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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by illuminationlady

  1. illuminationlady

    please help

    I use EAS Pure Protein Powder and put it in my Magic Bullet. It's very good. EAS can be purchased at Costco and I got the Magic Bullet at Target. Good luck to you. Hope this helps.
  2. illuminationlady

    December Bandsters 2009

    I'll try and explain. Go to tickerfactory.com and create your ticker. When you are finished copy and paste the entire bottom section of the page. Come back here and click on your name in the top right hand corner of the page. Click on Customize Profile. Click on Edit signature. Copy and paste all of that stuff from tickerfactory. That should do the trick. Have any problems write to us again. Hope this helps.
  3. illuminationlady

    December Bandsters 2009

    Yes, KarynA loooooots of gum. I've been chewing like crazy but I'm three days out now and it has been easier. How do I know? My husband says I'm not as grouchy as the first day. This morning I didn't even think about wanting one first thing out of bed. Our group is growing!!! Welcome to all the new people and congrats on making the decision to come to a healthy lifestyle. Thanks again to KarynA who started our list. I requested the name of our group be changed to December Bandsters 2009. It took the CEO a while but it finally is correct. Thanks for that. I also requested the thread be made sticky in another email. That should happen soon too.
  4. illuminationlady

    December Bandsters 2009

    I found Viactiv chewable vitamins at Target. They come in chocolate. They also make the Calcium too. That's what I will take. Isn't it funny how each of our doctors can be so different and yet use the same band?
  5. illuminationlady

    December Bandsters 2009

    Sorry to everyone who's new for not posting for a couple of days! Welcome and congrats! Thanks to KarynA for putting up the dates for everyone. I am the last this month to be banded because of my smoking. Here's an update. Sunday, of this week, I went down to 15 cigs for the day. Monday, to 10. Tue., to 5. And yesterday I QUIT! :thumbup: Yes, I've been smoke free for 24 hours. I am taking Chantix but all it did was make my cigs taste like crap! I still want them. Haven't thrown them out yet. But I will. I want the band that badly. And I want to be a non-smoker for good. Getting the band will prolong my life. What good is that if I still smoke? Anyway, thanks for the words for encouragement and welcome, welcome, welcome everyone!
  6. What a bummer! I love eggs. I hope this does not happen to me!!
  7. illuminationlady

    EAS Protein Powder

    Costco sells it too. I love the Vanilla but have always disliked Chocolate. Go figure. lol
  8. I just told a close friend and told her to keep it quiet. I'm not banded yet. My surgery date is Dec. 22nd. She, my friend, asks why I want to keep it a secret. I honestly don't know how I feel about this matter...telling everyone. You all have made some brilliant suggestions. But right now I feel if I tell anyone I'll jinx it. After it's said and done...I still don't know?????? :w00t:
  9. illuminationlady

    December Bandsters 2009

    Weclome! We are really close in our dates. Mine is Dec. 22nd. Look forward to following each other!!!
  10. illuminationlady

    December Bandsters 2009

    Welcome Karyn and BigMomma! Karyn, Thank you for the prayers and words of encouragement. The cigs are already tasting weird. Yeah! And I've lost 3 of the 4 pounds I gained. So, feeling a little bit better now. I, too, am getting more and more excited! Dec. 22nd will make a nice Christmas present to myself and 2010 will bring nothing but new found health! Everyone thinks I'm crazy for doing it sooooo close to Christmas but I have a different point of view. This will be the start of my new life. I'll be healthy, healthy, healthy!!! I look forward to following everyone's journey.
  11. illuminationlady

    December Bandsters 2009

    Update! Okay, I had to go out of town for a family emergency, which, in turn, lead to my not starting the Chantix as scheduled. So I called all appointments and moved them back. I am rescheduled for Dec. 22nd (I'm one of the last one's now). But that's okay. Started the Chantix 3 days ago. You are supposed to continue to smoke the first week until it tastes bad. Yesterday I had 10 cigs :cursing:! Awful!! Anyway, where I had to go I could only eat what was fed to me by someone who cooks with grease and butter. Gained 4 lbs. I am so feeling badly right now about everything! I'm glad to welcome all you December Bandsters of 2009. Thanks for all your posts. They have been most helpful. Please pray that I succeed with this Chantix thing. I am back on track as far a my eating (mostly) but really have to quit in order to be banded by Dec. 22nd. I want to stay in our little group and not become a January Bandster. Help!!!! :thumbup: ps Those of you who have quit with Chantix how did it happen for you? Did you smoke the first week? Did you just one day say, "Okay, I'm done"? Did the cigs start to taste bad? Talk to me people. I need the support...from everyone!!!
  12. illuminationlady

    New from Indiana

    I've heard that Gas X strips really help with the pain in your shoulder. Have someone go get some for you. Asprin? Really? That's odd! I heard no asprin after surgery. Use adult Liquid Tylenol. Heard that's also the best! Congrats, baby bandster!!! Can't wait for mine...Dec. 2nd!!!
  13. illuminationlady

