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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by jahair

  1. There were 4-5 lbs that kept me busy most of September and October. Up and down, down and up, but never more than the original 15 lbs. First fill on Oct. 19. At last 1 more pound gone for a total of 16... Jo Ann
  2. jahair


    Hi Danielle and :welcome2: to LBT. The journey to making the decision about handling the weight is very interesting, and you have found a site that is jammed packed with information . Take the time to really cruise around the site and you will probably find many answers. If not, feel free to post a question and usually someone will have a response in a jiffy. Jo Ann
  3. Want to know how big a difference there is between a "typical" serving and the "correct" portion size? Take a look....... Jo Ann food? - AOL Diet & Fitness
  4. jahair


    JQ! What a loss and betrayal for you! Someone you thought you knew better than anyone else had an entire separate, secret and shameful life . Even in your outrage and disgust you were a friend to this friend by going to see him. Give yourself a little time to get used to this complete upheaval in the lives of your friend, his wife and you. You will know exactly what to do. In compassion, Jo Ann
  5. jahair

    Women's stocking sizes are EVIL!

    How can I be wearing a size 16 dress yet a 3X stocking? I HATE stockings! The people who make up those sizes are ASSHOLES! There, I'm done ranting. __________________ Through the infinite grace of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, I am blessed. Amen sister and hallelujah on the rant!! Panty hose are not made for people that have real thighs, bellies or butts. And if you happen to hit the trifecta with all three going on, you are just SOL. (S**T out of luck) Stay away...far away from department store brands - they are only there to hurt your feelings. Back when I was still wearing them, I had better luck with Just My Size or the ones sold in stores that cater to the larger woman. Another option that worked for a while was to buy "thigh high" hose until they stretched out and started sliding down my legs. At that point I quit the whole process! Jo Ann
  6. jahair

    Hello Everyone

    Hi Michele and:welcome: to Lap Band Talk. Congratulations on your banding and I must say that 26 pounds in 9 days is just plain remarkable! :clap2: :clap2: What I have been told is that the first 6 weeks are for healing and for letting the band get seated in place. Any weight loss at this time is a BONUS... Please don't get yourself in a twist thinking that you have lost all you are going to lose. It took a long time to accumulate the weight and it will take some time to get rid of it. You mentioned your diet being primarily eggs, egg whites and Protein drinks. What has your doctor recommended for you to be eating at this point in your recovery? Many people are still in the mushies stage, but that can include a wide variety of foods, especially when you have a blender handy. If you are looking for some ideas for the mushy phase, check out the food threads -- you will find lots of suggestions there. The swelling that prevented much eating in the first days after surgery has gone down and you will probably experience less and less restriction.My guess is you may not experience another big drop in weight until you get a couple of fills. However, you will still see changes in the way clothes fit, etc if you be sure to keep getting in the walking and the Water. (I'm not great with getting in all my water, so the game I play with myself is anytime I think "water" I drink some -- I've had four big glugs since I started this sentence! ) Good luck to you and keep letting us know how you are doing. Jo Ann
  7. jahair

    Got called fat...an NSV

    ...But, my NSV was that my only thought was, "sure, I may be fat now, but I will soon be thin and when I am, you will still be a bitch." (sorry for the profanity). Truer words were never spoken/thought! :clap2: :clap2: You are in a very good place about your progress now and giving yourself the kind of positive feedback you desire and deserve. The best kind always comes from within....we're just your cheering gallery! You go girl!! :croc: Jo Ann
  8. jahair

    Free Hugs Campaign

    What would you do if you saw him? :tsk: Would you go for it or......? [ame=http://youtube.com/watch?v=vr3x_RRJdd4]Click here: YouTube - Free Hugs Campaign. Inspiring Story! (music by sick puppies)[/ame] Jo Ann [ame=http://youtube.com/watch?v=vr3x_RRJdd4]YouTube - Free Hugs Campaign - Official Page (music by Sick Puppies.net )[/ame]
  9. jahair

    what to do

    Hi Jack and :welcome: to you. Here in Houston we do have a lot of good choices for lapband surgeons. There are several threads devoted to Houston surgeons as well. So look around, go to the free seminars to get a sense for the doctor that will be doing your work....you don't have to sign up for a consultation on the same day so you can go to a couple of seminars. Best wishes, Jo Ann
  10. You can find these at WalMart too Click here: Workout Clothes - Plus Size Exercise Clothing from JMS: Just My Size - JMS:Just My Size Plus Size Apparel and Ling Higher price/quality but nice clearance prices Click here: Junonia online shopping for plus size women's clothing and activewear. Good luck! Jo Ann
  11. jahair

