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Everything posted by Soexcited

  1. Soexcited

    September 2009 Band Date

    Yahoo for you! CONGRATULATIONS for getting to WONDERLAND! I can not wait for my turn!
  2. I agree mz and that is the biggest reason I chose not to tell anyone other than my family. They are all skinny and I know they would support me, my friends have been my friends for a very long time but they would not understand....especially since they knew me when I was 3oo+ they would just say oh you can do the rest on your own! But the simple fact is that I couldnt, I want to be healthy for mu husband and son....they are my whole world I adore them and want to be around enjoying them as long as I possibly can!
  3. Oh for sure....before my band I would have eaten the whole tray! I am going to have one today but am saving it till tonight so I am less likely to eat more than that!
  4. Tour....good for you! Its great when people notice isnt it? Heidi...I was banded 11.25 and am still on mushies but also have no restriction either. We will after our first fill and for me that will be just after Christmas. I just made peanut butter cup peanut butter cookies with my son! Mmmm do they smell good but I am being good :willy_nilly: We went out to our club for brunch with Santa this year and they did not have the cookie party for the kids like they did last year so thats why we cooked them at home .... Hmmm the house smells yummy!
  5. I have been banded for 18 days now. I lost about 10 pounds after the band and the rest before on the liquid diet. I am in the mushie stage now and am NOT gaining weight I am still slowly loosing. I have read on this board that LOTS of folk gain once starting mushies and soft foods but you dont have to be one of those people. When you get to your blended stage be smart, dont eat high calorie stuff, walk, drink lots of water and you too will continue to loose!
  6. I have not posted in a while but thought Id share my good news. I am 200.6!!!!!!!! My goal was 199 by Christmas Eve ..... I'm gonna make it!
  7. My husband and I paid cash $16,500 each with Dr, Horgan at UCSD my husband was banded in October and I was banded in November. The entire staff is awesome, we loved them and highly recomend them.
  8. How about raw tofu chuncks? We do a lot of tofu at our house at snack time.
  9. I dont know what everyone is blending in their mushie stages, blended big macs? How can you gain eating these tiny mushies? I am loosing very slowly since surgery day but keep going down and I have been eating mushies for 5 days now.
  10. Soexcited

    post op supplies?

    My husband and I also got banded together! We were going to do it the same day....thank god we changed our minds about that. He was banded in October then I went a month later. If we were both down at the same time it would have been hell! Congrats and its so great having such awesome support!
  11. I dont even know what that is? We have an elliptical it's an awesome ass kicker!
  12. Soexcited

    Cooking for the family

    Wow, you started having children ealry...I am 44 with a 4 year old! I love cooking and so soed my son, now we cook only whole good healthy foods, you have a challenge ahead of you no doubt, but be strong, have faith and belive you CAN do this....and you have lots of best friends on this board....even if we are total strangers!
  13. Soexcited

    Cooking for the family

    Hi! my husband was banded in October and I was banded in November. We have a 4 1/2 year old son and I am a stay at home Mom, so I cook breakfast lunch and dinner too. The pre op liquid diet is by far the hardest. Especially at the beginning, I made it through the day on liquids then every night at dinner time I'd have a few bites of chicken or fish. That made the nights bearable for me. My liver was in tip top shape surgery day so those lean Proteins were just fine. As far as food I did this. Every night I made something like stew or home made Soup. something I knew would freeze well and I would be able to blend up while I was on the mushie stage of the post op diet. So that made the cooking easier...knowing Id get to eat it eventually and my husband and son got a good healthy meal. The other think I did was challenge myself to cook healthier breakfast, lunch and dinners So I got out the cookbooks and looked on line. I made home made chili with turkey meat, home made chicken noodle soup, home made, chicken and rice stew (no cans of creamed soup...all fresh whole ingredients). I threw away the oatmeal and got steel cut oats, loaded up the pantry with Protein bars and Vitamin waters......I suppose I went into super stock up mode. By the time I had my surgery my fridge and freezer and pantry were stocked with all healthy things...I threw everything else away. maybe concentrating on doing all of that helped me not eat it....I got through it you will too....My son is also now not a grazer like he was before. We eat Breakfast lunch and dinner now....not much snacking even with my son now...how old are your kids? After the surgery you are right...you wont have an appetite, it took me all day to just get the liquid in. Good tip, drink iceopure right after surgery that way you can get in good protein and it is considered to be "clear" not much clear protein out there. I drank 2 a day from the very first day I was home so that's 80g of protein, so good in helping you heal. Anyway I hope that helps...I love to cook so do not hestiate to Pm me.
  14. Id say my surgery was a bit harder than my last visit to the dentist but I am still glad I did it. I needed something serious otherwise I dont think I would have done it on my own. Gain yes...loose a lot no.
  15. Yes a little will go a very long way!
  16. Soexcited


    My boobies have shrunk and fallen as well! I am back to being a c cup and I havent been a c cup since before I got pregnant!
  17. I was banded 2 weeks ago and all I do is take walks. I love it, its great simple and feels right. I need to heal up a bit more before getting on my elliptical....your doctor should guide you mine is!
  18. Soexcited

    post op supplies?

    I was banded 2 weeks ago and before my surgery my fridge was full of, vitamin water, iceopure, and popsicles I lived on those 3 things for the first 7 days. Then I was alowed full liquids so I made sure my pantry was stocked with good high protein shakes!
  19. Soexcited

    Embarrassing Diarrhea Question

    I am 16 days post op, just starting mushies and me too I am super gassy, rumbly tummy, squirty, and TMI I know but sooo stinky! Its so embarrasing I dont know what to do?
  20. Soexcited

    Stomach Pain

    I have a lot of pain these days too...could it be gas? I think mine is. I was on liquid diet 2 weeks before surgery and 2 weeks after surgery .... do you think its your tummy rebelling after all the liquid? If it is it will pass....get some chewable gas x and eat like 6 see if it helps. If not you got some extra calcium, its worth a try!
  21. Hi CatLady, Well I am 44 and started this journey at 235 pounds, I am 5'8 1/2 and the mother of a 4 year old. I could have tried again and again and again to loose the weight without the band but I figured I had done that before and I was not getting the results I wanted. I chose to be banded because I want to LIVE for my family. I do not want to be an old tired fat middle aged woman, I want to be able to keep up with my son and to never have him be ashamed of his fat Mommy. I think you should so it because it will add years to your life and if you are like me you have a family who wants and needs you to be as healthy for them as you can be. I want to grow old with grace and be like my Dad who is 83 and STILL walks 18 holes of golf 3 days a week.
  22. mellow you can do it! resist! You ARE strong!! But your post did make me think of one thing. I was banded 11.25 do you all think I can have a glass of wine Christmas eve? What do your docs say about drinking? Other than the obvious empty calorie speal.....
  23. Soexcited

    November 2007

    I am confused, what are you actually asking? I think you might be asking advise on how to loose a bit more is that right? First you can start by never going to another fast food place again. Taco Bell, Wendys, McDonnalds are all HORRIBLE for you. No nutrition and full of fat and high calories....try a steamed piece if fish and some fresh veggies! Chicken & brown rice..... just stay away from the fast food and you will loose just by giving that up!
  24. Good for you! Yum...what did you puree?
  25. The chicken cottage cheese thing sounds good hdmama I need to get dinner started soon and I have no idea what I am going to do, my poor hubbie and son have been eating lots of leftovers because when I do get myself to cook, I cook a lot of it so it will last this mushie diet has been hard on them but they are troopers. Normally I would cook a full on meal every night, I love to cook and cook well so I suppose I need to get back to that for them.

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