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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by mushsbat

  1. mushsbat

    so confused?

    I went for my second filled today..so I thought!...I have only lost 4 pounds since my last fill 4 weeks ago but apparently that is right where they want me to be. No fill for me. He told me I have the restriction that I need, (if I eat too quickly I get stuck, or if I don't chew properly etc) I was told 1 pound a week is all I am suppose to loose, any more and I should not expect a fill. WHAT! I am so lost! I have so many questions now. I thought I was going to have more restriction and could quit white knuckling it now. He told me I will be dieting from now on. I'm so confused. I thought I would have to be retrained on how to eat not diet for the rest of my life. I am working out and starving!!! Just to lose 4 freaking pounds. I am following ALL of the rules Protein calories exercise Water they say I am doing great! Yes I know I was gaining before the surgery so I am better off now with it but my goodness I left there crying and haven't stopped all night. Please anyone give me some words of wisdom not the same old crap that I've heard over and over. I know the facts what I want is WHY it's not working and why they won't tighten me up....please help! can't find the smily for crying my eyes out
  2. mushsbat

    so confused?

    It is damn hard work and I do feel like I am on a diet. However, I am learning a new way of eating and making great choices. I'm working out and I am down a pant size also. I will keep at it. I do believe the dr. when he said I do have restriction b/c I ate two pieces of dry chicken the other night and I did get stuck. I guess it takes time. If the next appointment doesn't go better I will have to make some fuss..lol
  3. mushsbat


    I am reposting this here hoping others might see it. I went for my second filled today..so I thought!...I have only lost 4 pounds since my last fill 4 weeks ago but apparently that is right where they want me to be. No fill for me. He told me I have the restriction that I need, (if I eat too quickly I get stuck, or if I don't chew properly etc) I was told 1 pound a week is all I am suppose to loose, any more and I should not expect a fill. WHAT! I am so lost! I have so many questions now. I thought I was going to have more restriction and could quit white knuckling it now. He told me I will be dieting from now on. I'm so confused. I thought I would have to be retrained on how to eat not diet for the rest of my life. I am working out and starving!!! Just to lose 4 freaking pounds. I am following ALL of the rules Protein calories exercise Water they say I am doing great! Yes I know I was gaining before the surgery so I am better off now with it but my goodness I left there crying and haven't stopped all night. Please anyone give me some words of wisdom not the same old crap that I've heard over and over. I know the facts what I want is WHY it's not working and why they won't tighten me up....please help! can't find the smily for crying my eyes out am reposting this here hoping someone might see it.
  4. mushsbat


    Thanks...that is what I have decided to do. Hearing you say it confirmed how I was thinking. I have to quit stressing about this. I was actually hoping I'd get a stomache bug to loose a couple of pounds...lol. I took a night off last night, ate bread relaxed and calmed down. I've been letting this get to me too much. Thanks everyone for the great advice!
  5. mushsbat


    Yes thank you this is what I thought with my first fill. The sad part is my PA has had LapBand so I have always trusted him and I guess still do (i think). We talked about how I felt and he explained things to me that I should try etc. I just feel like I shouldn't have to try quiet so hard.
  6. mushsbat


    I think the band came with 3 cc's in it and I have had 1.5 added. I am excersising 4/5 days a week for 30 minutes. I eat 3 meals a day and usually one snack which is always Protein. Meals are always high protein low carb/calorie. By white knuckling it I mean stict diet mode. An hour before meal time I get hungry but only right at meal time am I starving. I can deal with that but I can hold way more that 1 cup of food. I pretty much can eat preband portions. I just have to eat slow and chew well. I just feel like I should be able to eat less at a time i guess. Presurgery, I was told by 1 1/2 years weight loss goal would be met which is around 120 pounds. So 1 pound a week is too slow. Now 1 pound is where they want me. Thanks everyone for responding it helps so much to see success and words of wisdom.
  7. wow this has always been my goal..when ppl ask me my goal weight i give some bs #...secretly i want to jog/run but my boobs hurt. what do you do about them? do you have big boobs sorry if this sounds stupid but i have huge giggly ones and they HURT! any suggestions?
  8. wow i will keep that in mind
  9. Jachut, I have to admit you were one of the first post I read when I came here and I thought "oh yeah look at that pic she's let it go straight to her head" then I read your signature and many more post later on through my many struggles. Now I know to get that rocking body you have to "shut your gob and move your ass!" and I'd post my pic up too!!!! I've also learned that you have been through things with the band and not left the newbies behind to fend for themselves. I hope to be like you when I'm all slim and trim! I do try to get to know people first before I judge and I also know there can be b's and a's of every size. I'm sorry if my first post sounded harsh.
  10. mushsbat