    ABC ~ October Chat

    Welcome back!! And I am glad to hear the knee surgery went well for you. Remember when you do PT to be sure and do to the other knee what you are doing for the one that was repaired. Symmetry is important in working with the body and it doesn't hurt to strengthen both legs at the same time. Jo Ann
  12. jahair

    Free Hugs Campaign

    Me too! Heck, I'd even grab a sign and play the game with him!! Jo Ann
  13. jahair

    New member

    Welcome to bandland J! :welcome2: Congratulations on being banded back in July. Yes, it is very frustrating to have lost so little (compared to others) in the last three months. I had my first fill yesterday and the technician reminded me that I shouldn't be surprised if I didn't see big losses at any one time. People who have a lot more to lose often lose a lot of it faster. All you can do is work the band. Are you reasonably certain there are no other medical conditions that might affect your weight? How's the Water and exercise going? Keep us posted on how you are doing and we're always here if you just want to vent! Jo Ann
  14. jahair

    I joined Weight Watchers today...

    Carol, I can't remember what I've paid for WW -- the last time it was the online experience. Personally, I hated to attend the meetings and had more success working the program on line (but I am probably not the norm; I never am!) When I did attend meetings, I was impressed by a leader who had been enormous herself and was now impressively slimmed down. The before and after pictures lent the leader immediate credibility. Here's a link the the website of WW. Check it out and see what you can learn. BIG NEWS!!! They also have an affiliate program that you can get information about. It might be worth checking out and then you can access a program that has been proven to work for millions. Click here: WeightWatchers.com: Start Losing Weight Today! Best of luck, Jo Ann
  15. jahair

    other things you've tried

    J, I'll be the one to write this, but almost every bandster can say the same thing, I'll bet. I have tried WW (numerous times), Atkins, low fat, no fat, grapefruit --whatever diets. All are successful -- that is I always drop some weight, up to 30 lbs. once. In each and every instance the weight came right back and brought some friends too -- 5-10 lbs. Keep doing this over the years and the scale numbers can only go higher and higher. So, the issue is not taking off the pounds, it is for preventing their return. The lap band helps me by helping me to realize I need a lot less food to survive on than my brain was telling me before. Also, pre band, most diets involved giving up the things you liked and then whenever you stopped, the impulse is to rush right out and get some of those things you were deprived of. My intention with the lap band is to lose the weight by managing my portion size and not to give up whole categories of foods. I don't want a life of constant dieting and I don't want a life of obsessing about when and what I get to eat next! Hope this helps and congratulations to you for checking in with this group as you make your way through the decision process. We'll help in anyway we can. Jo Ann
  16. jahair

    Need advice from experienced bandsters

    Ditto to what Tanya said and I would add that as my appetite increased, I discovered that with a decent blender you can make nearly any food into a mushy. I often took a small portion of whatever I was cooking (like chicken breast) for my family, added hot Water to moisten and blended it. Voila, I had Protein but in a form my band could tolerate. The more protein you can get in, the longer it seems that hunger can be held at bay. Three suggestions...(1) blend in the vegetables that go with the other's meals, you get a better/richer flavor. (2) put the result in a cup or container that you can't see through and spoon away... and (3) I made a rule that no one in my house could comment on what my mush looked like. So no self pity. Hope this helps, Jo Ann
  17. jahair

    ABC ~ October Chat

    Way to go girl! :clap2: :clap2: Let us know how you are doing, please? Jo Ann
  18. jahair

