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Everything posted by Karen12345

  1. Hi y'all. Very interesting thread. I have lost 170 lbs and have had a tummy tuck (May 2012) breast and neck lift (Aug 2012) and two weeks ago (1/10/13) an extended arm lift. I had drains in my stomach for 6 weeks because there had been so much tissue removed. I had the fleur de lis tummy tuck because I had so much loose skin at the top of my stomach. I had a problem where the horizontal and vertical incisions met where it opened up and was oozing Fluid. I had to have it packed with gauze and had to change it daily until it healed up from the inside out. It was a pretty big hole but the scar has healed up nicely. With my breast lift, I didn't have drains and I had a lot of painful build up of fluid that eventually worked itself out. With the arm lift I had drains in for 6 days. I had all internal stitching with the tape over that. I have had about of an inch of the stitching kind of pop open and look a little yucky. It's now healing. If I hadn't of had the situation with my stomach I may have started freaking out but knowing how nicely that all healed, I know this will heal fine too. I had a bunch of yucky looking puckering with my breast lift and that has all smoothed out now and looks fine. It just takes time. I done with all of the plastic surgery and it has changed my life. I will now be able to go to pools and the beach and hot tubs and be able to wear tank tops and be able to wear backless dresses because I can go without a bra. I'm 53 and feel better than I've ever felt in my life. Sent from my iPad using LapBandTalk
  2. Karen12345

    Too soon for scar therapy?

    I would wait a while. I've had a TT and breast lift and neck lift. The TT was in May of this year and most of the scars are gone. The most important thing is not to get any sun on them for the first year. I have used the silicone tape. It's pricey but research has shown it's the only thing that really does anything. Beware of Vitamin E. Using it on the skin does absolutely nothing and can actually cause other problems. Several big studies have been done to test the effectivness of Vitamin E and they have all proven that it has zero effect.
  3. I'm just curious... I have lost 170 lbs and have had the tummy tuck, breast lift, and neck lift. I'm having my arms done in 6 weeks. I have some numbness at the top of my thigh from the tummy tuck and numbness on the lower parts of my breasts from the breast lift. I have numbness near my ears from neck lift. I love all of the work I've had done and can live with the numbness if its there forever (which I understand is a possibility). What I'm worried about is with the thigh lift its possible to have nerves cut and numbness in my vagina, right? Or maybe those are separate nerves from the thigh. Does anyone know anything about this? I've gone I I've Sent from my iPad using LapBandTalk
  4. Karen12345

    Numbness After Thigh Lift?

    Thanks y'all! Danielle how are you doing? I'm having my arms done in 5 weeks and I'm so excited! I talked to my PS and she said with the thighs that she now does just a vertical cut and that the nerves in that area won't be affected. That will be many more months before I have that done as I have to save up for it. I work and pay cash for all that I've had done. It's taken moving to a cheaper apartment and cutting back on other things, but its really changing the quality of my life and its priceless! Danielle I'd love to see your pictures. My email is keelinehoppes@yahoo.com. Karen Sent from my iPad using LapBandTalk
  5. It's gonna be okay. I've lost 170 in less than 3 years and during that time gained 5 lbs like 15 times. Just get back to what you know works. Be kind and loving to yourself. The big changes come once you decide to really like who you are and stop listening to the shameful voices. Sent from my iPad using LapBandTalk
  6. Karen12345

    160Lbs Lost

    Congratulations! I know just how you feel! It's the best feeling in the world. I can see it in the smile and glow on your face. Great job! Sent from my iPad using LapBandTalk
  7. M having just a neck lift this week (well having a breast lift too, but not a full face lift, just the neck). Does anyone have experience with this? Recovery time? Pain? Effectiveness in getting rid of my turkey neck? Sent from my iPad using LapBandTalk
  8. Karen12345

    Neck Lift Experience?

    Do a search for dr Quiroz in Tijuana. The results will show CosMed. See my posting earlier in this thread for all of my prices. Karen Sent from my iPad using LapBandTalk
  9. Karen12345

    Neck Lift Experience?

    Dr Quiroz at CosMed. You can pull up their website. He does great work. I flew into San Diego and they picked me up at the airport. I stayed 6 nights at their recovery boutique and then they drove me back to the airport. Sent from my iPad using LapBandTalk
  10. Karen12345

    Excess Skin

    I went to Mexico and had a breast lift and neck lift for just at 7000. I had my tummy tuck in Houston for $10,200. Dr Quiroz does great work in Mexico and I think you can get a lbl for around $6500. I flew into San Diego and CosMed picked me up at the airport and I stayed there 6 nights and then they drove me back to the airport. It's a great option for those that can't afford it in the states. Karen Sent from my iPad using LapBandTalk
  11. I had already lost about 30 lbs when this picture was taken. Karen Sent from my iPad using LapBandTalk
  12. Congratulations to all of you. I've lost 170 lbs with the band. In the beginning I looked up on this site to see what the ones who had lost 100plus pounds had done and all of them shared that they exercised. So I started walking about a week after my band. I can't believe I got out there at 322 and walked 3 miles. I've done that walking about 4-5 times a week since the beginning. And it worked. Along the way I had times when the old binging mindset was there and I ate too much or ate the wrong foods but I just got back on track (that still happens now). Most importantly I learned how not to beat up on myself. The old me would have just kept eating. This is a wonderful journey. Good luck to you all! Karen Ps this picture is with my new boobs and stomach. I've had to start the whole skin removal process. I've had the abdominoplasty, breast lift, and neck lift. Will have my arms done in January. Sent from my iPad using LapBandTalk
  13. Karen12345

    Neck Lift Experience?

