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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by illuminationlady

  1. illuminationlady

    Smoking and the Bandit

    Thanks to all for the support! I'm dying for a cig and it's only been 3 hours! I have been dieting regularly for around 3 weeks and I was always hungry. That seems to have gotten better. Writing these blogs helps. If my progress on the smoking is so slow I may write a book on here lol! Gonna go watch UCS kick some butt now. Will keep you posted on my progress tomorrow. Thanks again. You are the best!:blushing:
  2. illuminationlady

    Smoking and the Bandit

    He is a very good surgeon but I thought it a bit strick to insist that i quit immediately. The probelm is my insurance will pay 100% of the bill with him. I have heard very good things about him and his follow up care. He has a special technique he taught Lap Band for non slippage and ports not flipping. I can do this. It will just be really hard with dieting!!! Thanks to everyone for the words of encouragement!
  3. illuminationlady

    Smoking and the Bandit

    My husband smokes but does not like to smoke around others who do not. No problem there. Yes, Chanix is a med that I could take. I go to my PCP on Tue. Will ask about it. I am determined to get the band. I had already decided to quit after WLS and losing the weight. I just thought both at the same time would be a lot! Guess I don't have a choice. Going to Costco for some patches today. Thanks for your support! :blushing:
  4. illuminationlady

    The Pretty Face

    I really like the idea of having a "funeral" and "cleansing ritual". Tell me more about this. I have my first appointment with the surgeon today. I will probably be banded in early Dec. I wan't to have a funeral for the old me also and to begin my new journey. Any ideas?
  5. illuminationlady

    Barium Swallow experience

    I agree! I am not banded yet but will now watch out for acid reflux. I have a really good doc with great follow up but will be sure to let him know of your story. Thanks.:thumbdown:
  6. illuminationlady

    "Qualified Candidate"????

    Some insurances, like mine, consider a "qualified candidate" one who has a medical issue because of weight in additition to what the other posters have mentioned. Like diabietes, hypertension, bad knees (ones that need replacing), ect.
  7. illuminationlady

    I choose to live.

    Mine is a very similiar story...with the husband who won't give up!!! I, too, am keeping all of my appoinments. He did go with me to the seminar but I will not take him to the consult appointment. He's just too negative about the whole thing. He's especially on the band wagon (no pun intended) now that I've lost 12 lbs. on the pre op diet. "See, you can do it!!!" I know I can do it! I've done it before. I am 50 and have a BMI of 43. If I don't do something I won't be here to see my grandchildren. I, too, choose to live!!! :thumbdown: ps my surgery will be in dec. also. stay in touch!
  8. illuminationlady

    The Pretty Face

    You guys inspire me! My husband keeps saying (especially since I'm losing weight, AGAIN, on the preop diet), "See you don't need the band! You can do it all by yourself." Of course, he's never had an extra pound of weight on him in his life!!! I need to keep reading posts like yours to get me through to approval. I'm with you!!! I'm looking to be banded in Dec. Merry Christmas to me! Thanks.
  9. illuminationlady

    New Beginning - Fingers Crossed

    My surgery will probably be around the holidays also. Yes, it will be difficult. Everyone keeps saying to wait until after the holidays. For what? So I can eat the 10 lbs. I've lost back on!! No way! :w00t: Even if I'm not banded until after I'm going to act as if I am. I just look at it as a Christmas present to myself! :scared2: Good luck and maybe we can follow each other's journey. Oh! and welcome!
  10. illuminationlady

    Anyone pissed off??

    Boy, you people are pissed!! Am I right? Scary!!
  11. illuminationlady


    I believe it's 4 oz. of weight.
  12. illuminationlady

    Getting there...

    Congrats on losing the weight! Your story is very inspirational. I, too, suffer from depression and the medication makes me hungry. I have lost and gained and lost and gained. My problem is my husband. He really doesn't want me to have this surgery. I have had a very rough year but am doing very well at present. Every night at dinner I have to listen to all the reasons why I shouldn't have this surgery. He says I'm stronger now and will be able to keep the weight off. That story's been done over and over again. I'm done! I want this badly. You inspired me to keep on! Thanks and welcome! :thumbup:
  13. illuminationlady

    Need help

    I suffer from depression...period! I take my meds and am fine now but have had times in my life where I needed help. I see a psychologist once a week and have a very supportive family. My depression is under control. Is yours? My problem is that no one wants me to do the surgery. I want it badly. Now that I'm losing weight...again, my family all say, "See, you can do it!" I know I can do it. I can't keep it off. It is really hard fighting them all the time. My husband is very logical and every night at dinner he bugs my about the surgery and all the reasons why I shouldn't do this. I'm getting tired of the fight but can't give up. I don't know if I helped you at all. I'm not sure where you are in your journey. Best of luck to you!
  14. illuminationlady

    ok... reality starting to kick in now

    For me it's important to practice so I'll be as successful as my band will allow me to be. Therefore, I eat slowly and take small bites. For the last 11 days I have made good choices in my food and lost 10 lbs. I substitute one meal with a protien shake. I use a timer at meals. I do not drink with my meals or for thirty min. after (all timed). But that's just me. I have to set myself up for success. I want to be sure I can do it when banded. Self discipline and the band go hand in hand. Best of luck to you. ps I am very hungry!!!
  15. illuminationlady

