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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by marketingdude

  1. Marketing Dude? Lizbeth? Where you guys at? All 3 of us are 1 week away from being 1 year out and I'd love to catch up with you guys.

    37lbs down - averaged a little over 3 lbs per month. I could be losing more...but not being sensative to my calories [so its my fault...not the band]. Another thing I know I could approve on is not drinking my calories [Protein, blended spinach, kale, celery, pinapple and apple smoothie].

    Sometimes I don't feel truely fulfilled if I don't get food in my stomach....but this is a process. I'm thankful to have lost this weight so far and looking forward to losing more weight. In the meantime, I love working out at the YMCA....so this has never been a problem.

    In closing, would I do it again...YOU BETCHA! Am I happy with almost losing 40....YOU BETCHA ! Am I looking forward to losing more weight [and making the necessary adjustments]...YOU BETCHA :D

    Sorry for not communicating more....its just been a very busy year this past year. All the best to current and future Bansters !


  2. I understand grabbing onto every lb loss when its been slow for you, just read all that are possibilities that 'could' happen and if u are happy with things the way they are then keep up the good work. Your band will probably loosen a tad anyways if u carry on losing weight as quick as what you are :) I would consider a trip to the doctors tho if u keep getting problems :)

    Thanks Cazzy !

  3. Now come on you know 5lbs in 5 days isnt indicating the sweetspot, its indicating a band thats a little too tight !

    Actually....after my .4cc of a fill increase from last fill (from 2.4 to 2.8), my nurse practioner instructed me to start tracking my food and writing in a spread sheet. In short...I've been doing that, excercizing a lot...and am quite surprised I'm not as hungry as before.

    P.S. I definately don't want an increase fill in the future....but after only losing 20lbs in 5.75 months....this nice little 5lb loss is quite refreshing actually. This is loss is a combination of me doing things on my end....as well as the slight increase in my last fill. I litterally don't feel hungry anymore which is interesting.

  4. Now come on you know 5lbs in 5 days isnt indicating the sweetspot, its indicating a band thats a little too tight !

    Actually....after my .4cc of a fill increase from last fill (from 2.4 to 2.8), my nurse practioner instructed me to start tracking my food and writing in a spread sheet. In short...I've been doing that, excercizing a lot...and am quite surprised I'm not as hungry as before.

    P.S. I definately don't want an increase fill in the future....but after only losing 20lbs in 5.75 months....this nice little 5lb loss is quite refreshing actually. This is loss is a combination of me doing things on my end....as well as the slight increase in my last fill. I litterally don't feel hungry anymore which is interesting.

  5. In studying human behavior my whole life...I've noticed that people want everyone to see things from their perspective and THEIR PERSPECTIVE is always right. It's kind of like they view themselves like a god or messianic figure. Their insight or perspective is the only one that matters (kind of a socialistic attitude when you think about). THEIR CONVICTION...needs to be EVERYONE'S CONVICTION.

    I don't mind alternative points of view (actually I embrace it) but where people go wrong is when they demonize a procedure (or a thought process) and ASSUME that it will not work for you.... I think perspective and the ability to look at the big picture is what is missing from these types of people.

    Just my humble opinion!



  6. I recently had this happen to me 2 times since i had my plastic surgery, but that was caused by my lapband being too tight, i woke choking, but it wasnt burning like an acid reflux just reflux i assume, i had 1 mls taken out of my band and no problems since.

    I notice you have been a member since 2009 which means u could have a 4 cc band, so your fill level of 2.8 is quite a lot, i certainly would get the the bariatric doctor and try a small unfill.

    Thanks for your post...as I believe this is what it is. It feels like a nice sweet spot because I'm not really that hungry anymore at all. The little I put in my mouth....I feel full. I'll keep monitoring this though and keep everyone updated. It is interesting that I've observed this since the last fill....I just think its more related to a tad overfill versus a slip band (In Jesus Name...I declare I'm protected :D)

  7. I would definitely get into your doctors, both your primary care doctor and your bariatric doctor. That isn't normal.

    Do you have a sleep apnea?

    Also, didn't you just have surgery? Are you sure you have a 4cc band? Those are no longer used in the US or UK. If you do have a 4cc band then all the more reason you need to have it checked by your bariatric doctor.

    Best wishes

    Used to have mild form of sleep apnea 20 pounds ago but no more. And yes...I have 4cc band as I had surgery in Mexico.

  8. This happened twice recently.....and both incidents came after my last fill. Currently, I have 2.8cc's in a 4cc band (70% filled to capacity). The first episode I was sleeping on my stomach.....so I dismissed it as I was my face was probably knee deep in the pillow and I couldn't breathe. Yesterday...it happened again....but I was sleeping on my back.

