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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by timetobefree

  1. timetobefree

    feelin like ive hit rock bottom.....

    This is what hit me, and I had a hard time with it, too. I felt like a failure. Then I decided to look at it differently. Really, this surgery is considered 'elective' by so many people and insurance companies. But really, isn't any surgery technically 'elective'? If you have a heart attack and want to live, you can opt to have heart surgery. If you are clinically obese and want to live, you can opt to have lap-band. I started to realize that I had a choice to make - either be upset with where I had gotten to weight-wise and continue to be fat and probably die early, or be happy that I had a solution and was opting to do something about it. That started me feeling a bit better about it. Hang in there - this is as much an emotional journey as a physical one. If they could only band our brains as well! Amy
  2. timetobefree

    November 09 Knockouts! Check in here POST surgery! :)

    Thanks, melloways! I also lost 23 lbs on my pre-op! Since you are back to losing, I'm just gonna have faith that my body will do the same. Mushies are like heaven right now after 28 days of liquid! Amy
  3. No blending here! My mushies include cheeses (cottage, soft, ricotta), mashed potatoes, eggs (any style), hummus, cream of wheat, oatmeal, etc. No meats, fruits, or veggies. I am on mushies for 1 week. For Breakfast, I had a poached egg over cheese grits (1/2 c.) For lunch, I had egg salad and some dill havarti (yummo). dinner is going to be ricotta, parm, and an egg mixed together. Spread in a 9x9 pan, covered with spaghetti sauce and mozz and baked. I'm also planning on having some hummus with a bit of feta mixed up in it. Oh, and deviled eggs. One of my other favs is cream of wheat pudding: 3 Tbsp Cream Of Wheat 1 cup skim milk 1 egg 1 packet Splenda or 2 T. of sf pudding mix (the dry stuff, not made!) 1 tsp vanilla extract 1. Spray small saucepan with cooking spray, add milk and heat until just about boiling. Be careful as it will burn and stick to the bottom of the pan. 2. Add cream of wheat and stir with a whisk for about 2 minutes. 3. In a small separate bowl combine egg, vanilla, and splenda. 4. Stirring rapidly to avoid "scrambled egg effect," add the egg mixture to the cream of wheat and cook for 1 minute longer or until thickened to your liking, and long enough for the egg to cook. This stuff is AWESOME! If you add chocolate pudding, it makes it nice and sweet. Amy
  4. timetobefree

    November 09 Knockouts! Check in here POST surgery! :)

    Hi, All! I'm slowly getting more energy. I actually want to go to the Y tonight. That has to mean something! Did anyone gain on full liquids? I lost 11.8 lbs the week after surgery and gained 4.2 lbs this week! UGH. I know, it's not a big deal. Just wondering if anyone else is with me on this one? I started mushies today. I'm limited to eggs, cheese, tofu, hummus, cream of wheat, mashed potatoes, etc. No meat, veggies, or fruit. I'm hoping if I get my calories up a bit, the weight will start coming back off. Did anyone count calories during mushies? I was thinking of aiming for 1500. Hope everyone is doing well! Amy
  5. timetobefree

    Ideas needed

    Here's a few ideas: Deviled eggs - not necessarily low-fat, but cheap and easy and packed with Protein Antipasto skewers - use bamboo skewers and alternate little mini mozzarella balls, cherry/grape tomatoes, basil leaves, little hunks of salami or slices of pepperoni, and drizzle with olive oil or even a little pesto (these are really pretty and holiday-ish with the red, white and green) Pretzel thins topped with a bit of whipped cream cheese, a drop of pesto, and either a cherry tomato half or a bit of sun-dried tomato (I actually had one of these at costco and it was really good - and again, very festive) Prosciutto-wrapped melon (super easy!) How about cucumber slices topped with a small bit of crab salad or other yummy dip? This is a bit of work, but you can hollow out cherry tomatoes and pipe in a bit of flavored cream cheese. They are super cute! Hope one of these works! Amy
  6. timetobefree

    Any November 2009 Bandsters??

