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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by curiousinoh

  1. Illumination: I got banded a week or so after you. I am already up to 6 ccs in a 10 cc band and I dont feel anything yet either. I'm hoping around 7 ccs I will be all set. I just got my 2nd fill today so I dont know if I have restriction yet but like you I dont really know what restiction is... I've eaten a couple things that seemed stuck when I ate really fast. I've been able to eat anything as long as I chew it up. I'll keep you posted.

  2. Hey everyone,

    I had my 2nd fill today. Really don't know if I have any restriction since I'm doing liquids for a couple of days but I certainly don't feel like I have any. Did want to say the dr did my 2nd fill today and like before... one tiny shot of numbing medication and 15 seconds later he put the big needle in the port 1st try and it was a breeze. I'm up to 6 ccs now and not sure I have any restriction yet. I will keep you updated. I'm only down 9 pounds since surgery.

  3. I go for my 2nd fill next week. I'll update everyone. I got 5 ccs in my band on my first fill and felt nothing eating amount wise. Now I will say if I eat fast like another lady said you can end up kinda stuck because you need more time in between bites to tell you that you're full. But, I can eat as much now as I could before the band.

    To the girl who said her dr said restriction is a cop out. Really? Then why is he doing the surgery? Sounds like your doctor screwed something up and now wants to convince you to do it on your own. What he said is crazy. If you aren't going to have restriction why the hell would you have the surgery. If he had said that to me... everyone in the office would have heard me question his abilities. Hope things get better for you.

  4. I can also feel my port.

    had my lad done 12-3-09 had my first fill on 1-16 but not on the first try, after being stuck 6 times, and could not find the middle of my port I was done, and told him to stop.

    Two days later I went to the hospital to have it done under x-ray, then after 3 more times he got it in.

    Don't know if I want to do this again, but have a date of 2-17 for my 2 fill, hope this one goes in easy for him.

    The Doc. is new at this, and I an his first, so I am his Ginny Pig you can say.

    That's insane... My drs nurse got in on first try. If ANY dr. could not reach my port after six attempts he would not get another chance to do it for me. The dr is new at this? That's crazy... they can practice all day long on a port in their office. I would seriously consider asking for someone else to do it. Is he the only person there? It should be a very simple easy experience. Be polite but just say after the last visit I really would like someone else to do this. End of story.

  5. I got 3ccs in my 10cc band and my doctor thought I might be too tight. He also put me back on liquids for 2 weeks, which I was really good about for the first week, but I've been pretty hungry and have had no difficulty with mushies. 3ccs wasn't too tight, but I bet you ARE feeling some restriction with 5ccs - that makes sense to me.

    I do find it baffling... all the differences.

    After a week with a fill I can say no restriction at all. I have been measuring food and I can easily eat what I ate before. Hopefully my 2nd fill helps.

  6. Hey everyone,

    I was one of the ones saying I still had no restriction but last night we had Chinese food. Now normally I would have eaten a whole dinner but I realized after 1/3 of my dinner I was stuffed... so I believe there really is restriction that I wasn't aware of.

    Another thing I wanted to pass on that I found that might be a quick dinner with 20 grams of Protein. They sell them at Krogers - they are called J.T.M steak hoagies. I use to use them to make sandwiches with pizza sauce, cheese and onions and toast them - but found them in the freezer tonight. I put them in the oven on broil covered in ketchup and cooked for about 10 minutes - and my daughter and I ate them for dinner. She didn't not know it wasn't meatloaf. Each patty has 290 calories but they also have 20 grams of protein. Made a little mac n cheese to go with my daughters meal but the patty was all I ate and was full. Thought I would pass it along!

    I also made a smoothie I saw somewhere today. It was delicious. I used vanilla powder protein 52 grams (two scoops), 1 cup of ice, 1/2 cup of skim milk, 3/4 cup cold Water, 2 tablespoons of Peanut Butter and a tablespoon of sugar free pudding mix. It was delicious and gets me almost all the protein I need for the day!

