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Posts posted by season4change

  1. I'm so happy, because this morning when I weighed myself the scale finally moved and I have now lost 100lbs since I started this journey. I also went to see my LAP-BAND® dr today and they told me I'm doing great and keep up the good work. The scale has not moved in weeks and it was really getting me down. I'm so happy and now I know I will reach my goal!!!

    That's great! Congratulations! I'm approaching 100 lbs too and I can't wait to get to that first goal of mine. You give me inspiration to keep on going!


  2. I had surgery on April 2 and have noticed that I am a lot more hungry this week. I've also noticed that I have kept in my mind that I am on a journey and although I notice that I have no restriction, I have kept my diet in mind. I've read were a lot of people have problems once they receive fills like vomiting, which is one of the things I hate most in the world, and would really like to avoid at all costs. Has anyone ever not had a fill and continued to lose weight just by following and sticking to the diet? Just curious.

    I know of someone in my live support group who has never had a fill and I think he was banded about a year ago. If you can get your mind set to where you can have control and are losing weight, then there's no harm to not having a fill.

    I was banded on Nov 2, 2010 and have lost about 90 lbs so far. I know that sounds like a lot for such a short period of time, but when you are larger the weight comes off faster in the begining. My initial weight was 359 lbs.

    I too was worried about having a fill, yet I could see the pros and cons. After all, I didn't go to all this trouble to have the surgery without utilizing the tool. So, I discussed my concerns with my doctor and he said we could go with a very small fill and see how I feel. That was just enough to give me that extra restriction I needed as I felt I was starting to get a little too hungry inbetween meals. A couple months later when I went to the doctor I still had a concern about getting another fill but I was also concerned that I was starting to eat larger quantities. Some people say that when you lose the weight the band will get looser. So once again we went with a small fill. While I'm happy that I did it, I do have to be more careful about eating certain foods but that is my reminder... so it works out in the end.

    I guess what I'm trying to say is that if you can do it on your own, there is nothing wrong with that but do keep in mind that your band is a tool so don't be afraid to use it to it's potential if needed. Best of luck to you!

  3. Good for you! Keep up the good work! Isn't it great to drop those sizes? I had put on a pair of pajama's that I had at my highest weight without thinking because usually I wear nightgowns and they don't really matter if they are big. These were 2 piece pj's and the bottoms fell right off of me, lol! I just laughed. I couldn't believe how big they looked.

    Good luck at your new job! Wise choice not to be around that fast food!!

    Hey everyone, I just wanted to check in.

    Today is 5 months since I was banded, and I am down 55.6:thumbup: pounds. I started at a 26, and now i'm wearing 20/22's, depending on the brand. I've had definite restriction since the beginning of February, and 7 weeks after that fill I actually had to get a slight unfill because I got really tight unexpectedly. That wasn't fun. I got to see family on Easter that I hadn't seen since I got banded, and it was great. THey knew I had lost the weight, but they were still suprised at how much you could tell. I really do have a great support system with them:tt1:. I've been lucky witha great support system in general:wub:; out of all of my friends and family(which is a LOT of people-both parents are 1 of 7 with all the cousins to match) I can count on one hand the people who had some concerns, and even they are very supportive.

    Next week will bring new challenges for me. I haven't worked since Nov. I was off the month after surgery, and then I quit, and have been looking for a job since Dec, and I finally found one:thumbup:. I'm ecstatic about it for a few reasons...1) I didn't have to resort to a fast food job where I would be surrounded by food all day long 2) It will be a lot harder for me to graze through out the day 3) I'll finally be making money which means I will have way more control over what I eat-meaning I can shop for myself, and not have to rely on what the rest of my family is eating. My only concerns are how I"m going to adjust to working again, and finding a good variety of foods taht I can eat easily without fear of getting stuck, or tired of teh same old food every day.

    Good luck everyone, and I hope all is well!!!!!!

  4. Woo-hoo, look at you!!! I'll bet that made you feel good when you were able to do all that hiking and not feel like you'd keel over! LOL! I have lots more weight to lose because my starting weight was so much higher but I too notice that I don't get out of breath like I did before. It's such a good feeling! I use to have to stop after a block to catch my breath.

