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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by sndycnrd

  1. Best of luck! Check in later an let us know how it went.
  2. Hi Annette, I was wondering what you decided to do. I guess you are planning to stay with the center. Hopefully, we will meet up some day at one of the Sat. classes. Thanks for all of the info. I have my 1st month suppervised diet office visit next week, so that means that I still have 2 more months of diet to do. I figure I will call and start bugging them for appointments after I finish the 2nd month of dieting. I am currently seeing a nutritionist, pyschologist and PA as part of my 3 month diet so I am not exactly sure what more will be required. Keep in touch. If you are planning on going to a Sat class let me know and maybe we can meet. Hi Don, nice to meet another patient of the center. I am glad to hear that you have been happy with them. Maybe you can tell us what the post surgury diet consists of. Have you had many fills since May? Are you finding yor hunger "tamed". Do you still go to any of the support classes? If so, maybe I will get to meet you.
  3. Has anyone used the Kane Center for your lapband? I am going through the 3 month diet required by my insurance now but I am wondering what kind of pre and post diet is required by these doctors? I would love to hear from anyone who has first hand experience with this group. Thanks:smile:
  4. sndycnrd

    New Year, New You Challenge!

    I don't have my band yet - I am in the 3 month supervised diet now. Can I join? I certainly have weight to lose.
  5. sndycnrd

    Feeling guilty

    It's your family! Go out and have fun. Why don't you try putting a couple of pre-packaged shakes in your purse when you go. That way you can have a shake while your family has their meal. Don't give up having fun with your family. Just try to find a way to "have your shake and eat it too"!
  6. sndycnrd

    wls before surgery?

    I started watching what I ate from the date of the seminar. Since 8/15 I have lost 17 lbs. I am in my 3 month medically supervised diet phase now. This is required by my insurance. I figure, why wait? I need to lose weight so why put it off? I will most likely have a Jan or Feb band date. By then my weight loss will probably have stalled and the band will kick start it again.
  7. Annette, Your frustration is certainly understandable. You are excited and the wait is hard. I understand what you are saying. The doctor and the nurse were great but the front desk could use a big dose of friendlyness. I haven't had a lot of interaction as I am still in the 3 month diet stage but I noticed the lack of warm and fuzzy when I went for my seminar. I had chalked it up to the fact that there were many people there and maybe they were stretched. I hope you hear from them soon. You have waited a long time and this is all new and exciting for you. Just try to remember that you are one of many that they deal with everyday. That doesn't excuse it but I may help you to understand there situation.
  8. Give your doctor's office a call this morning. They can tell you what to do. No reason to suffer, there is a lot of different types of medicines out there, maybe they can prescribe something else that will work for you.
  9. Jen, Glad to hear that you are so pleased with your doctors. That is soooooo important! Thanks for the info but like you, I am happy where I am. Have you gotten to mushies yet? We would love to have you check in with us. It is great to hear from people in the area. Annette, Be sure to keep us posted. Right now, I am living through you. With each step you tell me about I feel a little more comfortable because I know what lays ahead for me. As far as the ticker - double click on mine (or any ones ticker) and a new window will open at the website where you design your ticker. After you pick out the options you want you finish the ticker. Then copy the code from the ticker and paste it in your signature line (found under user cp in the toolbar at the top of every page).
  10. Annette or Kris, Any new updates? I went for my first visit for my 3 month diet. I told my pcp - that went better than I had expected. Last time I talked to her she wasn't happy about it. She was more receptive today and said that she has a couple of patients who had the surgery, lost weight and then gained it back. She said unless I was ready to make lifestyle changes I should forget it. I told her I was ready and that most likely it would happen in January. She was ok with that.:frown:
  11. I have told only those people who need to know. My husband, my closest friend, my friend who had bypass and my pcp. I have made my mind up and as of today I don't really care what anyone has to say and actually, I really don't want to hear it. I have decided to keep it to myself (except for those listed above) and let the results speak for themselves. Will I tell anyone in the future? Maybe, maybe not. If I think either they or I would benefit from the info I will tell them. If not, then I will not tell them. It is really nobody’s business. Afterall, I don't announce to the world that I have diabetes so why announce that I have a lap band. I tell the diabetes information only to those who need to know in case of emergency. .
  12. sndycnrd

    Should I go through with it?

    I understand your fears and hesitation. It is a big step and should not be taken lightly or rushed. I went to a seminar 2 years ago and got scared. After 2 years of thinking, reading and researching, I am ready. I am in the 3 month medically supervised diet phase. Don't rush. Take your time. Think through all options. Then and only then, make a decision.
  13. sndycnrd

    sleep apnea?

