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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by jahair

  1. jahair

    Gynecology revisited

  2. jahair

    Gynecology revisited

    My grandmother used to call that area --"your possibles." This topic reminds me of a research group we were doing with young males and the topic was safe sex practices. One young man spoke up and said he didn't have to worry because he practiced MAHOGANY with his girlfriend. Jo Ann
  3. Hey Klo, Welcome aboard! And when you leap into lapband land, know that we are here to catch you! :clap2: :clap2: Jo Ann
  4. jahair

    Kee's heading to bandland

    Hi Kee and :welcome: to LPT! Congratulations on getting your date too. Now it seems more real. Expect to have a variety of emotions up to and including the day of the surgery. They are all "normal." What I really want to congratulate and acknowledge you for is the work you are doing on your own already to bring the weight down. :whoo: That kind of commitment will do you well. Good luck! Jo Ann
  5. jahair

    Gynecology revisited

    Bitter, Whatever floats your boat and brings a smile (even a wicked one) to your face. I just got my call the office to schedule your colonoscopy letter. I'm on the three year cycle. Nurses always comment on how cheerful I am at the colonscopy. You bet your bottom I am. The procedure itself is NOTHING compared to getting ready for it, plus they give you "happy juice!" Jo Ann
  6. jahair


    I came across this website as well. Hope you find what you are looking for. http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/MexicanBandsters/ Jo Ann
  7. jahair

    A Lil Creative Writing..

    Kelly Lynn, You do nice work lady! Keep on writing them and keep on sharing them. Thanks, Jo Ann
  8. jahair

    Gynecology revisited

    So sorry to hear about your brother, and it is good news that you are taking steps to make sure you are in the best health you can be in. You WILL be looking for a new doctor I hope? Colonoscopies are challenging enough without having a jerk for a doctor. Best of luck to you, Jo Ann
  9. jahair

    ABC ~ October Chat

    Ouch! Robin, Getting that knee handled is smart to do and you should remember that when it starts to hurt. Is it laparascopic surgery? I had my meniscus removed a couple of years ago and I remember thinking that orthopedic surgery has come a long, long way (and the drugs are better!). Ask your doctor if they are going to recommend physical therapy and if not -- ask him to do so. First, you'll get your knee back in service sooner and the therapy will have you putting in some gym time, so you won't get totally behind. I wish the best for you, Jo Ann
  10. jahair

    Hillary vs Condi

    "A Vote for Kerry is a vote for Satan". Sounds like a good tee shirt! Let's see...A vote for Condi is a vote for ...... BuSh (any one of them!) Jo Ann
  11. jahair

    ABC ~ October Chat

    Hey Spunky! First I want to stop and say Yay! on the 25lbs. Celebrate every single one that goes. I'm a slow loser too and and getting my first fill on Oct 19. Maybe things will pick up. Good question about how long it took you to feel your first feel and one you should take up with doc's office. Let them know your concerns about getting the second fill and ask if it is needed at this time. From what I hear, the only time you need fills is if there is no restriction and you can eat more and more. Smaller clothes qualify as an NSV -- Non scale Victory. These are what keep us from going crazy watching the scale. Another thing to celebrate!! :cheer2: Two more things young lady -- When did 58 get old? Haven't you heard that old is anyone 15 years older than you are? About that ticker -- you can do it. There are very clear instructions on the ticker in the forum on FAQs and Resources (?) [can't remember the exact name, but FAQ is what to look for] . Follow them step by step and just remember you have to paste in a new one every time the weight changes. Good luck! Jo Ann
  12. jahair

    A spouses questions??

    As husbands go, you are definitely in the "keeper" list! You are supportive and making the effort to get yourself educated so she can keep winning. What a guy! :whoo: The only other thing I would add to the great comments you have already received is be prepared for any and all reactions to food. She will be learning what her body needs at each stage of healing and then trying to meet those needs while giving up the old habits. When you are the chef it is hard to be objective when someone doesn't eat what you have made or doesn't eat enough. Make a pact between you that it will be alright for her to say, "I'm sorry, that doesn't work for me because....." and that it is not said in disrespect or non-appreciation of you. Another trick for eating out is for her to order an appetizer as her entree and get a taste off your plate. Enjoy your vacation! Let us know how she is doing. Jo Ann
  13. jahair

    Hillary vs Condi

    I know my Mom did, so I wonder who the third one was! Jo Ann
  14. jahair

    Probably a dumb question but...

