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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by MicmaddLapBand

  1. Hello everyone - I haven't posted lately - I am in Nursing school and it's a bear!!! We have our first test Tuesday - I am soooooo nervous.

    I was banded 8/14 and just went for my post op appointment and my scales at home said I lost 12 pounds that morning - but their scales said I had lost 8. What a bummer. I was advanced to semi solids - which they call soft foods. That is anything except red meat, popcorn, rice, tortilla chips, any uncooked vegetables, etc... I have to wait until the 10 week mark for that.

    I can have any white meats, plus lean ground beef, any fruits minus skins, and anything soft - like eggs, turkey on wheat pita bread with LF mayo - yum - had that for lunch today. I am so excited to be at this stage. And I even had a very small piece of birthday cake yesterday (it was one of my instructor's birhtday). I haven't had any real problems - with eating anything except sometimes I get a lump in my throat and have to sip a bit of Water to help it pass. I did have half of a cheeseburger patty (no bread) the other day and it was so good.

    My hardest thing is not drinking during meals - I have always drank lots while eating and now I do feel like I might choke or something - I hate feeling like something is stuck and I am paranoid about it so I drink.

    I also was a coke - a - holic before - but haven't had any carbonated beverages since before the surgery and I am fine with it. I drink Water, crystal light, tea (with splenda) and coffee.

    Like a lot of you - I am at a stand still too. I was 230 at surgery - lost down to 218 - and now I am at 220 and have been there for a bit. I don't feel the restriction either like I used to and I get so hungry now. My fill isn't scheduled until the last week of Sept. so I am with Serndipity with 8 lbs as my goal for October. That will put me at 212. (Then maybe I will be brave in November and go for 13 pounds - LOL).

    I want to definately be in Onederland by Christmas!!! GOOD LUCK TO US ALL!!!

    Hey bug - you and I are very close in age and surgery dates - are we close in weight too - sorry you had so much trouble with Fluid weight at surgery - glad to hear it's all better.

    Well guys - I have rambled on and on... time to study some more. Talk to you soon. This was a great idea to do a new thread each month and stay in touch. You all are awesome - and plus we don't have to worry about asking silly questions to the oldtimers in other threads - this one is all our own - YIPPEE!!

  2. Mert - I am right there with you - today was the worst day yet as far as wanting to eat. I started my nursing classes today and they surprised us with a catered lunch for us to say Congrats on our scholarship - and it was awful to have it right under my nose and given to me as a gift kind of and not only want it - but also feel obligated to eat it.

    It was so hard not to gobble the whole grilled chicken salad down. I just played with it a bit and took a couple of bites of the cheese and chewed them for what seemed like 5 minutes each. I actually had to put some over in my friends dish so that it looked like I ate my meal. As soon as I had a break I ran to the car and had my smooth and creamy yogurt that I had packed.

    Then I accidently swallowed a piece of Trident gum and was so scared it would stick that all I did was drink Water for hours it seemed.

    I have been down about it all day. The sad thing is that this was a meal good for me and in just a few weeks I will be able to eat it (or at least a fraction of it).

    I just keep thinking this phase is not forever - it will pass - LOL.

    You give me a kick in the butt and I will give you a kick too...

    YOU CAN DO IT - and I CAN TOO!!! Off to have some Soup. Bye for now.

  3. Wow - I love this one - my secret skinny dreams

    1. To ride the Great American Scream Machine with my daughter (she begged me too a couple of weeks ago and I was afraid of getting squeezed to death by the lap bar...(It's a roller coaster at Six Flags Over GA)

    2. Never have to hear my kids say that I am fat - my oldest has gotten better since she has gotten older - now she just says "the way you are now" BOY - that hurts (My two youngest are too young for that yet - so maybe they will never get to that point.)

    3) Not be embarrased by being the only fat mom at school functions

    4) Not have to have knee surgery

    5) Have self confidence

    6) Clean out my closet - no more fat clothes

    7) Go to my husbands work functions and not feel embarrassed.

    8) Not suddenly come down with the Flu before my husbands big Christmas party

    9) Weigh less that my DH

    10) Must to the Victoria Secret thing too

    11) Have wild and crazy sex with my husband - not just lay there in one position.

    12) Go on a cruise and enjoy wearing swimsuits and evening gowns

    13) Go to the Mall to shop

    14) Not be considered an endomorph

    15) Not hide if I see someone I used to know before fathood(or pretend I didn't notice them)

    16) Not have to wear the BIG gown at the OBGYN and hope it closes

    17) Not look envious at skinny people - well - maybe I still will do that

    18) Never fade into the background again!

    19) Go places - snorkeling, deep sea fishing, to Ireland and Australia, Europe - anywhere and not be a hobbit anymore

    20) To hear my husband say that I am beautiful and believe he really thinks so...

    Most of all - To thank God for giving me the gift of life through the help of the band, and allowing me to live to enjoy it - really enjoy it.

    I CAN"T WAIT!!! :clap2:

  4. Hello everyone - I am new here and was just banded 8/14/06. I live in Dallas, GA and was banded by Dr. Scott in Rome - he is awesome. I am still on Full liquids and anxiously awaiting regular food. I have lost a few pounds already - but I know that the real stuff begins after a fill.

    Anyway - a little about me - I am 33, happily married, with 3 wonderful kids (7y. 3y. 11 months). I am also full time in nursing school now after working on my core classes for the past two years. I went back to school after 13 years.. Yes - I am nuts....

