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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Electrawoman

  1. I have Tricare Standard and I am waiting on my approval. I had no big secondaries (like diabetes) but was approved by the surgeon because I am 200% over my ideal body weight. I haven't received notification of the costs and haven't even asked yet. I am sure you know that if you call three different people on the same day at Tricare, you will get 3 different answers. Add me as a friend and I will update you on the approval process via my profile. :smile2:

  2. My surgeon told me that the statistics are that the majority of lap-band patients will lose and keep off only 60% of their excess weight. That was hard to hear but I think very realistic. He said that a few people will edge up and a few people will edge down but the only real way to break out of that 60% is with exercise.

    I don't even have my band yet but if I were in your position, I might change my workouts and just hang in there. Regardless of what your metabolism is doing or not doing, remember the simplicity of calories vs calories out. Eventually, if you are taking in less than you are burning, you will lose weight.

  3. I hadn't heard of that phrase, hummingbird but for those of you who want to know the good and the bad about surgery and aftermath, go to your local bariatric support group meeting and you will hear all about the problems people are facing. I also found a group here for folks having trouble. I find it is good to see what can go wrong and the information in that group is very helpful. I can read them and ask myself what I would do in that situation. That way, if it happens to me, I will be prepared.

  4. I love this stuff! I haven't been banded yet but I eat the Fage brand and add honey. Sometimes, I go wild and add granola or fruit.

    I have also had it (or cottage cheese) with tomatoes, salt and pepper. I also use it in place of sour cream. Some froyo places sell plain/tart frozen yogurt that is also good.

    Sugarlessdelight.com sells a SF honey that's good (all their SF stuff is good!)

  5. thanks! I know that I will be asked a few questions about my struggle with weight and then given the MMPI. I took that test years ago when I worked at a psych clinic so I already know the results, np. I did find out today that triCare requires the eval be done by a psychologist and my therapist is an MA, LPC and some other letters. The surgeon gave me the name of a psychologist and I have an appt on the 16th. yay! My nutrition appt is on the 13th.

    I have also decided not to broadcast this decision like most things I do in my life. I told my closest friends, talk here, and will probably leave it at that. It's not everybody's business. I have a big mouth so I hope I can stick to that! ha ha

  6. PB means productive burp. It's when food gets stuck at the opening of your pouch. It has been explained to me like this: drinking cold soda really fast and getting that chest pain or getting a burp stuck in your chest. It hurts pretty bad when that happens but it lasts less than a minute. The difference is that with a PB it lasts longer and some food may come back up (like spit up but not violent like vomit). I plan on avoiding them as much as possible!

  7. Great info in that post, Alex.

    I also asked my surgeon last night. I told him what the True Results lady said about erosion and the triangle-factor. He confirmed that Realize may have a slightly higher rate of erosion, it has a slightly lower rate of slippage.

    Personally, I think I would rather take the chance of slippage before erosion but the percentages are so low, I am not really worried about either.

  8. I haven't had a band put in yet so I can't comment on most of these posts, but I do know something about food and depression.

    For many of us (I don't know any overweight person for whom this is not true), food helps keeps depression and anxiety at bay. Eating releases chemicals in your brain that make you feel good. Several of you are just barely out from surgery and it would make sense that, if you were using food to feel good before you might feel bad now without it.

    I expect that this will happen to me if I get banded so I started trying to think of alternatives to food. What are some things you can do to get the same release of dopamine and other feel-good chemicals? Exercise, eating jalapenos, playing with a dog, talking to friends, watching a funny movie are some that I though of.

    And I agree with the other poster who suggested you go see another surgeon. Your doctor may not be paying proper attention to you.

    I know that might sound simple but it's worth a try just to get you over this hump. Did your surgeon offer aftercare? If so, go to the support group meetings.

  9. I went to my first seminar (True Results in Dallas area) and asked about the difference. She took awhile to answer (which concerned me) and then said something about Realize being the "old swiss band". Then she said it was triangular-shaped and increased the chances of erosion because tissue could get stuck in the corners. I am looking at a picture now and the Realize band is unfurled in the photo but doesn't look triangular to me.

    I have an appt with another surgeon on Thursday that uses both. If it's equally safe, I really like the online resources that Realize offers. But would not sacrifice safety for them.

  10. Well, now I am confused! At the seminar I went to, the liquid to soft to small foods after surgery diet was explained. Then, they told us that we would be able to eat anything we wanted only in smaller portions while living with the band. They said that some people develop an aversion to certain foods or have some things stick at the band opening leading to restrictions on some items. (the lady that talked to us could no longer eat white bread, for example). There was talk of eating healthy (of course we all want to do that). But nobody said anything about restricting a lot of food types. Can someone jump in and explain? Thanks!

  11. Thanks ya'll. You answers are really helpful! And I don't care if you have had your band for years, weeks, or haven't even had it installed yet. I do want to hear what you have to say. Everybody IS an expert about their own situation and that's what I came here looking for--personal stories.

