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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by pipedoc

  1. try this website, he has his books but also has a treasure chest of info in the fourm of articles,podcasts ect. hope it helps. :scared2: Weight loss doctor - Lap-band surgery seminar - Bariatric surgeon in Phoenix Arizona (AZ)
  2. my doc has written a couple good ones, try "weight loss, a lighter look at a heavy subject by Dr. Terry Simpson, he also wrote another called getting to goal and staying there. theese are Lap band specific books and very helpful.:Yawn:
  3. I purposely bought a bunch of junk I don't like. This is way off the norm around here since I am a red licorace addict! I can deal with the kids candy as I am going to be strong and I am grilling a nice sirloin steak as I write. However my motorcycle club is having a holloween party and if ya never been to a REAL OLD SKOOL BIKER PARTY ya have no idea how wild they can get. Food and drink o plenty! I am tryin to go prepared, I have allowed myself 3 little airline bottles of Whiskey for the night and I'm bringin a bunch of crystal light packs, but the cookies and cakes and stuff............Damn hollidays!:Yawn:
  4. pipedoc

    Banded Bikers II

    Hello all! new bandster as of 10-06-09 but old skool biker from waaaay back! Lost 20 lbs since band was put in 3-1/2 weeks ago, could not ride for 3 weeks due to complications during my surgery. That was as bad as the surgery itself. Looking forward to tommarow night, Holloween and my clubs havin a party! It will be my 1st visit with eveyone in the club since surgery, and lookin forward to a great time! Weather here in Phoenix is 70 degrees and made for ridin!:sad:
  5. pipedoc

    New Year, New You Challenge!

    Okay I'm a newbie but I'm in!
  6. I don't see cream cheese as all that bad either, although I would try to opt for the low fat version. tastes pretty good and only 60 cal per serving and has 2g of protien. Not the best choice to eat, but you could do alot worse.
  7. I just finnished 3 weeks of liquids post op and yes it sucked. I had unexpected complications so I was liquids for longer than expected. As much as it sucks, try to keep it in perspective. You need to follow your Dr's orders or there is a possibility you could go in for surgery and wake up with the holes and pain and no band. The band is only a tool to help with the weight loss, you must make a personal commitment to YOURSELF. If you think you can do it than you can, but if you have doubts in yourself it sure makes it harder. Good luck and remember, evey day you make it through is 1 day closer to your goal!:thumbup:
  8. I was banded oct.6th, had my post op apointment today 10-26 have lost 18lbs post op. dont worry all its not that bad!:wink2:
  9. I will not know actual 1 month, but went for my first post op visit today and after 20 days I have lost 18lbs. I also lost 9 on the preop so that gives me a total of 27 in 6 weeks.
  10. pipedoc

    No beer? So now what do I drink?

    Okay, I am a newbie here and only been banded a couple weeks, but I am a real biker and I must reply to this post. First of all skip any of those stupid girly drinks! If you hang around with "real bikers" and not just a bunch of wild hog wannabe types you need to find a drink you will enjoy and not get you laughed outta the bar. Home brews or wine, cool if you sittin @ home with the ol lady, but in a real biker bar neither is cool. I am a die hard burbon guy from way back, my problem is I always enjoyed bourbon and coke. So what to do? Ask your hot lil bartender! A real cutie turned me on to Whiskey sour's, and they taste pretty good. made from whiskey and lime juice, you can enjoy a drink and not get laughed out the door at the same time. All the guy's in my club know about my surgery and think it's cool, and nobody cares if I'm havin a beer or a whisky sour. Your a man, find ya a man's drink and enjoy it!:blushing:
  11. pipedoc

    Hey Guys!

    Yeah I had same plan, di not turn out that way after a couple complcations I got to stay an xtra day and went home in a big brace around my midsection for 10 days. As for driving took about 4-5 days sex was about 10days. Rode my harley today for first time since surgery that was 17 days, but was prolly ready for that in 2weeks.
  12. pipedoc

    Was a loner At my support Group again!!

    I went to my first meeting last night, and I expected to be the ony guy there but was surprised to find 2 others there. yes I think its different for guys since we travel in a whole different circle than the gals.
  13. pipedoc

    Not losing weight - very frusterated

    Surfergirl, not all gains can be measured on a scale. Did you take any measurments prior to being banded? If so, have you checked them since? How about your clothes? Do you notice any difference in the way they fit? Do you have any more energy? How about exercise? is it part of your routine?
  14. the liquid part is tough. I am about 2-1/2 weeks post op and still on the full liquid orders. I go back to the Doc on Monday and really hope to be able to move on to the mushies. Your Doc has a specific reason for telling you to do each thing he asks you to do. I was originally told 2 weeks liquids and then move on, however I had a couple complications that had to be address after they opened me up so my post diet changed. Does the liquids suck? Oh yeah! but this is what I chose to do so now I must suck it up and deal with it. If he tells me I must be on liquids for another 2 or 3 weeks it will suck bigtime, but I made a COMMITMENT TO MYSELF that I was going to do this and NOTHING IS GOING TO STAND IN MY WAY! If you want to change then you must be willing to do just that and that is change. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. If you want your life to change, then YOU must be willing to make that commitment to yourself. Without that no doctor or anyone else will ever be able to help you.
  15. Thanks for the support, and thanks to pickles123 I was able to attend the lapband 2 class last night. It was very informative and everyone seems very friendly. I was unexpectedly able to weigh in after the meeting. I was amazed that I had lost almost 17lbs in 2 weeks. I started to drasticly increase my protien today as per the advice of the nutritionist. Not sure how that will effect my loss one way or another but I'm gonna due my best to follow their order's. I picked up a pedometer today, so now at least I know how much i'm walking and I will continue to do it 7 days a week. Definatly will be @ the support meeting thursday. take care and thanks again.
  16. pipedoc