  7. Personally- My biggest tool for success is being prepared. I cook on Sundays for the week. I prepare everything from scratch. This allows minimal sodium and sugar in the things I make. I make things like chicken salad, mini meatloaves, shrimp salad, hearty chili...etc. I have small containers 1/2 cup and 1 cup. Every evening before bed when I make my daughters lunch for school the following day, I get mine together as well and put in my lunch bag in the refrigerator all ready packed! This leaves less time to re-think my choices and if Im rushing out the door, no excuse for fastfood! I pack breakfast, lunch and late afternoon snack, because I leave the house at 615am and don't get dinner until 6pm. I am averaging 4-5 lbs loss a week and I have no cravings, and my hunger is under control or if I have an "off day" I have a snack. High Protein of course. I keep an almond mixture at work, already portioned out.

    Just something that has worked for me and wanted to share! GOOD LUCK

    Stacy, I love these menu items. Thanks for sharing. Did you get your band two months ago and already lost 63 pounds?

  8. This morning was my surgery and I arrived at 7:30am and was at home by 1:00pm. Definitely felt the gas pains but had my Gas-X standing by at my house...walk around alot and feeling great. I feel like I did a bunch of crunches this morning for a workout and I am a little sore. I have not taken anything for pain and I have been sipping on some chicken broth. I had lost 20 lbs. prior to surgery and now I don't see anything but a bright future...ONE QUESTION FOR ANYONE WHO KNOWS:

    1) How long till you can smoke a cigarrette...Yes, I know it is bad for you but I would rather focus on one vice at a time. But I would like to know if anyone knows if it would hurt to smoke one????

    I am laughing so hard, I thought you said you DID do a bunch of crunches after you got home. I was getting ready to ask you... You're concerned about a smoke and you did crunches with heaping wounds in your stomach. LOL

    I was really wondering if you were that motivated to do crunches why you needed surgery. Sorry I can't help I am a non smoker.

  9. Hey everyone,

    Banded on 12/30 and gettting my first fill today. I hope I feel something. I've been back to pre band restriction of 0 since 3 days after surgery. It's hard to keep eating right when you are always hungry.

    I have only lost about 6 pounds since surgery. I did not do a preop diet so no initial loss there. What has everyone been averaging SINCE surgery not counting any preop diet.


  10. I had surgery on 9/18/2009 and have been doing extremly well with losing. However it seems that as fast as I am losing the weight I am losing twice as much hair.

    My Dr said it is because I am not getting enough Protein but I am getting more than what he recommends. I average between 75 and 100 gms of Protein a day.

    I also take bioten daily but that doesn't seem to help.

    I started losing the hair at about 3 months. I did read some posts that said it starts then but everyone else seems to have stopped shedding.

    I made my neice a quilt this Christmas and it was covered in my hair by the time I finished. I had to get one of those sticky rollers for my hair.

    My meals consist of:

    Bfst-one of the following: high protein oatmeal,egg, special K

    Lunch- tuna, egg, low salt lunch meat, broiled chicken or fish

    Dinner- some kind of meat, some veggies

    snacks- in mid afternoon I usually have a protein shake (35 gms) or protein shot (49 gms) or a protein bar (32 gms)

    that seems to be alot of protein but I am still shedding. My hair is very fine and it is really fine now and won't hold a curl at all. It was a little longer than shoulder length but I cut it to chin length when it really started falling out because it was really getting thin.

    Anyone have any ideas? should I spread the protein I get at snack time through the day? does your body dump protein if taken too quickly?

    Im only 3 weeks post op and haven't really lost any weight but this is one of my big fears. I am anxious to hear what others say. In talking to others most told me that it lasts about two months and then hair stops falling out and appears to grow again. Hang in there.

  11. I had my surgery on 12/9 and I can eat with no restriction !:tt1: I am also not getting my first fill until 2/3. I don't understand how my stomach can be the same size after surgery as it was before. It seems putting the band on would make it smaller. So I too am filling discouraged. I have lost about 8 - 10 pounds since my surgery, I thought it would be more. I heal alot more slowly because I a diabetic, which is another disapointment, no change in my diabetes yet. What should I do to make this work better???:thumbup:

    I really think you need to pick up the phone and talk to someone at your drs. office. Not sure why you are having to wait so long for a fill, but it's not strange not to feel restriction. MOST people do not have any until a fill so there really isn't anything you can do until you get fills. You just have to wait it out. I get my first fill on Tuesday and trust me I've been frustrated but there's nothing I can do but try to eat right so I at least dont gain until then. The band is around your stomach and sure it's shrunk your stomach but until the band is full and makes the "pouch" that gets full easily you wont feel full quickly. I would just ask for your fill now.

