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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by illuminationlady

  1. I wouldn't wait much longer. You'll start to feel sick (nauseated). I used Mirilax to get me going. It works usually within 12 hours and has NO taste. You mix it with juice or water. Best wishes!
  2. illuminationlady

    Heart Burn...big mistake!!!

    It got so bad I had to crush up a pain pill and take it with some Greek yogurt. Dinner was hard but did eat some of a baked yam. I will never take another antinflammatory without food again!!!!
  3. Hi everyone! I made a big mistake and took an anti-inflamatory before bed last night and now my tummy is on fire! I've tried 2 Prilosecs, tum, and mylanta. Nothing is working...please help...post suggestions...anything????? I even called my doctor and I am to continue the above meds until it goes away but I need some relief here. Any suggestions welcome...Best wishes and have a really nice Memorial Day weekend.
  4. illuminationlady

    Hi! I have some questions and am in need of reminders!

    First of all, reaching "full capacity" for your band should be defined. What you really need to think about is...do you have true restriction? True restriction is feeling full after about a cup of food and staying full for 4-5 hours. If you don't have this then you need a fill. Phentermine is an appetite suppressant. If you have true restriction you shouldn't need Phentermine. Some doctors do prescribe it though. Mine said he would if I reached the point where I was still hungry after being restricted. I ended up not needing to take it. My "hungry switch", as my doctor calls it, is turned off now and I am doing fine. Yes, I believe that if you don't follow the band rules you can regain weight. Remember rule #1 is to stay close to your surgeon. Meaning go in for weigh ins and fills regularly at least for the first year, maybe two. Reminders of the band can be found all over this website. Just start reading and you'll find the rules of the band. But to answer your question about drinking...I don't drink anything for 10 min. before I eat, while I eat, and 30 min. after I eat. That way you stay full longer. In between times I drink +64 oz. of water a day! Best wishes!!!
  5. illuminationlady

    Is there anything you just CANT eat after lap band?

    I don't know about lifting your baby. I would ask a doctor that question but I can still eat just about everything, just much more slowly and lots of chewing is necessary. I can't eat fresh green beans. They're to stingy. I also have some problems with rice but can eat it if I chew and allow time between bites. Most of my "stuck" episodes where my fault. I either ate too fast or took to big a bite. Another "rule" of the band is no drinking any liquids with your meals or for 30 min. after your meal. That took time to get used to. It's no problem now though. I'm used to it. This is a great forum for support and answers. You came to the right place. Best wishes!!!
  6. Six months. No problems! Best thing I ever did for myself. Best wishes!!!
  7. illuminationlady


    Learn to drink coffee. Iced coffee with splenda is good. Coffee can be an acquired taste. There are many low calorie coffee drinks available now too. Just watch the calories on them. Best wishes!!!
  8. illuminationlady

    Constipated!!! Help!!!

    Not to get too personal, but did you go? How long has it been?
  9. illuminationlady

    Diet Progression

    Cream of Wheat made with NF milk and I even had a baked yam about a week out. Creamed soups are good also. Add unflavored protein powder to them and watch your calorie intake. It's important that you measure all food. During this time period you could gain weight. I had a rough time during this period. Try some greek style yogurt with honey dribbled on top. It's high in protein and low in sugar. Best wishes on your journey!!!
  10. Today I got rid of some "fat" shorts and a pair of "fat" jeans. I went closet shopping and fit into my smaller pairs of shorts. It felt reallllllly good!!!!
  11. illuminationlady

    What is this?

    I used to get stuck all of the time. You have to learn about your band and it's very personal to each and every person. What works for me might not work for someone else. You are "testing" your band right now. You learn what works by trail and error. Remember once you have a "stuck" episode it's important to do liquids for 24 hours after. Being "stuck" causes inflammation and you need time to heal. Now that I "know" my band I hardly ever get stuck anymore. Best Wishes!!!
  12. illuminationlady

    Liquid Diet!