    I have used a CPAP for approx 10 years. I had no problems at all getting used to it. I was not able to use the nasal pillows and use a mask. Everybody is different. If one type of mask doesn't work your you ask for another until you find what works. :smile:
  14. Congratulations Annette! I am glad to hear that it all worked out for you. How long before surgery does the liquid diet start. I started my 3 month diet so I am right behind you.
  15. Kris, I am probably making a big deal about nothing. Like I said some days I worry some days I am positive about what I need to do. It is probably part of the emotional process of coming to terms with all of this. Are you planning to tell your husband? It would be really good for you to have his support. Girl, it is time to bring the elephant out of the closet! You deserve his support and to have someone in your corner. My husband is my rock, I couldn't do this without him. He even offered to do the 2 weeks of liquids with me because I told him that that is what scared me the most and I didn't know if I could do it. Now if that isn't support I don't know what is. Annette, good luck with your appointment tomorrow. That is great that you get to see successful patients in your practice. I wish I knew somebody, anybody who has had the band for a while. I literally do not know anyone who has one. I know a couple of people who had bypass but no one with a band. You are right, we didn't get this way because we practice good nutrition. I will be glad when I have the band so I can look forward and not obsess about what life will be like. At that point I can just live it. Glad to hear you gave up tanning. It is really rough on your skin.
  16. Hey! I just realised that the above post covers one of my 4 homework questions!
  17. I am 52. The new clothes and looking better are really nice but to me they will be a bonus. My main concern is that I take 3 medicines a day for diabetes. Scarey stuff. I am not afraid of the surgery - I have had surgery before. I guess I am afraid of the lifetime commitment and all of the associated changes. In the past, the dieting wasn't bad but I always fell back on old habits. I fear not being able to fall back. I know it sounds crazy but I fear not having my food safety net EVER, EVER again. It certainly sounds like you are ready for this. How old are you? Any kids? I have one kid, one dog two birds and a whole mess of fish. And of course there is hubby:wub:
  18. I have BCBS PPO too and my husband had BCBS federal. My ins requires 3 months, his doesn't but because it is secondary ins they told my I would have to do the requirements of mine. I am not positive, but from what they told me today, the only thing ins does not cover is the nutritionist. They will pay the doctor and the psych. I will let you know when I get the EOB from the ins. Actually, I have never seen a nutritionist and with diabetes it might be a good thing. They psych thing went ok too. Maybe I will learn something about why I can lose weight but am unable to keep it off. Is your primary doctor ok with the band? Mine had a fit. She doesn't believe in WLS. I don't know what to think about that. Don't worry about talking my head off. It is great to have someone to talk to who is at the same place at the same time. I have been reading the message boards since I went for the seminar to try to get a good handle on what to expect. I will admit, I am a bit fearful. Some days I am ready to go and on others my confidance is shaken. I wish I was more positive all the time.
  19. Kris, I have apnea and currently use a CPAP so I am not required to have a sleep study. It sounds like you and I are on just about the same schedule. It is funny though, I haven't been asked to have any other testing done yet. They just told me to go for the 3 months. Oh well, I am sure they will let me know what I need to do. Are you going to their place in Elgin for your diet? That is where I went. I figured they know exactly what is needed for the paperwork.
  20. I had my first appointment today for the medically supervised diet. My insurance requires 3 months of this. I have to admit that it was more helpful and insightful than I expected. Oh my gosh, they sent me home with homework! I have to keep a journal on what I eat and count carbs (I'm diabetic). I also have questions to think about and write answers to for the psychologist. She gave me the title of 2 books to read before our visit next month. We discussed what I wanted from this and also my fears and reservations. I am just going to focus on me and the items they have set out for me for the next three months.
  21. My heart breaks for you. I went through a similiar situation - married 12 years when I left. Only you know what you should do. Nobody knows your situation like you do. I can only say that I met and married the love of my life. Married to him for 19 yeas. :seeya:
  22. It's great to meet everyone. It looks like we will be traveling the lapband road together both with timing and with surgical center. By the way my name is Sandy.
  23. When I told my husband I was shocked by his responce. I expected him to try to talk me out of it. Surprise - he was all for it. He even went to the seminar with me. :seeya:
  24. Did you tell him? What was his reaction?
  25. How are they with follow up training and help?:seeya:

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