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Everything posted by sndycnrd

  1. sndycnrd

    I'm here to help...

    Apples, hugs about your mom. Mine has been gone 8 years now. Seems like yesterday. Janet, you are so right. That was my old self wanting to creep back in. I went to the gym tonight after work and kicked my own butt. 1267 on the calories today.
  2. sndycnrd

    I'm here to help...

    Hi Debbie, Thanks for the update! Glad it went well. My calories today were 1389. No exercies today - feeling lazy. My trainer has pneumonia and could not work out this week. Here is a picture of my DH at a live burn training session. I am not sure if I mentioned it before but he is a firefighter.
  3. sndycnrd

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    Tx - I'm sure you are in recovery by now. I wish nothing but smooth sailing for you. Charlene - How do you make egg white pancakes? They sound good. Janet - thanks for the recipe. I will try it this weekend. The weather here is perfect for it. It is officially Soup season. Apples - How nice to have drop in on a bad weather day. It makes it a little sunnier!
  4. sndycnrd

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    Yeah! We have Eva on board too. Great job on dining out Charlene! Today I had 1363 calories and exercised 1/2 hour at lunch.
  5. sndycnrd

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    Charlene, I love the new ticker. I will have to make a new “off the plateau” ticker. I have 43 pounds left to lose. I am ready to do this and I know I can. I love it! We even have cheerleaders! 1 Day, an apple or a handful of nuts is a good snack. Linda, both you and Charlene mention FM. What does that mean? Sorry you are in pain. Cheri, Batten down the hatches. We are going to get hit! Chris, Best of luck tomorrow! My calories today were 1229. I walked one mile and worked out at the gym for 1 hour.
  6. sndycnrd

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    Phyl, Zoey has you well trained! LOL. To funny, she even knows what time it is. Since you go to TOPS on Thursday it only makes sense to report your Thursday weight. If you list what you eat it will still help you keep track of it even if you don’t count calories. Charlene, yeah, your shirt does not fit! WTG
  7. sndycnrd

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    Charlene, Why don't you just weigh in here with me? Write down your weight today and we will weigh in next week Monday. There - you are now accountable to us.:huh2:
  8. sndycnrd

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    Yeah!!!! Phyl is in. We should set up some type of reporting to keep us honest! Hummmm, me lie? Only to myself. So here is my plan. I will list my weight each Sunday morning and my exercise and calroies each day. Today, I walked with my dog to the Dunkin Donuts for coffee = 1 mile. And worked out for 1 hour. Apples - I love the costume!! harlie and I are ready for the trick or treaters. I picked up the candy yesterday and Charlie is practicing sitting when the door is open.
  9. sndycnrd

    I'm here to help...

    Eva, Congrats on the new job! WTG LauraK, Don’t you love it when you find a great deal on something you want? I would love to learn yoga but I have to motivate myself to find a teacher. Jewel, WTG on everything! You are soaring girl. It really has all come together for you. Good luck on your 5K. I ran my first on in September. I had such a feeling of accomplishment after that. It took me a year to reach that goal but it happens if you stick with it. Cheri, Not melodramatic but spot on. We look to help in foreign countries when we should look in our own neighborhood. Joyce, Are you in Guam yet? TX – It is sooooo close. You’re doing awesome! Great – You will love swimming. Janet – You have such energy. Always on the move. I am going to get off of the plateau I have been on since Feb. My weight starting this is 193. I need you guys to hold me accountable. I joined Jillian Michaels website this morning. It cant hurt and it may help. Joyce, are you still with me on this?
  10. sndycnrd

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    All this talk of PB2 has peaked my interest. I just ordered a combo pack of 2 reg PB2 and 2 chocolate PB2 from Bells Plantation. It ran $25 including shipping.
  11. sndycnrd

    I'm here to help...

