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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by purple3797

  1. Hi there! I started pre op shakes today and I am scheduled for Nov. 15th. When I told my hubby about the official date he acted like it was a routine check up! LOL They don;t get it and I think my husband is afraid of me changing or maybe not taking his sh## anymore after I have more confidence. I got samples from Bariatirc Choice and also from fusion Jay Robb also has shakes and for s & H of 5 dollars they will send you 5 sample shakes to try. I like them, they are my favorite Protein Shakes no splenda they use stevia.

  2. I am scheduled for banding on Nov 15th. I am excited and terrified. I am posting here so I can have some opinions of already banded people. I am 230 and healthy except for being overweight which I know the health conditions will catch up with me. I am so afraid that I do not have health issues now and that after the band I will need to be followed by docs and I keep reading horror stories on these boards of erosion and slippage and more surgery...I just do not want to do harm to my body I want to do good for it..and I dont want to be creating medical issues for myself when now I have none...help!!!!

  3. HiJen90808 I have the same issues with my husband I feel like he has the attitude like I chose to do those so wahtever the consequesnces they are on me. I hate that he is not more supportive. He has said things like he does support me but I just dont feel it..thank God we all have each other PS Of course my husband has never has had a weight problem or any kind of an addiction to undertstand food issues.

  4. HI everyone I got an official date of Nov. 15th!!! Hi EllenMarie I am so sorry baout your delay I know the feeling you just make your mind up and you want to get it done and over. My mom kept tellingme to do it after the holidays so I could have more support and home with the kids but I felt the longer I waited the more my mind went back and forth and the more nervous I became. So I decided now is the time. All that aside you have to have the operation whenyour doc thinks you are in optimal health for it. You need to heal and you do not want a weak immune system. So get better and then get banded...only a little while longer!!

  5. Hi FireChic, That is so funnay about the cardiologist! I have my echo today.l i am so nervous and I do go back and forth about is this the right thing for me..and now it is getting so close. I am 5'2 230 and am lucky enough to have no health problems at the moment so this is more as prevention. I am a social worker and I work two part time jobs, have two children ages 6 and 3 and a husband who is a hard worker at work but when home is like another kid that needs t be taken care of and picked up after. Life is busy and I want weight loss to be a help not a hinderance to my life. I live in new york on long island and I would love to ave you as a band buddy! We can support and compare. PM me anytime also. What shakes have you chosen to go with??? How much Protein were you told to take a day???

  6. I am a therapist and I think that there are good ones, bad ones and uneducated ones ..like in any field. You need to talk to someone who understands weight issues wls and you and then helps you come to a decision and does not make it for you. A good therapist can only listen and help the client find their own answers withing themselves.

  7. I have my date and it is Nov. 15th. I had my cardio yesterday and everything was fine but now they want me to do and echo and a stress test......these appointments are getting ridiculous..never mind the time, the money, and all of the time I am taking off of work!!! Did others of you out there have to do all of these tests??????I just hope this whole process is worth it.:laugh:

  8. I am almost in tears reading all of your support and encouragement. I think a lot of times people do not realize that I am so overweight and how much this effects my health and my life. My auunt actually told my dad does she realize that she will have to change the way she eats or it will not work...hellllooooo I get it that is why I want it.............So anyway endo on for tomorrow a little nervous about that but the journey continues and you are all like little blessings to me !

  9. Hi everyone well I am almost done with all of the pre op stuff and my family is supportive..of course I feel nervous and I still worry about complications and failure and stuff like that..I am schedueld for an an upper endo tomorrow which of course there is ony a need for b/c of the operation..then my aunt who is an RN tells my father that is is a very high risk anytime you mess around with the stomacher and that she has seen some bad outcomes and also many failed bands. Now my parents are not so supportive and my wheels are turning about the safety of all of it! Help!!! I have finally left comfortable and now I am a mess all over again plus I have this test in the morning......I have to make up my minds one way or another and I am so afraid:frown: to make the wrong choice!

  10. Hi! I am so much like you except a little older. I am 34 years old and struggled with my weight since early on as well. I have binged starved and have done every diet inbetween. I am also around your weight I am now 230 and I have been 245 at my highest. I also feel like I put my happiness off. I have two kids and a husband who is not so supportive since he feels fat is okay and he is thin and has never been overweight. I am also tired of the daily struggle and I am getting the lap band nexy month and I have almost finished all of my pre op stuff. It was and is not an easy decision foe me b/c it brings up feelings of failure that I could not do it myself via diet and exercise. My dr. desrcribed it in a way that was helpful..our overeating actually can become a physical problem which sometimes needs a very physical answer. I truly beleieve that I can diet and diet and lose and then gain back......with the band I am hoping to stop that cycle. It will be a journey but I am ready to try something different......Hope you fond the answers that you are looking for and I can really relate to your post

  11. I have been anorexic to bulimic to everything inbetween and have now landed for years on the ever so acceptable eating disorder of compulsively overeating. I have not purged for 20 years nut I do have a long ed hx. I told my psych consult everything and was totally honest and she reported feeling that the procedure will empower me to make some real differences and lifestyle changes for the good. It did not hurt me getting the proceure in anyway. I do however see a couselore evry other week just to deal with life and general and I feel it is a great thing to do and would really receommend you do the same to even deal with the feelings that come up after after you can no longer use the food as a drug to medicate yourself

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