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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by happy2lose

  1. happy2lose

    3 days banded and hungry!?!!!

    In my opinion you are hungry a little sooner then most but definitely not abnormal. You will feel less hungry after you get some restriction. With each fill it will get a little better. I really loved the vanilla flavored Matrix Protein Powder, The chocolate not so much. My favorite thing to do with the powder is put it in the blender with a little non-fat milk, ice and a banana to make a smoothie with it. You can also add it to oatmeal later on for that extra Protein boost. Hang in there, better days are coming your way. Donna
  2. I asked my surgeon this very question. He said the size of the band placed depends upon the sized and shape of the stomach. I had little fat around my stomach therefore he chose the Allergen 10cc band (holds 4cc fill). I believe there is a little more to this though. Because I was self pay, I chose a fantastic, highly regarded surgeon in Mexico because I couldn't afford it any other way. It is my theory that he was using up old band stock. My band is the older generation lapband. I was concerned about this at first but I now realize that because of the band I have (smaller), with my first fill I already had great restriction and began to lose steadily from day one. I have returned to Mexico for all of my fills which are done under Fluoroscopy and have had no complications thus far. I hope this has answered your question Sally. (oops! Sorry)
  3. Neener, You have to realize that your tool isn't yet working the way it is suppose to. It won't work until it is filled to proper restriction, which may take some time and several fills to reach. However, little by little as you gain restriction you will eat less and feel satisfied on very little food. I recommend that you only eat those foods that are beneficial to your body and getting healthy such as good solid Protein, veggies and Fiber and drink the required amount of Water each day. Avoid pizza for now since it is taking you 3 slices to feel satisfied. Later on, you can safely add the occasional slice of pizza. For now it is recommend that you count your calories and stay away from fatty foods. You are going through bandster hell right now and I guarantee you that everybody that is banded has gone through this to some degree in the first month or two. Hang in there and keep your chin up. It does get much easier. In the meantime, if you are battling head hunger, I advise you to change your focus immediately. Take a brisk walk, do some chores around the house, anything that will take your mind off of food. This band will work for you. You just need to be a little more patient. Donna
  4. Elfie, we are just going to have to agree to disagree on this issue because it is not simple math! If it were, there wouldn't be so many people wanting or needing WLS.
  5. I hate them too. I wore a pair for the first time in years just a month ago and I was soooo uncomfortable. I had already done my hair and makeup before putting the pantyhose on and once I finished with the arduous task of putting them on, the curl was gone from my hair and I was all sweaty. NEVER AGAIN!
  6. happy2lose

    If I've offended...

    Yes, true! Besides, we all get anonymity balls online LOL
  7. happy2lose

    WOW! Ask and you shall receive...

    So now that I am clear on the conversion, Wow! You really got a large fill. As long as you can eat and drink with your current restriction you should do really well.
  8. happy2lose

    HCG Injections

    Back in my younger days I used the HCG injections and it did work well. I don't know anything about the book you mentioned or the Dr. from Italy.
  9. happy2lose

    At A Stand still

    You are still in the very early stages of your bandster life. Just focus on eating high protein foods and getting your water in and the weight loss will come. Do you realize you can get some exercise? You just aren't suppose to "work-out" yet. Walking in the first month was essential for me. Walk every chance you get.
  10. happy2lose

    If I've offended...

    You don't offend me Elfie! However, when people in general take on a superior attitude and add replies such as ROFLMAO as a means to belittle someone, it can be construed as a bully mentality. For me, it's all good!
  11. You are entitled to YOUR OPINION elfie and I sincerely hope you do well with your weight loss but, time will tell! Time and the scale do not lie. I know how hard it has been to lose the 82 pounds I've lost and I KNOW, without exercise it wouldn't have happened. Some people have slower metabolism and this must be taken into account. It is NOT simple math.
  12. happy2lose

    WOW! Ask and you shall receive...

    I hope you are going to be comfortable at the fill level you are at now. My fills are done in a different unit of measure which is cc's so I'm not really certain just how different this is from ml's. I hope you now see fantastic results though. Donna
  13. happy2lose

    I'm just not sure

    Have you sat down with a nutritionist to discuss the foods you should be eating? Perhaps all you need is a little dietary tweaking and you will start losing. If you don't eat enough calories your body will hold onto fat.
  14. I just wanted to add that I too have trouble eating eggs and have since day one. Something about the texture gives me trouble. Rarely, I can eat an fried egg over medium but scrambled eggs, no way! I totally disagree with not needing to exercise to lose weight. This is suppose to be a lifestyle change and those who think they will make it to goal without exercising are lying to themselves. I will not debate this issue any further because it is a waste of time to try to convince somebody who thinks they know it all. Best of luck to you, Donna
  15. happy2lose

    What is dumping exactly?

