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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by lapband4meNOW

  1. lapband4meNOW

    Underwear During Surgery?

    You should just ask if you are having a catheter. I did, and thats why I didnt have underwear on.
  2. lapband4meNOW

    Banded on Thursday and cried yesterday

    Hi guys. I am feeling much better today. Those strange emotions are coming and going and getting less and less. It was so hard dealing with those emotions at first, and crying. I cried again yesterday too. Last night I was still thinking I might ask the doctor for it out. I know, crazy. Today I am feeling better though, actually starting to feel like I am losing weight. Starting to not feel too emotional. So judyaz, do you feel your soreness still or would you say you can do pretty much anything before surgery now. How about you fireflye1? Can you lay on that side where the port is? Oh, firefly, do you have a distended belly? Mine seems bloated still. I think it is swollen, but not sure.
  3. lapband4meNOW

    February 2007 bandsters!

    Hey Marissa. I read in another post that sometimes if you get a pillow and basically be on all fours. Lower your front down on the pillow, you put your butt in the air while on your knees, it supposedly relieves the gas pain as gas rises. I don't know if it works, but another person who posted said it really worked for them. Oh by the way lizrbit, I was banded 2/8 and I am drinking protein shakes (since the hospital), dannon yogurt smoothies (light, I like the strawberry/bannana one), jello, fudgsicles (sugar free, make sure it dissoves to liquid before swallowing), popsicles, V8, and I can have cream or milk based soups (not chunks) that are thinned with water. I was not told any clear liquids after surgery. Doctor wants my energy up he said. He said just to listen to my body and sip. Hope that helps. Luv2blab, I did not have any band around me after surgery. I am starting to feel better today. If you look at some of my other posts I got really emotional. I am actually started to feel good now. I think it was what other people said, the anethesia and pain meds. I was banded on 2/8. I haven't taken pain meds since yesterday morning (day 3). I have tenderness at port area, which I don't know if it is the port or the fact the incision is bigger there than the other ones. I don't even feel the other incisions. Just that one on the side. I was thinking I would write out my experience from check in at the hospital to now to give people an idea of what to expect. I know I wanted to know everything.
  4. lapband4meNOW

    Cant Believe I did this 2 Myself!

    Hey Kjojojr. Thanks for the input. Can you tell me what cream soups you ate during this liquid phase. I would love to know? So, you can pretty much eat anything now? You don't feel deprived? I think I am feeling deprived right now and getting depressed over it. I never realized my relationship with food until now. It was like a slap in the face. When I came home from the hospital, my husband had made chicken for the kids. I wasn't hungry, but I wanted the chicken very badly. It was in that moment, I knew my relationship with food was way more than what I thought it was. I thought it was bad choices and too much food. I realized at that moment that I seek food for comfort. It was so strange as it evoked all these crazy emotions which I am still feeling right now. I couldn't sleep so I got up and I on here. Needing your guy's support. Which you never fail to give me. LOVE YOU FOR THAT...don't know what I would do without it. I go back and forth. I feel like I want to tell the doctor on my post op check..TAKE IT OUT!! Then I think..what the hell am I thinking. I started getting freaked out at the idea of something being inside me. Anyway, not sure if anyone else has actually had thoughts of 'taking it out'... But if you could tell me what cream soups you had, that would be great! Did you have to puree them? I just am not finding the puree'd soups very good. Kinda grosses me out. So, I have be doing the protien shakes, V8, the dannons yogurt smoothies, Jello, and I sucked on a candy kiss and get this..I sucked on a piece of chicken and spit it out so I wouldn't swallow it. I was horrified at myself for doing it too. But it satisfied some need. I wasn't really hungry, just wanted to taste some regular food. Ya, the emotional side is surprising to me because I am not normally that emotional and pretty practical about things. It is a reality check. THANKS GUYS!
  5. I spit it out because i am not supposed to have that yet. I just got banded on 2/8. But I just needed something in my mouth you know. I know it is nutty. I can't believe I got depressed last night and started crying. I feel like I want it out. I feel like I don't want it in. I know it is unheard of probably. I actually felt like telling my doctor to make arrangements to have it removed because I don't feel mentally ready for this. I am just back and forth on my emotions. :mad:
  6. I was bad today. I took a piece of chicken, chewed it up and spit it in the sink. UGH! THE HORROR!! I didn't swallow any of it.
  7. Anyone struggling with post op diet of liquids? I heard some people can go to mushies pretty quick. My doc says two weeks. Protien drinks, thin soups, etc until then.
  8. I have full liquids for two weeks, then mushies.
  9. lapband4meNOW

    Underwear During Surgery?

    I had to have a catheter so that is why there was no underwear. They put it in after they knocked me out.
  10. lapband4meNOW

    Cant Believe I did this 2 Myself!

