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Status Updates posted by luvs2laff

  1. Hey Lakeside! Down 40lbs?!! That's awesome! Congratulations! I could do a lot better with my diet, but I am having the time of my life participating in things I never thought I would have the confidence to do! I feel healthier and younger than I have in 20 years! Best of luck....you're doing great! How do you feel?

  2. 24 lbs!! Awesome!! (or as you Southern folks say, "Yea Haw!") This will probably be the one and only time in your life, when you are actually craving the "mushy food" stage! How much longer before your dr. lets you move into the mushies?

  3. Okay, I know I should be sympathetic, but....if your sick of those shakes now, you'd better learn to love them quick!!! Try bariatriceating.com....they have some recipes that might help you through this stage! It really is like torture and I remember it all too clearly! Hang in there...you're doing great!

  4. Glad to hear everything went well! I don't think you'll ever regret making a decision that is good for your health! I feel like a completely different person in so many different areas of my life and how I approach them! Best of luck and wishing you continued success!

  5. Hey! Congrats on the weight loss! You must feel a difference already in your energy level and the way your clothes fit. Good for you and keep up the good work!

  6. Hey! Saw your pics and wanted to comment....you're adorable! And please, don't have an anxiety attack here...have you seen how many people really put themselves out there! I was banded in Sept. 09 and have had a slow weight loss...its all good though...I'm down 42 lbs. and that's alot better than I would have done without the band! I exercise hard and wish I could have done this when I was your age...but at least I did it and I am having a blast in life! Best of luck and know that you are amongst understanding, non-judgemental people here!

  7. Hey Lakeside! I started with walking on a treadmill and recumbant bike. I lost 12 lbs. the week prior to my surgery and then 9 the week after surgery. I didn't get my first fill until 6 weeks after and I've steadily been losing about a lb. a week. Now, I ride my bike (I found a great one with a big seat!!!) about 6-9 miles a day andI take kickboxing classes! This is not at all typical for me and I can't even begin to tell you how great it feels! The guys in the gym that prevented me from working out all my life (because I was so self conscious and thought they would snicker at me) are now my workout buddies and partners! I still have a long ways to go, but feel really proud of myself for going through with this....you should too....it's a big deal!

  8. This site is a great resource for help, encouragement, and reassurance. I was banded in September with a Realize Band and have a very conservative Dr. I am just now experiencing my first signs of restriction. The procedure itself is over and done with so quickly....best of luck....you'll be fine! Best (unasked for) advice...don't be passive and sit and let the weight come off....as soon as you are able to get around, start walking! Life was fun before, but now I find it exhilirating!!! Good luck again and if you have any questions, just ask!

  9. Hey! Thanks for the nice picture comment! When were you banded?

  10. I swear I don't know how you do it! School, work, family, and you've lost 35 lbs! You are amazing! I have the Realize Band and it is a 9cc...I have 7cc in it and think I felt a bit of restriction when I was drinking water too fast and it felt like it was coming back up! Maybe this was the one! Keep up the good work....I know this is eventually going to kick in for us...right?!

  11. Hey Vikki! Are you still out there? It's been awhile! So I just had my 6th fill and guess what....I still have no freaking restriction! It's soooo frustrating! I've lost 42 lbs. since surgery but it's only because I exercise (my diet could stand some improvement!). Anyway, how are you and what's going on? I know you are super busy, but drop me a line when you get a chance! Hope all is well!



  12. Hey Amanda! I love the new profile pic! You look amazing - and like you're loving life! So glad for you! I'm still in bandster hell and after my 6th fill today hoping for restriction! I'm down 42 lbs. since September but credit it to kickboxing and biking. Can't wait for this band to start helping me! Anyway, hope all is well and keep up the good work!

  13. Hi Starla! It's so nice to hear from you! I haven't been on in a while.....how are you?! I just had my 6th fill and still waiting for restriction! I've lost a total of 42 lbs. but I don't give the band credit for any of it! I exercise alot...kickboxing, biking, and walking. It's really hard though and I find myself slipping into bad habits. My dr. is very conservative with fills and was only giving me .5 cc's at a time! (I think they like the $300 my insurance gives them every time I get a fill!) Anyway, I know I'm getting closer to restriction...it's just been a long fricking wait!!!! You look fabulous! How's your little guy liking his hot mama?!!

