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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ladydi

  1. Hi Zanni, I to do not binge or really overeat but I eat the wrong things. I do not like to exercise either but I know from all that I have read and heard that I will have to. I hear that once I get into it I will actually enjoy to exercise. This is a large expense and only you can decide what to do. I have been over weight since I was 22 and I am 59 now. I have tried all and have loss but gained back all and more. I have decided that I have to change my lifestyle and not let food dictate me. I didn't have insurance for many years and thought this would not be in the cards for me. Then I was lucky to get this job with ins and I started to look into this. I am so blessed that I can and did get this done. I have only been banded for one month but I feel great. Its hard to believe that I have had this done for I feel so great! Diane
  2. ladydi

    ABC September Chat

    Welcome to bandland! I'm glad everything went well. I don't think you have hurt anything but be carefull. Follow your Dr's advise and you will be ok. We are somewhat alike, for my highest weight was 348 and post sx 304. Lost 34 lbs through ww and 5 pre sx, then 7 post sx. I was banded on the 21 and you on the 25. I do not have my first fill scheduled but calling today. Diane
  3. ladydi

    Are you doing Weight Watchers?

    Before I got the band I was at ww. I lost 40 lbs in a yr and was ok with that. I loved my leader, she was so funny and made the meetings so much fun. I really miss her. I would like to go back just to hear her. The meetings change in price due to special promotions that they have. Last time I went I was paying $12. Now, I think it is going for $15 a week. For that extra $48 a mo I might wait until my dr bills are paid. Diane
  4. I weigh after I tinkle and in a nightgown, which is light. I was weighing everyday when I was first banded, but now, about once a week. Diane
  5. ladydi

    Please help me decide!!

    Well said Donna!
  6. ladydi

    Please help me decide!!

    Bella, # 1: who cares what other people say to you or behind your back. You would be doing this for your health and your future. This is for you! #2: You put this weight on over a long period of time, so taking it off over a normal period of time seems healtier to me, plus your skin can work with you. #3: You only have a little over 100 lbs to take off and I think that the other sx with all the complications would't be the way to go. #4: cheeper #5: I feel great and don't even know that I have had the sx except I was a little tender. I am still waiting for my first fill, but I am so blessed that I was able to have this sx. For me, I need to lose at least 115 to be happy, and I couln't justify the other sx with all the complications. I have seen and known too many people that have had the sx and gain the weight back after all that they have gone through. I have been on too many diets that have gained all the weight back and I will not go through that again! With this sx, if you start to gain anything back you can have a fill. You have a better chance of keeping this weight off. This will be for the rest of my life and I do not want my tummy to get larger again and not have the ability to correct it. (by over eating like I have in the past) Not that I will but you never know. Diane
  7. ladydi

    WOOO HOOOOO NSV! Yeah!!!!

    BooBoo Kitty, Thats my kitty's name (Laveren and Shirley) I too was banded in Aug, but I have only lost 7lbs since sx. Have you had a fill as of yet? I can't wait until someone tells me I lost weight also. You must be floating on air! Congrads!!!!!!
  8. Julie, wow! You do have a great opportunity. As others have said, you have the best of two worlds. You have a wonderful group of people that you call your family, and I am sure that because they are so close to you, that they would continue to be. They also would wish you luck in any endeaver you choose. If you choose to take the new position, they could go with you just by talking to you and listening to your travels and everything that would go on. You also have us and your computer. You could always talk to us if you have any problem with your weight journey. I would love to have this chance! Don't be afraid of taking a chance on a new begining. We and your friends at your current job will be with you. If you decide to stay where you are, that would be ok too. I believe you could be happy either way. Follow your heart. ladydi
  9. ladydi


    Hi Faith, And Welcome To Bandland! Sorry But I Have Not Heard Of The Bracelet. I Bet Your Dr Would Know. Not Any Help But Just Wanted To Say Hello! Ladydi
  10. ladydi

    Road to "TWOterville"

    That's Exciting! Taking Steps Toward A Relationship Is Big! I Am Almost At Twoterville Only 4 Lbs Away. I Probably Won't Make Any Steps Intil I Get To Onederland. I Should Feel Comfortable By Then. Ladydi
  11. My Brothers Are 6'6" And 6'5" And Because I Have Been Big And Then Mo, I Have Always Liked Tall And Large Men. I Guess It Made Me Feel Smaller. Or Normal. Ladydi
  12. ladydi


    welcome Lin Everything was great for me also. They couldn't get the smile off my face while I was waiting for sx. I feel great and have no complacations so far. I'm looking forward to my first fill. I too am a August girl. Ladydi
  13. ladydi

    ABC September Chat

    Robin......i' Happy To Hear That Everything Went So Well. I Look Forward To Mine In A Week. I Heard 50% Also From The Other Thread. 15 Minutes Is Fast And It Does't Hurt! I Like That! Do We Set Our Own Espected Goal Or Do They? Diane
  14. ladydi

    spivak fills

    Wow, That Is Great Robin. I Didn't Know That. That Sure Will Help And Also Give Us More Insentive To Get There. Diane
  15. ladydi

