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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by MrsG

  1. Congratulations! I was recently banded last Thursday 09/24/09 and am down 25 (including pre op loss of 9) I'm feeling pretty good and very positive. Good luck on your journey and keep up the good work!!
  2. Gatorade will be your best friend through this stage. I have had lots of diarrhea (sorry if TMI) and that has saved me from dehydration. I think at this point, its trial and error on what will give you some relief. HANG IN THERE!!
  3. Man, oh Man...this is the conversation for me! My honey doesn't even know I got banded last week and I don't plan on telling him until I absolutely have to. When we got together I was around 220 or so...well 4 years later I get pregnant with our now 9 month old daughter and I'm at 288. This is the heaviest I've ever been and I AM NOT FEELING IT AT ALL!! However, daddy loves all my junk:tt1: I think once he can see how much more happier I am and the stunts I can pull when I'm thinner he won't even care. Now I have to admit, I like myself thick as well-my frame ir curvy and is meant to carry some extra weight, just not this much. I'm looking to get down to about 180 or so.
  4. MrsG

    New member

    Good morning all- I'm back to work today and was banded last Thursday. I can say I'm feeling good and I've lost 9lbs so far, well a total of 18 from the beginning of the pre op diet. I'm pretty pumped and surprised that I'm not hungry. It's amazing to get full on jello and water-HAHA:ohmy: Congratulations to anyone else who was banded last week! WE are on our way!
  5. MrsG

    New member

    Once you go and customize your profile under edit signature, plug in the code that you get from www.tickerfactory.com
  6. MrsG

    New member

    We can keep each other motivated! We will do this!! No turning back now. And I know we both want maximum results and that's what we are going to get. Desperate1- Thanks for those words and insight on your band experience. It helps. :tongue2:
  7. MrsG

    New member

    I've been on high protein, 2 protein shakes and 2 small meals per day. And I agree with you, for some reason my shakes have been giving me the blues today!! :tongue2: Go to www.tickerfactory.com, there are so many different styles to choose from. And you will lose it! We both will. We just have to stay motivated and make good choices!!! WE CAN DO IT!!
  8. MrsG

    New member

    WOW!!! Good luck, I've heard he is a very good surgeon. We are going to be just fine!! Does he put some fluid in yours during surgery? I found out yesterday Dr.B does..I wonder if this will make a big difference and make the liquid follow up diet easier since I will have restriction...
  9. MrsG

    New member

    I know. I've really been mentally preparing myself for the future changes, but I believe in the end it will all be worth it! I'm also in the Dallas area. I live in Garland, surgery with Dr.Benavides in Richardson. Good luck and lets stay positive and do our best! We will make it happen!!!:tongue2:
  10. I'm on my pre-op diet and now that my procedure is getting closer, I'm getting more nervous-excited, but nervous.
  11. Thanks. I think I've moved past the nervousness to excitement. I can't wait to get the ball rolling. :tongue2:
  12. MrsG

    New member

    Hello- my surgery is tomorrow too and I've moved past nervous to excited!! You can do it and I wish the best of luck. We will have to touch bases with each other and check on progress. I'm scheduled for 9... LET'S DO IT!!:tongue2:
  13. Thanks-I'm sure everything will be fine too. Just got back from my pre op appointment and got all of my questions answered. I feel alot better now and am ready to get it done! We have to touch base with each other periodically to check progress!! Good luck!!:bored:
  14. No, I can't tell him...well I will eventually, but I know he will try to talk me out of it. He likes my junk:tongue2: and says this is what happens after you have a baby...I can't accept this-this is the biggest I've ever been and I have a 9 month old to keep up with. I have 3 older sisters and I've only told one (the one who lives here in Dallas with me) I've told three of my closest girlfriends..the ones I know will support me and not judge! I've got a pretty good support system, just wish my honey could understand. He tends to not accept the things he can't understand. I guess we will see how it goes..I want to post pictures, but am afraid he might find them one day :biggrin:. LOL!!! Are you ready to go?? You will be fine. Just think-this time next year we will be saying "what was the big deal"!! GOOD LUCK!!!
  15. That was pretty helpful to me-I'm being banded on Thursday 09/24. The unknown is exactly what I'm afraid of. I have had multiple surgeries before and know my pain tolerance. i'm worried about how successful I will be. I guess at this point, there is nothing to it, but to do it! Good luck Wednesday. Lets touch base periodically to exchange tips and progress.:biggrin:
  16. It's the real countdown now!!! Thursday is the big day and WHOA-I think I might be flipping out:scared2: I know in the end it will be great and I'm ready to go for it! We have to keep each other posted on our results. Good luck. Good you have a good support system-my honey doesn't even know I'm having it done. He only knows I'm having my hernia repaired :biggrin:
  17. MrsG

    Wanna be

    Hi-I'm a soon to be bander Sept 24th! I went back and forth with myself about it and realized I was only wishy washy because I was worried about what others will think. I've come to this conclusion-this is a personal decision and YOU are the only person who can decide if its the right thing for you to do. If you don't mind me asking-how much weight do you need to lose?
  18. MrsG

    7 days away

    Good luck to you!! I'm scheduled for the 24th and I must say I'm pretty nervous too...excited as well! We will have to stay in touch to keep each other motivated since we are set for the same week. Just keep a positive outlook and stay prayed up!:mad2: I am on my pre op as well, but it's a high protein diet, not liquid only.
  19. Hahaha. I have been wanting to cheat, but I am trying to be good. This pre op diet is SO limited...but I atleast want to shed a few pounds before the big day.
  20. Thanks for the words of encouragement. I'm really excited and my surgeon provided me with a book I've been reading thats really helped me mentally prepare for the change thats coming my way. No turning back now-my daughter is almost 9 months and trying to walk. I want to be able to keep up with her!:mad2:
  21. All we can do is have a positive outlook and pray for the best! I think I'm more nervous and worried about losing weight too fast. I DO NOT want to have extra skin!!!
  22. You will be fine-I've had more than my share of hospital stays and it's not that bad as long as you have good company :mad2:. Are you planning on staying overnight?
  23. We sound about the same-I've had 13-hahaha. I guess that means the more special we are. Thanks for the words of encouragement! Good luck to you as well!

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