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Posts posted by shmack

  1. Hi Shmack,

    I too was excited when I realised I was not alone ..... It's nice to know we are not isolated down under and we can meet people from near and far right here in our lounge rooms, that are going through the same experiences as us ..... good luck with your journey

    keep me posted with your progress we are at the same starting weight it would be good to compare notes and keep each other motivated on this fantastic journey we have begun.


    Hi Dew! :laugh:

    I was happy with the forum being US based, because I knew that these people were also going through the same thing as me. When I found the Aussie section, that was a special bonus... I was thrilled! It's been so hard for me to meet people over here in Perth, but just now I also got a reply on my buddy post from a chick who is also in Perth. :cryin: Super!

    Would love to keep in touch, great that we are at the same start weight. We are probably pretty close at current weight as well - I haven't weighed myself since just before surgery and lost around 5-7 on my pre op diet, so I'm probably hovering around 7-10kg loss myself (i saw your ticker says about that too!).

    Where abouts are you in Aus?

    Hi there, I too am seeing Prof Hamdorf. Still deciding if I am going to go thru with it or not.

    I'm SCARED.:eek:

    My problem is "head hunger" rather than overeating. So dunno if this is the thing for me? :wink2:

    Have you had your surgery yet? Would love to stay in touch!:hurt:

    I was scared too. I'm a head hunger/emotional eater/boredom eater... the list goes on.. Prof. Hamdorf did my Surgery exactly one week ago but my pre and post op appointments are being handled by Dr. Taylor as I was originally meant to go through her but there was a stuff up with my quote so had to go to a diff hospital, in-turn having Prof. Hamdorf operate instead of her. But he was great and he's super friendly hey?

    My thoughts and feelings about the whole procedure are completely different than I thought they would be. I have such a higher conciousness with what I put in my mouth, and know that if it is something that isn't great, that only a small bit will satisfy. I had a Caramello Koala over like... 4 days lol.

    You will be fine hun. If you have come this far then you obviously want this alot. It's a huge thing to go through, but if you want it enough to cut yourself open to help you along the way, then you have the power to use this tool to your advantage for as long as you need it :) Best of luck mate, feel free to keep in touch. I would like to hear your progress too.

    You should keep a blog... that helps me get thoughts and feelings out as well.

  2. OI OI OI!!!:crying:

    Heeeellllllllllloooooooooooooooooo everyone... If only I had scrolled down earlier... Didn't know there was an Aussie section... yaaaaaaayyyyyyy I'm not alone.

    Anyone on here around Perth at all??

    I'm vic born and raised, moved to Perth about 2 years ago... worked since I got here - still don't know many people. Would love to meet some people who are riding the same bus as me. :thumbup: Maybe score a buddy or two out of it??

    I hope you are all geared up for summer... have a blast peeps!

  3. 5 kilos in 5 days eh?? Are you in Australia?? if so, where? I'm in Perth but originally a Vic girl :thumbup:

    I was supposed to have my surgery on Oct 5th, but it was delayed until the 20th because I was given the wrong information.

    Even if we are not in the same state, feel free to message me anytime for a chat, and maybe one day we can meet up and have a coffee.... we are planning on doing an around Aus trip sometime in the next year or two. :P

    I am in the same stage you were at the moment... constant gurgling when drinking liquids.. my numbness has worn off now and I'm in a bit of pain inside and out from bruising.. but I'm hoping it all passes soon enough.

    Hope you are doing well :crying:

  4. Hey there and welcome to the forums... I'll start by answering your questions as best as I can :thumbup:

    How did you deal with the emotional/head/obsessive eating? I worried about this as well - For me, just the feeling of pain and discomfort was enough for me not to care about food for the recovery process.

    I'm starting to get more hungry as they days go on, but all in all, I'm really not having that much at the moment. In regards to feeling full and overeating... It's a very different full feeling.. higher up in the stomach... that kind of feeling you get when you have majorly over eaten and feel like you could be sick... but not that extreme... more like a warning feeling that if you do keep it up you WILL be sick... trust me.. its the brain more than the stomach and it really surprised me. I'm sure you will be fine.

    What did you say to yourself when visions of cupcakes floated into your consciousness? "One day I can have these again". I know I no longer have to restrict myself from WHAT I eat... just how much I eat.. I would probably be satisfied having half of a cupcake than several now... I just had half a caramello koala because I felt like something sweet... it's enough... before this I could have had many more and still wanting more...

    Who is having a hard time with the band/lifestyle changes and what are you doing to change your thinking or behaviors in order to make it work? I'm only new post op, but I think my behaviours will sort themselves out to be honest. I've just spent almost $16,000 on this... I wont be ruining my chances after taking this major step to do something about it. If you're not ready to make the change, then you shouldnt be doing this.

    If you are a survivor of abuse (like me) and put on weight as a protective shell, how did you feel when your body was vulnerable and exposed after weight loss? How did you deal with it? When I was about 3 years old, I had my step brother to be (who was 15) put his hands down my pants and feel me up. To this day, I have never really associated my weight with that experience, but I have always used my weight as a shell or sheild to keep people out.. as much as I wanted someone in. I have been with my current bf over 2 years and I still refuse to let him see me naked, and I don't believe I will ever have the confidence in myself, even after losing weight, to let him see me naked. I guess that is something we either have to live with or get help with to change it. I have such low self esteem that even the thought of him seeing me naked makes me feel sick to my stomach.. and it also nearly stopped me having surgery when I found out that my surgeon had to be changed to a male from my originally booked in female. Just him seeing my stomach (and possibly my breasts) was enough for me to feel extremely sick and put this off.