    Well, Mz Smartypanz, You made me laugh out loud and I can see how you probably got your name! My doctor did not specify "clear" only liquids for the day or two after surgery. This is what his list for a liquid diet is: (4-6 ounces at a time) coffee, tea, diluted fruit juice broth Blenderized Soup (no cream soups) Skim milk or Lactaid milk Jell-O, popsicles Yogurt sugar free pudding Cottage cheese Applesauce, oatmeal, grits, cream of wheat (runny not firm) V-8 low sodium Protein drinks (Carnation instant Breakfast, pure pro powder (no slim fast) Hope this helps and let us know how you are doing. Jo Ann
  15. jahair

    Weight Gain right after sugery

    Best of luck and keep letting us know how you are doing. You are NOT alone. Jo Ann
  16. jahair

    ABC ~ October Chat

    Faybie, That's a good reminder about not letting yourself get so hungry and probably it's a good idea to stick a band friendly snack in your bag when traveling. Travel is stressful enough without being crazy hungry! I haven't tried it myself yet, but others have mentioned it's a good idea to visit the health foods store and keep a bottle of aloe juice and some papaya (?) enzyme around for when things get stuck in the esophagus and it gets traumatized. As soon as I have a better cash flow I intend to stock up. Be kind to yourself for a day or two. Jo Ann
  17. jahair

    New band on the market

    Congratulations! And my best wishes for you!:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: Did the new band come with the low profile port or the regular one? Please keep up posted on your progress. Jo Ann
  18. jahair

    Gynecology revisited

    Lordy Bitter! You are on a tear today! After a particularly hard periomenopause that I am sure was brought on by having my first kid at age 39, I was trying BC pills to manage an unmanageable period. By age 43 after two 17 day periods, one week apart and spotting on the BC pills, I went to see my ob/gyn. Told him very nicely that I had done the conservative treatment, no longer liked the results and that I was ready to schedule the hysterectomy. My womanhood was not at stake or was I planning to experience loss over the end of childbearing. We did not need to slowly come around the the next step. How was his schedule for next Tuesday? I thought he was going to swallow his tongue! :girl_hug: Then I told him I was not leaving his office until we scheduled something. Guess what? I needed a referral for another condition that would be handled along with the hysterectomy.I didn't leave his office until he got the other doctor on the phone and scheduled my next appointment. Next time you are all revved up -- here's a fantasy that I really enjoy. First a caveat -- I LOVE ANIMALS AND ABHOR CRUELTY!!!!! But, the fantasy is finding one of those little yappy dogs that brainlessly yap at everything and then, just like in the NFL, drop-kicking him over his owner's fence. The image of it going end over end and yapping mindlessly all the way can banish the worst mood! Thanks, Jo Ann
  19. jahair

    Boob job after lapband?

    I think you'll be fine. Your other experiences have shown you that discomfort doesn't last forever and each time you have had surgery, you've had a beautiful result. Focus on the end result.....:clap2: Jo Ann
  20. jahair

    Low Profile Port

    Thanks! I was beginning to think the whole thing was a mirage! :cry Jo Ann
  21. jahair

    Boob job after lapband?

    It's certainly a different kind of sensation, that's for sure! The recovery will be longer than for lap band and you will probably feel a lot like a stuffed sausage until your skin stretches to accomodate the implants. There will be some limitation on driving for and lifting for a time, so you don't stretch your chest muscles. Just as we tell all lap band newbies -"follow the instructions from your surgeon." They are quite knowledgeable about what works to produce the best results. Here's a link that might answer some of your questions. Click here: Breast Augmentation & Breast Implants Recovery: What To Expect - Breast Implants 4 You Good luck and won't you be pleased when all is said and done? Jo Ann
  22. jahair

    Low Profile Port

    I'll chat with the office when I go for my fill on the 19th. Maybe I can learn something or be directed to where I can get more information. Jo Ann
  23. jahair

    ABC ~ October Chat

    You are most welcome! Jo Ann (the capital A is most important!)
  24. Hope this helps, Jo Ann
  25. jahair

    Support is coming around...

    Sherrilyn, I LOVED the website. I've just spent about 15-20 minutes reading all the entries. You can be sure I've added this to my list of favorites. Thanks,m Jo Ann

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
