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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by altopower

  1. My bandiversary is 10/29 so it's almost two years. I lost a lot of weight and had plastics in March (panniculectomy and arms) that ended up with some complications. One of those was a serious infection in the port area that ended up with surgery on 8/2. Not emergency but, well, I saw the lapband doc on Monday and he told me we were going to surgery the next day. It was a bigger deal than I'd realized. Fortunately the band itself had not eroded at all and the port was in perfect condition; it was just the pocket around it that was a big mess of infection.

    My wound was 5.7 cm deep and an inch and a half wide post-op and it's still open a wee bit even after 2 months. I'm now scheduled to get a new port on 11/22 so I can use Thanksgiving holidays to stay home and recover. I've lost a lot of work time this year already and I don't want to aggravate my boss.

    I started eating poorly after the plastics because I was terrified of having PB's while I was recovering with that big abdominal incision. Ice cream was so tasty and went down so smoothly and it led to other unhealthy choices. I really miss having my band work and am having to really work super hard to get rid of these 15 lbs that went on so fast. It's scary how fast it will come back. Obviously I have not really absorbed the eating changes that I thought I had.

    Looking forward to seeing how others are doing!

  2. This was very helpful. I talked with my surgeon today about scheduling the port replacement but in my case, it was because I had a serious infection in the port area but the port itself was fine. He is 97% sure that the infection came from plastic surgery, which I had in early March (panniculectomy and bilateral arm lifts). I've had an open wound for 7 weeks with another 2 likely for it to close completely. That has to heal first before we move on to the next one.

    I'm glad to see the difference between regular and low profile ports. I'm going to ask for the latter, since I've lost so much since the original lapband surgery. I didn't know what to expect in terms of pain and ability to eat post-op (didn't want to have to go through the "sip 2 oz every 4 hours" stuff if I didn't have to! This revision surgery certainly sounds painful but easier.

    Thanks for posting!

  3. My left shoulder/neck pain lessened a lot post-op (10/29/9/09) but a month ago I had sudden surgery to remove a big infection in my lapband port area. I've had severe gas pains at first in the shoulder but then down to the belly area, kind of moving around from place to place.

    I don't think there is much if anything I can do about it. It's definitely better than it was immediately post-op but I'm expecting to have this for quite a long time. The best way to ease the pain is to get up and move around, and to massage the sore area.

    Apparently this isn't unique to bariatric surgery. There are a lot of other patients of laproscopic procedures such as appendectomies who also have the same gas pain issues. Doesn't make mine easier to know that but at least I know it's not JUST us.

  4. I had my brachioplasty in CT on March 3, 2011 and my scars already don't bother me. My surgeon used Tegaderm over both the arm and the panniculectomy scars for 2.5 months, and it made a HUGE difference in the smoothness of the scar. The lower one isn't raised at ALL while the arms still are a little bumpy - but not much, and it's already fading. We also used compression with ace bandages on both arms for about a month. It was starting to drive me crazy coz wrapping Ace bandages one-armed (and that one also post-op) was challenging. The bandage kept falling off or cutting off my circulation!

    I would do this again in a heartbeat and I hadn't really thought about doing it at all until the doctor suggested it. One of my lapband doctor's nurses told me that if insurance didn't pay for it, that I should pay for it myself to piggyback on the panniculectomy surgery. Already being in the OR and having the surgeon & anesthesiologist. would seriously reduce the costs. The surgeon said we should go ahead and ask for it since it was my first plastic surgery post-lapband and I was lucky that insurance DID pay for it. I was told later by my primary care doctor that the plans were changing and it was unlikely that the arms would have been covered effective the new fiscal year (which we are now in). I just squeaked by!

  5. How are things with the drains? Have you still got one?

    Oops, I thought I had posted but obviously forgot!

    I finally got my drains out at the five week point. One was clearly ready to come one, collecting only 20cc or so a day. The other one had more, above the 30cc target, but the doc thought they should both be removed because it had been 5 weeks. I'm finding that I'm a lot more swollen and am keeping an eye on things to see if it's "jiggly like waves" which means Fluid easily removed by a needle. Mostly I feel tight and stretched and in need of a serious diuretic! If things haven't gotten better by Monday, I'm going to give the office a call.

