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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by illuminationlady

  1. illuminationlady

    December Bandsters 2009

    I, too, went to a support group meeting. Although this one was special. The normal support group meets on Monday's. I plan to attend that one too. Last night was for Emotional Eaters and is run by a therapist who has been banded. Most of the night was dedicated to introducing ourselves and letting off some steam. Many have lost. Some have gained. Some were bypass patients. Many are struggling. I heard the cries of, "I'm hungry". Apparently, from what I've read and what I heard last night, at first you are not hungry at all. Then you go through, "Bandster Hell". This is the period where your stomach is done with the swelling and you have not had a fill. This happens 4-6 weeks out. Then you get your first fill. This is not enough to stop the hunger...maybe for a few days...then the hunger returns but not as badly. With each fill you work towards your, "sweet spot". This can also be called the "green zone". This is the critical point where you must chew and think about every bite you take in or else you have a "productive burp", also called PBing. Apparently it's not pleasant. Once in the green zone you feel much restriction and must eat carefully. It's very, very important to find this sweet spot. This was the main thing I learned from the meeting. If you have not ordered the book, it is a must read for all of us. I just finished reading "How to Eat Out". It is very helpful. I got mine from the library. I will repeat the name for the new people: Weight Loss Surgery with the Adjustable Gastric Band: Everything You Need to Know Before and After Surgery to Lose Weight Successfully by Dr. Robert Sewell. Don't forget to join our group at: December Bandsters 2009 Group. Have a good evening everyone!!!
  2. illuminationlady

    December Bandsters 2009

    So sorry about this. I feel you are doing the right thing. I live near Mexico and would not go there for surgery. I want my doctor where I can reach him at a moments notice. You can do this!!! Save! Save! Save! and before you know it you'll be banded. Sorry to lose you to the group though. Best wishes to you...I'll say a prayer for you!
  3. illuminationlady

    December Bandsters 2009

    I have created our group at the following: December Bandsters 2009 Group Be sure to sign up!!!
  4. I forgot to ask you...you mention setting up a "group"? Is this something we should have? All we have is the thread. How do you start a "group"? Let me know.

  5. Thanks for your words of encouragement. I accepted your friendship request. Are you taking Chanix? Does it make you feel nauseated? I have switched to doing a shake in the morning and am worried it will nauseate me. Just wondering. Again, many thnks.

  6. illuminationlady

    December Bandsters 2009

    Welcome all you newcomers and congrats on deciding to get banded. I don't have a required preop diet either. Just told me to lose ten pounds. Then yesterday the doc's office called and had me sign up on the REALIZE website to log my food. They (the doc's and PAs) can see what I'm eating! Boy did that make me stop with the food....lol I am being a lot more stricker on myself now that someone is watching! Kslessar..Thanks for the info. Having trouble finding the stuff in the stores. Will probably go online. Melinca, you have a great attitude about the holidays. You are right. This is one Christmas to sacrifice so that we can all have many, many more!!! TN-Girl22..I am required the same diet as you after being banded. I think it's pretty standard as I've been reading my LB book and that's in there too. Thanks to all for your positive posts. KarynA, I did read that post and was very inspired to keep on...keepin' on... Thanks for rewriting it so that everyone here on our thread can benifit. Love reading all of your posts...hugs to everyone!!! illuminationlady
  7. illuminationlady

    December Bandsters 2009

    This IS awesome!!! It makes the journey soooo much better to do it with someone. Thanks again to KarynA and every 2-3 days is fine by me. Whenever you can do it. It's awfully nice of you to keep it up. Hugs to you!!! Welcome to all newcomers and "come join the pary"!! Congrats Tbird and how come you get to go before me...lol I'm not even being banded until the 22nd but it's all because I had to quit smoking. One full week and no smokes. Yeah me!!! I know I keep updating you every day that goes by but it's one more day I'm smoke free and makes me accountable too...lol Take care and keep posting. We'll make this the longest darn thread EVER!!! illuminationlady :redface:
  8. illuminationlady

    December Bandsters 2009

    Finally someone else is set for the 22nd also!! Me too!! We can be band buddies. It seems so far away and yet it will be here before we know it!
  9. illuminationlady

    December Bandsters 2009

    Thanks for the answer on the flavored syrups and the shaved ice idea is also a great one. I love to chew ice. What appliance does this shaved ice thing? Let me know. My doctor's office only requires you lose 10 lbs. by surgery date. He does, however, require we buy a specific shake after surgery. I am used to my EAS protien powder and like it. I thought about just sticking with that one. I might order some of the suggested Optifast. Anyone tried this one? Thanksgiving presents all kinds of problems for me. I'm not required to do the liquid diet and can eat. I thought about getting out my toddler's plates and utensils and using those. I want to go back to practicing for after the surgery. I kind of laid off of the practicing while I had to quit smoking. Hey! One week today!!! Yeah for me! Anyway, I was practicing portions, chewing, timing, not drinking before, during, and after meals. Then I had to quit. But I need to go back to that. By the way, the book I'm reading on LB surgery is excellent. I mention it in a previous thread when I was starting the book. Now I'm about finished and it is a must read for all of us. If you can't find the name PM me and I'll give it to you again. Welcome newcomers!!!
  10. illuminationlady

    December Bandsters 2009

    All really great stuff. Would you be willing to share your lists here on this thread. I know it would help me and probably others. I have a binder too...lol
  11. illuminationlady