    I'm not going to blow this out of proportion but (airing on the side of caution) I thought I would at least check in with my fellow bansters to see if anybody has heard of this after getting the band. Thought there could be a connection from my last fill...but maybe not :D


  9. After getting my fill on 12/11 I made the commitment to go to the gym 4 times a week, and while I regularly fail to make it 4 times I always make it at least 3 times. I'm up to running 4 miles and lifting weights approx. 45 minutes each session (1.5 miles run to warm up, then lift for 45 minutes, then finish with 2.5 mile run). I'm not breaking any records in weights or speed but I'm improving each week and my goal is to get that number up to 6 miles running and 1 hour lifting in the next 90 days.

    As far as food goes most days I do not eat either breakfast or lunch; my fill is pretty constricting and it hurts a bit to eat earlier in the day. Most days I just do a Protein drink for both breakfast and lunch. dinner is usually fish, chicken, Soup, chili and/or veggies. Trying hard not to cheat but damn it I'm human and it happens...

    As of this AM I'm at 274, so 35lbs lost. My waist is down 4" and that's actually my proudest accomplishment.

    I'm finally at that point where the gym is not a nuisance or a pain and I can go at lunch time, grab a quick shower and then back to work and not be crippled or hurting the next day. I say this because I've been at this point before in my life (I lost about 50 lbs and got down to my goal weight of 208lbs, the lightest I've ever been as an adult). When I was at this exact point previously; this is when the weight loss began to happen very rapidly. I think because my body was in much better shape and could take the extra work that losing more weight demands from it. If I'm right, things are about to get interesting.

    Last thing; last week I received the best news I could have ever received: After trying unsuccessfully for the last 4 years (starting 1 year after the birth of our 5 year old) to have another child (spending a ton of $$ on fertility treatments, I'm not kidding, I mean Porsche $$), my wife is pregnant! So does it have anything to do with the surgery? Who knows, maybe not, maybe....

    Haha...that is so awesome about your success. We are all different and I can't wait to get to those disciplined habits that you are "flowing in" right now. Congrats again on many fronts.

    P.S. Any advice on help getting you fertile? My wife and I are having a hard time getting pregnant and I assume its on my end. Any advice?

    Blessings !

  10. Make sure to bring a robe and slippers. For me...the biggest SHOCK was when they pulled the catheder out of my pecker (haha). Didn't see that coming. My wife and dad laughed like little kids when they heard me moan and yelp like a dog [lol].

    Seriously....that surprised me. Had no idea I would have a catheder in me.

    You will do fine there Ashly...no need to worry there. Dr. Kuri and staff are very professional there. Having surgery in Mexico is the least of your worries there. They are a class act.



  11. Hey y'all - update! I was banded Oct 19th by Dr. Kuri and it was a great experience. Unfortunately, the nurse that I had do my fills didn't have floro and couldn't get a successful fill. I have decided to go back to see Dr. Kuri beginning of Feb for a fill. Honestly, all the docs around here charge transfer fees - basically the cost of two visits to Kuri so I figured I might as well.

    Due to the holidays and not working the "Rules" - I haven't lost much weight. I am starting over on the rules, and working on eating gluten free again (I have a sensitivity) - so I will post again after my fill on Feb 5th.

    -Elizabeth :)

    I'm in the same boat.....I've lost wait...but I am in the process of using my tool wisely. Any weight that I haven't lost ...is my fault in my opinion. That said....I've only had one fill....and I'm getting betting with food choices.

    Now...I'm eating Protein in the morning, invested in many Protein Bars (for snacks), small food choices, not drinking wine late at night, not eating past 7pm, exorcizing more ect....

    P.S. Now...I'm losing a little more weight...and I sense I'm about ready to bust through MY SET POINT (i.e. the barrier that the body sets so you don't lose more weight or gain more weight).

    2013 is going to be a good year. Thanks for updated us Elizabeth. Thank you for keeping us informed on your journey as I believe you got surgery the day after me with Dr. Kuri.

    Continued success,


  12. Hey Dude, I was just thinking of you last night and wondering how you were doing.

    I was thinking that your brother probably doesn't count calories b/c he is in the green zone, you are probably not there yet and it would probably be wise if you did count the calories for awhile. Remember Proteins first, that's what keeps you satisfied longer.

    Glad you've seen the light and realized that ice cream and sliders aren't going to get you where you want to be.

    That's why it is important to count calories, if you have calories left over and can afford a little something, that's ok.

    You're def getting more exercise than me.lol

    If all else fails, see a nutritionist, but go with your food list so they can determine whats going on.

    Your fill will probably help a lot too.

    You'll get there.

    Check in more often, so we don't have to wonder about you.

    Best of Luck!