    After years of doing for my family and all - I decided it's time to do something for me - going back to school was #1 and getting banded was #2 - hmmmmmm I wonder what #3 will be. LOL...

    Congrats to all of you GA banders!!! and GOOD LUCK TO US ALL.

  5. AnewMichelle - Hello from another new Michele - you asked about good Protein drinks - I have found quite a few....

    1) Carnation Instant Breakfast - no sugar added. (Found at the grocery near the oatmeal and cream of wheat) Mix that with 1 cup of skim milk and 1/4 c dry milk powder and you will get 19g of Protein with the vanilla - 18g of protein with the chocolate. Plus you can go to the website www.carnationinstantbreakfast.com and go to recipes and there are tons of ideas to help you with smoothies and stuff. This is the best tasting one that I have found. (Sometimes I add 2 Tbsps of Fat free half and half and that gives me another gram of protein making it 20g of protein and a bit smoother flavor - although this is very smooth anyway. Add some strawberries or other favorite fruit in a blender and it is super yummy.

    2) unjury Protein shakes - THESE are awesome - they taste good and have no cals. 1 scoop of Unjury is 20 grams of protein - add it to 1 cup skim milk and you have 28 grams of protein right there. This comes in vanilla, chocolate and strawberry and also unflavored. The unflavored is great to add to Soups, cream of wheat, oatmeal and such because it boost the protein and doesn't change the flavor much. I have even started adding 1/2 a scoop to my crystal lights to get 10g of protein from my clear fluids too. This was suggested to me by my dietician and DR. You can only get it at www.unjury.com but it's worth it and only takes a day or two to get it.

    3) Advant Edge - I have tried the vanilla and chocolate and they are not bad. They are really good when you are rushing out the door of a morning. They give 15g protein each and can be found at the grocery store.

    All of these were actually recommended by my dietician who works with my DR - so they are good and not too high in calories like slim fast. I hope these help!!!

  6. YOU GO!!! - YOU will love it. It really fives you a greater sense of self worth - or at least it did me. After concentrating so long on my family - I needed to do something for me. School was first and Lap Band was second - hmmmm wonder what will be third.

    I am 33 now and in Nursing School - for the past two years I have worked on my core classes and now I am starting the real thing tomorrow!!! I waited 13 years from the time I graduated high school to go back to college. I have a husband and three kids (7yr, 3yr, and 11 months) and school full time - it's tough - but worth it.

    GOOD LUCK!!!

  7. Diana - my dr said I could drink the 8oz Protein Shakes such as Carnation Instant Breakfast or the Unjury Protein shakes - just sip them slowly - They actually gave me an 8oz one in the hospital the day after my surgery and she told me that it should take me at least 30 minutes to drink it. My dietician said the 4oz is for food - but your Dr. may be different.

    Thanks Bug - that does make sense - now that I think about it - I was just afraid it was because I wasn't eating as much and my body was starving or something - because I used to get sick if I wouldn't eat for a long period of time. It's better today - nothing yet.

    I actually braved some soft cooked squash today that I chewed and chewed and chewed and it went down pretty good. It was quite pureed by the time it went down. LOL...

  8. Hi everyone - This is my second post, but no one replied - so I am trying again - LOL. I am 6 days out now. My surgery was Monday and went fine. I was up and about in no time with minimal pain. I have been so excited to have this surgery and for whats to come after getting out of this full liquid/pureed stage. I have been reading some of your post and this is a super site - I just found it yesterday.

    I do have a question - I have been feeling episodes of cold sweats, hot flashes and bits of nausea. Did anyone else feel this after surgery? At first I thought it might be my pain medicine - but I discontinued that Thursday and that is about when these episodes started. I haven't thrown up or anything - thankfully. And I am following my diet just as I should - lots of Carnation instant Breakfast and cream of chicken Soup, etc... with dry milk powder or unjury added in.

    The Unjury is a great source of Protein. It's a powder and each scoop is 20 g of Protein. It comes in unflavored, vanilla, chocolate and strawberry. The unflavored is great to add into Soups, oatmeal, cream of wheat or anything really - you can barely taste it. I even added in to a Crystal Light and got 20 g of protein from drinking a Crystal Light. That was great. My DR and Dietician recommended it. I haven't tried all the flavors yet - but I did order them. You can only get it online and the website is www.unjury.com for anyone who is interested - it really is saving me on protein.

    I do feel hungry a lot - and didn't know if maybe the hunger is what is causing those episodes - but just don't know if this is normal.

    On the positive note - I have lost 10 lbs since my surgery on Monday. So I am really excited about that.

    Thanks so much for listening...and replying....

    YEAH - August Banders!!!

  9. Hi everyone - This is my first post. I am 6 days out now. My surgery was Monday and went fine. I was up and about in no time with minimal pain. I have been so excited to have this surgery and for whats to come after getting out of this liquid stage. I have been reading some of your post and this is a super site - I just found it yesterday.

    I do have a question - I have been feeling episodes of cold sweats, hot flashes and bits of nausea. Did anyone else feel this after surgery? At first I thought it might be my pain medicine - but I discontinued that Thursday and that is about when these episodes started. I haven't thrown up or anything - thankfully. And I am following my diet just as I should - lots of Carnation instant Breakfast and cream of chicken Soup, etc... with dry milk powder or Unjury added in.

    I do fell hungry every now and then - but just don't know if this is normal.

    On the positive note - I have lost 8 lbs since my surgery on Monday.

    Thanks so much for listening...and replying....

    YEAH - August Banders!!!

    Thanks so much.

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