    2 weeks post op, still lil sore around the prt incision but does not seem to cause any problems so far.
  17. pipedoc

    lapbanders called cheats

    Woo hoo! this cheater just came from a unexpected weigh in at the Doctors office. Pickles123 here on the fourm was gracious enough to tell me of a class tonight that I then attended. After the class I got to weigh in and I have lost 16.5 lbs in 2 weeks since my surgery! So they wanna call me a cheater,go for it! I would rather think of myself as either a loser....or a winner! all in how ya view it!
  18. pipedoc

    lapbanders called cheats

    exactly my point! anyone who has made the decision to get the band has already endured far more than some mindless twit can burden them with. I come from great genetics on both sides of my family, longevity is phenominal. At 41 I still have both Grandmothers alive. One of my grandfather's as well as a Greatgrandfather lived to past 95. Strange as it may be, we have on both sides of my family a tendancy to be very overweight. My one Grandmother @ 96 is only 4'10 but still overweight after being very obeese her whole life, same as my grandfather and both my parents. Cheat? I think not, I think it's just the will to have a better life and the guts to allow modern medicine and science to help play a part. My Mother had the Gastric bypass at age 59. She has lost 160lbs and now @ age 64 enjoy's a lifestyle that has eluded her for 40 years. My father who is also obeese, does not understand why I had the surgery however he is supportive of my choice to do so. Do not allow negitive people to bring you down, they are toxic. Anyone who truly cares for you without a hidden agenda will be supportivef your decisicion to live a better life on your own terms. To borrow a phrase I learned from my stepfather while he battled cancer "It's not about living, it's about the quality of my life". I choose to use modern technology as a way to help improve my life and anyone who say's any different can get outta my way. I know there will be many battle's fought, but I have already won the first couple. I've been a fighter all my life, now I am just fighting to improve it. Oh yea, about that Yamaha don't worry, I had a couple of them back when I was a kid. It's not what you ride so much the fact that you ride. Good luck with your surgery and keep it real, Doc.:thumbup:
  19. pipedoc

    lapbanders called cheats

    Hello all, let me throw a compleatly different perspective into this. I am only 12 days post op, and I am sure there are many battles awaiting me. I am not your typical bandster. I am a male Biker constuction worker. This puts me into the testosterone pool way deeper than most. I ride a harley and I am in a motorcycle club. Typically your average bikers or construction workers are pretty tough roughnecks. I did tell the members of my club when I went in for surgery and have had nothing but positive responses from a pretty rough crowd. I am also a long term member in the building trades union, So the guys I work around have known me over 15 years and we too are a pretty rough but fairly tight group. I have only told select people @ work, but the ones I've told(also the ones that matter to me) have been nothing but supportive. We all face the same battle for different reasons, and ANYONE who stands in your way for any reason is not a person who really matters. Yes I am sure as time goes on I will get comments from the peanut gallery @ work. HOWEVER, that does not matter because I did not do this for them. I DID THIS FOR ME, JUST AS YOU HAVE DONE! If they wanna call me a cheater,so be it. But I know that the ones that matter will be glad I did this a year or two from now. As for the others, WHO CARES I DID THIS FOR ME!:thumbup:
  20. Hello all, just came across this site so forgive me for bein a newbie. I am now 12 days post op, seem to be healing okay and I got for my post op visit a week from tommarow. Dr. S told me he wanted me on full liquids for 3 weeks. I am getting through it, but seems like a long time. I seem to handle pudding ,jello and yogurt okay and looking forward to tryin hot cereal tommarow. Thanks for taking time to post info here, it really is a great site. Lookin forward to first group meeting, but not sure when it is so I'll just check into it next week.
  21. Only on day 12 post op, but I think I've already lost about 12 to 15 lbs. I am still on full liquids, but I have been walking...A LOT! Since I came back from the hospital I've been walking everyday. Started slow 10min once or twice a day. Now I'm already up to 25-30 min a day and keep adding a couple min every 2-3 days. Go in for my 1st post op visit next week then I'll post actual, but I pretty sure it's about 12-15 so far.
  22. pipedoc

    Feeling guilty

    I am 12 days post op and told to be on full liquids for 3 weeks so I definatly feel your pain. Don't beat yourself up for the past, but prepare yourself for YOUR future. I have a friend who was banded 2 yrs ago but had to have it removed after 5 months because of complications because she did not follow the Doc's orders. She cried when they had to take it out because she was still loosing wieght. I have deceided come hell or high water I will follow Doc's orders because of this, but it is hard. It is your future and you owe it to yourself. Good luck.
  23. pipedoc

    New to the forum

    Hey i'm new here too, I am 12 days post op, I had a couple complications with mine. They found a hyadle hernia that I did not know I had. What a blessing that was, I used to go through 10-20 rolaids a day. Now post op I have not needed even 1. I also had some unexpected swelling and serious bruising and the port incision, but it was not near as bad as it looked. I am starting to get pretty sick of jello and pudding LOL, but the Doc said 3 weeks full liquids UGHH! but he is the doc and I'm payin him a heck of alot of money for all this so what he say's goes. I go in next monday for my first follow up and i'm real excited since I can already tell I have lost alot by the way my jeans feel. Good luck and don't worry it will work out for you too.:confused:

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