    Keep on Truckin'

    I continue to practice. Back to that in a minute. I got my approval to go to the Seminar. It's this Saturday and my surgeon is Dr. Oliak in Orange, CA. After that, they submit my paperwork to be approved for the surgery. That should take about two weeks. From that date it should be about one month till I'm banded. I continue to lose weight on a 1200 cal diet with very healthy choices. Some things that I'm having trouble with are: chewing...I try to chew everything 40 times but it's so darn hard!...I use a timer that sits in front of me and I MAKE my meal last 30 min. Of course, no liquids with meals and none for 1 hour after. That is hard too! I know I'm whining but isn't that what these forums are for? And I'm hungry. Exercise is difficult and slow. I tire sooo easily. I need knee replacement surgery so I am limited. Any ideas? I've been biking, rowing and working a few machines at the gym that are low impact on the knees. I've only been at it for around 7 days. I did pick up a protien shake at Costco. They also have these berry/yogart packets made by Yoplat. I highly recommend them. They're in the frozen foods dept. Well I'm off now. Thanks to all you great people out there I'm doing what I'm supposed to before I see the surgeon. Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Oh...and I quit drinking alcohol and diet soda!
  16. illuminationlady

    Keep on Truckin'

    I do swim and it helps. I, too, have a walker. I plan on burning it after :sad:. I took two days off to rest my knees. Tomorrow is the Seminar. My hubby is doing everything in his power to talk me out of this. He has been talking about it alllll day!:thumbup: He makes some good points but I'm going through with this! I really want it! I've had a very rough year and my family is worried. I understand but am tired of everyone trying to talk me out of it. Of course, my husband has never had to lose a pound in his life! He is going with me. Hopefully the doctor and the whole seminar will turn him around some. I'm not saying he's totally against it, just concerned. I said that I try to chew my food 40 times but find it hard. I read somewhere on here that's what you're supposed to do. Thanks for your idea on chair exercising. I'll do that.
  17. illuminationlady

    Got surgery date today and nervous

    Welcome and Congrats!! I am awaiting approval. I don't know if I'm as brave as you all are. I am trying a 1200 cal. diet and have lost 6 lbs. Now everyone is "See, you can do it on your own!" Problem is I regain the weight. On again, off again, on again, off again, story of my life!
  18. illuminationlady

    I'm "practicing"

    No way! Really? I wanted to ask about alchol but was hestitant. I assume beer is a no,no. How about vodka? Bloody Mary's anyone?
  19. illuminationlady

    Major Blockage and emergency unfill!

    I'm new here and learning. Define what, "putting our minds and bodies through the wringer" and what it means personally to you. Describe it for me. I urge anyone to reply. Thanks to all.
  20. I remembered some more info. There were five criteria for me to get referred to be approved. I had to have a BMI in the "obesity" range (duh!:thumbup:), had to have tried a weight loss program (I tried WW), had to have tried a weight loss drug (I tried phentermen...it made me anxious), have to have a medical condition (he used my knees), and psyc clearance. Hope this helps some more. Has your doctor talked to you about these things and has anyone else been told about these criteria?
  21. illuminationlady

    I'm "practicing"

    I'm practicing too. Today I did a 1200 cal diet and wrote EVERYTHING down in a journal. I took a before photo and haven't even been approved. But am pretty sure I will be. I chewed my food slowly and took a full 20 min for dinner. No liquids with meals! I also rode my bike :thumbup:! Yea! for me!! I am having a hard time with no liquids with meals and for an hour after. It's only been one day but it's a start. I will find out approval this week!! I'm staying positive and doing a whole lot of praying:rolleyes2:!
  22. It's hard to say. Fibromyalgia is irritated by excessive weight. I know. Your story is mine. I am awaiting approval and probably will be because I also need knee replacement surgery on both knees. My BMI is 44. I don't have the knowledge, except what I've shared with you. Other's will jump in...give it time. Best Wishes and Welcome!!
  23. illuminationlady

    Clear Liquids???

    I'm confused. I have been reading and reading your wonderful posts and have learned a ton of information. There is one thing that is not clear. Post op some of you have 10 days CLEAR liquids, some are allowed oatmeal, some mashed potatoes, soups, ect. What is allowed and what is not? Please clarify. Thanks again for all of the info. You guys are the best!!!:thumbup:
  24. illuminationlady

    Clear Liquids???

    Congrats!! I'm getting more and more excited. I restricted to 1200 cal. today and chewed my food slowly. I took a full 20 min to eat my dinner (whoo, whoo for me) but I have a long, long way to go. Best of luck to you and thnks to all for the answers!! Very helpful!
  25. illuminationlady


    I was diagnosed in 2001. My pain comes and goes. Lyrica has helped me a lot. I'm so sorry for your pain. I will pray for you. Hang in there but talk to your doc about high doses of Lyrica and as previously posted stretch your muscles every day. God Bless!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