    Heidi, It's TOTALLY normal. Your body is recovering from the trauma of surgery. I am up almost 6 lbs since starting full liquids, and since I've not consumed more than 1200 calories per day, I know it's not 'real' weight. It's frustrating, but everyone keeps telling me that it'll start going back down once I start mushies and soft proteins. Just remember, this is for the long haul. In a year, those 2 or 6 lbs won't make a bit of difference! Amy PS - My first fill isn't until 6 weeks post-op either. I'm ok way that, though, as I'd like to be completely healed before messing with my poor stomach again!
  7. timetobefree

    "Diets" after the band

    This is such a refreshing thread to read! I am a total baby bandster (just finishing up week two), but like most of you said, I did this to eat normal, not to have to count calories, carbs, and Protein grams for the rest of my life. In my baby bandster head, I keep thinking that if you can only eat about 3 cups of food per day, then you should be able to eat what you want (within reason - again, not ice cream three times per day) and still lose, because it would be very hard to eat more than 1200 calories in 3 cups of food unless you were swigging straight alfredo sauce! I might be wrong, but I am hopeful I'm right. :thumbup: Amy
  8. timetobefree

    Pre-Op Protein Shakes

    After reading here for a while and doing my own pre-op, I've discovered that everyone has totally different opinons when it comes to Protein. I personally like BSN Lean Dessert Protein, Premier RTD, and Muscle Milk Light RTD. I HATED HATED HATED the Isopure. Myoplex RTD was ok. Amy
  9. To my fellow Bandsters who were banded long before me, I have a question! I have seen people say here and there that while the band makes them feel full, they still feel hungry at the same time. Have you found this to be true for you? It's starting to freak me out a bit! Amy
  10. timetobefree

    Liquid Stage Recipes

    Here's a simple soup that's perfect for the full liquid stage. I'm in the midst of making my second batch in the last 3 days (my family ate a bunch of it). Easy Peasy Crockpot Cream of Potato Soup 1 bag of frozen hashbrowns (I use shredded) 1 box of chicken stock 1/2 c. finely chopped onion 1 t. garlic (I used refrigerated garlic paste) 2 c. of creamy liquid (half-n-half, milk, evap milk, your choice really) Dump the potatoes, onion, garlic, and chicken broth in your crockpot. Set on low. I cooked mine about 5 hours. Once the potatoes are soft, turn off the heat and add the milk/cream. Using a stick blender, blend the soup until smooth. Enjoy! My family added cheese and crumbled bacon to theirs. Amy
  11. timetobefree

    4 days post op hungry and pains

    I, too, was starving at 4 days post-op. I started Protein Shakes on the 5th day. The no bowel movement was normal for me. Having been on a liquid diet for two weeks and then basically not eating for 6 days (surgery day plus 5 days of clear liquids), I didn't have one for a while. No worries - it came back. As diarrhea. Until I started full liquids (soups, pudding, yogurt). My system is still regulating itself, as I have lots of painful gas. The burping also sounds normal. The only thing I didn't have that you mentioned was the tightness/pain when swallowing. I might call about that. Amy
  12. timetobefree

    Hiatal Hernia Concerns

    Ditto on the second opinion. I, too, had a hiatal hernia repaired while the band was placed. And while I had no symptoms previously, my surgeon never said he wouldn't place the band if he found a hernia. Amy
  13. timetobefree

    Veteran Bandsters - Hungry vs. Full

    Thanks, everyone! I'm sipping on a Starbucks skinny decaf latte this morning and for the first time in over a week, actually feel a sense of satisfaction. Hmmm... Carrie, I will email you later! We'll have to do a meet-up some time since we're so close. DH is a HUGE UM fan, so he'd go nuts knowing you work there. :w00t: Amy
  14. timetobefree

    'Dieting' or 'Way of Life'

    I'm at the very beginning stages of this, so take my comments with a grain of salt. I did this surgery with the intent of not having to do a "diet" ever again. I've spent thousands on Weight Watchers and ended up 150 lbs heavier than when I first set foot on one of their scales. And have even more food issues than I did then. I don't blame WW per se, but it certainly didn't work for me. Or perhaps I should say, I just couldn't work the program long-term. The thing that prompted me to explore banding was I was about to attempt another go-round with WW, and told my mom. She very lovingly told me, "Amy, I really don't like you when you do WW. You become obsessed with it, and it consumes everything you do and say. It's all you talk about, all you think about, and all you focus on. It makes you not very fun to be around, and I think it takes a toll on those around you." It was at that moment that I realized she was right. So, that's my long-winded way of saying, I intend to make this a lifestyle. Eating less but enjoying moderation. I do realize at some point, it may come down to making the decision between losing those last 20 through 'dieting' or being content with those last few lingering pounds and not having to count calories. It's a long way off, though, and I'll just cross that bridge if and when I get there (meaning it may not happen - maybe every pound will come off without traditional dieting!) Great question! Amy
  15. timetobefree

