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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by newgirlinwa

  1. I had Lap Band surgery over a year ago and ,during that surgery, I had my hiatal hernia repaired. I haven't had a fill for a while because I've felt that my restriction was more than adequate. However, I have noticed that,even while drinking my Protein Shakes, I will get that stuck feeling, almost as if I had an air bubble trapped that I couldn't burp out. This feeling rarely happens when I have a bra on. Yesterday, this happened so bad that I ended up BPing (vomiting?) off and on for about 5 hours. Is it possible that my hernia has returned? Or is this a sign of a slipped band or something?

  2. Actually, thanks to you all, I feel a lot better than I did when I posted this message last night. I realize now that I really did dodge a bullet and am thankful that I'm not going to be dragged down by him and his controlling ways. I think I was in shock more than anything. I consider myself to be a very kind-hearted person and to come across someone so mean-spirited was very disturbing for me. I guess the lesson I can take from this is that there are some very judgemental people when it come to weight loss surgery. If someone can't take the time to know me and the reason why I chose to have this procedure and respect my decision to do so, then I am better off without them in my life.

  3. Thank you all for your words of support. Maybe you're right, Purity Child. Maybe he does prefer larger women. And Scott, I totally agree that it could have been worse had we had been seeing each other longer than we had been. Leigha, having looked back on our brief relationships, the way he chose to break things does reflect on how controlling he really is. Tracy, in my last email to him I did explain about how this surgery could help me address some serious health issues I was facing. Whether he takes the time to read the message, I'll never know. And Sslouha, if he were wanting someone who was emotionally weak, why not go for the girl with low self-esteem? Wouldn't he be able to control someone like that more?

  4. I just recently started seeing this guy again that I met 2 years ago. He liked me the way I was, even if I was a few pounds overweight. We happened to reconnect about a few weeks ago and it was like we were never apart. He apologized how things went in the past and asked for me to see him exclusively while we saw where things went in our relationship. Things went well until I told him I got the lap band. He disappeared for a few days before reemerging to tell me that he was turned off by the fact that I had surgery because that indicated that my self esteem was very low and that I cared what other people thought about my weight. This is the second time he decided to end things in this matter and both times have caught me completely off guard. My sister told me to tell him until later on, but eventually he would have seen the scars and felt the port. Maybe it was best that I was dumped now instead of later after I had fallen for him completely.

    Sorry for venting this way, but I never would have thought that this would have been one of the side effects of having weight loss surgery. I'm so hurt right now I don't even know what to say...:biggrin:

  5. I thought the surgeon was harsh also, but... the long and short is that I have returned to the gym, doing only aqua aerobics and I have lost 5 lbs since my visit with teh surgeon. I see that you havfe been on LAP-BAND®® for a while.;..may I ask how you have done. The good, bad and ugly of it please. Love to hear other people's experiences...

    I got my band on 23 Feb 10. I only lost 14 lbs during my 2 week pre-op diet, then lost another 15 lbs since surgery. My Dr. required a 4 week post-op liquid diet, which was very hard to stick to. I got my first fill today and it went very well. I hope that the weight will start coming off. If I lose 10 lbs a month, I will be happy.

    Congrats on losing 5 lbs since your last appointment. Water aerobics is a great idea. I'll need to look into that in my area. Keep up the good work!


  6. Personally, I think it may be a little bit too soon. Has your doctor let you start eating solid foods yet? I'm 1 month post op today and I'm just now being graduated to mushy foods.

    The reason I ask is that I was told that your tolerance to alcohol on the band will be a lot lower. So, if you do decide to have one small drink, expect it to affect you a lot more than it would have before and PLEASE call a cab or have a designated driver.

  7. this is fascinating. I saw my surgeon on 3-15-10 . He told me I will have my first fill on 4-12 and he told me to return to the gym immediately since I did not lose any weight post-op (I had surgery 3-5). So, I was upset, but my dietician told me not to expect weight losss for 2-3 weeks post-op since I had lost 46 lbs pre-op. Was this your experience also? I am upset that I di dnot lose weioght, but felt that the doctor was ratgher harsh. I would love3 to hear more about your experience please. Thasnk for answering back!

    Wow! That was pretty harsh. Personally, I would be weary about going to the gym so soon after surgery. Your body is still healing and you don't need to do anything to injure yourself.

    I was told that I may not see any weight loss until after I got my first fill. I go in for my first fill on Monday. I hope my doctor will have a better bedside manner than yours!

    p.s. Congrats on losing 46 lbs pre-op. That in itself is an achievement!

  8. hi everyone - was wondering if someone could define BPing. I'm seriously considering the surgery but keep hearing people refer to this 'bping' as embarrassing etc... it's really worrying me!

    I could be wrong, but I think the abbreviation people have been using (PB) stands for productive burp. I haven't seen BP used before, but I'm still a newbie.:)

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