    I'm not asking for anything

    Josette, Thank you for the lovely tribute for your mom. Sounds like she did a great job with her daughter! Anniversaries are not easy, I know. I hope you'll be able to find the laughter along with your tears today. Jo Ann
  19. jahair

    First fill; all seems well

    Beautiful! All the best wishes for you! I often hear that the amount restriction often becomes more apparent about a week later. Would you report back next week and tell us if you notice anything different? I'm having my first fill 10/18. Thanks, Jo Ann
  20. jahair

    ABC ~ October Chat

    Jamie, You rock girl!!:cheer2: :cheer2: :whoo: That's the best NSV I've heard yet!! Thanks for putting a big grin on this old married lady's face :becky: Jo Ann
  21. jahair

    Having Trouble Drinking enough Water

    Hi Kimmiechelle, Congratulations on getting your lapband! I had trouble with Water the first week or so after being banded. I couldn't seem to get much down at a time and gas always seemed to immediately follow. Be patient-- it goes away. Why not try SF popsicles once in a while, or switch off with warm drinks like hot tea? Have you tried something like Gas-X? I lived on it the first couple of weeks along with my heating pad. Here's what I figured out about the constipation -- yes, lack of fluids can contribute to constipation as does the pain medication but the real culprit was there was not enough "mass" in the digestive system to move things along until I got onto mushies. No duh! Liquid diets don't leave mass! When I called my doctor's office complaining about the big C, I was told to eat fruit. By then I was on mushies, so I took my fruit and put it into the blender and blended it to death. That and walking, finally moved things along. Every single one of us is obsessed with seeing how much weight comes off after we get banded. Some people lose a lot and some hardly any. Everything I've read on these boards is to view the first 4-6 weeks as healing time. It's about getting the band seated properly and learning how to manage yourself. Any weight lost is a bonus!! Most folks get on the weight loss bandwagon after the first or second fill. Be kind to yourself and try not to let your whirling brain make you crazy. This part will quickly pass, but it must be endured. Check back in and let us know how you are doing. Jo Ann
  22. jahair

    pain in left side

    Good news! :clap2: :clap2: Thanks for updating us. Jo Ann
  23. jahair

    15lbs till goal and i'm totally blowing it

    Hey Malice! First you forgive yourself and go ahead and acknowledge the uncomfortableness of actually being in the new life you have been dreaming about. I remember a friend years back who with terrific effort dropped 35 or 40 lbs and was totally unprepared for getting a lot of interested male attention. She had worn that fat as an armour and protection against people getting too close. When she got down to the desired weight, there was a period of time where she had to come to grips with the new her and work through her fear of having the success she so deeply desired. Another thing to consider is that if you make it to goal weight, the game is over. No more big end result that all of your energy goes toward accomplishing. That sounds to me like time to get a new BIG GOAL in your life. This time it won't be weight that is the challenge -- it will be the new thing. How can you step out into life? What's the thing you want to be or do, but you've always said, "I can't do that because I am fat and.......?" Keep looking and it's OK to be uncomfortable -- just remember that you have learned other things to do with big emotions besides eat. You'll get back on track pretty soon. Best wishes, Jo Ann
  24. jahair

    pain in left side

    Hi Roxy, And congratulations on your banding! Sorry to hear about the pain and I can think of a few things that might be going on. (I am not a doctor and I do not play one on TV) Two days out I was still taking pain meds to get me through parts of the day. Two days out you're getting on a plane with a connection, no less. My guess is that you got really over-fatigued, sitting in a tight seat for hours and that sounds like a prescription for killer gas. High up on the left side is a usual haunt of killer gas. Did your doc suggest getting a medication for gas like Gas-X? It doesn't work for everyone, but it did for me. Take your pain meds, You are not forgetting your Water are you? Find a heating pad, lay down and go to sleep. I suspect you will feel somewhat better in the morning. Please check back in and tell us how the night went and if you called your surgeon. We'll be interested to know. Take care, Jo Ann
  25. jahair

    Miracle Diet

    This is great! I'm sending it off to my sister who has a new three year old. Thanks Jo Ann

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
