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Posts posted by valgal1968

  1. You look marvelous!!! I wonder if you would share more ideas. You said you follow his (your Doctors) guidelines, what are they?? I broke my foot a year ago and was in a wheel chair or crutches or a walker for 7 months. When I started walking again (every time I walked) something else would break down. I have been so frustrated this year and have not lost anything. In fact I gained 15lbs because of the wheelchair and crutches stuff. I am so desperate for ideas that I cannot stand it. Please share his guidelines. Thank in advance for your help.


  2. I finally relented and had an un-fill. Wow. I can't believe it. I am no longer hungry constantly and on the prowl for something I can eat and keep down. The very day of the unfill (last Thursday) I was better. I can't believe I wasted so much time by not getting an unfill sooner! The doctor's surgical nurse and the dietician both tried to tell me but I just couldn't get it through my head that tigher doesn't mean quicker weight loss. In fact, it can mean the opposite! And the doc told me that I was just asking for trouble. He showed me pictures of an enlarged esophogus from a person who had too must restriction. I am a believer now!! We really should not be hungry all the time and we shouldn't be PB'ing all the time!

    BJean how many fills have you had and how much is in your band before the unfill and after. Just curious.

  3. No weight loss this week. I am going in for another fill tomorrow. I am really wondering.. If you could put into words what it feels like to be restricted what would you say. I can eat almost anything I want. not in the morning but later on in the day. bread is starting to mess me up. I get that pain that comes when you don't chew enough and feel stuck. lasts about 2-3 minutes and then I can eat another bite. but what does restriction feel like? am I getting it? I know I am a late bloomer but remember I didn't get a fill until the end of Dec. I would appreciate it if you all could let me know how you feel. what do I tell them at the docs tomorrow? restricted ? not restricted? thanks everyone for helping.

    Sandranoelle, I have had 4 fills and went to the doctor the other day fo another one. He is kind of disappointed in my weight loss as I have only lost about 22-24 pounds since my surgery. He asked me how I was eating. When I described to him what I was doing which is exactly what you said, he told me to stop eating at that point, don't wait for it to pass and continue eating, or to even spit up to relieve the pain. That should be my full point, my stopping point for that meal and not to eat any more. He said the pain will subside and that stuck feeling will pass. But he told me he thinks I am pushing it (eating) too much for my poush and that is why I am not losing like I should. He also told me that my mainstay should be Protein and to try my substancial foods and not so mushy foods so it will stay in my pouch longer and my fullness would last longer. I am so worried that (I am a self pay) my fills will be used up before I get to the sweet spot if you will. I have 2.2 cc's in my band now.

    Just a little info to forward to anyone.

  4. Hello all September Bandsters,

    I'm just checking in and reporting weight loss. I haven't checked in for a while, but I'm down to 191 pounds as of this morning. My last fill really kicked things into high gear again. I have great restriction and it's showing on the scale. Incidentally, I think everyone is doing great. Look how far we've come in 6 months! I would never have lost nearly 40 lbs in 6 months without the band! Stay strong and God bless everyone!

    How many fills have you had?

  5. BJean: So good to meet you too!! I just got my last fill on the 9th of Jan. so this feeling of confidence just started this week. I didn't have it before. Simple carbs go down way too easy and that was my problem. I think the radio said it was Blue Monday. Hmmm, Go figure, when everyone else is said to be depressed because of Christmas Bills and lost their desire to diet, I get the surge of mind/diet strength and plug away. Oh well, it's working for now and I pray it stays around a while.

    Tami: Your weight loss has been tremendous! I think it sounds like you need more Protein. I was told that would be a sign.

    I like to drink Crystal Light (Orange/Strawberry/Banana) with my Protein Powder. whey vanilla protein from Wal-mart 110 Cal., 1.5 fat, 1 gm carb. and 23 protein. I just mix the 2 together and it tastes pretty good. I chug it down. Then when I am wanting something like a milk shake/smoothie I add frozen Strawberries and a frozen banana to it. I am not adding many more calories and I feel like I am being so bad drinking this but it tastes wonderful and I am getting one third of my protein. I use the latter one for my snack at night mostly when ice cream would really hit the spot. This protein smoothie will do wonderfully. My DH loves this drink. Just a thought. Keep us posted on what's happening.

  6. Valgal: My doctor keeps telling me baby steps too. He keeps reminding me that this is supposed to be a 2 year program. It is so hard to keep from being impatient and trying to lose weight the way I did when I would go on a starvation diet. But you know what they say about doing things the way you always did and getting the results you always got. I sure don't want to re-gain the way I always did. I need to readjust my eating patterns but that doesn't mean to stop eating. I want to remember to eat the right things so that I don't harm my body (including losing my hair).

    Sounds like you're on top of things and we're proud of you! Keep up the good work!

    On top? No, but trying to get there. Insanity!! :omg: Yes I do remember.