    As for using the "mental" restriction rather than the "physical", if you can do it, that's great. Not everyone can. I think I was better at it in the beginning. Keep up the good work!

    I have to tell you all.... I went camping this past weekend in a canyon with Healing Hands School of Holistic Health. It was a retreat weekend and NO modern convience ie Water toilet electric...

    Lots of hiking up and down trails, climbing.... Unlike the camping trip 18 months ago with my daughters 5th grad class. I did not feel like I couldn't breathe, did not have my heart beating out of my chest, I could run faster than my friend LOL who is normal weight, but apparently I beat her in Cardio! I could keep going without problem... the hike down to the canyon was a little over a half mile... then we had to go back up twice each time down carrying gear and supplies! Not a problem... Piece of cake... not that I eat cake LOL.

    TODAY I weigh 161 so since August I have lost 59 lb! I feel really good.... I have purged my closet multiple times now and all I have is 3 pair of jeans size 10 loose, using a belt) and about 9 shirts..... I am swimming in my PJs ....

    I eat almost NO meat incl chicken.... don't worry I am getting enough Protein. Legumes, greek yogurt, egg whites and Isopure on occasion, oh and some fish not much though. I have eliminated almost all white foods. I go to the seafood buffet , Ha Ha like tonight that is my destination, on occasion and fill up on crab legs and shrimp so I feel I get my $$$ worth LOL. Sometimes I feel physical restriction, but I think the mental restriction is more dominate. Which is really good and makes me happy.

    So there is the official report! Hope all is well with you all.

  5. Hey November Knockouts!

    I am surprised that I haven't been on here often. But I'm glad I'm not stalking the site like I was in the beginning. LOL! I am doing well and I hope everyone else it too. I've lost 66 lbs so far am I am loving the transformation. I began going to the gym a few weeks ago and I've become a gym rat. Loving the workouts and the energy I have now. And I have a new love in my life. YAY!! Life is Grand!

    Good for you melloways! I know what you mean about stalking the site in the beginning too, I suppose that is normal. ;-) Are you still walking around NYC?

  6. Hey everyone, I haven't posted in a long time. I'm now down 91 lbs since my highest weight at my consult last summer (that includes 11 lbs presurgical weightloss). Surgery date was Nov 2nd. I'm almost to my 1st goal of losing 100 lbs!

    Congrats to everyone who has lost weight, no matter how big or small the numbers are anything in the "less" direction is good news.

    I won't say it has always been easy. There have been times where I feel like my eating could get out of control very easily, yet other times I'm amazed that I've got the will power I've got since I've never had it before!

    I've had one fill so far and my next appointment is Thursday of this week. I'm not sure if I should have another fill or not. The good news is that I'm losing the bad news is that I sometimes feel that I'm eating more quanity than I should. I'm always afraid of stretching the pouch. Well I guess these are questions for the doctor! I have had a few occasions of getting stuck and then it comes right back up. It's a horrible feeling, so that's why I'm on the fence about another fill.

    Good luck to everyone on their continued journey!

  7. Four months post-op, down 67 lbs. feel great except that I am now losing hair like crazy!! Any ideas?

    Congrats on your weight loss. I'm not sure what to do about the Hair loss. Is your protien high enough? I know sometimes people lose hair even when they are eating tons of protien though. So far (knock on wood) I haven't had that problem, at least no more hair loss than normal. Keep up the good work!

  8. Hello November Knockouts!! I hope everyone is doing well and on track. I am doing very well and am down 51 lbs! I'm ecstatic because this was my first goal. Walking has been my main exercise and I try to eat between 1000-1400 calories a day. I make sure I eat at least every three hours to keep my metabolism going and log everything I eat on SparkPeople. I have an appointment scheduled for today but will probably cancel due to the blizzard that has hit NYC. But truthfully I don't wanna go anyway because my job gave us a snow day and I already decided I'm not leaving my apt. I am so surprised at how normal my daily routine has become and its not obvious to anyone that I had surgery because I eat normally, but just really take my time. Of course they notice the portions but it doesn't seem odd to them. I am learning to accept compliments everyday from my co-workers. I love being stopped in the halls and being asked, "what have you been doing girl? You are looking great!" I've been going out more and have enjoyed dressing up like I used to. I have my glass of wine when I go out and sometimes 2 glasses but never more than that. No more big fruity drinks for me. My tolerance is waaaay low so my wine is always sufficient to get that little buzz. LOL!