    Eva, I have really been enjoying your pictures of BA. It looks like a great place. Julie, Enjoy the day! It is finally here. Apples, Thanks for the chicken wrap recipe. I think I will have that for lunch today. Charlene, Thanks for the description of the PB2. I knew it was a powder but I thought it was for making shakes. I didn’t realize you could use it like PB for a sandwich. I will have to try it. We have been talking about going to a corn maze. Maybe this weekend. Hope you have fun on your outing. How could you not? You get to watch Bethany! Nothing too exciting happening here. I am waiting for the washing machine repairman. The dang thing keeps going off balance. After I am through with him I am going to the Jeweler to pick up my rings. I had gone in a month ago to buy a charm for my bracelet and my jeweler saw the plastic ring guards I had on my rings, Oh boy, she has a fit! My ring size has gone down 2 ½ sizes and I had bought these guards so I could continue to wear my rings. She said because of the way the stones were set she could only size them down 1 size and then would build up the inside of the rings with gold. She said it would not be visible and they would look fine. I can’t wait to get them back. I have felt naked. Halloween is near!
  12. sndycnrd

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    Janet - Sorry to hear about your sister. Be strong, she will need your strenght to help calm her. You are right, food won't help. Unfortunately, I think all of here have turned to food in time of stress. Thanks for the reminder that it doesn't really help. I am glad you have Andrew to hug.
  13. sndycnrd

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    Happy Birthday Julie!:biggrin::wink2::scared2:
  14. sndycnrd

    I'm here to help...

    ISA – thanks for the explanation. I see the difference now. My trainer just does training. She does take measurements occasionally but I don’t have anyone who goes over food logs. It sounds like a winning combination to me. Unfortunately, it is not available where I go. Cheri – You mention using your FSA for your varicose veins. Good thinking! I wonder if I could use mine when it comes time for a TT? I will have to look into that. I hope you get your veins treated. I am all for anything that makes you feel better about yourself. Joyce – I hope you have a great trip to visit with family in Guam. It sounds like you and I are both at a plateau. We need to make a pact to get off the dang thing when you get back. Let me know if you are in. Phyl – My best to you and DH. Hope his recovery is smooth. Laura – It won’t be long now. Are you planning something special for his welcome home? Maybe you could plan a special dinner or night out; after he recovers from the long flight of course. Charlene – Babysitting can be fun and a workout too! Enjoy your day. Apples – I love squash too; it doesn’t matter which kind. Yep, you were so right the other day when you said country mouse / city mouse. Your life on the farm sounds so inviting. It might get a bit lonely at times but it still sounds good to me. I do have the city life though (at least until I retire) and will make the best of it. We try to get in some country whenever we can. It seems to help balance us. The city life is fun too – we are going downtown to see a dance troupe perform tonight. It should be a fun evening.
  15. sndycnrd

    I'm here to help...

    Janet – I am doing and feeling great! My weight is holding steady – not losing but I haven’t gained either. That is a first for me, I have always been able to lose weight and then gained right back to where I started (and then some). I have been at 190 since Feb. I would like to get to 160 but, like I said, maintaining is something I have never been able to accomplish before. I credit all of the exercise I do now with being able to maintain. I just started exercising in April. I had never really exercised before. That’s why I initially hired a trainer – I was so pathetic, I did not know how to use any of the equipment at the gym and I (as a fat girl) was too embarrassed to ask. Now I keep the trainer for motivation. She keeps me honest and keeps me moving forward. She always has something new (and harder) for me to do. Heck, I press 40 pounds now. I have developed some real muscles. LauraK – WTG on the walking and yoga. Your upcoming girl’s weekend sounds fabulous. Have a great time. Apples – I too want to get PS but I would like to get a TT. They say you should wait until you reach goal and that is still 30 pounds away for me. I keep thinking maybe I should just give up and be happy with where I am at and get the TT. Then I think I should just kick myself and lose the last 30. I know exactly what you mean about it being uncomfortable. It isn’t too bad in the day because I always wear spanx but once I take the spandex off it has a mind of its own. It is very uncomfortable when I exercise (especially when doing sit-ups) and when I try to roll over at night. I don’t know about you but I have been having trouble with infections in my belly button. I guess moisture is getting trapped because the skin falls down over the “innie hole”. LOL-TMI. It does get quite painful though. All I can say to you is “go for it girl!”
  16. sndycnrd

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    Apples - No wonder you enjoy your trips so much. It is alway nice to go home (even if it just feels like home) and visit. Maybe I should give in a little and take DH there. ISA - I haven't been here very long so I can't say that I remember you. It certainly sounds like you are on a roll and that you have things figured out. Maybe posting will help to motivate you to stay for the long haul. That's why I post here and come to read everyones comments daily. It helps to keep me honest with myself. Can I ask what a practitioner/trainer is? I work with a trainer 2 times a week and love the results I am seeing. I find that like coming here to post helps to keep me honest, that having a trainer and appointments to keep also keep me honest. On the days I go to the gym and work by myself I have to admit that I don't work nearly as hard as the days I work with my trainer. Somehow, when I am by myself, I never seem to work the cardio in. Hmmmm, what is that telling me. I think it is telling me to stick with the trainer!
  17. sndycnrd