    How does losing the weight (or having the band) affect your relationships with others? I get quite irky when people that are tiny talk to me about losing weight and taking Meal Replacements etc. I have this 'friend' at work, who is about a size 8 and she tells me she wants to lose weight and wonders whether the shakes I was on (pre op) would work for her... I told her as politely as I could that she would be silly to go to the extremes I am to lose weight.

    Do you tell people you had surgery? I ask because so many people consider it "cheating" even though we know it is hard work. (I have considered not telling anyone BUT I have a big mouth and probably can't keep it shut even if I try) I have told a handful of people that I felt comfortable telling who I knew wouldnt judge me. I know that some people think its the easy way out and that frustrates me to no end. I told my bf I didnt' want him to tell anyone, and yet I found out that he told most people. I was so fucking angry, but at the same time it's a bit of a relief. There are still people I havent told and don't really want to tell - but I probably will end up telling them at some stage.

    Hope my answers helped a bit.

  5. It's all good... I offered actually.. they were hungry and there wasn't much for them to eat in the house that didnt require preparing... and my bf aint the cook type especially when drunk so the last thing i wanted to do was cook them a meal lol

    I also would rather drive 5 min up the road than them drink drive... so it didnt bother me so much until they started talking about the cochroaches lol

    My bruising started coming out yesterday and were quite sore to touch, so I'm putting it down to the same thing happening inside which is causing the discomfort I've been having. Just wish it would hurry up and go away.

    Will check up with my surgeon if it's still like this in a couple of days.. not 1 week post yet, so i might be overreacting. Just being cautious I suppose... first surgery I've had besides my wisdom teeth so I don't quite know what is and isn't normal :blushing:

  6. Nawww thanks laffy :blushing:

    Last night I had a REALLY bad night... I was up until about midnight because my bf and his bro were 'hanging out' = lots of booze and stupid computer games lol...

    Anyways, being the one not drinking I was designated driver to maccas for a mighty angus meal at 11.30pm at night. Got home after the boys were talking about cochroaches in the car (dont ask how they got onto that topic) and all of a sudden I had the urge to be sick... TMI but I even started the whole sliming process and knew if I didn't lay down straight away I would be dry heaving in no time and at risk of slipping the band...

    Luckily the moment I laid on my back the pain and feeling went away... then I stood up again and it was back again... I'm wondering whether it could be because I had a big day and maybe the drag on my skin/stomach from the port cord could have been a bit much??? Any ideas?

    This morning I have a very sensetive incision in one spot.. i feel a bit bruised up and when I stand I can feel a bit of a drag.. probably normal as everything else so far has been...but you know the story.. waiting for my bad luck to return lol:unsure:

  7. I have actually been making myself take deep breaths just because I heard after an anaes. you can have troubles with your lungs... ahh the things you hear...

    After I lay down for a period of time its so much easier to breath in deep, rather than after standing or sitting.... at the end of the day I get very full of air and find it more and more painful if I haven't rested much.:closedeyes:

  8. Thanks so much for your replies guys... I had some bad luck coming up to my surgery and I thought that maybe I was having a bad case of luck now with something not being quite right. If I was feeling better last night I probably could have found my answer fairly easy, but I was feeling soooo horrible - so thank you for still answering me and not getting frustrated with me --I know a lot of places can get quite irritating like that when people keep posting the same questions over and over and over.

    I will definitely take all your tips so thank you thank you thank you... *internet-kisses-in-a-not-stalkerish-or-weird-way* lol:wub:

    :unsure::seeya::smile:<-- that one is just cute

  9. I'm very sorry if this has been asked a million times before, but I am feeling really crook and just want to get the question asked and over and done with so I can rest again rather than sitting on the computer searching through the forum for an hour...

    I had my surgery 2 days ago and since then I have not had one moment where I feel like I dont have air in my belly.. I keep burping it out when sitting on an angle, but as soon as I sit up again, I feel like I have a balloon stuck in my stomach and it hurts to breath... it hurts to burp when sitting up straight but when I go back on the angle it comes out fine again... is this normal??

    I find most of the time I feel like I have air in my stomach is straight after having a drink of Water or whatever liquid I'm putting in my mouth right now... I physically feel it gargle through my band and in the process the bubbles make me sore and want to burp again... its going down ok after the initial gurgle... but if this keeps up much longer I'm gonna cry something cruel hey....

    It's probably normal but I'm so worried about it :thumbup:

    I feel sick and nauseous and horrible and I have wind from the devil... my stomach and guts are just making the most horrible noises and I'm playing fireworks in the bathroom... getting quite dehydrated because all my Water is coming out the wrong hole (sorry, tmi).

    Can someone tell me if I should just relax and let this phase pass or whether this doesn't sound completely normal??

  10. Hi eveyone...

    I just found this forum and signed up after asking google about coughing post surgery.

    I had my surgery yesterday afternoon and have been coughing a bit because I have bad sinuses and get alot of drippage down my throat - I was worried that coughing a little might slip my band - turns out its a low chance... so I'm a little relieved!

    Anyway, I just wanted to introduce myself and you will probably see more of me around here in the future.


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