    I'm noticing that I am getting the 2nd glances I used to get while doing my random activities around the city. Its nice to know that I've "still got it". I wonder if its the weight loss or if it shows that I am extremely happy and that's what's causing the extra attention. All of this is great because I am still young (30) and single and am ready to date again now that I've gotten my confidence and joy back. My depression has been under control but I still see my therapist to keep everything on track. But the endorphins from my daily walks have been a huge help. Also the monthly LAP-BAND® support groups at NYU are so inspiring and helpful. I get really good tips there and enjoy sharing info.

    I have only had a "stuck" episode twice but its because I was eating while talking on the phone and was eating too quickly. I have had 2 fills so far and I am at 7cc's (had some Fluid in band during surgery) and I think my next fill may get me to my sweet spot. I've been losing about 10lbs a month and I am happy with that pace! I just feel AWESOME and its having such a positive effect in all aspects of my life. Life is grand and I hope my fellow November Knockouts are feeling the same. Updates please!

    Congratulations! You sound so positive, I'm sure all that walking is very good for fighting depression too as well as getting getting in some sunshine! I've had a few "stuck" episodes. My biggest problem is eatting too fast, I've been trying to work on that but I guess old habits are sometimes hard to break. I too find I have to eat about every three hours. Keep up the good work!

  9. My nutritionist just old me about the calcet lemon chews. I was thinking about trying them. I just hope they aren't too sweet.

    I do find them too sweet. I think I've lost some of my sweet tooth since the band and seem to be sensitive to overly sweet stuff. Some of the protien bars are like that for me too.

    I have some chewable Calcium, one I've gotten from GNC which are huge and taste like giant sweet tarts. I also have the cinnamon ones that I got from Bariatric Eating as well as the ones that taste like tootsie rolls.

  10. I am now down to 320's and trying to get out of the 300's. What are you guys eating I think this is really hard for me I want to cry. I was banded Oct and lost 22lbs and im stuck there. I just joined curves and started 3 times per wk I just don't know what to do well I guess I need to eat like a rabbit lettuce. How do you guys stay away from all the bad foods it is so hard for me. I haven't had sweets in a wk been doing good with that I drink a carnation shake for breakfast light lunch i don't know this is just harder then what I thought it was going to be. I have 5.5 cc's in my band and had a turkey sandwich for lunch and was able to eat the whole 6 inch.

    Do you count your calories? Although my nutritionist didn't tell me to, I find it helpful. I think it is important not to go too low. Also make sure you meet your protien goals because that will help you from being hungry. I find it helpful to log what I eat on www.thedailyplate.com, it's free and it will monitor both protien and calories. Try to limit carbs, perhaps instead of a sandwich have some lean ham and lowfat cheese on a tossed salad with low cal dressing. One of my weeknesses use to be Cookies and I won't touch them because I'm afraid if I have one I won't be able to stop. I'd be the same with chips but I've found a good substitute for the crunch and that is high protien chips that I bought online but I think you can buy them in a health food store. They come in individual servings so when the bag is done, it's done! And most important, keep in mind everyone is different and loses differently. Hang in there.

  11. I have had my band since the 14 and since Jan 4, the day I started my preop, I have lost 19 pounds! Keep in mind...I have been over weight for as long as I remember. And it has been over 5 years since I have lost 19 pounds. Just amazing! I, for the first time in my life can picture what it will be like to be "normal" sized. The things that I will be able to do as I get closer to my goal are more of a reality. Being thin (or atleast thinner) is GOING to be reality. I go to my doctor for my first post op appointment tomorrow and I cant wait! I just know that if i follow my doctors instructions I cant help but succeed. I have all of the LBT friends support and tips to help me along the way. I am just feeling very blessed today and amazed at the process so far. :biggrin::thumbup::)

    Good for you! I think a positive attitude is everything! I've done very well with mine... had it done Nov 2nd and have lost 60 lbs including pre-surgery diet. I have NEVER lost that much on any program. I too am loving it!! Keep up the good work!

