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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by swizzle

  1. swizzle

    I love trying on clothes now!

    From the album: Progress Photos!

    Watch out, world
  2. swizzle

    Back / Waist shot

    From the album: Progress Photos!

    ---> My new "before" picture, as I work on dem gunz
  3. swizzle

    Embarrassing Bra Shots

    From the album: Progress Photos!

    6 months out!
  4. I don't know what the "rules" are on goal weights, but I'm also 5'2" and small framed. I'm currently at 140lbs and my goal weight is 115. If you look at a BMI calculator, for our height, those weight goals are right in the middle of the healthy range, not under or overweight, so I don't see any reason why you should worry about wanting to have a lower goal weight. That said, my simultaneous goal is to feel healthy and happy and completely badass, and I honestly already feel like I've met that goal, so for me I could lose more or not and be absolutely elated!!! You've done a great job losing all that weight and you look amazing and happy and healthy. I say do what you want <3
  5. swizzle

    You lied again lol

    ^^^ This!
  6. swizzle

    From fat and firm to fit and floppy.

    LOVE LOVE LOVE this post! Thanks for sharing!
  7. swizzle

    Clothes Shopping Chaos!

    I'm only about 6 months out but I've already developed a nasty shopping addiction! It's SO nice to be able to have options now!
  8. Ditto. My Fitness Pal is super great and covers all those things! Even better if you pair it with a fitness or step tracker like FitBit!
  9. swizzle

    Face to Face!

    From the album: Progress Photos!

    Pre-surgery / 4 months post-surgery + new hair color!
  10. Working late, procrastinating on BariatricPal, causing me to work even later..... the circle of life.

    1. swizzle


      Ha! 15 minutes! I wish I procrastinated that little ;)

    2. Valentina


      Just don't procrastinate yourself right into the unemployment line. :)

    3. swizzle


      Thanks @Valentina! ;) haha!

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  11. Working late, procrastinating on BariatricPal, causing me to work even later..... the circle of life.

  12. From the album: Progress Photos!

    Most candid shots of me, throughout my entire life, have typically been mortifying. Lately I've been noticing that I don't hate (even like?) them! THAT is a pretty awesome NSV!!
  13. swizzle

    I look like a "normal" person now - 4 months post-op

    I bet it's hard to pick out the bariatric patient from this picture! Woohoo!!! <3 :) :) <3
  14. One has to be VERY careful on the web these days. @Alex has enough problems with rude people, he doesn't need someone being accused of being a pedophile or anything. Geez what is the web coming to these days? Uh oh, now you're on some sort of internet predator watchlist haha!
  15. I agree with @@OKCPirate that everyone's different... I'm still in the first 6 months post-surgery and have read that this is a good range for this amount of time post-op, but everyone's different! I have dieted FOREVER and since I'm only 5'2" I'm almost always given the "don't go over 1200 calories" instructions, and so that's probably going to be closer to my maintenance calorie range once I've hit goal, but who knows. (My NUT did say that while she does want me to be focusing on protein first and foremost, not ever to go over 1000 calories at this point.)
  16. From the album: Progress Photos!

    Most candid shots of me, throughout my entire life, have typically been mortifying. Lately I've been noticing that I don't hate (even like?) them! THAT is a pretty awesome NSV!!
  17. swizzle

    Sarah's in shorts, people!!!

    From the album: Progress Photos!

    Not quite ready for the real world, but whaaaaat! 4 months post-op
  18. swizzle

    Me at crossfit!

    From the album: Progress Photos!

  19. swizzle

    Face to Face!

    From the album: Progress Photos!

    Pre-surgery (left) and 2 months(ish) post-surgery (right) Already such a difference! ...And lipstick never hurts!
  20. @OCKPirate Thanks on the nut clarification! ...also I'm only mentally 12. Maturity level and whatnot.
  21. @OKCPirate thanks for the tip on the nuts! I'm always trying to touch them (tee-hee, I'm 12!) But really, is a tablespoon smeared over a few apple slices okay? Or is it too much of a "slider"? I'm still kinda figuring stuff out and I definitely don't want to be sabotaging myself! (It should be noted that I do keep track of calories, even though my NUT just gave me a protein/water requirement, and I usually track around 600-800 calories per day and 60-80g Protein.) Thanks!!!

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