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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by MourningFuneral

  1. I wanted to come by and say that I am proud of myself because I have not gained 1lb. but I have lost 6 more lb's even with being pregnant. I miss you guys sooooooooooo much and woke up today to think "hmmmmm... I want to start working out again" and I wanted to write you all... I'm going to change my ticker now to show chanege<3

  2. i go to talk to my doctor on the 17th. i think im so horrid because everytime i eat anything but liquid i PB and need some cc's removed. I think im going to give it one more chance and really work at it. i think with my husband working and me sitting in my bedroom all day has drove me nuts. i feel like everyone has a life but me.

  3. I know i've been away lately. I have been so depressed and discuraged with weightloss. I am thinking about having my band taken out and having the gastric bypass. I know that sounds nuts but really i dont eat what i used to b ut i still do not lose weight just stay the same. im tired of PB every time i eat real food. i have to live os runny mashed potatoes and quite frankly it sucks. I am at this point in m y life where im going at this cross road and I need to make up my mind. Have I excercised? NO,Not like most do, it hurts to walk and my hips hurt when i do. I wanted to join a gym but... theres sooo many people that would stare or laugh....

  4. I am going to 24 hour fitness on thursday to sign up for a gym membership, I am ready, finally to get out of my shell. I have hope where I didn't before, I know I can do this I just have to work for it. I realized I am the one who made me this way, no one else held a gun to the fork. I have been doing alot of changing and I'm happy all of you are in my life for the road ahead.

    so far today

    B-Whey Protein Shake w/lite soymilk 190 cals total

    L-1/4 of a salmon fellet with dill and lemon and 5 green olives

    D- planed the same as lunch

  5. Thankyou everyone for your support, you have no idea what it means. I am really proud of myself that I about passed out on the scale, I just couldnt believe it. I am working hard for 10lbs in the next two weeks and I've made a new goal of getting to 300lbs for my birthday April 20th.

    But now i'm getting out the house and i'm even going to enroll in college today!

    so far this morning, whey protien shake w/lite soy milk. what i've done is gave up snacking through the day and based my meals around 3 meals a day..

    once again, thank you!

  6. MorningFuneral that sounds great but only if you guys come along and help me. I need lots of help. LOL I was going to do another bootcamp once this one ended. How about a 2 month 10 pound BootCamp.

    That sounds good, but what would be easier, doing a new one every few months or having a forum of just bootcamp for goal?

  7. Cassandra-I see you have my picture as an icon<3

    Sorry i am late folks trying to deal with my new celiac condition but here is what i've done


    Under boobs-55 1/2



    Weigh in wednesday so ill tell ya then.

    food for today



    at the movies i had some natchos(never again got sick)

    D-4 bites of salmon fellet and two brocoli flowerettes

    snuck in One piece of see's candy

    I just didnt feel like food today...

    Excercise-Walked across long parking lot twice then sat at the top of stadium theatre and went up steps twice and down twice

    Went to home depot and walked around. Today i was pretty much up and about.


    My face particularly my eyes

    My kindness

    My faithfulness

    My tattoos

    My piercings

    My little ears

    My ability to make others laugh


    My low self confidence

    My self hate

    My weight

    My saggy skin

    My procrastination due to no self worth

    My moodswings

    My double chin

    My weird ass that looks like a deformed newborn's

    My 8 boobs,(rolls of fat)

  8. I am glad that they finally found out what was wrong..Maybe you can get everything on track..But I dont know if I could make it on what your are limited to now, that would drive me crazy...

    yes, i cant believe for this long i've been allergic to so many foods, i mean i knew milk and egg sensitivity. There is a long list of things with celiac, like no gum cause of dextrose.... Well I'll definiatly loose weight now.


    B-Whey chocolate protien shake w/lite soy milk 190 cal total

    L-Half a salmon fellet w/dill cracked blackpepper and lemon, 2 brocoli fowerettes,1 coliflower flowerette,2 baby carrots 200 cals total

    D-Same as lunch

    Water-2 1/2 leters

    excercise-Bought dance dance revolution, tried it, was way too fast for me, cried then took it back

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
