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Posts posted by k-statearmywife

  1. I've been banded for 6 months, had 4 fills for a total of 2ccs. Since my 4th fill (over 4 weeks) ago I haven't been able to eat ANYTHING without it getting stuck...we're talking applesauce, yogurt, pudding, EVEN DRINKS!. It's so frustrating and I have given it time to settle itself in...it's been over 4 weeks now. Every time I eat something mushy have to to go the bathroom and spit out the slime (gross) and most of the time PB.

    I get full very fast but get hungry within 2-3 hours afterwards....

    My band has NOT slipped by the way.

    Anyone else felt too tight with a small amount of saline?

  2. Im a male and becoming more male all the time,as the weight comes off.130 lbs sure makes a difference in a lot of areas,man boobs and such.For the running gun battle going on here I have only this one comment-Kstate I see you are 22 years old,Im 61 and if you only knew what you dont know,it may surprise you.

    Older does not automatically equate to intelligence or more life experiences! Only education and experience can do those things, not age!

  3. I learned those things in my FIRST semester, not in the 500-600 higher-than-thou levels. But, I try not to belittle total strangers by demanding they be "educated" by me. But, she will maybe learn those things with maturity in about 20 years and when she gets her nose out of the air. I've had her on my ignore list for a long time now so I don't have to see any more arrogant and haughty comments ..............move on.

    It's a wonderful thing. I can't even see the ones she posted here.

    If you knew all about intersexuality, why would you act so completely disrespectful and igorant about the subject? And furthermore you litterally asked for the "education" that I gave you, and then had nothing to say once I did, except for personal attacks on my character and education that you so clearly have not obtained.

  4. You seem to make an assumption that college is the only place to learn. A College Education is one form of learning. Life experience is another. From one you get a piece of paper, from the other you get nothing other than self knowledge.

    On this topic, you certainly have been formally taught and textbook educated. That does not make you the most intelligent or the most knowledgable.

    I see you are still young, at 22 years old I felt I knew more than older people. Someday, you will see that you don't.

    Good luck to you on your journey in life. I hope your band and your education make you successful and happy in life.


    Thank you, and I do have personal and life experience in the area of intersexed individuals. I volunteer at two community organizations that cater to these delicate issues, and I am also an advocate for the LGBTQ community and an official ally for the campus SafeZone support services.

    I stand behind my comment that I am truly more intelligent and more educated than MOST of the people on this forum in many areas, and especially on this exact topic. Thanks again.

  5. Her intentions were not as innocent as they may appear. Her character is more obvious in this response from another thread: http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f84/help-boss-announces-whole-staff-about-surgery-108319/#post1395573

    It was not kstate that upset the hive, it was Mickey Mouse saying the "other" is offensive.

    First of all....how is that post relevant? And second of all, if it is, then what do you see wrong with it? Nobody else on that thread thought anything of it.

  6. She called someone an idiot lol, I think that takes the crown for "rude". It is obvious she thought she was more educated than everyone else on the topic, when in fact she wasn't. But she did stop talking eventually (most likely because she realized she wasn't the only one who has ever gone to school in their life) so I guess we can thank her for that.

    I am truly more educated on this topic than many people, including you I guarantee. I called hummingbird an idiot because she was acting like one, as stated in my response to her mocking my higher education.

    Since when did a college education become devalued? Since other people became jealous?

    I did exactly what I was asked to do, educate all the igorant biased individuals about intersexed individuals and responded accordingly when I was attacked for doing so.

  7. I'm sorry, no offense, but don't compare yourself to a dirty, dead, bird....EVER. Seeing your past body as overweight in a negative light is something completely different than comparing your skin to something dead.

    Havn't we come past this? Seriously ladies, be proud of what you look like and the hard work that it took to get there, DON'T degrade another part of your body.

    You were beautiful when you were fat, and you are beautiful now, it's time to start acting like it, which includes negative self-talk.

  8. Unfortunately this is just another example of a man exerting power and control over an "inferior" female worker. Do you think this would've happened if you were a male and your boss was a female? Hell no! Your boss was demonstrating that he controls you and controls what's important in the workplace by putting your very personal issue into the public spotlight.

    I would first email him and tell him how that made you feel (very professionaly of course), and ask that he apologize to you and to the rest of the school employees for innapropriately sharing your personal story.