    Me too because I know she will give us sound advice backed up by experience.
  16. The biggest problem I have had when traveling is that I tend to back off on Water consumption so that I don't have to pee as often. This is not good! If you don't stay adequately hydrated your band will feel tighter and tend to cause you some issues with being able to eat. Eating rice is usually not a problem unless you keep your band really tight. If you eat very, very slowly you should be okay. It is my experience that unless you are dealing with personnel in the medical field who are directly involved with a Bariatric Surgeon, or they personally know someboday with a band, they no little to nothing about the lapband. Just my opinion!!!
  17. I disagree! It does curb the stomach hunger and enables me to feel satisfied on much less food then prior to banding. What it doesn't curb is head hunger.
  18. happy2lose

    Should I get another fill

    Since you have only had one fill and your doc will let you get another, I say go for it. The sooner you reach adequate restriction the sooner you will see results. Kiz, your advice to Elfiepoo is exactly what I learned too.
  19. You can find papaya enzymes at Walmart or any drug store. Like I said, they work about 50% of the time. Good luck!
  20. I just got a great pep talk (much needed) from my friend who owns the Curves I work out at. She had GP many years ago and understands my battle of the bulge as well as the obstacles we let interfere with our well being. She said I needed to find the determination that I misplaced last week. I need to just get back on track. She is right and this is what you need to do also. I recommend you start keeping a food journal to track your intake and calories. You may be doing some mindless eating that you need to cut out and this will make you aware of it. If it goes in your mouth it needs to go in the journal. If you believe you need a fill then fight for it! It sounds like you do and you should not take NO for an answer. You are the veteran bandster so don't let your doctor or his staff treat you like some newbie. Some people, like myself, like our bands tight. As long as you aren't vomiting too much then it shouldn't matter to your doctor. If you think weight watchers will help you then do it! My cousin swears by WW and she has recently lost a lot of weight this way. Besides, it's really not that expensive and may help you get back on track. Are you exercising??? You know that exercise is vital to maintaining your weight loss. Step it up a bit. I am going to start working out 3 more times per week which will put me at 7 days/week but it is necessary to keep my focus. Find a way to control your head hunger. If you feel it coming on take a brisk walk so you stop thinking about food. Please, don't think I am being preachy. Not my intention at all. I just want to help you. Donna
  21. Did you get all your Water in yesterday??? If you didn't, this will make you feel tighter the next day. I also notice if I have alcohol I am tight the next day. I have days when my band seems tighter then the previous day. It happens all the time. Don't be too quick to rush in for an unfill. It may not be necessary. Focus today on getting in all your water. If you feel tight return to liquid Protein for a day and try again with solids tomorrow. The band is a fickle tool. Expect to experience intermittent tightness. It happens!
  22. It sounds to me that you need a fill so you can go longer between meals and feel satisfied with less food. It also sounds to me that you are dealing with behaviors you have not completely modified which is completely normal at this point. It took me a couple of months to finally adapt to the excessive chewing and smaller bites. What helped me was to cut up my meat into fingernail size bites before I even start to eat. Chew completely then swallow. Set your fork down in between bites to make sure you don't eat too fast. It is eating too fast that causes most of my stuck episodes. You may need to eat alone in order to grasp the hang of it. Also, don't let yourself get to the point of starving. If you are starving when you sit down to eat, you will most likely experience "1st bite syndrome". I usually notice I am stuck at about my 3rd bite. Keep papaya enzymes on hand for when you first notice yourself feeling stuck. About 50% of the time the enzymes will work for you at the point where you start to slime. Best of luck to you on your journey, Donna
  23. You can! Just work hard and keep moving. If you feel head hunger come-on. Get up and walk, run or go to the gym. Try not to compare yourself to other people though because everybody loses at their own rate. When it comes to fill levels, try not to compare either because there are different size bands on the market and everybody reaches their "sweet spot" at different levels. Just focus on eating your Protein, taking your Vitamins and getting your Water in and you will do great. It was much easier to lose the weight during the summer months when the weather was nicer and it was light out longer. I'm having a little trouble losing now that I can't ride my bicycle everyday after work. I go to the gym everyday Monday through Friday though and work out hard. I have been really super motivated this entire time. Failure is not an option for me. My hope is to be pretty darn close to goal by the end of my first year. I feel great and have a much more upbeat personality when I am exercising. You are doing a great job! You've already lost a lot of weight.
  24. happy2lose

    Any help

    You should really try to aim for satisfied with your band not full.
  25. It will go away when you get some restriction. You will reach the point where you feel satisfied for several hours after eating only a small amount. In the meantime, maybe you can add a snack of a hard boiled egg or low fat string cheese to tide you over between meals. You are right around the same size I was when I got banded.

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