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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by nkl1201

  1. I haven't told that many people because I could instantly feel the negativity brewing. I've had several hostile comments, "You're not old enough," (what, you want me to get older and more unhealthy before I change??) Also had people tell me that THEY are OK with it because it is adjustable...(like I give a care what YOU think is OK with MY body?!?!)

    Sadly, I am in the process of losing a good friend (who happens to be very heavy). She was one of the few friends I confided in pre-operatively about my decision to get banded. She never called to check on me during the difficult liquid stage, never called to see how the surgery went (claimed she mixed up the date), and NEVER has even asked once how I am feeling (I am 3 weeks post-op). She is practically avoiding me...today I ran into her and she merely smiled. Other people that I don't know as well have asked how I am feeling (I don't make the band the topic of any conversations or anything, its just that well-mannered people typically will ask in passing how I am). She REFUSES to acknowledge that I have been banded and because of her complete avoidance of the subject, I have come to realize that it makes her very upset..I keep losing and she keeps gaining. I tried to bring it up once to make it clear that it wont affect our friendship, but she blew me off. Unfortunately, I can't continue to have someone in my life who is so jealous/angry/betrayed even by my WLS that she avoids me and pretends nothing ever happened. Sad.

  2. Hi! I was banded on the 13th. Did 1 week of liquids pre-op, 1 week of liquids post-op, and I am now on week 2 of soft foods. Except for feeling pretty horrible for the first week and a half, everything is great now. My shoulder pain was excruciating (I also had a small hiatal hernia repaired at the same time). I have lost about 20lbs since I started my liquids and had my husband hide the scale about 2 days ago because I started getting obsessive (weighing multiple times a day). Plus it's my TOM, so I didn't want to even bother. I lost about 20lbs before liquids and I was 200.6 last time I checked (I started at 240.4). I am REALLY hoping to be in onederland next time I weigh myself. Haven't seen a number close to it in a LONG time!

    Except for being careful to not gulp my beverages (which makes me belch and I get a bit of a pain on the left side of my chest), everything is a-OK. I'm still getting used to the not drinking and eating thing, but my surgeon allows me to drink up until the first bite and then no more liquids for an hour, so it isn't that bad. My appetite has certainly returned and I am looking forward to my first fill which will be in 2 weeks.

    I have 2 TINY incisions and then my navel incision (I had what is called single-incision laparoscopic surgery...even though there is more than 1 incision). I chose this for cosmetic reasons...I would like to be able to wear a bikini someday (feels like just a dream lol). My port is inserted behind my navel and the other two incisions were for the liver retractor and the light source. I just got the OK to put Mederma scar gel on the small ones..waiting a couple more days for the navel one as it is taking a bit longer to heal.

    Nice to "meet" you all!

  3. Hi!

    This is the precise reason I logged onto the boards this am. I'm only 10 days post op, lost 10lbs on my one week liquids, and have lost 16lbs total (liquid+post op) in 17 days. Yesterday, I felt as is if I ate too much. My hunger is back with voracity, and I'm having no problem with any soft foods going down. I have to stop myself way before I am full, and I'm freaking out a bit. The first week post-op I had no appetite. I feel like I don't know how much I should be eating (since I have no restriction). I am 1.8lbs "heavier" than yesterday. Unfortunately, instead of letting it roll off my back, I totally freaked out. It's only 8am and my day has started off so badly because of the damn scale.


  4. I had a bra on the next day. There is about 1 inch between my highest incision and where the bra ends. I'm just careful about how I put it on. I have small band-aids over the white "steri-strips." I was told I could take the band-aids off 24 hrs after if I want (only one is off so far, the rest look fine so I haven't messed with them.) I was told to remove the white steri-strips two weeks after surgery, but if they fall off sooner, they said don't worry about it. I'm allowed to put scar gel (Mederma) on as soon as the steri-strips come off. I have dissolvable sutures. As for the Protein shot, I bought some grape looking protein shot in a tube and haven't tried it yet. I'm not scared about it per se, just haven't wanted to try it yet.