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    I have never been to Australia but DH would like to go to dive the Great Barrier Reef. It sounds like you really like and feel at home there. Would you mind telling us what it is that calls you there? Weather, people, landscape, city scape? There must be something unique about it. Like I said DH wants to go but I have put it off as I didn't really have any desire to go there. Maybe your description could inspire me.
  18. sndycnrd

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    Joyce, go for it. They are awesome and really do block out the engine noises. :smile:
  19. sndycnrd

    I'm here to help...

    Wow, Phyl and Charlene are our Water aerobics queens. I love water aerobics but haven't done them in a while. I guess I got too caught up in working up to running 5K. Now that I have accomplished that I really should got back to water aerobics at least once a week. It really make my hip feel better. I know I talk alot about my dog Charlie so I am uploading a picture of him. I hope I did this right. Awwwww, isn't he a cutie?
  20. I was wondering if everyone who has had a TT was at their goal weight? I have gone from 260 to 190 and look and feel great. I have been at 190 since Feb. I would like to get to 160 but maybe that just isn't going to happen. I would like to know if anyone has gone ahead with the surgery even if they had not reached goal? If so, did you then go on to lose more weight? Were you then disapointed that you had not waited? Sorry for so many questions but I would really like to get rid of this hanging skin. Ugggg, there is so much of it. I am just afraid I am jumping the gun a bit. Any input?
  21. sndycnrd

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    WTG TX!!! Charlene, I love the picture.
  22. sndycnrd

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    You're doing awesome! Keep it up.
  23. Thanks for all of the input. I guess I will have to wait.
  24. sndycnrd

    I'm here to help...

    Apples - so glad to see you back. We drove down to a farming community just south of Springfield to drop DH’s deer off at the butcher. We have butchers here of course but he likes this particular butcher and it gives him an excuse to see his friend, who happens to be a farmer too. Weather has been treating him well too. He was busy but found time to go to dinner with us. It was a very fun, impromptu getaway. DH decided Friday morning to drive the deer down there and called me at work to let me know. A half an hour later I called him back and said how about if Charlie (my dog) and I come with you. I knew Charlie would just love being able to run on so much land. We just have a regular sized city yard 60x80. I called the motel to be sure that Charlie could come and they said ok. We brought his crate with so we could leave him to go to dinner. We all had a great time. Charlie was hysterical; he was just in heaven with all of the freedom. This was the first time he has ever been off leash outside of our yard. His exuberance was a joy to see. We even took him back in the wooded area and he went crazy with all of the different scents of animals. DH will go back down in a couple of weeks, when he has his vacation from work, and hunt by his friend. He can pick up the deer at that time. I will drive down for the weekend at that time to see hubby and spend time with our friends. His friend’s wife and I started planning for our next visit. She wants us to stay at the house but HD and I both prefer to stay at the motel. We never want to impose and while her offer is gracious, we turned it down. Heck, we want to visit, not move in. Joyce, I looked at the link. The trip looks awesome. A swim though aquarium? Too cool. I hope you have a great time. If I remember right, don’t you have family there? Congratulation and fitting into your outfit. That is the best feeling in the world to fit into something you haven’t been in for a long time. You go girl. LauraK, the miles always go by faster when you have someone to talk to. Glad you enjoyed your day. Charlene, Good luck to Jacob showing his steer today! Cheri, Your advice is very common sense and is quite good. I don’t know about everyone else here but over the years I had gotten so sedentary that I could not do most of the things on your list. Go on the park equipment? I couldn’t fit before. Sad, but true. It seems to be a vicious cycle, as you gain weight; you get more sedentary so you gain even more weight. The good news is, I managed to break the cycle and I can do those things now. It saddens me to think about all of the time I missed not being able to do things. I am ever so grateful for where I am right now. I am not at goal but I have the ability to do fun things again and truly enjoy them instead of sitting on the sidelines. 1 day, sorry you had such a scary experience. It may be best to start putting out applications; it doesn’t seem that this is a good fit for you in many ways. It doesn’t hurt to keep looking; after all you have this job now to fall back on until you find something better. Good luck.
  25. sndycnrd

    I'm here to help...

    How did the walk go?

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