  12. I have been reading all the posts on this topic because it seems to be the one thing I have gone back and forth with for my entire pre-op experience. I have my pre-op meeting with my surgeon tomorrow and I am scheduled to be banded on Jan. 20th. I have only told two people and I have been preparing everyone, mostly people at work, about my expected weight loss by beginning a "Biggest loser" challenge with a group of people (first place will pay out enough to cover my Insurance Deductible:thumbup:)...and all of my co-workers and friends are aware of the competition. I am lucky that my surgery and weight loss process has begun at the beginning of the year when everyone tries to lose weight for the New Year. Everyone at work has seen me eating extremely light and healthy for the past 2 weeks. I also made it known to everyone that I have a goal of losing 80-90 lbs. and I will do whatever it takes to meet my goals. I have been lucky as far as taking time off because I have a great boss who doesn't care if I take off early or have a doctor's appt. and asks me every morning how my "diet" is going. I have a core group of people I eat with daily and most of them are trying to lose weight as well.

    My biggest concern is when I return to "real" food, PB'ing or getting stuck at lunch time. After reading all the posts on this, I am hopeful to avoid this during lunch time until I learn exactly what I can eat and learn to decrease the "bite" size of my food. The main reason I have decided not to discuss this with more people is because I don't think some of my friends would think I should resort to the surgery..but they have never lived in my shoes. I have been 100 lbs. overweight for the last 10 years. I have done the diet/exercise regimine many times. I would lose 30-40 lbs and then hit the plateau..then quit and gain it back. I am ready to return to being a healthier person, not to mention that my entire family is diebetic and I don't want to travel down that road. I want to feel good about myself and have the self confidence I use to have when I was in my late 20's.

    As my surgery date gets closer, the more anxious I get and wonder if I am making the right decision. I began thinking that if our great leader Mr. Obama:mad2: gets his healthcare reform package passed, my company may choose not to cover this elective surgery and then I would regret it later on...and you know that government run healthcare would not offer it. Plus, about three days into my pre-op diet, I nearly brokedown and bought a cheeseburger meal for lunch. I know that if I don't do this, the probability of me continuing a healthier lifestyle is lower. I guess if you feel comfortable telling people, then you should. I chose not to air my business to everyone...

    My opinion about the biggest loser contest prize money is if you take that money because you win after having surgery you are really cheating those who dont have food restriction. And, nothing stays a secret if you've told even one person. If you win and you take their money when it gets out not only will EVERYONE know about your surgery because everyone will be talking about it at the Water cooler a lot of them will not be happy with you. That money may not be worth it if everyone at work wishes you didnt work there.

  13. Please help, I had my post-op on Tues and I only lost 7lbs!!!!! Why??? I have been walking at least 30-45mins/day, I have been eating 3small meals plus 3snacks a day, and not going over my fats/day and trying to get all Protein in a day, as well as watching the sugar in what I eat. I don't understand whats going on, I don't get my fill til Feb 1st, and worried that I'm either gonna stay at this 7lbs lost or gain it back, I'm getting real discouraged. I did this surgery because it was suppose to help lose faster then on my own, and now I'm regretting it.


    It sounds like you didn't get a lot of information from your doctor prior to surgery. First 3 meals and 3 Snacks is a lot. That would be what most people would eat just to maintain regular weight so if you've lost 7 pounds that's pretty good. I was told NOT to snack during the day that three meals was plenty. Most people do not lose weight before fills after they go off liquids. If you are eating regular meals than it's not surprising to me that you are not losing fast. When you get your fill you will feel much more restriction and hopefully you wont eat as much at meals and you will get rid of the snacks. Don't regret your surgery if you are only in the first month. I am 11 days post op and not sure I've lost any weight. I did not do any liquid diet before because of my low bmi and only did liquids after for a few days so I've probably only lost five pounds. You can't be discouraged before you have fills. Most feel no restriction at all which means your stomach is basically the same size it was before surgery. How far post op are you? Imagine if you lost 7 pounds per month - in 10 months you would be 70 pounds thinner. Remember it's not a quick fix. If you've lost 7 pounds already you will do great I'm sure.

  14. Well it seems to be true for you. It is a discussion that happens on here a lot. I've noticed that even Docs cannot agree so I am sure it won't be resolved any time soon. I also did not lose any hair, but I did lose it a lot after the birth of my children. That is a pretty rapid weight loss if you think about it, but I suspect hormones in my case.