  5. I arrived at the same-day surgery center at 6, was taken back by the nurses (alone) at around 6:30, and was able to see my husband around 10:30 (when I was discharged). They didn't allow family past the waiting room, so he spent the time napping in the car and having a coffee at Starbucks right next door. The whole situation was so quick there was not even any time to get nervous, etc. Same with me...at first I was just so surprised that family wasn't allowed in "the back," but then I was pretty much banded and in recovery in what seemed like no time.

  6. Hey!

    I am just about 48 hours post-op and things have been bearable-some moments are worse than others. I believe I am having more pain because of the hiatal hernia that they repaired at the same time as inserting the band. I won't lie and say I have been without pain-I have been in pain, but I can handle it..it does get better as time goes on. Even with experiencing all the physical aches and pains, I would go ahead and do this all over again in a heart beat. I have had worse "injuries" (pain-wise) that this surgery. You can do it! Good luck:)


  7. Hi-

    So sorry to hear of your disappointing news. I am a bit puzzled, as I have never heard that there is any "special" anesthesia just for lap band. Has anyone else heard of this? I was anesthetized for my procedure in the same way as for almost all other surgeries. Did they explain what is different about this?

    Do you still feel comfortable with the surgeon/facility that you have chosen? If not, perhaps you still have time to find other options?

    Again, so sorry for the set-back. It must be very frustrating for you. Please keep your chin up and don't let someone else's mistake get you down. Perhaps there is something good to be learned from this? Maybe you can take the opportunity to get a "second opinion" if you aren't convinced that this is the right surgeon/clinic/program for you. I know how much you must want to be banded (it would have been very difficult to talk me out of it so close to surgery), but make sure you are comfortable with everything and have had all your questions satisfactorily answered before you take the plunge. If you don't like the answers you are getting from your current surgeon's office, don't hesitate to shop around for a better match.

    In the meantime, try to focus on the positive, no matter how difficult that may be. I'm sure everything will turn out for the better soon.


  8. Hi-

    Originally, I also was going to go with Day One (Oswego office-Dr. Woodard), but decided I wasn't ready at the time (this was last fall). My experience with Dr. Watkins in Oak Brook, however, has been fantastic. The entire self-pay process was extremely organized and I feel that the price was very competitive (though to me, quality of care and technical expertise can't really be defined monetarily-this is too "big" of an event to try to do just because of a "deal.") I was even able to get the SILS (single-incision laparoscopic surgery) which I wouldn't have been able to do with Dr. Woodard at the time.

    I had two pre-op appointments, and everything was so very thorough. I have TONS of info, from the pre-op diet, to discharge instructions, a detailed post-op nutrition plan, etc. My first appointment was on 8-16 (if I remember correctly), then I came back a week later for some pre-op work (blood, ekg, metabolic testing, etc.) and finally started my one week of pre-op liquids on 9-6-10. My surgery was this last Monday, 9-13-10. So far, I have absolutely nothing but great things to say about the entire "team" at Synchrony Chicago Weight Loss. My surgery went very smoothly, and the care I received at the Oak Brook Surgical center was actually better than any medical treatment I have received anywhere before. From the nurses to the anesthesiologist, to of course Dr. Watkins, everyone took such amazing care of me that I can't really thank them enough! Please let me know if you have any more questions. Best of luck! I don't regret this choice for an instant:smile:

  9. Hey Fay!

    Yes, I did have the SILS procedure (Single-Incision) with the port behind the belly button, though it is technically 3 incisions. The belly button one is the largest one though I can't see a darn thing there..just has some steri strips around it and I have no bruising, bleeding, anything. I haven't touched it, and I am not worried about feeling the port or anything. I have the Lap Band with the lowest profile port so I should be fine, according to the Dr.

