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Status Updates posted by ouroborous

  1. Weird, random discoveries: my stomach is actually rather trim and muscular (who'da thunk it?) -- it's just that there's this stupid layer of loose skin hiding it. Also, my legs are longer than I thought; I wear my pants too low (due to the same layer/roll of loose skin and fat).

  2. Still sloooowly losing weight. I'm off my gym routine (long story: I'm moving, which means I'm changing locations and gyms, so I didn't want to renew my membership...) so I'm trying to keep mobile and active at home. But, I'm still losing weight...

  3. Alright, I added a couple of "clothed" (*laugh*) photos. I was starting to feel self-conscious about all the "topless" pictures; I'm not a perv, dammit! :)

  4. Posted a new upper body picture. I wish I could afford a tummy tuck right now; my upper body looks GREAT. My legs are strong and muscular (including, for the first time, my calves!) It's just my damn tummy...

  5. Back home in Seattle. A lot less warm, a lot more rainy, but -- it's home!

  6. I wish I could beat this jet lag, but my body still thinks it's only 8:20 pm! Ugh...

  7. The house market in Seattle is just insane right now. Seriously do not need this stress!

  8. Man, I'm getting old. During my last workout -- during a military press, I think -- I used bad form and arched my back and something in my neck area went "chunk." Fortunately, I don't think I jacked my back or my neck up, but I'm pretty sure I pinched a nerve in my back (likely a superficial nerve between my intercostals, if you want to get all medical-ese). It'll heal and it's not terribly painful, but it's just one MORE thing tripping up my workout game...

  9. I don't entirely know how to deal with my father being dead. Oddly the song that keeps going through my head is "Shambala" by Three Dog Night -- see http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zwZOmB9Fi30

  10. I'm buying a new house (yes, my life is very chaotic right now!). And for the first time *ever* I have the very real possibility of having a very complete in-home gym. Hello, fitness!

  11. My father passed away this morning. Hopefully y'all will forgive me if I'm a bit quiet for a while.

  12. Off to Maui. See you in a week, sleevers!

  13. Hmm. I might cause irreparable damage to ... someone who got in my way (now that my hormones are "normal" again...

  14. Dear Hawaii: I'm coming to visit you in five days. Please, please, please do NOT rain the entire time I'm there. Sincerely, me.

  15. Incredibly good workout today. I've finally broken over 200lbs on the bench press bar consistently and with good form, and I'm doing > my body weight on the leg press machine for my "light weight, high reps" set. Yeehaw!

  16. Well, I'm going to RailsConf 2012 at the end of April after all -- look out Austin, TX, here I come!

  17. I may have discovered the cause of my sore hips: bad form when doing crunches.

  18. OK, I have to say... I'm not used to women looking in me "that way"... you know, that sort of... "steak in front of a hungry wolf" kind of way. It's not horrible, mind you... I'm just not used to it!

  19. I've decided to back off on the hardcore weights stuff, and take it back to only three days a week. I'm not convinced that lifting five days a week is really helping me -- apparently it denies my muscles the "regrowth phase" that is critical. Plus it may very well be making me continuously sore and uncomfortable. I'll still do cardio and calisthenics every day, just not weights.

  20. In the last month -- since my last body fat percentage check (on 1/27/12) -- I've lost 4.6lbs of fat, and gained 1.8lbs of muscle. Not bad. Both numbers moving in the right direction!

  21. Holy crap; I'm getting a six pack! Not beer, but a belly! Underneath the last remaining fat and the loose skin (I know, TMI!) there's definitely a solid center ridge of muscle forming. Once I get that tummy tuck it should be impressive!

  22. So, I may be traveling for work to Austin for a software developer's conference near the end of April. If so, I'm going to be living off strange food, in a place with strange exercise facilities, trying to make it as a sleever. Anyone got any tips?

  23. Hmm, just did some research on creatine (which I take to improve my workouts), and it appears that the supplements may have been making me a little dehydrated. Good to know -- I'm upping my water intake!

  24. So I'm hoping that yoga can counteract some of the crunchiness I'm noticing lately, which I assume is mostly side effects from all the gym time I'm putting in. I'm happy for all the extra muscle mass and bulk (all those muscles burn calories and help me lose fat, too!) but I don't want it to be at the expense of flexibility and overall comfort. I think balance (between grace and power) is the key to a long, healthy life...

  25. Hard workout at the gym, but solid. Most of the core muscle groups (back/abs/quads & glutes/shoulders/plus cardio) and I have that tired, warm, slightly loopy endorphin high feeling. I'm going to be sore tomorrow though... I could definitely use a hot bath & or a massage. Sadly, I have no masseuse and guys don't take baths ;)

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