  14. Hey Subie! So how is life with restriction going? 4th fill was still not the "one" for me.....grrrrr! So what difference do you notice with restriction....can you eat solid foods without grinding them? I honestly don't care what I have to do at this point....I want to start losing weight again! It's frustrating. I can still eat my entire plateful of food. I do eat healthier foods than ever and continue a working out, but I know I can do better with even a little restriction. How much have you lost? You look great! Keep in touch! Sandy

  15. Hi! Sorry it took so long to get back to you ...lots going on here! I was banded 9/22/09. I started with a lower bmi and was told weight loss would be slow. Now it is at a complete stall and I am partially to blame. I've had a total of 4 fills and still have not reached restriction. I got the band because I am not good at sticking with diets and this past month have fallen back into some bad habits. I'm hoping restriction will put my head back into the diet mode. It's been a long winter and I thought I would have been farther along. Thank you for your inspiration and keep up the good work! Sandy

  16. Hi Subie! Thanks for the friending! Have you been banded yet or have a date? I was banded 9/22/09 and just had my 4th fill yesterday....have not experienced restriction yet and hoping this is "the one"! At 46, I've had a lifetime of packing this weight on and am just ready to get rid of it once and for all!!! Take care!



  17. Hey There! Congrats on the band! I completely understand the frustration with the protein shakes/liquid diet. You're going through the toughest time right now and it will be over soon...hang in there! My 3rd fill was unsuccessful (I started with a low BMI of 35 and have only lost a total of 35 lbs....I thought I would have lost a lot more by this time. I still do not have restriction and I am very frustrated with my situation. However, my dr. is very pleased and doesn't want to be aggressive with my fills. I have a 9cc band and have a total of 4cc's in it now. I didn't pack this weight on overnight so I guess I need to be more patient! I definitely feel firmer from exercising regularly. I do a combo of cardio & weights for lean muscle mass and I love how my arms are getting some definition. Who knows....maybe a sleeveless top this summer!!! Keep in touch!



  18. Hey! It's really interesting how people react and I understand what you're saying about certain people who feel jealous. Prior to getting banded a friend of mine was banded and lost a lot of weight...I overheard a group of our friends saying how it was easy for her because they felt she "cheated". I think alot of people become comfortable with the role we play as the non-threatening "fat friend" and do become jealous of our weight loss success. I accept compliments quietly and let everyone know how hard I work out and leave it at that! I think besides a dieting tool, it will prove to be a tool for weeding out unsupportive people in our lives!

  19. Hi! Happy New Year! Looks like this will be a monumental year for you! Are you getting excited? Did you end up having to tell your boss? If you have any questions, just ask!!



  20. Hey There! Just wanted to wish you a Happy New Year...you must be getting really excited! Keep me posted and if you ever have any questions, just ask!! Just had my 3rd fill and am hoping this will be "the one"!



  21. Hey Meg!


    Just wanted to wish you a Happy New Year! How's it going? How has your life changed since you've lost all the weight?



  22. Happy New Year! How's it going? Just had 3rd fill and hoping it will be "the one"!

  23. Hey Amanda!


    Wow! You look amazing! How were your holidays? It was crazy hectic for me and this was the first chance in a while to catch up with lapband friends!! I just had my 3rd fill yesterday and hope I finally get some restriction. (I needed it during the holidays!) I'm stuck at a plateau of 212 (from 250). I take a physically intense kickboxing/MMA class that pushes me past my limits and I love it. I definitely feel and see muscle definition, but I want to lose lbs. now!! So tell me what you're up to! How much lost, what's changed in your life, how do you prepare yourself mentally as a young woman going from the pretty "big" girl to the amazing knockout you are becoming?! Take care cutie!



  24. 91 lbs?!!! You Rock!!! You should be very proud of yourself! How has your life changed since losing this weight? I completely understand the idea of using food as a crutch. Since I was a child it has been the one constant in my life...it was always there for me in good times and bad. I'm so glad you can take the time out for yourself now. You work so hard and you deserve this! (I hope you realize how pretty you are...but are you ready for 2010 when you'll be the hottest girl in the room!!!) You are doing a great job and are very inspirational to me!

  25. Hi! So far second fill is good. I hope it's still not swollen and that this is it! I can eat about the same as you...1 1/2 -2 cups of food and then I feel full. If it stays like this, I might just not get another fill. I haven't had anything get stuck and I can still eat small portions. I have a 9cc realize band with a total of 4 cc's in it. I'm down a total of 39 lbs., 22 lbs. down since surgery. How are you managing dieting, school, holidays? Busy lady!!!

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