    December Bandsters 2009

    Welcome Suzy! I went to a support group meeting too and found it very informative. Nice to talk face to face with some bandsters....hugh? My surgeon doesn't require any form of diet but wants all patients to lose at least 10 lbs by surgery. Funny how they are all different! MY biggest hurdle is the smoking. I went and got my Chantix filled yesterday and will start on Nov. 2nd (I'm going out of town and didn't want to totally ruin my trip). Anyway, welcome to our group. Hopefully we can all support each other as time grows closer. Does anyone know how to make this thread sticky so it doesn't get lost? I also wish I had named the thread December Bandsters 2009. I tried to contact the CEO and no response. Oh well! Just keep posting everyone!!!
  14. illuminationlady

    New from Indiana

    Let us know how you are asap!! Best of luck! You'll be fine.
  15. illuminationlady

    December Bandsters 2009

    I agree about the support. I'm a teacher curently on disablity. Part of why I'm doing this is to get back to work. I need knee replacment surgery and they won't do it until I'm under 200. Soooo, I need three surgeries before returning to work. First the Lap Band, then both knees, which I hear is a lengthy recovery. But I've accepted it and keep on...keepin on....
  16. illuminationlady

    Smoking and the Bandit

    Donna, Thanks for all the helpful suggestions. Very good ideas. I will journal others. I know I can do this once and for all.......will keep all of you posted.
  17. Today was my first visit with my surgeon. I learned a lot! He, himself, spent one entire hour with me! He went over everything with me personally. He is Dr. David Oliak in Orange, California. This is what I learned. First I was greeted by a friendly receptionist. Of course there was paperwork. I weighed in at 256lbs. I have lost 18 pounds before my initial meeting with him! I'm pretty proud of myself ! I was given handouts, a banded patient handbook and a receipt of all my body readings: weight, BMI, Fatty content.....and more. I was not made to wait and everyone was friendly! The chairs throughout this office catered to the obese. They were comfortable and BIG! Anyway, back to what I learned; I learned that I must quit smoking cigs immediately! OMG! I know it's an awful, nasty habit and I was close to quitting any way but with this diet I'm on and the quitting of the cigs....I just don't know????? hum..... And this doc says no quit, no surgery! He does a blood test to see what my nicotine levels are. They made it quite clear that they will know if I smoked. Okay...this is tough but I made my date for surgery December 2nd on the condition that I quit immediately. Wow! In a way, I'm relieved but it is really going to be hard. Those of you who have read my previous threads know that I've had a hard time of it. True, I'm in a much better place now. I have psyc clearance and paid in full!!! Approved! My date is December 2nd! Help! I need help! I need support and prayers!!! I have just smoked for years. I know there are things I can do to keep myself busy. I knit, crochet, garden, dabble in the arts, and read, read, read! I can drink herbal tea and lemon and be with my family. But this is going to be HARD!!!! Okay, enough ranting! That's what I needed to do; VENT! Thanks in advance for being my sounding board.
  18. illuminationlady

    December Bandsters 2009

    Welcome to the December group. We need a group name. It will be fun to follow everyone in the Dec. group..hugh? Any suggestions on a group name?
  19. illuminationlady

    Smoking and the Bandit

    Thanks for your words of encouragement! I can do it but I might go crazy first..hehe
  20. illuminationlady

    Smoking and the Bandit

    Don't say anything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. illuminationlady

    Re-introducing myself.

    Welcome back Bec and welcome Brooke! Congrats on trying to have a little one! I have 3 girls who are nearly grown. They grow up way too fast. Enjoy this time with DH. Soon you'll be preg. I know of another bandster with a similar story and she did get preg after losing the weight. Best wishes to both of you!
  22. illuminationlady

    December Bandsters 2009

    For some reason my doc does not do the preop liquid diet. I've lost 18 lbs and he says 10 more and I'll be good. Don't get me wrong...I'm not complaining....just wondering. After I'm banded I have two weeks of liquids, then 2 weeks of mushies and then regular food. What's your plan of action?
  23. illuminationlady

    December Bandsters 2009

    Changes are good but this not smokin' is making me a flamin' bit**. Last night I ripped off the patch and smoked 3 cigs :cryin:! I know. I know! Bad Girl. I've got a new one on today and am trying like crazy not to think about it. Since my day is Dec. 2nd I figure by Nov. 2nd (doc says one month no smokin') I'll quit for good. Ya, I know all about shopping at Torrid and Lane Bryant. I can't wait to be able to go to a regular store and buy regular clothes. How are you all doing on the preop diet? I was doing great until I tried to quit smoking too. Oh my, oh my!!! Help!!!!:wink2:
  24. illuminationlady

    New from Indiana

    Congrats! on your surgery. I grew up in Michigan City but now live in California. I miss the fall and the beautiful trees! Welcome to our forum. Lots of support here. Post often and read, read, read!!! Best of luck to ya!:blushing:
  25. illuminationlady

    Newbie - 10 days post op!

    Welcome Jessica! So much pain and so much to gain (or should I say lose)! Hang in there! We're here for ya!!!:blushing:

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