    So sorry you are still draining about 150cc a day - is that total or in each drain? Because i was also draining about 140-160cc total at 4 weeks, now that I think of it. Hang in there, you WILL get past it!

    So I have a random question about your post op state. Do you find you are stiff once you stand up after sitting for a while? I am not sure if it is because I have my drain (causing maybe a suction feeling or something), but I am so damn stiff in my thigh and stomach area ( where the swelling is).

    In a word - yes. At least for the thighs, tho the stomach area is okay. I just try to move a bit more and it helps. But then I forget and I'm stiff again. You're not alone.

    Good luck with it!


  6. What amount must you drain per day before they remove your drain?

    I have to be at 30cc daily total per drain for it to go. I know for sure that #2 will come out, since it's down to 25 cc/day (and last week it was at 65, so there's definitely a change!). Drain #4 still produces 55-60 cc but it, too, is lower than last week. The doctor did say something last week about possibly taking them both out this week because it will be 5 weeks by then. We'll see what happens.

    Thanks for the support (as I sit and drink my Breakfast Protein shake). Much as I hate the stupid drains, I know they're doing their job. It would be nice to have more options of things to wear, tho!

  7. Hi, it's me again. I'm now 4.5 weeks out and STILL have two of my drains, one of which I know I will lose this week and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the other will, too. I wish I'd known about pushing Protein pre and post op. I barely ate my first week and didn't eat much the second, either - but I could definitely have made Protein shakes. Except my arms didn't bend well and it hurt to shake the blender bottle! The other thing I could have done more of was milk the drains. I did it but was afraid I'd pull them out so didn't do it nearly as much as I could have. I admit to being pretty obsessed with it now, and look! the drain(s) are coming out.

    I probably did too much too fast as well, but since I live alone, there really weren't a lot of options for me. Protecting the belly meant using the arms and visa versa. Let's just say I'm happy I'm this far out and not back where I was.

    Julie, you asked

    "Do you have a lot of swelling below the pubic line? I feel like I have a package down there! I hope that goes away but I am worried that I am going to have to have that fixed!"

    Answer is yes! but I figured out that it's a combo of swelling (and numbness) and the fact that the TT pulled the skin BELOW the incision line up, making the pubic area look like I'm wearing a codpiece. The swelling does seem to be going down and I'm hoping that when the binder goes away, it will help. After all, when the binders on and squeezing us in the middle, the stuff has to go somewhere!

    Hope you're doing okay.

  8. I had the arm lifts and Tummy Tuck (but very little muscle work) on March 2, 2011 so I'm almost 3 weeks post op. You DEFINITELY want to stay overnight, and you will need to be sure you have someone to help you when you get home. I was lucky to be sent from the surgical center to the university health center infirmary for four nights, and having help, especially trained staff, deal with surgical drains, getting me up and down, and dealing with pain control was a godsend.

    My surgeon said that it's the muscle work that adds to the healing and pain for the TT patient. If it's mostly skin, it heals faster and hurts less. Ask your doctor how much work he's planning to do, muscle-wise.

    I'd put three weeks off as a minimum. You're having multiple procedures that will heal at different times. You want to be sure you can get around easily and sit comfortably. I'm planning to go back on Thurs. of this week, which will be 3 weeks plus give me two work days and a weekend to help rest up if I need it.

    Good luck!

  9. Hi guys - I'm 2.5 weeks out from a Tummy Tuck and bilateral arm lifts. I got 4 drains from the TT (out of the butt, which is not comfortable) and was able to get rid of 2 of them at 2 weeks. But I still have two and they are collecting up a lot of Fluid, which makes me concerned that the doctor won't remove them on Tuesday. I know this is an important part of healing, but I can't help but wonder: Is there something I can/should be doing to help move the fluid along and out of me? Change what I eat or how I move? I could really use any advice before I go crazy.

    Thanks in advance!