    Great advice and thank you again for your input. I'll try to check in more often...as I know it does help.

    P.S. Does weight loss come in spurts? The reason being...as I've studied the topic of "SET POINTS" and once you break your set point barrier....all of a sudden you can lose like 10-15lbs in a week. I noticed that when my brother lost....he could lose it in spurts...and was wondering if if I'm hitting a wall because I haven't busted through my current "set point"


  13. 1100 for a man is VERY low. I would have to guess you're not eating enough and actually need more to stimulate your metabolism into activity. A nutritionist is your best bet to establish this.

    I was thinking for my body weight...I need to average about 3400 calories to maintain my weight....and I've been averaging around 1500. To me....I should be losing a lot more than I should based off this alone. Unless, of course, the packaging of the foods I've been eating are wrong.

  14. My goodness, it sounds like you're doing everything absolutely right. I'd be incredibly frustrated in your shoes, too.

    The only suggestions I can think of are:

    -See a nutritionist to establish a good calorie range specifically for you and your activity level. 1100 for a man is VERY low. I would have to guess you're not eating enough and actually need more to stimulate your metabolism into activity. A nutritionist is your best bet to establish this.

    -See your primary care physician. It's highly unlikely but doing this will at least rule a medical reason for your stalled weight loss.

    Good luck!

    To be very honest....early on I was drinking wine late at night[3 glasses once per week]...and noticed my snack level increased big time. I've also have dabbled eating ice cream when I shouldn't have a couple times. So I haven't been some angel since getting the lapband ...but I am turning the corner. I'm establishing more healthy rules with the wine [limiting it greatly] and disciplining myself to not eating after 7pm.

    P.S. I also know it helps if I exercise in the morning because when I exercise at night...I have all this energy and end up getting hungry late at night....not to mention sleep later like in 2am. So...I'm trying....making adjustments as I go....but I thought it would be easier to lose the weight than I thought. So...just to be clear...I'm haven't been an angel at this....but I'm making my adjustments slowly but surely.

  15. I remember the first week....I literally could not eat as I was not hungry at all. My brother says...he is never hungry at all....the only thing is he misses taste [he says]. Although I differ from him on this issue, he says you don't have to count calories and all that stuff and he definitely doesn't exercise as much as I do.....so not sure about this.

    P.S. I believe its all a matter of time before this weight starts coming off.

  16. What are you doing for exercise? What are you eating? Are your Protein Shakes high in sugar? Maybe you missed that? Maybe you need another fill? Are you in the green zone yet?

    • I've had my 1st fill last month and am currently 35% of my fill capacity (1.4 cc's in a 4cc band] and I'm getting about another .6 cc's next week to bring me to 50% fill capacity.
    • More cardiovascular as I love playing basketball with the kids [4 on 1 with 14-17 year olds ...haha...it makes exercising fun]. I also ride the bike and use the elliptical machine. Just recently, I started lifting weights again. Used to lift a lot in college but stopped lifting because I was getting to big [not big as in fat...but big in terms of muscular]. My 85lb weight gain has all been in the last 8 years of my life due to life events and stress and getting older. So I'm pretty comfortable working out [and believe it or not] I was a body builder type back in college. Love working out actually


  17. In short, the following is my general background:

    • I've had the lap band for 3 months now
    • I've lost 13lbs since surgery [all of it was in the first week - not kidding]
    • Had first fill last month [1.4cc in 4cc band = 35% fill capacity]
    • Going for another fill next week [2cc in 4cc band = 50% fill capacity]
    • I'm 5'10 [male] and currently 284lbs [was 297]
    • My BMI is 41.7 lbs and to maintain my weight I must be take in 3400 calories per day

    To lose weight, I've set the following boundaries up to help me be successful:

    • Take protein first thing in the morning with Protein shake
    • Select small food portions in every meal
    • Chew thoroughly and take my time eating
    • Drink Water before I eat and 1 hour after I eat
    • Do not eat past 7pm
    • Go to bed no later than 11pm to get enough sleep
    • Eat no more than 1500 calories per day [today was 1100 calories]
    • Exercise at least 5 hours per week

    Any thoughts or advice?

  18. gallstones are caused by cholesterol is what I was told with that said, I always had good cholesterol, go figure, when he got in there mine was FULL of gallstones. And to answer your question above, yes rapid weight loss does cause you to sometimes have your gallbladder removed or most likely or so I was told again and in my case it happened. I'm having a hard time healing from gallbladder surgery because mine had grown to my liver and he had to cut it away and I bled profusely and now I am having non-stop diarrhea and low grade fever so not sure if I have some kind of infection. Going tomorrow for some test.

    We pray wisdom for the doctor for you Donna, and complete 100% healing for you. Let us know how the doctor visit goes please.



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