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Everything posted by illuminationlady

  1. illuminationlady

    December Delights 2009

    Congrats to all who were banded yesterday. We've heard from a few of you but want more of the details as soon as you're feeling up to it. Let those of us that are "yet to be banded" how it went. Hugs to all....
  2. Congrats on becoming a Baby Bandster!! Glad you are home and well. My prayers were with you all day yesterday! Get well soon so you can tell us all about it!

  3. illuminationlady

    Looking for support.

    My husband continues to question my decision but I am going through with this either way (Dec. 22nd). He thinks I'll freak out by the "new" way I have to eat and want them to take it out! My insurance is paying the whole bill too but he just doesn't want this for me. Too bad! I'm doing it. Of course, he will take me to the hospital and hold my hand but he's fighting me the to the end!! Best wishes to you!
  4. When were you scheduled and when are you now? If that makes sense....lol

  5. illuminationlady

    Will I ever eat like a normal person?

    Jacqui, I love your attitude. Thanks for that post and writing all that out. Us future bandsters really appreciate writings like that! Bravo!!! :wink2:
  6. So sorry about this! I will pray for you. It will all work out for the best. Just wait and see. He has a plan for you....

  7. illuminationlady

    December Bandsters 2009

    I, too, am being verrrrry careful. I go for my Preop class on Monday and it's with a group. Hope no one is sick. I feel like wearing a mask....and gloves...lol
  8. So glad your well!! Warm wishes are comin' your way and lots of hugs!!!

  9. Just wanted to wish you well tomorrow! My thoughts and prayers will be right there with ya!!!

  10. illuminationlady

    December Bandsters 2009

    Mandze- I will go on Monday for 3-4 hours and meet with the nutritionist, doctor and more. Bloodwork was today and went fine (accept they took 6 viles), and EKG. Sorry you had such a bad experience. Best wishes to everyone going tomorrow!!! My prayers are with you all!!
  11. illuminationlady

    December Delights 2009

    Six viles of blood, a tiny bit of urine and an EKG later I'm ready! Thanks for askin'.
  12. illuminationlady

    December Delights 2009

    I've been shopping here and there. I have purchased toddler plates, bowls and utensils. I also bought sippy cups. Today I bought Cream of Wheat (never had it before). I previously purchased tomato Soups and cream of chicken Soup (the kind you stick in the microwave). I also bought chewable adult Vitimans. They're made by Viativ. I bought the Calcium chews too. They're chocolate! :w00t: I am beginning to make lists also that have been scribbled on pads of paper and in my mind. I, too, want an environment I will do well in!!!
  13. illuminationlady

    December Delights 2009

    This is so exciting. I'm back from my preop bloodwork and EKG. Next thing is Monday's Preop class and I meet with the surgeon too. It's really great to hear from everyone being banded. Keep posting!!!
  14. illuminationlady

    December Bandsters 2009

    Best wishes and hugs to kslessar, KarynA, cent, juke, syly14, NurseRachel, MyOldSelfBack, 1skinnychick, Razorgirl, mkmelissag on your surgery tomorrow. Tomorrow is the first day of the rest of your life!!! Let us know as soon as you can how it went. Hugs and prayers to you.
  15. illuminationlady

    First Fill

    I've heard it takes many fills to get to your "sweet spot" or the "green zone". They take it slowly, at least with my doctor. I've heard it can take 5-6 fills before you really feel the correct restriction. That way they can tell what's just right for you.
  16. Congrats to Austro!! You did it! You're a Baby Bandster! I was going to tell you to tell the doctor about your anxiety. They come in an give you a "cocktail" of yummy stuff that makes your anxiety go right away. But it's over and you're banded!! Yeah!:sad:
  17. illuminationlady

    December Bandsters 2009

    Best wishes Suzy and to all being banded tomorrow. I feel like the wait has been so long for me and now I see all you baby bandsters out there. I'm jealous!!! lol Take care and I'll be praying!!!
  18. illuminationlady

    December Delights 2009

    Part of the day is with the nutirtionist, part with the surgeon. I'll meet the anesthesiology doc. I have to take a quiz on his small handbood and I'll preregister with the hospital. I'll also weigh in :sad:. Still working on that. I'm sooooooooooooooo hungry all of the time!!! I know it sounds like a lot but I'm glad he is thorough!
  19. illuminationlady

    December Bandsters 2009

    Wow! My computer was down for one day and I had 4 pages to read!! And people are now banded!!! Yeah for all of you. Hearing your experiences has made my mind at ease (a little)...lol...Prayers and hugs to all who are going tomorrow. My preop EKG and bloodwork are tomorrow and as of today I've been smoke free for 3 weeks! Can you believe it? How time flies. ps. I've started a thread in Post Op called December Delights2009.
  20. illuminationlady

    December Delights 2009

    I can't believe how time flies!! Congrats to those who are banded now and good luck to those coming in the next few days. I am going for my EKG and bloodwork tomorrow. Monday is my Preop class. I'm not nervous yet but my band date isn't until the 22nd. I get to see how all of you do first...lol
  21. I'm already on 2 shakes a day and one meal. The weight is finally coming off again! Glad you had a good check up. Don't get sick. Take a shower.

  22. illuminationlady

    December Bandsters 2009

    December Delights is the winner. How does that sound for a name and My Best Christmas Present Ever as a motto? I'll be starting a new thread entitled December Delights for us in Post Op. Be sure to post there too to keep the thread at the top. Best Wishes to all new Baby Bandsters!!!
  23. Yes, your picture is there! Great! My preop bloodwork and EKG are Thur. even though I'm not in surgery until the 22nd. Let me know how all goes. Best Wishes!!!

  24. illuminationlady

    December Bandsters 2009

    Last Day to Vote in our Poll! It closes at 5. Pick your favorite! I believe it will be December Delights with our motto being My Best Christmas Present Ever. How does that sound to everyone?
  25. You haven't joined yet. Go to Communities or Quick Links. Select "Social Groups". We are the group with the pretty Christmas tree labled December Bandsters 2009 Group. Click on it. It should ask you if you want to join. I never joined because I started the group. So, I don't know how to go from there exactly. Also, after that, go Home. Then to Preop and we have a long thread and a poll in there also called December Bandsters 2009. See you online!!!

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