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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by ultra1984

  1. I haven't been on here, or posted anything, in months and months... this is because in March 2009, I had to have my band removed. I am glad to see this forum discussing this critical issue of band failure and problems.

    I don't want to discourage people from doing what they want to, it's your body... and I will tell you that for a while, the band DID work for me, until it DIDN'T. Now, I am band-free, but gaining. And gaining.

    My band sprung a leak after 2 1/2 years of positive loss and changes to my life. This was devestating to me. But I had no idea something more troubling, devastating and stressful was coming -- trying to get the damn thing removed. I tried through my insurance first - no dice, because I had the band placed in MX and they literally told me "it's not hurting you to keep it in there" so they wouldn't help. I tried talking to Allergan - they are F-ing worthless. Told me their product is infallible, and to take a hike -- they also, oddly, told me it won't hurt me to "leave it in there" -- BS. I talked to some attorneys, they ALL turned me away - with the last person I spoke to (being one of the ONLY lawyers in the U.S. to sue Allergan regarding the lap-band) -- he said "the band is an excellent device, well researched and proven... I can't help you, good luck." Seriously? So... I had to wait, and wait... saved and saved money -- to get it removed on my own.

    It was in April 2008 that I discovered the problem, almost a year before I could get it removed. When I finally had enough money saved, I was going back to a great DR in MX for a removal and revision to sleeve... then more problems came to light. The doctor found that the band had started to erode into my stomach -- it had literally started to grow around the outside of the band, and it was eating INTO my stomach wall. What should have been a 30-60 minute surgery was much longer, much more complicated, and my tummy was such a mess, I could not have the revision. Thank goodness I had an honest and ethical doctor who, though he could have made twice the money from me doing a revision, literally gave me over half of my payment back, because they refused to do the sleeve, due to the seriously bad shape my stomach was in.

    Anyways, that's my band story. Got it in... never had one single problem, sprung a leak, nothing but problems from that point on. When my band was functioning properly, I had lost 78 pounds at one point. Without it, I have been struggling ever since. Have gained probably 35 pounds back over the time since it broke.

    Would I do it again, I would have to say no. This cost me a lot of money, a lot of mental and physical anguish, and I'm headed right back to where I started (in terms of weight). Every single day has been an emotional and physical struggle since my band broke, and since it has been removed... even more.

    I would caution those who want to cover their eyes and ears and ignore these warnings... the stats are only going UP for band failures (of all kinds) - leaks, breaks, erosions, slips, bubbles, port problems, etc. Do your homework, and I mean well beyond these forums... do the math (between having the band placed, adjustments, cost of many doctor visits in US after leak, then the removal), I could have self-paid here in the US for surgery 5 years ago... and it would STILL have been less expensive than the massive expenses I have incurred as well. Regardless, the monetary cost is nothing compared to the psychological cost...

    I hope my story helps someone. I try not to dwell on it, but some days I wake up sad and angry about this... and with good reason. Every single day was a struggle before the band, and since it broke, its been BEYOND a struggle after.

    Best wishes to all! :)

    Thank you for telling us your story. I live in the UK and had found someone in London to do my band. It took me awhile as my BMI is 34 and in the UK surgeons will not do it with that BMI. He agreed to do as I have lost wieght before but cannot keep it off. While I was waiting to see if he would do it I found this site and what I read about the problems that can happen years afterwards put me of having the band fitted. I will be looking at having the Gastric Sleeve next year!

    Take care

    MJ :sad:

  2. Well actually just got horrible news. They want to charge me the full cost of an original surgery to fix it. Can't swing that, so... now what. Damn insurance.

    After reading all this I have decided I will go for the Sleeve when I go ahead with it not so much upkeep afterwards. Thanks for all your replies. xx :biggrin:

  3. I'm just gonna cross my fingers n toes and pray this 2nd try works for me...Ultra...I understand the paying for it privately..as I did too...that's why I'm so desperate for this to work (my 2nd try) It IS very expensive for fills and de fills and the surgery it's self...

    I can't tell you weather to have the surgery or not..that's up to you...just read ALL the info you can on it and then decide if it's for you or not. Good Luck :-)

    Hi after what I have read about the Band I am looking to go for the Gastric Sleeve. I shall keep researching! :blink:

  4. OK, as somebody who has been banded 6+ years, I have to say that at least 60% of the people I know who were Banded around the time I was Banded or soon after no longer have their Bands. I know that if I post something like this in the General forums... I get a lot of hands over eyes and mouth saying "no no no ... that can't be true..." because most newly Banded people do not want to hear this. I can't find any concrete statistics from Inamed/Allergan.. nor do I think they keep them (or want to keep them)... but I did find this study:

    A 10-year experience with laparoscopic gastric ban...[Obes Surg. 2006] - PubMed Result

    I guess I'm feeling bad because I one person I tried to convince to try the Band has just had to have her Band completely unfilled due to severe reflux... and she is barely one year out. She's loss maybe 40% of what she needed to, but is now, regaining. I think that so many of us try to paint the Band as positive that we don't talk about the negative... and that we don't accept/realize that this surgery really isn't successful for a lot of people... this study shows a nearly 43% failure rate at 5 years.

    Laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding versus Rou...[surg Obes Relat Dis. 2007 Mar-Apr] - PubMed Result

    This study shows a failure rate of 35% at 5 years for the Band.

    I wonder what the real figures are. I'd love to know.

    :frown: Thank you for posting this. I have been looking into having the band and had nearly decided to go ahead. I have looked and looked for information such as this. I am not sure I will be going ahead with it now. One thing that was worrying me was what would happen if things went wrong as I would be paying privately for it, I could not afford the money to put things right (I hope that makes sense). Thank you again

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