    Is it normal to be so tired...

    wow to quote a poster "Of course!!! you were just banded..fast surgery or not its a prety big deal. It takes a week or more for the seditives/drugs to come out of your body plus I assume you are not drinking caffine, and reduced sugar intake and might be taking painkillers..etc. There are lots of reasons to still be tired..the number 1 for YOU is you just had surgery. :)" I wish I had read that..I am 8 weeks this week and am finally getting back to normal. I asked everyone. My dr.s office, on here, friends, family. Fact is, you just had surgery, you have taken major calories from your body, sugar, alcohol who knows what and probably added gas! and exercise ..your body is in shock.. I'm sorry I didn't read your age but for anyone age is a factor in this. The experts don't realize how long it takes. Heck we don't realize how long it takes. Thankfully I am feeling so much better but it took me 2 months! Im moving and loosing now though, good luck!
  11. ya know thinking about what you said, every time i have lost some weight, my life long friend who is overweight has been the meanest to me..and i have friends at work who are skinny vegetarians and are the sweetest people Ive ever met..i guess it is who you are inside really huh?
  12. Never thought of it this way but I agree. Skinny people are usually bitches and assholes...lol. Please don't let me turn out to be that. I have lost weight many times before and I have gotten a swollen head but I hope I was never horrible.
  13. haha y'all reminded me of two things... 1. when I got my approval letter it said "You are approve for your morbid obesity surgery"..i was like damn that was harsh!...lol 2. The movie Norbit...the scene coming down the Water slide hilarious but my biggest fear b/c I love love love the water.
  14. Curefortheend, In answer to your pm, I am dropping around 200 calories. I was told to stay between 1200 and 1400 me being who I am i went for the highest. So yesterday I made changes. I cut back on my calories. I dropped instantly! I am re-inspired. It sounds to me like you need more calories. I was told and have read multiple times to not go below 1000. Good luck to you. I know for me I am excited to have seen what works for me!
  15. Dude give it a rest and back off. Obviously, you are not helping so just keep your distance. For what ever reason you two are not clicking so just stop. We really need post to help us through this point we are in right now. Thanks!
  16. i've tried but i cant make them stop...threads i've made comments on i keep getting emails from. please help!?
  17. mushsbat

    how do i make emails stop

    Thanks y'all!!
  18. mushsbat

    Gas Attack! Newly Banded

    GAS X STRIPS! I lived off of them..and I mean like ever hour...lol
  19. awww. this warms my heart..i love to cook..i will keep this in mind..it might however make my kids mad when i do it...lol but i will thanks for the suggestion!
  20. Curefortheend, I also am here for support. It is hard to hear the same old shit from the same old people who have not been through what you are going through! I read on here for support hoping to see someone that I can relate to. I post so maybe someone can learn from me and to get anything to help me. Some people have this attitude that they know it all and have NOT been there. Please try to read past them (him). People should talk about what they know. I have read things from them (him) that was very informative but not about the band per say. Good luck to you!!!!
  21. oh yeah I get around 1200 to 1400 calories a day b/c I has told not to go too low. I am going to try cutting back 100 or 200.
  22. I am in the exact same boat 7 weeks out. Compared to what I was eating and not doing exercise wise I should be a loosing more. I lost in the first week and nothing since!
  23. I wish someone would have told me facts not numbers. I wish someone would have told me of this website before surgery. I wish someone would have told me everyone around me would expect me to loose weight as fast as gastric bypass. I wish someone would have told me I would not loose weight as fast as people with gastric bypass. On a personal note I wish I would have realized that I couldn't use GAS X strips because I am allergic to menthol!!! I had so much gas I was living off them..lol it's over now but it was so bad at the time...lol
  24. mushsbat

    issues with bread

    Pre band bread was my problem. Post band bread is my problem! I was told no bread! Then I read you can have it if it is toasted. So the carb addict in my toasted it then tried it not toasted. I can still eat it. I have learned bread it my number one enemy!!! I treat myself to it once a week one that is it!

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