  12. I wanted to get some feedback from other Anthem Blue Cross LAP-BAND®® patients. They have just informed me that they will not pay for adjustments/fills. They believe it is part of the surgery. I am appealing their decision. I have a case manager who told me the first three fills were covered by BC.

    I would love to hear about others experience with BC.:mad:

    I have Anthem Blue Cross too. Just had my first fill last week so we shall see. But I'm also having problems with Anthem covering the office visits before surgery. Were yours covered? They also kicked out a bill for the bloodwork. It's frustrating! Please keep us posted on your progress with Blue Cross. Good luck!

  13. I found this thread to be very interesting. I had my first fill a week ago and now I am noticing some restriction in getting the food down, not huge but I notice a difference. Still, I'm pretty much eatting what I did before. My weight loss had been pretty good in the beginning, now I'm slowing down. I faithfully chart what I eat on www.thedailyplate.com where I can monitor my protien intake and calories. I think my calories went a little low lately so I'm going to boost that up a bit to see if that helps as I've now started to walk on my lunch breaks.

    Here's what I eat:

    Breakfast choice of:

    A) egg beaters (love the southwestern one) 2 egg equiv, sometimes I'll add 1/4 cup of Cabot's lowfat cheddar shredded cheddar cheese

    :thumbup: high protien Cereal (ordered online) with skim milk

    C) high protien pancake (ordered online) w/sugar free Syrup, 1/2 c microwaved frozen mixed berries & a squirt of light whip cream (my weekend treat)

    Lunch choice of:

    A) 1/2 can tuna mixed with lowfat mayo, celery, onions and eatten on 5-6 low fat ritz crackers

    :thumbup: Soup (most of the time homemade)

    C) Tossed salad w/2 oz lean ham & fat free dressing

    D) leftovers from dinner

    Dinner choice of:

    A) Baked fish with 1 oz (dry weight) whole wheat Pasta sprinked with 1 tbsp of parm cheese

    :sigh: Boneless grilled chicken breast with roasted fingerling potatoes (usually 3 whole potatoes cut in half)

    C) On occasion 2 homemade meatballs and whole wheat spaghetti

    D) Chili

    ... This is just a small sampling. I try to convert older recipies into heather ones, such as ground turkey for Chili. I didn't include veggies as these vary. However if I don't get my veggies in then I have a low sodium V-8 in the evening. Or I may have fruit instead.

    Snacks choice of:

    A) Lowfat Yogurt

    B) High Protien Bar (choose the lower calorie ones with most protien)

    C) Sugarfree/fat free pudding or jello

    D) Cracker Barrell individually wrapped 2% low fat cheddar cheese

    E) Kay's Better Balance High Protien chips (order online)

    F) Small serving of nuts

    I'm the kind of person who needs that inbetween meal snack or I'll get too hungry by the time the next meal comes and could grab for the wrong thing. As for protien drinks, I still have them from time to time. Sometimes I will substitute them for breakfast or lunch, especially if I'm on the go as I buy the ready to drink ones. Or I'll add them inbetween meals if my protien falls short. As for eatting out, I always check online to see if the restaurant posts their menu and I'll decide ahead of time what I'll eat. This helps me to make wiser choices. I divide the dinner in half and know in my mind that is what I will bring home for tomorrow's meal. I'm also trying new recipies that I've found on lapband.com and also bariatriceating.com. That helps with the boredom of the same old thing. Tonight I'm trying an enchillada recipe!:)

  14. My surgery was on Nov 2nd, I had my first fill yesterday. I've been losing at a steady rate and didn't know if I should go ahead with the fill or not mostly because I was afraid of not being able to eat things that I can now. Funny though, I would have wanted the fill last month so I wouldn't be tempted during the holidays but my surgeon talked me out of it since I was losing well without it! Anyway, this time he suggested maybe just putting in a little and see how I feel, so I said okay. I forgot to ask how much I have in there! The fill was easy... no numbing before hand and I'm not afraid of needles so that part didn't bother me.

    Congrats to everyone who has lost weight and for those who are struggling, hang in there. For me, this has been the best experience... I'm halfway to my first goal and I love my band.