  10. I'm over 2 months out since my TT and MR and still use my pillows (6 total) to prop myself and elevate my legs as it feels much better to not lie flat or straight. The incision from the TT is fine (numb); however, the muscle repair is still uncomfortable while in bed or trying to get comfortable to sleep. I don't have any discomfort when I'm up and about.

    Thanks! I'm a side sleeper and am hoping I can actually sleep on my back, elevated at both ends. And that the cat doesn't think I'm doing it for her!

  11. I'm having both a TT and upper arms done on Wednesday 3/2, and am happy to have company at this point in my journey! As of today I'm at 182.2, down 129.8 from my starting weight. My personal goal is to be at 175 and with the skin removed, I know I'll hit it.

    My plastic surgeon said that I should be within 10 lbs of my final goal before having surgery, since losing a lot after the tightening could cause the skin to be more loose at the end than I wanted - but that 10 lbs was okay. He also wanted to be sure that I could maintain a particular weight and I've been within a 3 lb range for the last 5 months (which is huge and exciting for me). I was very lucky that my insurance covered both procedures, especially since they are going to be tightening up their requirements for approval for plastics.

    I'm a little anxious about the recovery for the belly/arms combo surgeries. I live alone and am running around like a crazy person trying to prep the apartment as much as possible. My surgery is outpatient and I'm being transferred to my university's health service infirmary as a kind of "step-down unit" where I'll stay for 3-4 days before going home. That's a huge relief. I have visions of getting home with those plastic drains the size of lemons dangling from my tummy and both arms, wrapped in compression things and moving like a mummy!

    It will be worth it though :)

  12. I am new to this. I was banded on Oct 6th. Doing good. Looking forward to lots of support and ideas. I have a question. How much Protein should I get per day?

    What did your doctor/nutritionist tell you about your protein? I'm asking because no two doctors say the same thing, and it's important to follow YOUR doctor's advice.

    When I was 10 days post-op, I was still on Clear Liquids + 8 oz of Ensure (divided into 4 servings). No protein drinks, no solid food. Others were on solids within a week. I was given a 6-week plan for adding foods in stages but still no minimum protein level until I got past that point. Then it was 53-65 gms/day. Now I get 70-90 gms/day but I sure didn't at first!

    If you are allowed protein drinks, that's the best way for a newly banded person to get in more Proteins w/o sending solids through that could aggravate the tummy.

    If your doctor gave you no clue, give the office a call and get an answer. We can all tell you what WE did/were told, but it's important to follow your doc's plan - which means they have to tell you what it is!

    Good luck and congrats on being banded.

  13. Congrats on your loss, Monique! But mostly on being able to stick with it and being happy with yourself and your progress. It's not always easy, especially when things slow down and we want it to all come off and get to goal ASAP.

    But it takes time for our heads to catch up with the actual physical changes, to be able to recognize ourselves in the mirror and really understand how much we've changed on the inside and out.

    I'm celebrating with you - my own surgiversary is 10/29 :)

  14. I found it really bad in the first month or two after being banded last October. I still get the left shoulder pain but it's not constant and it does tell me that I've either been drinking too much too fast, or am too hungry. When I'm too full, I start with hiccups.

    Stretching it out helps, as does worrying about the pain. I"m considering it a trade off for the lapband and since it's not constant, I can deal.

  15. Protein powder choices really vary widely. Some people swear by Max Protein, and I find it gritty and unappetizing. What I do use is powders?utm_source=BariatricPal&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_campaign=CommentLink" target="_ad" data-id="1" >unjury chocolate and GNC Pro Performance Designer Whey Cookies and cream. Those are my favs. I also use the GNC vanilla for mixing in recipes, pudding, etc.

    My nephew is a pro athlete and he's the one who recommended that kind of GNC - it's lower is carbs, has lots of flavor, and mixes easily without costing the earth. I mix my Protein Powder with milk wherever possible, figuring the extra dairy & protein are good things.

    Hope this helps!

  16. Hi fellow Bandsters! I was banded on 10/29/09, so just passed my 8 month mark post-op. I've lost just under 60 lbs with the band; the rest came off with WW before surgery.