    When were you banded? I am told that most lose hair around month three. If you are passed that stage you probably wont have any problems.

  15. Jennifer,

    You are cracking me up. The whole knee surgery. My question is... why not come up with a surgery that involves your abdomen. I was able not to mention mine to anyone but there are lots of surgeries like female stuff where they go in laproscopically. My girlfriend had endometriosis and when it was removed she had the same scars on her tummy. Too bad you didn't do that - you wouldnt have had to limp or have him wonder about scars. haha

    You have to keep us updated on this. LOL

    My opinion unless someone else is paying for my 13K surgery, nothing about me or my surgery is anyone elses business. Even if they are overweight and asking!

  16. Denise, My saving grace in being able to hide this from my live in boyfriend is that he is 60 years old (16 years older than me) and really out of touch with anything modern... He's like a 60 yr old stuck in the 1950's... I'm hoping the scars fade enough that I can convince him I've always had them the 4 years we have been together... I had my tubes tied the year before we started dating and maybe he'll just think thats what it is... One of my friends who does know about this calls me Lucy and says Ricky always catches her. Haha... My boyfriend drove me to the band surgery and thinks I had the first of "two" knee surgerys. The nurse called my GF with the release instructions and I stayed with her for 4 days to recover... They even bandaged and wrapped guaze around my knee before releasing me! My Dr. says he somewhat understands my situation but hopes I can eventually come out of the closet about being banded...

    I have had food stuck already and the band has not even been filled yet. My first fill is tomorrow. Fortunately, I have been practicing small bites throughly chewed and I discovered that if I stand up and walk for a couple of minutes it goes down... My biggest concern is regarding taking my pain pills for my knee once the fill is done... Guess thats one more thing to ask the doctor tomorrow...

    I made it though Christmas parties, Christmas dinners, Birthday parties and New Years and just let everyone know that my Orthopedic surgeon strongly recommended me to lose weight to help my knee recover better and everyone has been very supportive of my efforts without knowing I have been banded.

    I just have to ask this... he's your live in boyfriend and you don't think he will notice scars all over your stomach? What about intimate moments? I like you am not telling people about my band but I dont know how that would be possible if I lived with a man. Really curious in OH! haha

  17. I accidently posted this on "The other" forum but wanted it here...

    I've been banded for 8 days now and still have tons of gas pains/heartburn in my chest and shoulder. I've been walking and moving around a lot (I have 3 little ones to chase). Still on liquids only and I also take about 6-7 gas X a day.

    Has anyone else had it this long? Is this normal?

    Thank goodness I am not alone. I was banded on 12/30 so I am 7 days post op and home today from work because the gas pain in my shoulder is tremendous. I didn't have any real pains until day 6 so I thought I was so lucky b ut it hit me yesterday. I am using gas x, heating pads and back to taking my pain meds. I am curious how long everyone else had the gas/shoulder pain? When did he fade?

  18. I have found that those who do not want to share the news are more the individuals who have lower BMIs and just dont want to hear the - you aren't big enough for WLS. I happen to be one of these folks and 1) dont feel like it matters how you lose it as long as you do what you have to do and 2) shouldn't have to feel like you have to be 150 or more pounds overweight before someone thinks WLS is for you. Everyone has their own person weight issues. I've been small my entire life but have been 70 pounds overweight for that last five years. My 70 lbs may be comparable to another persons 200 lbs excess weight. I don't discuss any personal matters (kids, relationships) with co workers so I wouldn't share this either. Friends and family who love you are differerent but I see no reason to share such a person matter with co workers or casual friends. The band isn't a fix all you still have to do that work so if you lose weight with the band you have worked in some way to lose it. You can have the band and eat ice cream every day and actuall gain weight. So whether you share or not... be proud of your choice.

  19. I wanted to join in on this thread. Banded 12/30. Haven't had any issues. Did not do a preop and after six days do not have any restriction so the hunger is coming but I am just trying to eat the Protein and veggies as stated until my first fill on 1/20.

    I dont believe I've had any weight loss but it should start as even w/o the band I am basically doing the adkins diet and everyone sees results with that if you dont eat carbs.

    I know six days out I could eat a big mac if I wanted but I am not so that is good.

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