    To Headhunter, there are better ways to get your point across. I can tell that you are passionate about what you have to say and there is some good information hidden in your posts but I don't feel like sifting through all of your negativity to get to the good stuff. You might get a better response if you move your comments to your own personal and cleverly-titled post instead of piggy-backing on mine.

    Why I am fat: I am an abuse survivor and gained 100 lbs in 1 year to hide my body. That was 20 years ago and though the reasons for it are gone, the weight remained. Because of PCOS and Menopause, my body holds onto fat. I do not have absorption issues.

    Hormones make me hungry...ravenous and it happens mostly at night. I feel nauseus during most of the day so I rarely eat Breakfast or lunch.

    However, I eat much more than I think I do without even realizing it. I can tell you (and truly believe it) that I ate only dinner today (and most days) but if I sit down and really think about it, I grabbed a bagel this morning, had an iced coffee, drank two cups of sweet tea (and no Water all day), ate one of my son's chicken nuggets, 3/4 bag of Pork rinds (yeah I said "pork rinds"), ate about half a cup of dinner while cooking it to check the taste...then had two turkey dogs, rice and veggies for dinner. Finally, I made brownies with frosting and chocolate candies. I didn't eat the brownies but I did lick the frosting spoon and eat 2 handfuls of the M&ms that went on top. See? I've eaten way more than I thought I did and to think, I was just patting myself on the back for denying myself that brownie!

    Yesterday, I was in the kitchen wondering how a PB must feel while drinking some broth. Somehow, I gulped huge air bubble and it stuck right in my esophagus where food might get stuck. It lasted less than a minute and I thought I was going to die. If that's what a PB feels like, there is NO WAY I would risk that to overeat. So I guess I answered my own question :thumbup:

    I do have counseling in place and a referral to an eating disorder clinic if I need it. But the more I hear, the more I think I will do really well on the band. I still have more research to do and some appointments to talk to psych and medical people but I am going to start the process and unless something happens to convince me otherwise, I am very happy with what I have learned about the band to date.

    I am going to let this thread die a slow and painful death and then delete it. I will start a new one with some more questions I have for ya'll.

  12. I am a 39-year-old woman who has been overweight for about 19 or 20 years. I have tried diets and even changed my entire lifestyle with healthy eating and exercise for 2 years with very limited results. I am a stress eater but I can't let myself get any fatter and I refuse to buy one more plus-sized outfit so I am getting a lap-band.

    I would never consider GB but lap-band seemed like a good alternative for me. The only doubt I had was with myself. If there is a way to cheat, I worried that I would use it. I wondered, will the threat of vomiting or PB experience really going to stop me from stress eating?

    "Funny you should ask", God said today as I swallowed a huge glob of air by accident while drinking some chicken broth. It stuck in my esophagus right where food might get stuck outside of a lap-band. It felt so horrible and painful that I knew I wouldn't ever risk that feeling just for extra food. I decided to go for it.

    I found a surgeon that accepts my insurance and I will go to the seminar next week. Meanwhile, I want to start lining up supports and this buddy program looks great.

    A little about me> I am a mother of a two-year-old (a fertility miracle and the coolest human on the planet), military wife, graphic and web designer, artist and small business owner who works from home. I love animals and I live in Little Elm Texas (near Frisco, Plano, Denton etc.). People who love me describe me as eccentric. Strangers just usually raise their eyebrow at me questioningly. I could care less, though.

    I have never been able to lose any more than 20 lbs at one go in my life. My best weight loss came when I was pregnant and on a diabetic diet for gestational DB. I lost 12 lbs. Gained it all back and then some. I need to lose about 150 lbs, though I would be thrilled just to get my stomach off my thigh or this fat roll off the back of my neck.

    I don't ever want to be stick-thin but I am uncomfortable in this body and I am ready to climb out. I would love support from someone who gets "it".

  13. Good advice. Thank you. Turns out, the surgery center who held the seminar I attended does not take TriCare although the doctor does. So I scratched Dr. Benavides off the list. It doesn't do me much good for him accept TriCare if his center doesn't.

    I took your advice and called Tricare today. I too have gotten the runaround from them about other issues so I avoid calls like the plague. Every rep will tell you something different. This gal today couldn't even give me a list of bariatric surgeons. She gave me a list of plastic surgeons!

    SO I came back here and started searching for doctors that have previously taken Tricare based on posts from members. I located one within minutes. Dr. Cribbins has nothing but good reviews that I can see and I am scheduled for a seminar with him in about a week. MY dedictible for the year has been met so hopefully they can get me in before the end of December. :wink2: Unless something major happens to convince me otherwise, I am going for it. I will keep the thread up to date with cost information as I get it.

  14. Hi everyone. Here's my intro post!

    I am a 39 y/o artist, Mom and Wife and have been fussing over my weight since I was 13. A day hasn't gone by in that many years that I haven't thought about food or my weight from the time I wake up to the time I go to sleep.