    Hi yall. So okay, an update on my neck lift and boob lift (with gummy bear implants). All is going well. I got the stitches out last Saturday. There were a lot of them! Since I did the surgeries in Mexico, I had to have my GP take them out. He said that it was a really good job. I wish the stitches were neater, but my GP says they will fade and not be visible. I am very pleased with my neck lift. I had jowels and a down-turned mouth and now those are gone. I just wanted to get rid of my hanging turkey neck. So the cost... I paid $3000 for the neck lift, $3500 for the breast lift with any type of implants I wanted (here in the US, the gummy bears are much more expensive), $200 for the removal of my lap band port and tubing, $300 for inner thigh liposuction and then around $1100 for the anesthesia and facility charge. I stayed at the recovery botique for $125 a night. It was really nice because I had nurses taking care of me 24/7 and they fed me and I just had to go upstairs to see the doctor. Overall, I'm very pleased I had it done in Mexico. I saved about $15,000 on everything. When I get my arms done (probably in January), I'm going to have it done here. I didn't have any complications, but if I had, I would have been really stuck. Karen
  14. I totally agree with every one else. I love my flat stomach and being able to wear bikini underwear. I had the tummy tuck 3 months ago and the breast lift 2 weeks ago. Looking forward to getting my arms done! Sent from my iPad using LapBandTalk
  15. Karen12345

    Hair Loss And Biotin

    I've lost 170 lbs and the nutritionist I saw told me that if I got 60 grams or more of Protein, that I wouldn't lose my hair and it worked. She said that our skin and hair is made of protein. Although I have had to have a tummy tuck and breast lift, my skin looks great. Sent from my iPad using LapBandTalk
  16. Karen12345

    Inner Thigh Lift And Lower Body Lift

    Thanks Danielle! I'm very excited and no, I will be getting my arms done in a few months and my thighs a few months after that with Dr Quiroz. Since my stomach was the ffluer de lis (vertical t cut) only in the front, I will probably need work done on my back and butt. I'm gonna see how the doctor thinks I should do it. It's hard for me to take off more than 9 or 10 days so I'm having to do everything one at a time. Sent from my iPad using LapBandTalk
  17. Tracy I'm having my surgery at CosMed on Thursday the 9th. Will you be there? If not, we will for sure be talking via this website. Good luck! And I lost the 170 by exercising about 6 days a week and I miss it but it won't take long. Heck, I thought it took a long time to lose 170 lbs but now I look back and realize that 2 years was really quick. Funny how I thought when this all started I'd have it off in like 10 months, lol. Sent from my iPad using LapBandTalk
  18. It's really great! Thank you! You will be fine and love the results! I love the magic of plastic surgery! Sent from my iPad using LapBandTalk
  19. Karen12345

    Inner Thigh Lift And Lower Body Lift

    Danielle, glad to hear you are doing well. I am going to Dr Quiroz in 5 days (as you know) for the breast and neck lift. I am so happy with everyone's good results from his work. I went and met him and toured the facility. I was totally impressed and like you said, I really think you can't find anyone better here in the US and their prices are incredibly good. Sent from my iPad using LapBandTalk
  20. Oh, I had only maintained my weight loss for about 3 months but waiting would not have gotten rid of any of that skin! Sent from my iPad using LapBandTalk
  21. I had lost 170 lbs and got down to 150. I had a massive amount of skin. I am up to 165 post surgery and it's all in my legs and butt. But I can tell you I didn't gain ANYTHING in my stomach..it's really incredible what they can do. I'm getting a breast and neck lift in 5 days and then the arms in about 4 months and the thighs several months after that. I want to shrink my thighs a lot first, lol. Sent from my iPad using LapBandTalk
  22. Karen12345

    Abdominoplasty And Hernia Surgery Aug 16Th

    I returned to work 1/2 days 10 days after my tummy tuck. Consequently it took me long, long time to heal. I had my drain in for 6 weeks. I think if I hadn't overdone it so soon, that I would have healed much faster. Sent from my iPad using LapBandTalk
  23. Tracy I had tummy tuck 8 weeks ago. I had lost 170 lbs so there was a lot of skin. My healing took awhile. I just got my last tube out 2 weeks ago. I over did it from the beginning and I think that made the healing more difficult. Now in 5 days I'm having a breast and neck lift (I was instructed no Vitamin e before surgery so check that out). I haven't been able to start exercising but mainly because I don't want the swelling to come back before my next surgery. If it weren't for that, I'd probably chance it. I've attached my before and after. I'm so happy with my stomach now! Sent from my iPad using LapBandTalk
  24. Want to have just my port removed. I've lost 170 lbs and it was sticking out a lot. It makes exercising (and everything else) very uncomfortable. I had to have a complete unfill because I got an ulcer in my little pouch from taking antibiotics. I recently had a abdominoplasty and it's even worse. I'm having a breast lift in a month and with that tightening of the skin I'm sure it will be even worse. I'd like to have it done here in the US but I think I can have it done cheaper in Mexico (where I'm having the breast lift). Sent from my iPad using LapBandTalk
  25. Karen12345

    Anyone Have Just Their Port Removed?

    Let's see if it's still upside down... Sent from my iPad using LapBandTalk

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