    The other incisions are so tiny...I was told I can put Mederma or Scar Guard on them after the steri strips come off in two weeks. He also said I was a good candidate because younger, lighter patients tend to be some of the most successful and he wants there to be the cosmetic incentive to being able to run around in a bikini (geez I can't wait...don't even remember the last time I could wear ANYTHING midriff baring:)

    I am feeling so-so. Most of my pain is actually in my neck/shoulders from the gas they pump into you as well as my hernia repair. I had no idea I had a hiatal hernia, but he says practically all his patients have had one and by reparing it, thethe band will be more secure, etc.

    I'm taking it easy..walking around the house a lot and trying to stay hydrated.

  10. Hey!

    Very cool that we "ran into" each other on here:)

    I am not heavy enough for my insurance company to cover the procedure, and I was not willing to do a 6 month medically-supervised diet beforehand anyways (the amount of hoops they make you jump through seemed so stressful to me). I was a self-pay patient and it was an extremely smooth and quick process. My first appointment was on 8-16-10. I was there about 4 hours and got to ask TONS of questions. Not only is Dr. Watkins himself great, his medical and office staff are super as well!

    The following week, 8-24-10, I came back for a shorter pre-op appointment. I was banded yesterday 9-13, and will be going back into the office for my one week check up on 9-20. My first fill will be 4 weeks after the surgery, 10-13.

    I really hope that if you decide that this procedure is what you want, go with Dr. Watkins! I have dealt with many different medical professionals in my life for various ailments, but the team at Synchrony Health Chicago Weight Loss is second to none. Please feel free to ask me any questions about the band or how I'm progressing. I would love to share my story with you and it would be super if I could help answer any questions you might have (I didn't know anyone who was banded beforehand so I didn't get the chance to ask some of the things I really wanted to know:)



  11. I was banded yesterday morning and had to do a one week liquid diet beforehand.

    I struggled terribly for the first few days. I was to have Protein shakes, broth, sugar free pudding cups, sugar free popsicles, tea, black coffee, etc.

    After about the fourth or fifth day things go better. Yes, I found myself to be ravenous, but still, the rotten little voice in my head tried to tempt me to indulge. I have been following the "Shrink Yourself" emotional eating program and I learned the tools you need to conquer those negative "suggestions" that make it seem as if food is calling to you (it didn't just call to me..it SCREAMED to me:)

    Now that I've been banded, I have no desire to really eat a thing.Im forcing myself to get down some shakes, thin Soup, popsicles, milk, etc..

    Don't worry...the feeling of accomplishment that accompanies adherence to a tough liquid diet is worth it (and your surgeon will be very proud of you when he sees how pristine your liver looks:)

    I did lose 10.2 lbs in 1 week, and that definitely helped my mindset. Good luck!!! Don't hesitate to contact me if you need some support!

  12. I actually decided to take the plunge and email my friend about my concerns. Here is an excerpt:


    It started with a greeting and some chit chat, then...

    "So, I did complete the entire week of the liquid diet without cheating and lost just over 10lbs of Water weight etc., but it was hard-especially in the beginning. I am a bit sad that we were unable to meet up that one evening and catch up a bit. I had my surgery yesterday morning and it went great. I am in quite a bit of pain but I am managing. They also repaired a hiatal hernia (that I didn't know I had, though my surgeon said almost all patients have them and repairing them helps the band function better). Anyway, I know that you're really busy and all and probably forgot, but I am a bit saddened that I didn't hear from you at all. I have only told a few people that I trust, you being one of them. You've always been so good being non-judgemental with regards to my many ideas, changes, etc. and for that I am truly grateful. Even my dad forgot to call me or anything (but that's a whole other story lol!)

    I really hope you don't think that just because I had weight loss surgery that I'm somehow going to try and preach to you or push you into doing anything. I'm still the same person, but I am just making some big changes (that I need for "me") right now and I would be very sad if others are somehow upset about my choice or think I will try and push it on them. This is far from the truth. Of course, since we both have discussed the weight struggle together you are more than willing to talk to me about it (if or when you feel like it), but you have my word that I will still try and be the best example of a friend I can be without any preachiness or stuff like that.