    Some history: I was athletic as a child--tall and lean and often called "too skinny". Then, I had a little weight gain around puberty (size 7 to size 9) and then woved steadily upward through my teens to a 12. In my early 20s, I gained 100 lbs in one year (size 12 to size 16). Then, I stayed at a size 16/18 for 15 years before gaining 50 pounds more in the past year or two. I blame stress for this one. (two military deployments, a relationship crisis, a high-risk pregnancy with 6 months of bed rest, a near-fatal car accident, and quitting my job to stay home with my son). Now. I wear a size 24 on a good day. And there aren't many good days because I am anxious, depressed and tired all the time.

    Comorbids are: Upper Airway Restrictive Syndrome (similar to sleep apnea), PCOS, joint and muscle pain and constant irritability.

    I love fashion but can't wear what I want. I make custom leather products and have already grown out of a display model I made just this Spring! I am running out of sizes and styles that are wearable. My next fashion step is the mu-mu and I REFUSE to go there. I made a vow today that I will not buy myself one more plus-sized outfit. EVER---even if I have to tie myself to a bed and wire my mouth shut.

    I have also entered menopause and all my fat (which I carry around the waist) seemed to drop overnight. When I walk, I can now feel my stomach on my thigh. Because of the injuries from my accident and the intrusion of my fat rolls, there are simple things (like fastening a bra) that I need help with. Sometimes, I have to take a shower after using the toilet because I can't reach my butt to clean it properly. That hurts to type but it's time to be honest.

    I am tall and my most comfortable weight has been around 170 but I haven't seen that number since around 1990. I have chosen that now as my goal weight. But really, I would just be happy if I didn't have a roll of fat on the back of my neck.

    Like most of you, I have spent years denying, dieting and settling but I can't do that anymore. The truth is, my weight is out of control and I need help getting it together.

    My most successful weight-loss attempt was the diabetic diet during pregnancy. I lost 12 lbs while pregnant. Go figure.

    My diet of choice has always been basic healthy-eating with exercise plan but the results never come and I give up. It took me two years of 5-day workouts at the YMCA and a low-fat vegetarian diet to lose only 20 lbs. I was able to climb a mountain at the end but my size was basically the same. It left me frustrated and discouraged.

    I am not afraid of exercise. In fact, I LOVE it (if I can get to the gym or motivate myself to get started). I love to swim and work the elliptical machine and weights.

    I love food but at this point, I would eat dried grass for the rest of my life not to feel this way anymore. (I have said this before in my life and ultimately failed).

    So, here I am looking at lap-bands. I went to a seminar today and was pleased with everything I saw and heard. I only have one thing holding me back.

    What if I can't stop myself from eating past the full point?

    How will the lap-band stop me? Being full doesn't stop me now. I am full right this second and planning to go find a snack any minute now.

    The seminar host told us that what stops her from overeating is the throwing up process. She said she ate a doughnut after surgery and never did it again. I do hate to vomit. But is that enough to stop obsessive/head hunger? Until I can answer that question, I can't make a strong decision because I won't put myself through this just to fail. Right now, I am just going through the process, researching and meeting people to learn as much as I can.

    I am dead-set against Gastric Bypass and lap-band is the only procedure I would ever consider. Since I can't seem to do it on my own, it's either this or die fat and early. I can't do that to myself or my family. I have the most perfect, darling little boy and I need to be here for a long time to watch him grow up.

    I am usually the person on forums who gives all the advice but I can't do that here. This time, I think I need to shut up, listen and ask for help. So, I'm asking:

    How did you deal with the emotional/head/obsessive eating?

    What did you say to yourself when visions of cupcakes floated into your consciousness?

    Does anyone have TriCare Standard who can talk to me about options and OOP costs?

    Who is having a hard time with the band/lifestyle changes and what are you doing to change your thinking or behaviors in order to make it work?

    Is there anyone here who regrets having it done?

    If you are a survivor of abuse (like me) and put on weight as a protective shell, how did you feel when your body was vulnerable and exposed after weight loss? How did you deal with it?

    How does losing the weight (or having the band) affect your relationships with others?

    Would you do it again if you could?

    Who here has gained weight back and why?

    Do you tell people you had surgery? I ask because so many people consider it "cheating" even though we know it is hard work. (I have considered not telling anyone BUT I have a big mouth and probably can't keep it shut even if I try)

  15. I have Tricare Standard and I am just now researching the process for banding and trying to make a decision. SO, I don't have a lot of info on Tricare except for what it provided in their literature. But regarding the 1400 psych eval, etc., this is extortion. I used to work in the medical field and I will tell ya'll this. You can negotiate all charges and you should. The bottom line is this, the doctor and surgeons want your insurance money more than they want your copays and co-insurances. If they think you are going to bail because their prices are too high, they will make adjustments pretty quick.

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