  9. Growing up in rural Kansas my whole life, I understand the need for population control in wild animals. Deer are a major roadway hazard that can KILL PEOPLE.

    I am pro-life in all areas which means I'm also a vegetarian and therefore I don't believe that animals should be exploited for our own comfort and taste buds, however, when animals are causing a roadway hazard to me and my kids in the backseat, I am above feeling sorry for the deer and I would rather have a licenced hunter thin the population out for a good purpose.

    That may seem contradictory, but like I said, I understand why people hunt deer at least...they are very dangerous to vehicles.

  10. I haven't had any problems with alcohol. If I go to the clubs, I usually order something like a malibu rum w/ pineapple juice, an orange juice and vodka, or wine because carbonated beverages (beer, any hard liquor mixed with soda, champagne etc.) are not reccomended for Bandsters.

    And I have found that I do not get drunk or tipsy faster after being banded. I think its different for everyone, and therefore not one of those "sure things that applies to everyone."

    Basically, don't worry about having a glass of wine 3 times a year....really.

  11. Girl, you sound like me. Not to be materialistic but if I buy nice things then I'd like to trade for nice things. So if we have a site dedicated for WLS patients to trade, where we can post photo's, list brand and if we remeber where we bought it, type and style.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm as broke as a joke right now but at one time I could buy (w/i) reason the the clothing I wanted. So I'd like to trade w/i reason for something comparable.

    Am I wrong? :thumbup:

    No, you're not wrong. I don't think anyone would trade a $50 bill for a $20. It's just not equal. But I agree, if there was a site that showed brands, sizes, and pics, I would definetly look at it.

  12. I said no only because I would find myself dissapointed if the clothes that I traded for, or received were not the same quality or style that I gave or traded.

    Call me vain, lol, but I wear nice trendy plus size clothes for a women in her early 20s, and I would be upset if I recieved worn clothes from the 1980s as a trade.....it's just not equal, and how would you judge them as equal? Really, I have no idea, if someone would explain how they do it, maybe I'd be more inclined to participate.

  13. I wondered the same thing too, my local Curves posts women's weight loss (lbs and inches) on a bulletin board (with your permission of course), and I have opted to not let my weight loss be posted on the board. I don't want to mislead other women to think that my weight loss is due to Curves and their programs alone, because it's not.

    Unless there's an alterior motive to win the competition (prize money or gym membership etc.) I would join a weight loss challenge here on LBT with individuals that have also had the Lap-Band.

  14. So everyone says (including my surgeon) not to drink for 30-60mins after eating because it washes the food out of the pouch into the larger part of the stomache....but I can't stop drinking!

    It's usually Water or milk, (I don't do alcohol or sodas) and that, by far, has been the hardest habit to break after being banded.

    I've been told to ask the waitresses at resturants to not bring you a drink at all, but what about when you're home? Drinking water is an obsession of mine or something...I can't not drink...lol

    I know I'm sabotageing my own weight loss by doing this...so help me! How can I stop?

  15. Oh MY ! 500-600 LEVEL Wooooeee. you er gettin' yerself a good education girl! What you are lackin' is life experience and maturity. re: "let me educate you."

    and then quoting yer little text book to teach what you just learned.

    But I won't hold that against you. It is just one of several "journies" yer on ! Life's journey. yer little classes aren't teachin' u how to treat people very well, but you'll learn after about 20 more years of real life.

    Yeah, because you treat people respectfuly and maturely? Your complete lack of knowledge and experience in this exact topic of the social construction of gender is a perfect example of the "journey" that you have yet to understand. You sound like a complete idiot! Just because you are older than I am, it does NOT mean that you are more intelligent or have more life experiences than I do...I'm pretty sure I have you beat in the intellectual abilities and life skills category.

    I can guarantee when you reply to this, you will demonstrate once again your lack of respect and competence in reguards to this subject.

  16. Great job KState Army Wife! I'd love to know what are nonviolent studies?

    Nonviolent Studies aims to combat:

    Domestic Violence (for ALL PEOPLE)


    Violence in Schools (school shootings, bullying, etc.)

    Discrimination (based on race or ethnicity, gender, sexual preference, etc.)

    and Sexual Abuse (for children as well as adults)

    And yes, Nonviolent Studies are also feminist because feminists believe that ALL PEOPLE (young, old, men, women, intersexed, gays, lesbians, *I could go on forever) have a basic human right to feel safe and free from harm.

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