    December Bandsters 2009

  12. illuminationlady

    December Bandsters 2009

    Just in case you skipped ahead on this thread...I'm throwing this question out for all of us to learn... What are you doing to prepare for you surgery and the after part when you get home?
  13. illuminationlady

    December Bandsters 2009

    What is the suger free flavored syrup for? Inquiring minds want to know...
  14. illuminationlady

    December Bandsters 2009

    December is fast approaching. Our list continues to grow and so does our thread. KarynA is keeping our list and will post it tomorrow. She states that we are over 50 people! Wow! Congrats to all of you on being banded and starting your new life. Aren't we excited yet? What are you doing to prepare for the big day? Nov. is half way over and soon it will be Thanksgiving. This is what I've done: I'm 6 days smoke free!!! I can't believe it! Now I just have to lose some weight. I wanted to quit smoking first before attempting to lose any more weight. I didn't gain anything though. So that's good. I've purchased my sippy cups and children's plates and utensils. I've bought the GasX strips (take this with you to the hospital). I am going to use EAS Protien Shake mix from Costco. I will purchase Viactiv Vitamas and Viactiv Calcium chews from Target. I also need to purchase liquid Tylenol. I will get out my heating pad and have it waiting for me when I get home. I'm reading a book about Gastric Banding I checked out from the library. I continue to talk to my supportive husband and continue to post. What are you doing to prepare? I just figure if we all post what we are doing we can learn from each other's posts and be really prepared...:wink2:
  15. How's it going with the smoking? I finally bit the bullet and quit (with Chantix). Day one was horrible but since then it's been okay. I'm 6 days smoke free. Yeah!!! My doctor requires it. So I had to!

  16. illuminationlady

    Did/Do you ever??

    Aileen, You need to read the book I'm reading right now. Weight Loss Surgery with the Adjustable Gastric Band: Everything You Need to Know Before and After Surgery to Lose Weight Successfully by Dr. Robert Sewell and Linda Rohrbouh. He goes into this "failure" syndorme right off the bat. You and I have failed soooo many times trying to get this weight off that we feel like failures. He really targets how to use the band as a weight loss tool for life. I read half of it today. Couldn't put it down. Testimonials are throughout the book too. Very inspiring to read, especially since you're feeling how you are. I feel the same way and have cheated on the preop diet too. I did quit smoking cigs though...five days now...after 35 years. My surgeon requires it!!! Go figure???? Best of luck to ya. Keep your chin up and stand strong!!!
  17. illuminationlady

    Had my surgery today!!! Story with video!!

    Congrats and thank you for the detailed description and the video. You are a Baby Bandster now!! Keep us updated on your progress. Best wishes and hugs go out to you! :thumbup:
  18. How's our list coming? We've had quite a few new additions in the last few days. Hope it's not too much for ya. You seem very organized. Thanks for all you do!!! Just letting you know you are appreciated!

  19. They had to move me to the 22nd! I have to quit smoking. Well I did already for 5 days now! Yeah for me! I'll be watching though when all go through the procedure. Best of luck to ya!

  20. illuminationlady

    December Bandsters 2009

    I never heard of such a thing! Wow! I am soooo glad I didn't have to do that. Congrats on the clean bill of health! Was there a reason your surgeon ordered this test or does everyone have to do this? Just curious????
  21. illuminationlady

    Sippy Cup?

    I bought four sippy cups from Target for after my surgery on the recommendation of many others on this site. The word is, after surgery, "walk, walk, walk....sip, sip, sip...walk, walk, walk...sip, sip, sip" The walking is for the gas pains and the sipping is for dehydration. I also purchased children's plates, utencils and Gas X strips. Take the Gas X strips to the hosptial with you!
  22. illuminationlady

    December Bandsters 2009

    Welcome all newcomers to this thread! Being a teacher, I tend to educate myself on anything and everything. I heard of a book about the surgery and decided to check it out from the local library. I just started it but it looks right up our alley. The name: Weight Loss Surgery with the Adjustable Gastric Band: Everything You Need to Know Before and After Surgery to Lose Weight Successfully Robert Sewell M.D., F.A.C.S. & Linda Rohrbough ISBN# 978-1-60094-002-6 You can also order it on Amazon. Hope this is of some help to all of you. We want to really support each other during this time. We can share books, recipes, etc. here on this thread just for us!! Have a great day!
  23. illuminationlady

    December Bandsters 2009

    For instructions on the weight ticker read previous pages on this thread. I explained it in there. Let me know if you have problems. I can try rewording it. Hope this helps and welcome!!!
  24. illuminationlady

    December Bandsters 2009

    Welcome LALALUDE! As said before read through the thread for an explination of how to do the diet ticker. Another way to see any of your own posts is to click on your name in the upper right hand corner of this page. This takes you to your home page. Click on Statistics. There will be a link to all posts you've made or threads you start. This is an excellent place to find the support you need. I know what you mean about "popping your cork"! I have had many hurdles and I have a supportive husband. I can't imagine living without him. I will pray for you. Keep posting....to everyone. We're in this together! Hope this helps and Congrats!!! ps. Thanks to all of you who have supported my Quest to quit smoking. Three days smoke free and counting.....
  25. illuminationlady

    December Bandsters 2009

    Sorry they don't have the information yet. It is very hard to wait. But it will all be worth it in the end. Just think, next year, this time, you'll be a skinny person!! You'll probably be a December Bandster too. We have a great group of people here. I've got my fingers crossed and saying a little prayer for you!

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