    I decided this week to restart my old weight watcher points program. I thought well it surely will work this time because I cannot hold as much food as I once could. You know it is working too. (at least this week) I have managed to lose 3 lbs this week and I am not feeling starved. I just buy the dinners and calculate the points and last night I told my DH that I didn't eat enough food yesterday. Wow! :biggrin1: That sure felt wierd saying that! He thought I was lying. I feel really strong now and I can do this from now on until I lose all the weight I want to, at least that is the way I feel at the moment. I pray this feeling stays with me and if it doesn't I pray for strength.

    My doctor told me also, it was a 2 year program. I have had 3 fills now and I feel quite a bit of restriction since the last fill. I have 2 cc's in a about a 4.5cc band. I do get humgry every 4 hours eating the WW way. That's good. I must have still been eating too much before I started this plan. That explains why I wasn't losing. DUH! :D Helloooo! I just didn't think I was eating as much as before the surgery and I wasn't, but it was still more than I needed. God willing I will make it. I love this group and I just wouldn't know what to do without all y'all.

    Sorry about the book. :P

  7. rms778645: Hi I was banded Sept. 8, 2006 and up until this week I had lost about 15 lbs. and was getting very discouraged,(I wasn't gaining) but this week I am really paying attention to what I eat and am starting to show a loss again. Thank the Good Lord for that. We all lose weight at different speeds, but this group is the best group for information, encouragement and support. They are wonderful!

    Good luck on your journey as for all of us and remember it's baby steps. Please keep us informed of your progress.

  8. Valgal1968 Is here. I am a major lurker guys. I look and listen and try to do, but not having too much luck. I have lost a total of 17 lbs since surgery and now have had 3 fills, totaling 2cc's in a 4cc band. I can definately tell with this last fill. My total amount of food is cut way down again, but the weight is still not coming off but it will I feel it. Keep talking I look forward to what everyone is doing. You, my family, keep me informed. Keep on keepin on y'all!

  9. Hi everyone,

    I had my first fill last Thursday. I am tight. I eat 2-3 bites of food and chew it TONS (it's small to begin with) and feel full. If I eat anymore I get very uncomfortable pressure. I sip Water all day long. Very small sips go down.

    The problem I am having is I have pains in the left and right side of my neck. Kinda achy. If I hiccup I have a achy feeling in my rib cage area.

    I don't know if these are band related at all. It does make me wonder. Does anyone have any ideas or any experience w/ this?

    Thanks so much,


    Kathy I went through the pain in the neck part for about a week, about 1 month after my surgery. Every time I burped or Hiccuped it hurt. Then it just went away as fast as it came about. I also had pain in my side for about the first 1.5 months. It seemed like I had it when I was really full from something like a fluffy drink, like a smoothie. something that took up alot of air-room. If that makes any sense. But the pain in my neck only happened when I burped or hiccuped. Now both pains are gone.

    How long has it been since your surgery?

  10. Ok I was banded Sept 22, 2006 and had my first 4cc fill in a 9cc band on 11/10/06. My Dr said I lost 4 lbs when I went on 12/15/06 but I had had the flu and lost 5 lbs in 24 hours of which 3 lbs I put back on. So I actually lost 2 lbs on my own in 4 weeks. So on 12/15/06 I had 1cc fill bringing my fill to 5cc in 9cc band. That day on my home scale I was 257 and over the couple of weeks since my fill I went down to 253 so I was so excited because that was 4lbs down. Well today I am 259 and did not do a darn thing to deserve it. If I was going to gain 6lbs I would have at least like to have had fun doing it.

    I am not having another fill at my appointment at the end of this month unless something drastic changes with my restriction. I can eat 1 cup of food safely unless it is bread or meat. With meat if it is not scrambled like hamburger scrambled or slice thin like deli meat or meat with gravy, then I can not eat it. I get 2 bites in and I start the excess saliva going and chances are it is coming back up. I have noticed this happens about 1 time each day and mostly in the morning or with meat and breads. I do have somedays this does not happen but its not uncommon. So I would say I have enough fill. Prior to my last fill I had no restriction at all.

    Anyways now I am eatting small amounts, I have given up on my soda, ice cream, milk shakes, french fries and 95% of the bad food I used to eat. Even with giving up on this stuff I am still not lossing weight.

    I have been trying to increase my excersise but it is slow going because of health problems. I just dont know what else to do.

    Any suggestions for this lonely september bandster would be greatly appreciated. I see all the weight everyone else from september has lost and it makes me feel like I am failing....:) :help: :cry

    Oh and my PB and sliming or whatever it is called started after I tried to eat a bite of steak one night. It did not go well and since then meat has been very iffy for me. I have to eat very slow because it feels like everything lingers near the enterance of my stomach if I dont. Errrrrrrr...

    Shell, I am in the same boat as you. I do not eat near the food I use to, I too am not losing like a lot of the sept bandsters. I think and I hope it is just taking us longer to get started. I have only lost 15 lbs and I had my surgery 9/8/06. I have had 2 fills (totaling 1.5 cc) and with the last one there is a lot of pbing and sliming. I just thought I was eating too fast. We just have to hang on, it will start falling off soon, it has to. I think everyone has problems in the morning. The doctors say that is normal.

    Hang in there.