    I would go with the shake your doctor recommended. I know it's a lot of money buy Bob did great pre and post op on them. It really works. Best wishes!!!
  13. Tracy, I don't exercise much because I need knee replacement on both knees. I really watch what I eat and journaled and measured in the beginning. Now I know how much to eat. I probably eat around 1000 calories a day and that's it. I eat a looooot of protein and drink a loooooot of water all day. For breakfast I have eggbeaters with cheese. For lunch either a salad with meat or refried beans (small portions) and for dinner I split a chicken breast or fish or steak with hubby and have a half of a baked yam and veggies. My only "treats" are greek style yogurt (super high in protein and low in sugar) with a little honey dribbled on top and once and a while I might have a skinny iced latte at Starbucks. I hope this helps you. Just remember to be strong with your doctor and let him know that you intend to follow his directions. Take care! Dottie
  14. illuminationlady

    Constipated!!! Help!!!

    Mirilax works great gut takes 12-24 hours to work. Would do another enema if it was me and take the Mirilax asap! Best wishes!!
  15. Bloody Marys are my favorite but I've had a beer or two since being banded and had no problem. I think Coor's light is only 100 calories. But I could only drink one because of the carbonation. I felt really full after drinking it. But it didn't hurt me or anything. Cheers!
  16. Yes, surgeons are a rare breed. My surgeon got nasty with me one time and I held my own also. After that there's been nothing but high fives and smiles. Once they know you won't back down they seem to gain respect some how. On a side note..getting banded was the smartest thing I ever did. I only wish I'd done it sooner! Best wishes on your journey.
  17. illuminationlady

    Please don't judge

    Have your doctor prescribe Chantix. It really works. You are allowed to continue to smoke the first week and then cigs start to taste like charcoal. Then you really don't want to smoke any more. I even got my insurance to pay for it with a $20 copay. Check it out. No judging here! Best wishes!!
  18. Anne--so sorry about the complications. I, personally, would never do bypass but many people do. It's permanently altering your body and I just wouldn't risk it. I will remember you in my prayers that you make the decision that is right for you. Bob-welcome back thinatheart-so sorry about your mom. That's a tough one and you, too, are in my prayers. Nothing new to report here. Just checking in and wanted to see how everyone is. Love, Dottie
  19. Another thing about getting "stuck" is not to panic. Waiting out. It will pass. Getting panicked just makes the situation worse. Also, slimming may occur. Just stay in the bathroom until it passes. After that you may be swollen, depending on the severity of it all. If you are swollen you should stay on liquids for the next few meals. Hope this helps...it's really not so bad once you know what to expect and as previous posters said chew, chew, chew and take your time. Best wishes!!!
  20. illuminationlady

    December Delights 2009

  21. illuminationlady

    eating sooner than allowed

    I started with an empty band and was hungry almost immediately. About one week out I started with creamed soups and Cream of Wheat (I added unflavored protein powder). Gradually introduced greek yogurt (dribble some honey on top), scrambled eggs, a baked yam. I had no problem with these things. Remember to keep your protein high and drink a lot of fluids. This helps with the hunger. Many will tell you to call your doctor but I just started really slowly with these things and was fine...best wishes!!!
  22. Too funny!! I'm sitting here reading your post and laughing out loud...sorry...I know it was horrible but way toooo funny...lol
  23. The food mentioned above is my main diet. I do eat salads with meat on top and I would also add Greek style yogurt with honey dribbled on top. But I've just succumbed to the fact that this is my diet. I do change up dinner with chicken, fish, steak, and always a baked yam. Best wishes!
  24. I hope your joking about that fill because that's why you got banded; to get to the point where you can get fills and reach true restriction. Best wishes...
  25. illuminationlady

    Feeling anxious!

    Feeling anxious is normal. You are about to have a major surgery. But that surgery is going to add years to your life, so hang in there...Best wishes to all of you. Let me just say that 5 months out I only wish I had done this sooner...no regrets.

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