    The loss rate is slowing down but I'm still losing inches and things are redistributing around the body. A month ago I signed up with a personal trainer at the gym, and we've been working exclusively in the pool, since I have big knee problems. It feels good to move more.

    Best news is that I no longer have sleep apnea! I started having sleeping difficulties in early January and it took a long time to get a new sleep study scheduled. I figured I needed to have the pressure adjusted because of the weight loss, but it never occurred to me that the apnea would be completely GONE! Needless to say I'm thrilled.

    I'm 1.3 lbs away from breaking 200 lbs for the first time in 30 years. Should be in time for my birthday on 7/24 (I have a conference to go to first, so who knows).

    How's everyone else doing?

  17. I have a bunch of follow up questions:

    1. Are you journaling your food? I use SparkPeople.com faithfully, even the "I shouldn't have eaten that" food. Seeing my food and nutritional values tallied up on the screen keeps me aware and honest.

    2. What are you eating? Are the carbs piling up? I know I'm eating more than my surgeon recommends and my weight loss slowed down - but it's still coming off, and the carb level is well below what the recommended range is.

    3. Are you exercising? It makes a huge difference in how you feel and how the weight rolls off.

  18. I got my APAP 7 years ago after my first sleep study. With previous big weight loss, I had to have my pressure adjusted but still needed the mask. And as I regained weight, the pressure went back up again.

    I was banded on 10/31/09 and started having sleeping problems within 2 months, though it took me a while to associate the CPAP with the problems -- restless sleep, waking up tired, and some lightheadedness.

    The apnea is now completely gone - I am normal! Had a home sleep study 2 weeks ago, and went from 38/hr to 1.3/hr (normal is under 5). Snored only 3 min. the whole night. So now the APAP is cleaned and put away, and I'm adjusting back to the comfort of just a pillow. Sure is quiet, though!

  19. I aim for 1000-1100 calories a day. I'm not unhappy to be above or below that, and actually like not sticking to the same thing every day, since it seems to give me a push in the right direction.

    I use SparkPeople.com to track my food, not just for calories but also to see my carb, fat and Protein levels. Watching calories isn't enough for me (been there, done that a million times) but paying attention to the others makes a big difference.

    I've been plateauing a bit, which means it's time to step up the exercise. I think the nutrition stuff is on target.

  20. Ditto on following the doctor's instructions on what you can eat - I was on Clear Liquids only + a bottle of Ensure/day, and that was IT for 2 weeks. No Jello, Soup, Protein shakes, nada. So I stocked up on my favorite flavors of Crystal light.

    For sleeping, I used firm but not hard pillow snuggled up to my tummy for support when sleeping on my side. Slip on shoes would be great idea if you can get them and you're not snow-bound having to use boots!

    Good luck with your surgery.

  21. I only took one pill (1/2 dose) during my first 2 months post-op. Then they announced more layoffs are coming at work, and as a manager of some very worried people, I don't have a good feeling about what's ahead. The Wellbutrin really did keep me even through the last wave. Would much prefer not to take any, though. Good reminder :redface:

  22. Hi. I'm taking lexapro and Wellbuterin XL. The Lexapro is no problem because the pills are small but the Wellbuterin is a little larger. I have to ask my DR. if she can change me to a smaller dose and take two smaller pills instead of one larger one.

    I take Wellbutrin in the smaller twice-a-day dose and it's still too big for me to swallow easily. So I just cut the pills in half. They taste terrible but I can still get the help.

  23. My doctor's office told me "no carbs" but the sample eating record & food list both include things that have carbs! So I've been confused and doing my best. I mostly eat Protein (eggs,cheese, yogurt, chicken) with a few blueberries or 1/3 banana here and there, plus Protein shakes.

    I can live just fine without rice, oatmeal, potatoes, Pasta and bread (tho I really really love bread) but crave fruit and vegetables, things I have always been told to concentrate on eating while watching my weight.

    Using Sparkpeople.com, I'm keeping track of calories, carbs, fat, Fiber, and Protein. Tho my carbs are high according to the doctor, they're not even registering on the bottom of the "healthy for you at this stage" carb range. For now, this is the best I can do, especially since a lot of things just don't stay down well.

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