    Veteran Bandsters - Hungry vs. Full

    Carrie, I am in Toledo. Great Lakes Weight Loss is right in Detroit at DMC. Where did you have your surgery done? I'm glad to hear that someone else is hungry. Not glad you're hungry, but glad I'm not alone! I am also on full liquids until next Wed...I'm gonna try really hard to make it until then... Amy
  16. timetobefree

    Veteran Bandsters - Hungry vs. Full

    Thank you so much! I am still on full liquids, so Snacks like that are a bit off. I just started worrying as so many people that had surgery when I did are talking about how they aren't even hungry, and I've been hungry since day 2! You've done really well! I hope I can be down 82 lbs at 7 months post-op. Thanks again! Amy
  17. timetobefree

    Veteran Bandsters - Hungry vs. Full

    I probably should have said satisfied. I'm more worried about always having that gnawing hungry feeling (like I've had since the second day after surgery). I don't expect to be full - but I want this gnawing hungry sensation to GO AWAY! Thanks!
  18. timetobefree

    Ideas for a fast paced single mom?

    I'm not a single mom, but work full-time and have two young kids, so I understand the demands on your time! The crockpot is your best friend! You can even add all the ingredients to it the night before and just plug it in before you leave for work. B/S chicken breast with salsa is great in the crockpot and can be used with so many meals - tacos, burritos, taco salad, over polenta, over rice, in chicken tortilla Soup. I made potato soup in mine last night (I'm on full liquids). In the AM, I added a bag of frozen hash browns, diced onions, garlic powder, and chicken stock. Cook on low all day. When I got home, I added milk and pureed it. Added bacon and cheese for the family (mine was plain). Easy peasy! Italian beef is really good in it. Any cheaper cut of beef, a jar of pepperoncini, and an envelope of italian dressing. Dump everything in the slow cooker and cook all day. It shreds so easily and is super tasty as sandwiches, over mashed potatoes, by itself. I even do meatballs and spaghetti sauce in it. I have a ton more recipes is this is something you are interested in. Amy
  19. timetobefree

    Pre-Op Diet

    I won't lie, it sucked. But you CAN do it. It does get easier. One thing that kept me going was thinking about all my fellow bandsters who've done it and survived. There was no reason I couldn't as well. Also, I just kept thinking about how I would be devastated if I hadn't shrunk my liver and woke up from surgery without a band. That would be the worst. Fortunately for me, I followed the diet to a T, as my surgeon said I have a larger liver, although no signs of fatty liver. Can you imagine if I hadn't followed the diet and had a large liver that was also fatty? I'm convinced I wouldn't have gotten a band, and as a self-pay patient, that would have royally sucked! Amy
  20. timetobefree

    Just Got My Date

    Awesome! Hang in there with the pre-op diet and the 18th will be here before you know it. Amy
  21. timetobefree

    Infamous Left shoulder pain

    Interesting! I had it really bad the last two days (not today). However, I felt a twinge today when I ate my first full liquid in 3 weeks (1/2 c. yogurt). So I have a feeling I'm going to be the opposite of you - feeling that pain when I get towards satisfied/full. Amy
  22. timetobefree

    Pre Op Liquid Diet

    Since most broths have about 10 calories per 8 ounces, it doesn't sound like 24 is too much. Did you have a limit? If not, I think you are more than fine! Amy
  23. timetobefree

    Help! Need a diet

    I second the low carb suggestion. I lost 60 lbs in about 4 months on one, although I was (obviously) unable to keep it off. I also lost a ton (23 lbs) on my two-week pre-op diet of 3 Protein shakes per day. It sucked, but it worked. Good luck - that requirement sucks! Amy
  24. timetobefree

    Tomorrow is the big day!

    Good luck tomorrow! I am on day 4 post-op and I am not as hungry as I was pre-op, but I am hungry...I won't lie. However, it's a different kind of hunger - my tummy is growling and feels hollow, but the thought of eating kind of makes me queasy. It's odd. I'm pretty much on the same post-op schedule as you - I'm sure we can do it! Amy
  25. timetobefree

    how bad is the post op pain?

    Ditto to the above. I've had one c-section and my gall bladder out, and this was 10x easier than either of those. I had a bit of shoulder pain the first night and next day, and since then, just a bit of muscle pain around the main incision. I'm on day 4 today and am 95% pain free (just don't tell DH - I'm milking it!) You'll be fine! Amy

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