    Please don't take this the wrong way, I really enjoy being your friend and I hope you feel the same about me.

    Have a wonderful rest of the week and I wish loads of productivity your way!!"

    Your friend,



    I am not the type of person who ever writes such a thing, but in this case I felt compelled to do so. I tried to do it in the nicest way possible (i.e start out friendly, insert complaint/issue, finish with more positive/nice/ things etc)-that way they don't finish reading what is really a rant and think worse of you for it!

  13. Hi!

    Nora here from Illinois. I am a 25 year old wife and college student. I was banded in Oak Brook, IL by Dr. Brad Watkins on 9-13-10. My procedure went perfectly as did my 1 week pre-op liquid diet (though if I never see a Protein Shake again, I won't be too disappointed:biggrin:) I lost about 10lbs in that week, but it was difficult-especially in the beginning. I also started walking again and walked about 5 days that week (30mins-1 hr each day).

    I didn't get a lot of sleep last night, but I'm trying to move around as much as possible. I am not able to find a comfortable position when laying down as of this point. Pain is bearable-I'm taking my liquid Vicodin, and I'm trying to follow my instructions to the "t." I am not hungry at all.

    My highest adult weight was 240.4lbs (March 19th 2010) and I weighed 207.8 yesterday morning before surgery. My goal is 130lbs (I am 5.5 1/2)

    I had a SILS procedure (single incision laporoscopic surgery), though there are 2 additional (very tiny incisions) that were used for the light source and the liver retractor. My port as well as the trocars were inserted through my navel (my port is attached to the muscle under my navel). I am most sore there. Also dealing with a sore throat from the intubation (and my chattiness from the feel good drugs lol), and I also have pains in my shoulders from the gas they pumped in during the procedure.

    I've been a long time reader of these boards and felt like now would be a great time to be a part of the community, so I'm looking forward to getting to know you guys!!

  14. I was banded yesterday morning (9-13-10) and have been banded just under 24 hours at this point. I was in quite a bit of pain immediately after the procedure and I was nauseated. I was given 3 doses of Dilaudid (hydromorphone) and Reglan (for the nausea). I have not been nauseated since immediately after the procedure (I have a scopolamine patch behind my ear for the next 2 days).

    The 1 hr drive home was rather uneventful (I was just DYING to suck on some ice cubes-we stopped at McD and got a large, unsweetened iced tea and I sucked on the small cubes and took a tiny sip of two of the iced tea).

    I have been taking 2 tsp of liquid Vicodin (7.5mg/500mg) at the prescribed intervals as well as 2 tablets of ibuprofen. from time to time to help with inflammation. I have been having pain from the gas used and I feel it in my shoulders. Having my husband massage my shoulders helps. I had a SILS procedure (single-incision laparoscopic surgery), so most of the tools and even my port was put in under my navel, so that is where I am most tender. I also had a hiatal hernia repaired.

    Taking deep breaths is painful-they gave me a spirometry device to take home and do about 10 deep breaths per hour with it. It is a bit challenging to breathe this deep, but I know it is good for me. My throat is rather sore, though what was just a little sore from the intubation became much more sore because I have been so chatty!

    I was very talkative yesterday (probably b/c of the drugs-usually happens to me), and pretty much walked around the house or leaned against a counter all day. Sitting was/is difficult (though easiest on a firm chair-I can get up without a ton of assistance, though yesterday I needed help getting up period).

    Laying down is the hardest. I can't yet sleep or even lie down in our bed, but luckily we have an adjustable mattress in the guest room so I tried to sleep with my head elevated. It feels like I can't breathe well if I lay down, plus my incision areas are tender. I am normally a 7-8 hr sleeper, but last night probably only got 4 hours-I've been up today since 3:50 am :thumbup:

    The only other thing (not painful), is it is a wee bit difficult to urinate:eek: When my surgeon called to check on me last night, I mentioned this, and he called it "anesthesia lazy bladder" and it should be better by today. It already is, I just have to "push" a tiny bit, but I can completely expel my bladder-it just takes a bit longer to "start" going.

