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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by tke100

  1. OK so take a deep breathe and remember why you started this process to begin with. All you concerns are valid and justified. I think everyone has some sort of hesitation because it is a big decision, a big life change....

    That said, this is a mental game and your head needs to be in it. Obviously you need to work on these issues you have with the addiction to food as well.

    I had some of the same thoughts prior but I was totally ready. Most of it stemmed from fear. Once I had my surgery I have never looked back with an ounce of regret. My only regret would be why did I not do this sooner.

    Everyone is different, how they deal and what they can tolerate. I can eat anything and tolerate everything. You just have to see what works for you.

    Just try and think of the positives and the benefits of losing the weight. I can tell you I feel great and I wouldn't change it for the world.

    Good luck.

  2. MissyMS - you were absolutely right. My tummy woke me up at 4am and went nuts for over 2 straight hours.

    All day today I have been feeling yucky, my tummy is a mess and I have a headache. Good news is when I got on the scale this morning I was already down 3.5lbs. All that Water sure did come out!

    Anyway, hopefully tomorrow this flu like feeling will pass, my tummy will be better and maybe this headache will go away! So tempted to take some Tylenol but just scared to take anything at this point!

    I guess my body just reacted to taken the Advil PM over time.....it does not like me. LOL

    Will keep you posted....

  3. Diphenhydramine/Ibuprofen

    All medicines can cause side effects, but many people have no, or minor, side effects. Check with your doctor if any of these most COMMON side effects persist or become bothersome when using Diphenhydramine/Ibuprofen:

    ; diarrhea; dizziness; drowsiness; dry mouth, throat, and nose; excitability; gas; headache; heartburn; nausea;
    or upset; thickening of mucus in nose or throat.

    Seek medical attention right away if any of these SEVERE side effects occur when using Diphenhydramine/Ibuprofen:

    Severe allergic reactions (rash; hives; itching; trouble breathing; tightness in the chest; swelling of the mouth, face, lips, or tongue); bloody or black, tarry stools; change in the amount of urine produced; chest pain; confusion; dark urine; depression; fainting; fast or irregular heartbeat; fever, chills, or persistent sore throat; hallucinations; mental or mood changes; numbness of an arm or leg; one-sided weakness; red, swollen, blistered, or peeling
    ; ringing in the ears; seizures; severe headache or dizziness; severe or persistent stomach pain or nausea; severe vomiting; shortness of breath; stiff neck; sudden or
    unexplained weight gain
    ; swelling of hands, legs, or feet; tremor; unusual bruising or bleeding; unusual joint or muscle pain; unusual tiredness or weakness; vision or speech changes; vomit that looks like coffee grounds; wheezing; yellowing of the skin or eyes.

    Interesting thing is once I read the side effects I have actually been suffering from a few of these.....huh! I have also had a stiff neck lately and some unexplained dizziness. I guess I am a lucky one who had a negative reaction to this one.

  4. Actually the very first side effect of this drug is Constipation.< /p>

    Diphenhydramine Side Effects | Drugs.com

    I just spoke to a friend of mine who is a nurse and she said she has heard of this before. And one of the side effects are constipation. She also said that the drug does put you to sleep and slows your body down more that if you slept on your own, so therefore slowing you down.

    And yes I do know your point about trainers not being doctors and such but I have done some research too before I posted this to see if it had any truth to it. Also, the trainer I work with specializes in working with bariatric patients, she has been working with me since day one of my journey and is well aware of my diet and practices.

    This certainly could have sabotaged my efforts if it has been effecting my body negatively where without it I could have lost more efficiently. Just my opinion but if this does retain Water and effect my bowels....yes my weight loss has been hampered. (especially the constipation part, uuugghhh)

  5. So for the last few months or so I was having a terrible plateau and when I was losing the scale was barely moving down. Had a fill and the same thing, even though I felt more restriction this time! So I have been going crazy because I am following the plan, exercising and have been using spark for my food journal...nothing has changed in that way at all. I have increased my work outs in recent as well! I have notice I am hungry at night and have been making great snack choices, nothing bad!

    So anyway, I went for a 5 mile hike with my trainer yesterday and we got to talking. She just could not understand after reading my food and exercise journal why this was happening. (and talking how my weight loss has stopped....and actually now I am up four pounds)

    So she asked me if I take any meds and I said no just Advil PM. She literally stopped in her tracks and said DUH! that stuff will do it to you every time. She said it is an appetite stimulant, you hold Water weight ( I am so feeling bloated which is what started the conversation in the 1st place) and it increases constipation! Anything with with diphenhydramine in it can cause weight gain, when using at night because it slows you down too much, and apparently effects your metabolism!

    I started doing research and it is all over the net about this exact topic. I found this blog all about it!

    Cranky Mommy

    Anyway, I wanted to share just in case any of you use sleep aids or benedryl at night and your weight loss has not been exactly fast or slowing down. I have officially quit taking Advil and Tylenol PM as of tonight! And will certianly update you if the scale starts moving again.

    I just feel horrible that this could have sabotaged all the hard work I have done, it has also slowed my progress down immensely considering I have been taking this for a few months. UUUGGHHHH at least I figured it out now instead of later....

  6. Thanks for the replies. I knew I was not the only one...

    It just seems so frustrating when you feel you are following the plan and doing what you are supposed to do.

    I use sparkpeople.com to track everything. I went back thru my calendar over the months to see if I can see any major changes. I really did not see anything I am doing too differently.

    The one thing I know is different is that I am hungry at night, so I have been snacking...that said ... my snackrs are things like - some Laughing Cow cheese, or some nuts, or a slice of turkey. Trying to go by advice from my trainer at gym who says nuts are a good fat and a great snack. I think I may try cutting them out and see what happens.

    BetsyB- you are probably right in your theory and it will happen on its own again. I think that is great advice, thank you.

    It is so easy to get obsessed with this....trying not to do that either LOL

  7. Well the title says it all. I was banded 08/31/09 and I was steadily losing until about 6-8 weeks ago. I have gone up and down 2-3 lbs since my last fill on 03/18. I have 5.5 in a 10cc band and my next fill is Thursday, thank goodness.

    It is driving me crazy....the fill did not make a difference as far as restriction. I definitely feel my self hungrier at times and especially on days I work out really hard. I am probably eating bigger portions but my calorie intake is barely 1000 per day. I am trying really hard to increase the calories because I keep reading about the starvation mode our bodies fall into with not enough calories.

    I always get 60-80 grams of Protein a day, try to stay between 50-100 carbs and 3o grams of fat per day. I track my food and I exercise 4-5 days a week on average, sometimes more.

    I just need some advise on tricking my body back into the losing game. OK so give it to me...tell me about your tricks and your plateaus.


  8. I got a 2cc fill. I am drinking fine so I know it is not that....oh man I hope I am not getting sick! I feel tired and achy!

    I also googled side effects of Lidocaine

    This drug may make you dizzy or drowsy; Tell your doctor immediately if any of these unlikely but serious side effects occur: drowsiness, mental/mood changes, ringing in the ears, dizziness, vision changes, tremors, numbness, headache, backache.

  9. HI,

    I was banded on 08/31 and doing OK. I don't get my first fill for 3 weeks! I have plateau for the last two weeks since I am on solid food and it is very frustrating. I am sticking to the plan and exercising, so I hope my body adjusts soon and i start losing again. Just very frustrating in some ways because it seems we woulds lose when eating so little. I am trying hard to build up my calorie intake which seems to be what people are saying gets your body out of starvation mode. Bandster Hell lol

    But I am grateful to be able to do this and that I have lost 17 lbs.

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