    Marisa424. I totally know how you are feeling. I am in day 3 after surgery and I am not in too much pain from the surgery but I started crying last night thinking what did I do to myself. I seriously thought I would tell my doctor I want it out and I don't want to do this. I felt so upset at the fact that I am actually wanting to eat something with texture, but can't of course. I feel so many things. I totally understand what you are feeling. A lot of banders told me this will pass, that eventually I will feel no pain and not even feel the band in there. I guess I am struggling a lot with the liquid part and feeling somewhat deprived. I was also having a hard time with the idea of having something foreign in me all of the sudden. I just started to get anxiety. I don't know, I think I will get over this and feel normal again soon. Just thought I would let you know you are not alone. I was banded on 2/8.
  11. lapband4meNOW

    Banded on Thursday and cried yesterday

    Thanks for the support guys. I am feeling much better today.
  12. lapband4meNOW

    Banded on Thursday and cried yesterday

    K.. I will call the hospital. I just dont want any blood clots. But I read the symptoms of that just now and it didn't say numbness was one of the symptoms. I walked a lot and they put the massage things on my legs after surgery and gave me heprin.
  13. lapband4meNOW

    Banded on Thursday and cried yesterday

    I have a slight numbness is my left leg. Very slight over the top of my thigh. You think this is normal?
  14. Just wondering if anyone else had a slight numbness in their leg couple days after surgery. I had surgery on Feb 8th.
  15. lapband4meNOW

    Banded on Thursday and cried yesterday

    Thanks you guys. It helps so much to hear what you have to say.
  16. lapband4meNOW

    Banded on Thursday and cried yesterday

    Good to know LuckyGirl. I am going to try hard to be positive. Ahh..I am normally upbeat and positive...I want to be again.
  17. lapband4meNOW

    Banded on Thursday and cried yesterday

    Mfw1941 Thanks for that info on not feeling it inside you. That is a nice thought. To be able to feel normal again is what I will be looking forward to. So, your soreness was gone in a few days and then it felt normal again?
  18. lapband4meNOW

    Banded on Thursday and cried yesterday

    Oh I just did my ticker, and never calculated the total weight I should lose. Uh, can I say I am horrified at how much I have to lose. Wow, I must of been in denial or something. I knew the numbers of what I weighed and what I needed to get to, but I never calculated the difference for some reason. Seeing it on my ticker I about passed out! AMAZING..this is so enlightening this experience. So scary, but so life changing in many levels. The awareness I have now of how far out of control I have gotten. The awareness of what things are going to be like with a new relationship with food. Thanks for being there guys. I hope I can be of help too, soon...instead of being a big crying mess.
  19. lapband4meNOW

    Banded on Thursday and cried yesterday

    You guys are making me feel so much better. I don't know what I would do without your support. I don't even know you personally, but feel such a great connection. Priscilla, I totally felt like calling my doctor to have him take it out. I will try not to focus on it and give it more time. I guess I got anxiety over something being in me and I panicked. Love to you all!
  20. lapband4meNOW

    Banded on Thursday and cried yesterday

    Thanks so much for your response Angela. I really appreciate it.
  21. lapband4meNOW

    Banded on Thursday and cried yesterday

    Really? You had those feelings too. Thanks so much for replying. It is making me feel better. I need to figure out how to do the signature so people can see my stuff too.
  22. lapband4meNOW

    Banded on Thursday and cried yesterday

    Thanks TracyinKS. Just you replying to this is making me cry right now. I will try to keep my mind off it. I am so happy you responded. I can't tell you how much this website has helped me.
  23. lapband4meNOW

    messed up

    Hi. I have my surgery tomorrow. I had to have two days of clear liquids, and yesterday drank 10 ounces of magnesium citrate to help clear the bowels (per doctor instructions). I did good all day yesterday except I sucked on 4 candy kisses last night. Then this morning I wanted a tastier broth so I heated up chicken noodle soup and I was doing good with the broth (much better than just plain chicken broth) and I ate 1 spoonful of the noodles and carrots. Do you think that is really bad? I gave in to temptation. :cry Now I am a little concerned I ruined my fast. I know it wasn't that much, but there has to be a reason they want your bowels cleaned out. Anyone cheat on their liquid fast?
  24. lapband4meNOW

    messed up

    Hey thanks guys! Can't believe the surgery is tomorrow morning. I am going to bed now. I will keep everyone posted on how it went. THANKS SO MUCH!!!
  25. lapband4meNOW

    Pre-op diet

    How many had to have a liquid diet before surgery? Is there anyone who did not have a liquid diet before surgery? I heard some people don't have to except for the night before surgery of course. I have two days before, clear liquids. Surgery tomorrow morning.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
