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Posts posted by katklaws

  1. The problem for the republican party is that these people are not becoming noise, they're becoming mainstream.

    New poll numbers released yesterday:

    24% of republicans think Obama is the anti-christ

    67% of republicans think Obama is a socialist

    57% of republicans think Obama is a muslim

    45% of republicans think Obama wasn't born in the US and is therefore not eligible to be president

    38% of republicans think Obama is doing many of the things that Hitler did

    Not too bright.

    The republicans are allowing themselves to be overtaken by Glen Beck conspiracy theorists and e-mail forwards to their own detriment and it's making the entire republican party look ignorant. I know there are very intelligent people in the republican party and there are intelligent points to be made. But the people are rallying around the birthers not the economists and it's killing the party. So, yeah, we think we're right and you're not.

    Oh yeah:rolleyes: He meant to 'shoot' them:lol:! You've got to be kidding me!:Banane20::lol::Banane20::lol:You know what? I cna't stomach the 2 of you anymore. It's almost as if you're hoping that your way of thinking is true.

  2. We want a careful system of checks and balances between the public and private sector. Both working together, one without too much power.

    There is no such thing as 100% laissez faire capitalism anywhere in the world. I sure as hell don't want anarchy.

    ariscus: Is your perfect utopia a full on socialized nation? Communism? Or is it something else? Enlighten me."

  3. He was? Well, that's not so cool.

    But he did work on a political prisoner case with me about 15 years ago, and I respected him for helping out with that.

    But Chuck Norris is just .. ewwwwww ... maybe if he shaved or something. He looks like a little hairy rat. Oh, and he supports HUCKABEE! Yuck.

    Steven Segal was a wife beater...I guess that's way cooler than being a real man like Mr Norris lol..... :o

  4. hahahah. Are you delusional? Check your facts. This is not even CLOSE to socialism. And everything tanked under Bush.

    A Final Weekend of Whoppers? | FactCheck.org

    Despite the fact that the federal health insurance plan (a.k.a. the “public option”) is now gone from the bill, Republicans and conservative groups have continued to claim that the bill institutes a system like the one in the United Kingdom, or Canada, or otherwise amounts to a government takeover. It doesn’t. A pure government-run system was never among the leading Democratic proposals, much to the chagrin of single-payer advocates. Instead, the bill builds on our current system of private insurance, and in fact, drums up more business for private companies by mandating that individuals buy coverage and giving many subsidies to do so. There would be increased government regulation of the insurance industry, however, to require companies to cover preexisting conditions, for example. These “government-run” claims have also included heavy criticism of health care in the U.K., such as the outrageous assertion by former U.S. Surgeon General C. Everett Koop that seniors would be “too old” to qualify for artificial joints and pacemakers in the U.K. The majority of those getting joint replacements and pacemakers in the U.K. are, not surprisingly, seniors.


    We are now socialist, one step away from communism, the red menace.

    I wish Mr. Bush could have run again, he would have wiped the floor with that Osama.

    Look at this economy, it was never this bad under Mr. Bush

    Spend, Spend, Spend, Who's got the money? Aww, it's alright we'll make more

  5. Many of those morons in Texas need to just get it over, seceed from the nation, and take that icky Chuck Norris with them. (Steven Segal is WAY cooler. )

    When I heard that the Congressman who said 'Baby Killer' was from Texas, I just rolled my eyes and thought .. FIGURES!

    Thanks! By the way, go see what my Texas friend had on her Facebook page today, I posted it on the health care thread. Is so Texas.

  6. There are way too many people who react on misinformation just because it's fashionable in their little world. This is NOT socialism. Not even close.

    "Despite the fact that the federal health insurance plan (a.k.a. the “public option”) is now gone from the bill, Republicans and conservative groups have continued to claim that the bill institutes a system like the one in the United Kingdom, or Canada, or otherwise amounts to a government takeover. It doesn’t. A pure government-run system was never among the leading Democratic proposals, much to the chagrin of single-payer advocates. Instead, the bill builds on our current system of private insurance, and in fact, drums up more business for private companies by mandating that individuals buy coverage and giving many subsidies to do so. There would be increased government regulation of the insurance industry, however, to require companies to cover preexisting conditions, for example. These “government-run” claims have also included heavy criticism of health care in the U.K., such as the outrageous assertion by former U.S. Surgeon General C. Everett Koop that seniors would be “too old” to qualify for artificial joints and pacemakers in the U.K. The majority of those getting joint replacements and pacemakers in the U.K. are, not surprisingly, seniors.

    BTW, you rock too BJean :o

    Thanks katklaws for the info.

  7. HAhahahahaha. That's what I mean. These right wingers latch onto anything that feeds their paranoia, fear and hidden predjudices.

    I do this stuff for a living, and this guy is just WRONG!!! I can point to a whole slew of economics experts who will say the very same thing.

    The Fiscal Agency just yesterday said the health care bill would bring down the budget. But you can't tell a Tea Party fool that.