  15. Happy Holidays to everyone! Congrats to everyone who was able to get through the holidays and still lose weight, congrats to those who maintained and didn't gain and even if you gained I'll bet you ate less than you would have if you didn't have the band, right? So a big congrats to all!!!

    From my co-workes I was given cash to buy new clothes if I wanted but one of the things I bought even though I didn't think I would yet was a digital scale. But I promissed myself not to weigh in more than once a week and Thursday is my day. So actually I have no idea how I did over Christmas but I think I did pretty well. I haven't eatten on Christmas cookie and for me that is big!!! I'm the baker in the family but told everyone this year no Cookies from me. Still, I had to use some willpower to not touch any that came into the office. I'm even surprising myself! I truly feel that for once I've got a handle on making good choices. Now I didn't totally deprive myself. I did have sweet potato soufle on Christmas but I made it lower calorie than normal by making some substitutes. And a low-cal pumpkin pie that was good too.

    I'm getting out there and walking (weather permitting) during lunch break. Started out small and working my way to being out there longer and longer but it's cold!! Somehow I've got to find time to fit in exercise at home too but haven't quite gotten there yet. Once I get home I'm pooped, and my 2 year old granddaughter lives with us, along with her mom.

    Well if I don't check back before the new year comes, here's to a great one. May 2010 treat us all well. I hope everyone reaches their goals!!!

    Happy New Year!

  16. Hey guys and gals! I was supposed to be banded Nov. 19th but there was a big change in plans. While proceeding with the band we discovered I had renal cell carcinoma on my left kidney and something on my liver. The surgery was post-poned until all doctors could meet. The surgery for partial kidney removal was on Dec. 16 and we were able to schedule the liver biopsy and band at the same time. I got a 3-fer! Boy was I in some pain. Pretty much all procedures were on the same side. I now have 10 beautiful holes where all the "digging" and "poking" was done. LAP-BAND® was a blessing in disguise for me. I have my post-op with the urologist on Jan. 5th. The doctor called to tell me that the pathology reports came back and he did get it all. Yah!!!! The liver is still in question but will be seeing the doctor soon to find out what more we need to do.

    As far as hunger, I hit that on day 6 post-op. Didn't feel hungry until that day. Thank God I had a post-op with the LAP-BAND® doc the next day and was moved up to mushies. Woohoo! Doing pretty good so far. This recovery is taking longer than I anticipated. I'm ready to be 100% and I know I will be soon!

    Keep your chin up and remember, you are NOT alone!

    Oh my, so sorry to hear about your kidney and liver but glad that they were able to go ahead with the band. I wish you the best of health. Hang in there!

  17. I am so upset with myself! I have NO restriction and NO willpower!!! Today at work, I had 4 pieces of candy (small pieces but still!) Then on my home tonight, I had a burger from burger king! I just don't know what my problem is. I am starting to think there is no hope for me!! What am I going to do?? Next wednesday I go for my first fill, I sure hope this helps!!!

    Sounds like you are ready for that fill. You may find that changes things. Try not to give in to temptation. I know it's hard... I was close to losing it these last few days because all these treats are coming into the office. 'Tis the season for food gifts. Try to distract yourself and the feeling might pass. I know it isn't easy!!

  18. I know how you feel Season! I was supposed to go for my first fill today, but they had to cancel because my Dr will be out of town. So, next Wednesday it is! I'm so nervous!! I have no Fluid in my band so we'll see how much he puts in.

    Lately I've been feeling, especially after dinner, that I've swallowed a smoldering piece of charcoal, is that heartburn? My chest just hurts...and is that normal for the band? I've never had heartburn before so I have no idea if this is it and if I'm getting it because of the band..help?

    Could be heartburn, best to check with your doctor. Are you eating spicy foods or Tomato based foods? I haven't had any heartburn since surgery and I really haven't had it much before either but my often people complain about heartburn because of certain foods they eat. Good luck, hope it goes away.

  19. I have Anthem BCBS with Tricare Standard as a secondary (though we haven't processed anything under Tricare yet). My doctor just submitted 4 office visits that were all pre-surgery and they were rejected by BCBS. Has anyone had that happen? If the surgery is covered, are the office visits covered too?

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