    Adult Humor-Mild-1

    That Was Great!!! I Couldn't Even Think That Fast!
  16. ladydi

    ABC September Chat

    Hi there, I just got through reading this post. I was on the last but took time to read all. Robin: I called the office to see when the meetings were and she told me that they have them all over to check the website. I could not find the website (either houstonbandsters or texasbandsters) but I will continue to look. I have been sick for the last week. :sick Came down with a cold and in bed for 3 days. Now I just have a bad cough. I was afraid that I might hurt my band so I called to check with the Dr's office and they said it should be ok and it won't hurt my band. wow what a relief. Now i can cough and not worry! lol I too have been going up and down. I just decided to not get on the scale. At first it was hard but better than getting upset not losing or gaining. For breakfast I have a Protein drink, either 1 cup slim milk, frozen banana, 1 splenda, scoop of protein, and frozen fruit of any kind (4-5 lg strawberrys or 10-15 blueberrys etc) and if you like 2 spoons of vanilla fat free yogart. total of 26-28 gm of protein. (I break a banana in 3-4 pieces and put in a baggie and freeze) or if I get tired of the thick fruit ones I do this one. 8 oz of orange juice 1 splenda packet 1 raw egg scoop of protein 23 grams of protein This tastes like a orange julieus (sp) really a nice change and you can not taste the egg. If Iam still hungry I would have some oatmeal. I have my Protein Drink about 4:30am and would have the instant oatmeal about 8am. For lunch I have tuna which is 13 grams of protein for only half a can. Diane
  17. ladydi

    Christmas Lovers Thread

    I Haven't Been Back Since I First Posted At 314. I Am 13 Days Post Sx And Have Lost 11 Lbs So Far. Ladydi
  18. ladydi

    August Band Crew!!!!!

    I Am 12 Post Sx. The Only Problem I Had Was In The Recovery Room When I Was Nauseaus And Threw Up A Couple Of Times. By The Time I Was Home I Felt Great. Other Than Tender Tummy, I Feel The Same. I Feel So Blessed That I Have A Second Chance On Life. I Went To Work On The 4th Day And Felt Ok. The Next Day I Was Dizzy And Nauseaus Again. Went Home And Called The Dr. Seemed I Was In The First Stage Of Dehydration. That Is The Only Problem I Have. Trying To Get 64 Oz Of Water Down. It That Is The Only Problem I Have I Am Very Very Lucky!! I Have Lost All The Weight From The Sx For I Did Gain 7 Lbs, Plus 7 More. I Am Eating And Drinking What I Am Suppost To And Have Gained 2 Lbs. I Understand That It Is A Time Of Healing But It Is Very Hard Not To Want To See The Weight Come Off After Sx. I Need To Just Be Patient!! I Have Always Been Too Hard On Myself. Robin.....are You Planning To Go The The Support Group Meetings At Dr Spivak's? I Will Probably Do So In Two Thurs. Hope To Meet You There. Ladydi
  19. ladydi

    August Band Crew!!!!!

    Betty, I'm Sorry, But Sx Means Surgery Not Sex! Lol I Wish I Could Put Things In A Bag For That! Ladydi
  20. ladydi

    August Band Crew!!!!!

    Hi, I Was Banded On The 21st. I Am On Soft Food Now. I Can't Believe How Blessed I Am Because I Feel Great. I Did Get Sick In The Recovery Room But Since Then Just Tender On My Tummy. I Thought I Would Have A Problem With The Protein But Find That With The Protein Drink And Tuna, That Is 60 Grams. The Only Problem Is Drinking Enough Water. I Was Always A Non Water Person Until Ww. Then I Drank It Out Of A Lg Glass With A Straw And Ice And Lemon. They Say That Ice And Straws Will Give You Gas So I Now Take A Sm Bottle Of Water And Freeze It, Squeeze The Lemon In It And Drink It That Way. It Is 4 Days Post Banding And I Am Back To Work. So Far So Good. Ladydi
  21. Hi, Ladydi Here. Had My Sx On Monday The 21st Of August. I Can Not Believe How Good I Feel. Just Tender But No Problems. I Still Can Not Belive That I Am On My Way! I Feel The Same. My Highest Weight 347, At The Dr. 314 And When I Weighed In Before Sx, 309, Bmi 50. I'm Shooting For 185. It Is Still Hard To Believe That I Will Be That Little! I Had A Patch For Nausiation(sp) And Took It Off Today, But Felt Dizzy So Put It Back On. Did Anyone Here Have The Same Problem?
  22. ladydi

    August Band Crew!!!!!

  23. ladydi

    August Band Crew!!!!!

    Hi, My Sx Is 8-21-06 Only 3 Days Away! I'm Really Excited! I Can't Wait To Start My New Life With The Band.
  24. ladydi

    To be banded 8/21 Emotional wreck

    Hi Wilson, I'm Due To Have The Sx On The Same Day. I'm Full Of Emotions But Most Of All I'm Excited! My Friend Was Scared And Breaking Out In Rashes Due To Her Fear. But She Did Fine And I Know Will Be As Happy As All Of The Banders. Ladydi
  25. ladydi

    Christmas Lovers Thread

    Hi, just saw this thread. Love it! I'm almost finished with Christmas gifts also. I make a lot of my gifts to give away. I have cut the wood for this years gifts, now I only have to paint. I work for a police station and this year I am making 130 badges for the tree in our office. start 317 goal 260 I will be banded on the 21st. Ladydi

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
