else. :smile2: And don't judge yourself around the weight-loss of others. Everyone loses at a different pace. I believe in you. Do you? :wink2:
  10. It's very normal to be afraid of surgery even if you have had it before. If I could go back in time I would do it all over again without a doubt. The Lapband surgery has changed my life. I was a dietaholic. I tried all of them. Yes I lost weight but only to gain it back again plus. I was also one that thought that lapband surgery was the 'easy way out.' BOY was I wrong. There is nothing easy about this procedure at all. It's a definite lifestyle change and a daily learning process. But I can not complain. Ok there are a few times that it might get on my nerves and I'd like to be able to eat some of the things that I used to eat. But after I think about it for a few minutes I realize that the choices that I made in the past are the ones that got my into trouble in the first place. The lapband is a tool. And you just because you have it placed inside doesn't mean that you don't have to work on it. Your old habits follow you even after the band. It's not a miracle cure. I had no complications at all. Things are running pretty smoothly for me. I'm 7 1/2 months out and I've lost 94lbs already. I've went from a size 26 to a size 14. I haven't been in a size 14 since 1989. I was borderline everything and had sleep apnea. I used a CPAP machine for 5 years. Now all of my blood work is normal and 3 weeks ago I was able to give up my CPAP machine. I no longer have sleep apnea. I make smarter choices now. I do enjoy ice cream, a small piece of cake, an alcoholic beverage..once and awhile. I just don't do it all of the time. The only regret that I have is not getting it done sooner. I wish you luck in your journey and if there is anything I can help you with along the way, please feel free to ask. And check out my blog. It might help you a little.
  11. Astrasmom

    how to know if your getting enough to eat

    As everyone else stated. Your doctor should have given you guidelines. You really shouldn't be eating more than 3 oz of food.
  12. Astrasmom

    Newbie here

    Congratulations on the start of your journey Amber. What you are feeling is perfectly normal. I wish you much success. Don't give up because this is the best thing that could happen to you. If I had to do it over again I would do it in a heartbeat. Lapband has defiantly changed my life.
  13. Astrasmom

    Surgery date!

    So sorry that your surgery was pushed back. But it will be here faster then you can imagine. As for the goal of 85lbs in the first year. My doctor said that they want you to lose at least 50% of your body weight in the first year. I think I have made the exception. I'm already 75%, at 7 1/2 months (94lbs). So yes it can be done if you stick to the plan. But it's better to set small goals for yourself. If your goals are to high you set yourself up to fail. So think of smaller goals. Your long term goal can be 85lbs in the first year BUT try 1-2 lbs a week as a goal. Good luck to you. I hope you DO reach that goal in your year but as I said if you don't, keep going. You will get there. Good luck with your surgery. Please keep us posted.
  14. Astrasmom

    Banded 4/2/2010

    Congratulations on your successful weightloss. You must be so proud of yourself. Keep up the great work. And feel free to ask any questions that you like. Keep us posted. :tt2:
  15. If you stick to the plan that your doctor gave to you. And understand that the band is a tool and won't do the work for you, you WILL be successful. Everyone loses at different paces so don't get discouraged if you don't lose as fast as others. I started at 304. Although not as much as you, I have lost 94 lbs so far. I am now 210. I'm not an exercise fanatic. When I have time I exercise. I do stick to the plan. And I do reward myself once and awhile. Yes I still fall into my old habits once and awhile of grazing. However I can not graze anywhere near as much as I could before. I have went from a size 26 to a 14. The surgery has definitely changed my life. The only regret that I have is that I didn't get it done sooner. CONGRATULATIONS on your surgery. I would love to be your pen pal if you like. You can add me as a friend or email me. cc-dmtermini@comcast.net My name is Dawn.
  16. Astrasmom

    2 days post op!

    Sugarfree Ice cream is loaded with calories. I would suggest broth, Riccotta or cottage cheese, sugar free ice pops (also help with the swelling). Oh and CONGRATULATIONS!!
  17. Astrasmom

    Newly Banded --- 6/4/2010

    CONGRATULATIONS on your surgery. I wish you much success. Please keep us posted on your progress. Make sure that you walk as much as possible. Use Gas-X strips and a heating pad for your pain. And remember take it one day at a time. Don't push yourself.
  18. Astrasmom

    Slow losers lol

    There are several websites, videos, and books. I will post a few links for you..hope this helps, Chair Aerobics for Everyone Series How to Do Chair Aerobics Video – 5min.com video Chair Aerobics for Everyone - Wheelchair Workout - chair aerobics wheelchair fitness senior seated workout - videos Voila Gospel Chair Aerobics on Vimeo Seated Exercise Series: Chair Aerobics
  19. Astrasmom

    Help..I want to eat all the time

    Sounds like you are needing a fill for sure. If you are on solids then try eating foods with higher protein content. chicken and Turkey have the highest protein content. I eat alot of white chicken in a can with a little FF mayo. Try some polyo string cheese also. Make sure you aren't eating more than 4 oz. Alot of what you are experiencing is head hunger also. Try drinking more fluids. I live on Crystal Light. I also live on sugar free Ice pops. Make sure that you tell your doctor what you are feeling when you go. Maybe they will give you a fill then.
  20. Hi there. My names Dawn. I'm from NJ also. Little Egg Harbor. Where in NJ are you from? Who's doing your surgery? 23lbs in a month and a half is GREAT. Once you have the surgery you will start losing more because you will be eating way less. Do you have to do the liquid for 1-2 weeks before surgery? You are in the same boat that many of us were and sometimes still in. food is a comfort thing. Uortunately your bad habits don't go away when you are banded. They get easier to deal with but they are never totally cured. The band is a tool and with that tool it will help you to lose the weight and feel full. But it is hard work. It's NOT a diet. It's a lifestyle change. Diets don't work. My advice, hang in there. You will soon be there and you will be amazed at how your life changes for the better after you have the surgery. I would love to be your buddy. Also I would recommend attending a local support group if you are able to do that, even before your surgery. Good luck to you. Keep us posted.
  21. You are doing awesome. Keep up the great work. Looking forward to hearing about your progress.

  22. I live in Little Egg Harbor. Who did your surgery? I had mine done in Manahawkin by Dr. Reich. He's awesome. I had my fill 6 weeks after surgery. I go every 6 weeks for a fill. I have had 5 so far. In fact I think I will have to go have some taken out because I think I might be too tight right now. I can keep stuff down but it's rather uncomfortable at times and I don't really eat that much.
  23. Astrasmom

    Can't Find My "Sweet Spot"

    In all honesty the 'sweet spot' I think has alot to do with your mind and head hunger as well. Even with the 'sweet spot' that many people claim there is, you can eat things that you shouldn't eat. The band is only a tool. It does take alot of hard work. And I think many people fall short of remembering that. You can't just place the band and expect it to work for you. Also bad habits don't go away because we get banded. They unfortunately it will haunt you for the rest of your life. Honestly I can go 4-5 hours between meals without feeling hungry but I can pick up a snack in the middle or some chips or things that I really shouldn't BE eating if I am not constantly talking to myself and telling myself that I have gotten this far and I'm not giving up now. I think you are doing great. Keep up the awesome work. And talk to your doctor about what you are feeling right now. That is what he/she is there for. Try hard to not give into temptations. Measure your food. But reward yourself once and awhile for the hard work that you have already accomplished. This isn't a diet. It's a lifestyle change. Don't deprive yourself of the good things once and awhile. You can do it!!! :thumbup:

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