    I would definitely think lifting your small children will be out of the question for a little while. I can't even lift my 5lb dogs or push my 15lb cat off the bed, or even bend over in any way without being in pain (around the incisions). I hope you can find some assistance.

    All in all, I feel pretty good. Yes, there have been some painful moments, but I have felt much much worse before (broken my back twice-now that was something to compain about).

    As long as you try and get some assistance caring for your kids, you should be fine. Mothers have told me childbirth is much more difficult that this procedure, but it's great to hear that you're going through with this. Best of luck and please don't be put off by my honesty-I'd do this procedure again in a heart beat!!


  15. I am also using a book about emotional eating called "Shrink Yourself" by Roger Gould M.D. It is fantastic. I am also doing their 12 week online program (of the same name) http://www.shrinkyourself.com

    I was literally panicking right up until the liquid diet (trying to get my "last" meals in) and the first few days of liquids were extremely difficult for me (my first all liquid day we went to a baseball game and I could smell/focus on was the food and beer), but things have gotten better. I stayed 100% on track with liquids and just lost over 10lbs in a week, and I was just banded yesterday. Slowly, but surely, my life with food as my "friend" is no longer. I am striving to "eat to live" not "live to eat," and now that I know I am about 4 weeks away from "real" food again, there is really no panic. I was also lucky enough to find this blog with WLS friendly recipe make-overs:


    and being able to look at the delicious post-op choices I will be able to "create" is starting to become enough for me to handle. I really suggest looking into one of the emotional eating books/websites/etc. as it has made a tremendous change in my life and I hope others will begin to feel the freedom that comes from breaking those heavy emotional bonds with food.

  16. I was banded yesterday and I have found that I virtually have NO support from friends. My husband is wonderful, my father is skeptical (and doesn't really make the attempt to understand what I am going through), and the other few people that I have told (I did not go "public" with my decision) have listened patiently and rather kindly when I have mentioned anything about this. Unfortunately, there are a few others (one in particular) that are starting to distance themselves from me. A friend of mine (who happens to be much heavier than me), has all but stopped talking to me. She canceled our last "dinner" date together before I went on liquids (we would always do this several times a year and stay out for hours chatting afterwards), and now she rarely answers calls and texts back with other lame excuses about how busy she is. She never checked on me once to see how my struggles with the pre-op diet were going, and she did not call/text me yesterday to see how my surgery went. I am just really saddened that people cannot see beyond themselves and continue to be hostile to people they are supposedly close to just because they are insecure about themselves and are not willing to change. The lesson I get from this is to lead by example and always try to be the friend who is caring and there for others in their time of need, regardless of the crappy treatment I have received from other, bitter "friends".

  17. Hej!

    I'm planning on moving to Sweden next year (I will be having my band placed here in the US next month.) I need to find out where/how do you go about getting a band fill (I will be living in Göteborg, but am willing to travel if I need to.) Do you know what the most common term for gastric banding surgery? I've seen simply "gastric banding," I've seen the generic "övervitsoperation" (though that seems to be geared towards gastric bypass rather than banding..Also seen the generic "fetmakirurgi" or "obesitaskirurgi." I just need to find out the Swedish terminology about the name of the procedure/device and about calling around to inquire about getting a fill.

    Tack så mycket! Lycka till med bandet!


  18. Hi! This is my first time posting on here, but when I saw the "feeling anxiety about surgery," I knew I had to jump in! Up until a few days ago I was sooo excited about my surgery (01/07/10,) but now the excitement, while still there, is beginning to be taken over by anxiety. I am so worried something will happen during the procedure. I KNOW I am being irrational, I just can't help it. I could really use some reassurance by some bandsters who are living proof that they went through it all and are still here to tell the tale:)

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