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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Soexcited

  1. I really would like to know what you are all blending up. Can you share your first foods and what you are blending up please! Also how long does your doc have you on mushies? I am in the mushie phase and could use some help. Thank you :thumbup:
  2. And you know I think its different loosing weight when you start with a bmi lower than 35. I find the lower I get the slower it goes, I'd love to dump 30 in 2 months ... how did you do that red bone? was it all after the band?
  3. I just started my mushies and I havent lost or gained so I suppose thats goo. I am going into it slow....full liquid all day then I;ll have a mushie at night for dinner....nice and slow.
  4. Blended meat might not sound good but when it's the first food you have had in a month it is heaven! Plus I am trying to keep my protein intake high!
  5. energy.... ya whats that? Its getting better but man I drag bad at the end of the day!
  6. Soexcited

    Cleanse Experience

    Whats a slimquick cleanse? I have not heard of that one but yes Id consider a clense....heck though with all of the liquid diet isnt that cleanze enough??
  7. OK GracesMom ... whats SE? But YIPPIE FOR US....just 3 more pounds and we will be 199! I havent weighed in the one's since college!
  8. Happy...you are doing sooooooooo great! Congrats! I am so happy for you, so happy for us all....next time you are down let me know! As long as its not pouring we need to meet up! By the time we get around to it maybe we will both be on soft foods...do you like sushi? We can have lunch!
  9. Oh thank you so much for the reply. I had blended meatloaf tonight for dinner and it was ssssooooo good.
  10. Soexcited

    The first circle of hell

    I think its AMAZING that you go with your MIL to class. She is going through the worse time in her life, the loss of her lover, best friend, soul mate and you CAN help her by doing something thats good for you. I applaud you for taking care of your family! Well done!
  11. Evening November Knockouts! I had blended turkey meat loaf for dinner tonight and it was HEAVEN!
  12. I weighed 202 this morning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thats 33.5 pounds gone since my first consult, 7 pounds of that is post op.
  13. May I ask if anyone is using the Realize board? My doc requires us to log our food and I am having a hard time navigating around the thing.
  14. Soexcited

    Realize my Success BOARD

    Hi! Its just imputting all the stuff you eat .... I need a secritary for that! All of the protein shakes and things from a shelf are easy but how do you caluclate home made chicken noodle soup for example....calories? Carbs? protein?
  15. Hello all! I have just moved into the wonderfull world of mushies and am wondering what you all are eating for your mushies....will you share with me please?!
  16. OMG mee tooooo! I moved onto my first mushie last night for dinner and I am HUNGRY ALL THE TIME NOW!
  17. What have you been blending? I blended home made chili last night as my first meal. So yesterday I had my protein shakes for breakfast and lunch then the chili and lost a pound! Today I had the same protein shakes for breakfast and lunch and tonight have blended up some pasta with meat sauce ........... it looks like poop on a plate but OMG so yummy!
  18. When are you able to move onto mushies? You were banded the 27th? Thats just 2 days after me.
  19. mello...yippie for you! It's a lot slower for me post op than I thought it would be,, have only lost 5 pounds post op.....thought it would be more.
  20. TJ congrats! I ate my first mushie last night! Pureed chili ... I had about 4 teaspoons full and I was satisfied....WONDERFULL to feel satisfied after so little and I have had no fill yet, that will bae after XMas. I have had preotein shakes all day today too.....kinda scared to eat :thumbup: I might try a scrambled egg 4 dinner tonight!!
  21. On day 2 I was feeling yuckie. I was banded at about 1pm and was home by 5pm the same day. That night I was still all doped up on meds from the hospital so slept OK the first night. The 2nd day was hard, just getting up and out of bed was painfull.....it was not till about day 4 till I started feeling human again.
  22. Hello! I got banded with a lower bmi as well. I was super heavy at one point and got a lot off on my own but just couldnt do the rest. The band was the best thing I have ever done! Now I say that today, because today is a good day...I am 13 days post op and have had a few pity partys too...why did I do this etc etc.....but I suppose thats normal, Id like to get down to about 160!
  23. My post op diet is HELL. I was banded in San Diego (UCSD) and my post op diet is this: day 1 - 5 Water, sugar free popsicles, Vitamin water, iceopure (clear Protein drinks ... 2 a day so I have been getting 80g of protein from day one) chicken broth (the bullion kind). day 6 -14 all of the above including Protein shakes (milk based) Jello, fat free sugar free pudding, yogurt & cottage cheese. day 14-24 blended foods. Anything blended so the texture is alike the pudding like blended pot roast, blended yams, blended peas, just think "baby food" then after that soft foods, like fish, turkey meatloaf, egg/tuna salad (just mayo no cruncy anything) Hope that helps a little.... my first day of blended should have been this Tuesday but I gave a few days early and had like 4 bites of blended home made chicken noodle soup.....it was very light and I added water to lighten it up even more.
  24. Soexcited

    Needing Breakfast ideas

    How about making a breakfast borrito the night before and in the morning you can nuke it for a miniute and run out the door. 1 small south beach diet tortilla scrambled agg whites / no fat cheddar 2 slices of turkey bacon wrap it in surran and you are ready to go the next morning! Plan ahead! I also like whole oatmeal...just soak it in no fat milk or yogurt overnight in a tupperwear, by morning its tender and yummy, eat it cold or hot...no "cooking" required!
  25. Soexcited

    Piercing pain on the left

    I was banded 11/25 and had no pain at all till a week later when I started getting these pains in my side like someone was stabbing me with a knife...oh it was HORRIBLE I called the doc in a pannic and he said it was normal and could happen for the first 2 months off and on, not to worry and it would get better. After the one day the pain stopped and I havent had one since.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
