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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by timetobefree

  1. timetobefree

    Any November 2009 Bandsters??

    Barb, sounds like you and I are almost exactly the same. Same height, same weight. I know it's hard to admit, but we ARE doing something about it, so let's be proud! Amy
  2. timetobefree

    Any November 2009 Bandsters??

    Day 3 of pre-op and feeling a bit better today. Hopefully means my body is adjusting. I have a lunch meeting for a board I sit on, and since I'm not ready to tell people, I'm going to have to fake a belly ache. I'd cancel, but I'm the head of the committee and they'd just reschedule to accommodate me, which doesn't accomplish anything! Congrats to everyone who's doing so well! I'm so anxious to join your ranks! Amy
  3. One more to add to the list: BSN's Lean Dessert Protein Powder. It's really, really good. We have the chocolate Fudge pudding, and it's actually tasty. We're about to order the vanilla, another chocolate, and Cinnamon Bun, so I'll report back when we get them. Amy
  4. timetobefree

    Any November 2009 Bandsters??

    Just checking in to say hi. Day two of my pre-op liquid diet. Headache and feeling weak - this is NOT fun. But I WILL do it. Congrats to all the newly banded - and to those still waiting like me, hang in there! Amy
  5. I'm on day two pre-op. I wish it were post-op! LOL If you have a Vitamin Shoppe near you, they sell the pre-mades individually so you don't have to invest a lot to try them. I've also heard the GNC lets you try the stuff, but I don't know if that's true or not. I think I'm gonna get some powder Protein from costco and try it. Costco is really good about letting you return things if you don't like them. Amy
  6. Funny about the infant formula. I was making my Protein shake at the same time as I made a bottle for DS and oh they smelled IDENTICAL. Gag. I'm only on day two, but I've already discovered that blending them with a ton of ice and adding a flavor enhancer works wonders. I'm drinking a muscle milk chocolate right now that's been blended with ice and a tablespoon of decaf instant coffee crystals. It's actually not too bad. Other mix-ins that work well are a teaspoon of sugar-free, fat-free Jello or pudding mix (the dry stuff, not mixed up). Also, a can of diet soda mixed in is good. Try a vanilla Protein Shake with diet orange or diet root beer. I tried the Isopure Orange clear one, and it was AWFUL! Just FYI. Awful. So far, I like Muscle Milk and the EAS Myoplex the best. Amy
  7. timetobefree

    Any November 2009 Bandsters??

    Congrats to all our recent bandsters! I'll be joining the ranks in 14 days. I started my pre-op liquid diet today, and am ready to eat my arm off. Oh well, all in the name of a shrunk liver, right? And I realized, I never did this, so... LBT Name: timetobefree Height: 5'10" Surgery date: 11.25.09 Starting Weight: 374.4 Surgery Weight: n/a Current Weight: 374.4 Amy
  8. Due to the timing of my surgery (day before T-giving), DH and I decided to tell his mom. I didn't want to, but we really need her help with the kids. And since we won't really be doing anything for T-giving, it was going to be obvious. He told her - I don't want to talk to her about it. She was actually pretty supportive...but also said she hoped I already had an appointment with a counselor so I could "understand how being thin was going to feel". I was already planning to see someone, but who is she to say I will *need* a counselor to understand how it feels to be thin? :drool: Then a friend from out-of-town was supposed to be visiting the weekend before. I'll be on my pre-op liquid diet, so I told her. We are very close - I was just in her wedding - and we've done WW together many times. I need to lose in the neighborhood of 200 lbs, she needs to lose 30. She was shocked - "Wow, I'm surprised" was actually her response. Then she went on to tell me that she knows how I feel, because she stopped working out and gained 5 lbs in 2 months. And that she's never full. And blah blah blah...Never once did she say anything even close to "I'm happy for you" or "I support you". It stung. This is why I am not telling anyone else. My parents, DH, my MIL, and two friends now know. I don't expect people to jump up and down for me, but a "I support you and your decision to take control" would be nice. Amy
  9. Thanks, Donna! It wasn't tactless. You are right. And that's what I was saying without saying. I had debated how many people to tell, and based on the reactions I got, it helped me to realize that my expectations and reality were going to differ and I don't need to be disappointed over that when I have a very supportive husband, a wonderfully supportive best friend (who's also stick-thin), and the best parents in the world who are paying for my surgery without any expectations, only hope for me. I don't NEED anyone else. Congrats on your loss! I am always inspired when I come here and see such fantastic results. Amy
  10. Exactly. I don't *need* anyone else's support, but it would be nice to have the support of my good friends and family. But I obviously can't expect it. Amy
  11. timetobefree

    Any November 2009 Bandsters??

    Hi! I get to join you! <doing a little happy dance> Just had my consult this morning, and my surgery is set for Nov. 25. I start the pre-op diet next Wed, which I am already dreading, but I know I must do it. Looking forward to getting to know everyone! Amy
  12. I'm pre-band, but I am hoping I'll have my surgery before Thanksgiving (I'll know next week). I have told DH, my mom, and my BFF. I don't intend to tell anyone else for the time being, if ever. For anyone else who also didn't tell many people, did you tell people you had some type of surgery? How did you deal with the time off of work? Of meals with friends/family? I know my boss would let me rearrange my days off for the rest of the year without many questions, but should I say I'm having hiatal hernia surgery? MIL will definitely be suspicious at Thanksgiving dinner. Just not sure what I should say/do! Amy
  13. Hi, All! Thought I should jump right in. My name is Amy, 34, two kids (DS is 6 months, DD is 23 months), and a DH (most of the time that stands for dear, but not always. :sad: ). I am self-pay as my insurance has a WLS exclusion. My parents are actually paying - very generous of them, and I am extremely grateful. I have my appt with my surgeon on 11/3, and assuming all goes well, am very much hoping to have surgery scheduled the week of Thanksgiving. I have 175 lbs or so to lose. UGH. But I am confident that I can do it. Amy
  14. Hi! Just a thread to introduce myself. Or welcome myself, as I've already done. :thumbup: I've been perusing the boards for about a week now - pretty much since I started seriously considering Lap-Band. What a great community! Let's see - the vitals. My name is Amy, I'm 34, married, two little kids (DD is 22 months, DS is 5 months), and extremely overweight. 5'10" and around 360. Like most of you, I've struggled with weight for many years. I was never overweight as a child, and even in high school, I was 'normal' - around 175 (wore an 8/10). I played lots of sports and was very active, which helped my weight stay where it needed to be. Once I hit college and grad school, I wasn't nearly as active, ate tons of crap, and drank way too much beer. Way too much beer. The pounds came on very quickly, and by the time I graduated grad school, I was around 280 or so. Then life hit - work, marriage, kids, and I've crept up ever so steadily until now. I have done my share of weight loss programs - having the most success on Atkins and Weight Watchers Core/Simply Filling programs. I've lost 60+ lbs three different times, only to refind all those pounds plus their friends. :eek: I really feel like the band is a good fit for me. My problem is constantly thinking about food and never feeling full. Having done Core and Atkins, I feel like I'm prepared for the post-op way of eating, and am very motivated. In fact, in the last three weeks, I've lost 12 lbs. My insurance has a WLS exclusion clause, so my very generous parents are paying for the surgery. I have an appt with Dr. Webber at Great Lakes Weight Loss on Nov. 3 - and assuming all goes well, hope to have surgery before the end of the year. I have no co-morbidities and am fortunate to be relatively healthy, despite my weight. Which is why I want to do this now - before I have all the accompanying issues. That's it for now. If you've read this far, thanks! Amy

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