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Posts posted by Mels423

  1. Just checking in, my goal for the new you challenge is to be at 200 by new years, I am currently at 220, and have a goal to be at 215 by this sat, i know it is a little un-realistic but i really want this goal more then anything, so i am really gonna try hard this week to get as close as i can to it. so wish me luck:thumbup::biggrin:

  2. ok so last night i did an entire hour, and i did a little over 3 miles about 3.25 miles, i think i pushed myself to far though. I was feeling some rubbing on my foot the last few nights, and then last night i think i over compensated by leaning towards the other side of my foot and now it hurts sooooo bad, i think i will give myself a rest tonight, i did 4 nights in a row so i think 1 night of rest wont hurt, and hopefully that will give my foot time to feel better.

    And i am kinda upset cause since i started useing the treadmill i have gained weight, not lost, im very sad about this, not sure what to do because i have been eating right.:biggrin:

  3. what i considered a fast walk, is 3.0 and honestly im not sure how fast i was going when i was running, cause i switched my view to my clock so i could time my run for 60 sec. Every now and then i would drop down to like 2.5-2.7 to give myself a little break. and i am definitly paying attention to my breathing, that is one of the main things i think about.

  4. Okay so i started on my treadmill last week, i have not been able to follow the c25k, so i am doing what i can. please give your opinions and recomendations as you see fit.

    my first day on the treadmill i did 20 min, could only do one stint of running, but walked very fast for the remainder of the time, then second day did the same, and my third day i added one more stint of running.

    now last night was my 4 day on my treadmill, and i did 2 miles in 45 min, with about 3 small sprints mixed in, am i on the right track or do i need to step up my game or what, i am trying hard i really am and i do not want to hurt myself, which my feet are really killing me today, lol, i guess i need some better sneaks.

    i hope i am doing ok please let me know what i can do better!!!:tongue2:

  5. Welcome Mels. If you start the program now, you will be doing 5ks in no time. I've found it is helpful to have goals and objectives so I almost always am signed for at least one upcoming race. If you go to active.com you can find one in your area and have it as an objective. For me its next Saturday night, a 10k and kicking the behind of my younger skinnier friend along with several of my wife's co workers. After that a 10k on THanksgiving day.

    That sounds great bill, and thanks for the encouragement, I think I might try that, Im gonna see if I can find a race in my area in about 3 months, i hope that will give me enough time. :drool:

  6. Ok i just found this thread, and i am so glad i did since i just got a treadmill, i have never exercised a day in my life, and i really wanted some encouragement to start with my walking/ running, which i never thought i would be able to run, but seeing all of these posts makes me believe that i can, (AND I WILL). So i am going to try out the C25K so wish me luck, im starting tonight when i get off of work.

    sooooooo excited:tt2:

  7. Ok so I know where my biggest problem is and I would like some advice on how to rectify this issue. I am 4 months post op and I have only lost 22 lbs, I live with my boyfriend and my 11y/o daughter. I am very good through out the week while I'm working my boyfriend and I work opposite shifts, so I work days he works even/nights.

    He is very thin and muscular, and he works out all the time, now the problem is, that he eats whatever he want, whenever he wants, and as much as he wants. So on the weekends he always wants to order out or go out to eat, or when he goes shopping he buys total junk food.

    I stick to a very strict diet throughout the week, but on the weekends i struggle so much I always end up being bad and eating things I shouldn't or more then I should, so I always gain back the couple lbs that I lost throughout the week, and then the next week I am struggling to lose them again. Plleeeeease help me, I don't know what to do, and I feel bad asking him to not eat the way he does because I know he is always trying to gain weight and bulk up because he lifts weights all the time and it is difficult for him to even put on 1 or 2 lbs, I am in opposites hell right now!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Is your mom overweight, maybe she is jealous of you, or if she isnt overweight then maybe she feels threatened by the fact that you will be thin soon.

    I know what you mean about not wanting to tell anyone, i wasnt going to tell anyone either, so as it is only my immediate family knows and when i did tell them i informed them i did not want to talk about it, and that i did not want to be asked how much weight i had lost everytime they saw me because i knew that a lot of people lose very slowly and i was scared that that would happen to me, which it is, and they have been very good, no one asks me they just act like i never had it, so when i have lost some weight i share with them and when i dont lose i dont tell them.

    as for your husband tell him to stop asking that it is not some magic and the weight is going to come off slow so leave you alon.

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