  11. My doctor's office staff has put so much emphasis on what we drink and when we drink it, I am surprised to read that some doctors say you can drink as soon as a half hour after a meal. Thats a pretty big difference! I could live with that.

    My doctor said stop drinking 15-30 minutes before a meal, and wait until 1 1/2 hours after your meal to drink. I have trouble with the 15-30 before the meal.

  12. Hi everyone-

    Brendab i totally feel your pain. I was banded on 9/15 and have lost around 32 pounds (which goes up and down 2 pounds daily). I've had 2 fills and everytime the surgeon has wanted to make it tighter and i ask him to take a little out. I have 8.5cc's filled in a 10cc band...i am worried about what happens where there is no where to go. I have been making some really bad choices this x-mas but definitely not eating what i ate last year. I also walk about 3-4 times a week. I am thinking about wanting a third fill but i am a little tight in the morning so that worries me that i could get too tight. I feel so much better and my clothes are getting too big but i want to lose weight! I have promised myself once it is 2007 i am taking the diet very seriously again! I hate hearing everyone's comments as well. Over t-giving my mom said "oh you can eat as much as i can." I ate a lot of mashed pot...which we know goes right thru the band. I hate explaining all of that to people.

    How is everyone else making it thur the holidays?


    Melissa, I too feel tighter in the morning, and I was told that's because you have been sleeping. My Doctor also said that after a fill it could get looser or maybe tighter. After my second fill, I felt the golf ball most every time I ate a meal. Last night at dinner, there was not problem. I think I still eat too fast and am trying to slow it down. The one thing I have NO problem with is Christmas sweets. Seems unfair, they go right down with no problem at all. I will go back to the doctor on Jan 11 for my 3rd fill. I feel the golf ball and don't eat much but am not losing any weight. I stay the same. Maybe up one or two and then down again.

    I also know what you are talking about with people watching you. That annoys me too. My doctor told me going in that this was at least a 2 yr task and not an overnight success story. I have to work harder too I realize that. Tuesday if there is any junk in my house, it goes in the trash. Out of sight out of mind. God Bless all who are dropping their weight like crazy. I am proud of you!! I'm thinking we just haven't hit our sweet spot yet. I am not eating near what I ate before the surgery. I'm hanging in there and waiting for my sweet spot to be found.

    Merry Christmas everyone!!!

  13. Valgal, I agree. I love this group, and consider this my internet "home base"! I know you're a little disappointed at your progress so far, and I was wondering where you are on fills? Can you get another? If your doctor wants to space them out, the phentermine might be a good option to tide you over until you get good restriction. But, I gotta warn you, it's often not covered by insurance, and can be expensive (I think over $100/mo.)

    Speaking of fills, I think I overdid it with the +.5cc on Tuesday. It seemed fine yesterday am, but then seemed to tighten up to the point that I can barely eat purees. I'm trying to nibble on some pureed chili right now, and gotta take it super slow. Even Water seems to just trickle through. I wonder whether to try to tough it out, especially since it's my TOM, but I'm worried about needing an emergency unfill over the weekend. So, I think I probably should go get some taken back out. Mim, I know you've had an unfill. What made you decide to go back to have some saline taken out?

    I guess I was more restricted before the fill than I thought. It's so hard to know just what *is* restriction, how much hunger is band-normal, etc, ya know?

    Ummm....playing my own devil's advocate here...I guess that's why they say wait until you don't lose for two weeks before getting a fill! :doh:


    Tami, I have had my second fill and I do feel restriction, I am not eating much but cannot exercise or even hardly walk at the end of the day because I have back problems. I sit at a desk and so I need to do something exercise wise. I have been doing my physical therapy exercises hoping that will help with the pain. I am hanging in there. I go back to the doctor Jan 11, that will be 6 weeks since my second fill. They tell me at my in-town support group that the 3rd fill is usually the "sweet spot" when everything starts coming together. I will let you know.

    I have heard some people say that they get discouraged with the weight loss but then ... then... then... something happens and the weight starts dropping off. I can only hope that I am one of those people. Some lose it fast and first and others lag behind. That's me I think. I will keep tuning into this wonderful group listening and learning each day. God willing the weight will come off. Thanks for all of the wonderful encouragement. I love this group!!

  14. Thanks ladies for the diet pill info and encouragement that everyone gives. I'm getting somewhat discouraged. I don't eat near as much as I used to but the weight stays the same and even goes up a little. Its been 3 + months since my sugery and I thought my weight loss would be much more. I'll keep trying and won't give up. I guess I will have to be more rigid with my diet. Keep up the good work everyone and thanks so much for this wonderful support group.


  15. I too have used diet pills on and off through this process, I find when I have restriction I am good but need them to help curb the hunger when I'm not so restricted.

    I have a question... what diet pills are you taking? Do they help? I think I could use some help I am not a strong person and I have restriction but could use a little extra help.

  16. Good morning everyone. Just checking in, I am supposed to go for a second fill this morning but we have a little bit of snow and ice so they may cancel. I hope not I am soooooo ready for more restriction then I have. :hungry: I am always ready to eat.

    Hope everyone is staying warm. I'll let you know what happens.

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