    I assume you mean the article written by Walter Williams (economics Professor at George Mason University), in his own words, He is also occasional substitute host for the "Rush Limbaugh" show.

  8. For Health Care Reform, seriously, I don't get people who aren't. It's fear based on misinformation, for the most part. Educate yourselves with primary unbiased information, and don't read every email you get as fact. Geesh.

    FactCheck.org is a good start.

    I know too many people with pre-existing conditions who can't get insurance, or it's completely cost prohibitive. I remember working 4 jobs with no insurance. Not a good time.

    It's cheaper when you pool people together. The co-op idea is a good compromise.

    But as is?? Get real.

    Even the Public option ISN'T socialism folks. If I see one more misspelled sign that says, 'Keep the government out of my medicare' I will throw up again a little in my mouth.

  9. Yup, I saw that. VERY DISTURBING, because all text books are based on Texas textbooks because it's the largest consumer. God forbid we should all think like Texas and think that Columbus discovered America. We would have Chuck Norris running the show. (I would prefer Steven Segal myself, if we must have a movie icon).

    Much like the neocons who are trying to rewrite the history of the bush administration to say that 9/11 didn't happen under his watch, the neocons in texas are rewriting history in the school's curriculum to eliminate all the great things the liberals and progressives did for this country, for working people and the middle class and instead stack the deck in favor of the conservative movement, the contract with america, phyllis schlafly, the heritage foundation, the moral majority, the NRA and the religious right. :wub:

    They don't want the students to learn about unions, the ACLU, Brown v Board of Education, Roe v Wade, Moveon.org, Michael Moore, civil rights, worker's rights the women's movement, anti-discrimination laws, social security, medicare, etc..

  10. Conservative ideology is usually fraught with inaccuracies. Love this. No, we're not a Xtian nation. Our founding fathers were not angels descending from the sky. They had mistresses, smoked weed and grew hemp.

    In 1797, the United States Senate ratified a treaty with Tripoli that stated in Article 11:

    ... the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion; ...

    Supporters of the separation of church and state believe this article confirms that the government of the United States was specifically intended to be religiously neutral, and that Article VI, clause 2 of the United States Constitution renders it "the supreme Law of the Land".

    (Copy and paste from Wikipedia)

  11. I keep unjury Protein Powder in my purse. Will stop at Wendy's for chili, add some powder. Maybe a caesar salad, you can still eat salads at this point.

    Taco Bell Fresco chicken burrito/taco, it's not the worst thing you could eat. Esp if you could make a REALLY bad choice later on if you're starving.

    But to avoid that problem, I stock my office and car with tons of high Protein, low sugar options.

    I always have shakes, cottage cheese, some high Protein Snacks and bars I bought from the doctor's office, tuna and salmon packages, low sugar yogurt, sugar free Jello, sugar free pudding, etc.

    Good luck!

    I didn't pack my lunch today, since we went out yesterday after church to lunch to Celebrate our pastor's birthday, and then we had leftovers (from Saturday) for dinner last night.

    What would you say would be a good thing to grab from a fast food restaurant? I'm already 3.5 weeks post op and on solid foods. I'm starting to enter bandster hell, so I'm able to eat more than what I'd prefer! lol

    I have the following restaurants near me:

    Taco Bell



    Subway (but I'm not eating bread)

    pizza Hut (salad bar - no pizza)

    What would you recommend?


  12. Life is short. Don't be ashamed. Be very proud. You achieved a VERY difficult goal. High five, big hugs, and live!!!

    Ok, so I am 6 lbs away from losing 100 lbs and 7 lbs from my goal weight (which is shifting to Goal Body Fat BTW)

    So here is the conundrum…

    Should I be proud of losing 100 lbs, or should I be ashamed of having been 100 lbs overweight?

  13. The bible was written 2 - 3000 yrs ago by middle eastern men, then translated, transposed, and interpreted a million different ways, with each book chosen by the Catholic church.

    Honestly, why would any thinking person take all of the bible literally, without analysis of the context of the political / social climate of the time, and expect others to do the same?

    Have your faith, from your heart, but keep it out of my politics. Just because you're a Christian doesn't mean you work for the man/woman upstairs. God/Creator speaks to all people in different ways, you just have to learn to listen.

    The key to understanding this issue is knowing that the Old Testament law was given to the nation of Israel, not to Christians.

  14. Oh, I agree. Critical thinkers are hard to find nowadays.

    There are plenty of places to get accurate factual information, and entertainment television certainly isn't one of them. I do politics and media for a living, and I am amazed to see how easily people can be lead to the polluted Water. And how those lines between facts/journalism and entertainment have become blurred.

    People are lazy. They want 10 second sound bites. They want bells and whistles, and to get a rush from having their displaced anger validated. They want understanding to be handed to them, and they don't want to work for it. It's beyond irritating.

    Having a different perspective on issues is not the same as just having the facts all jacked out of place because one is too lazy to ascertain the facts through the smoke machines.

    Here's an extrapolating the b.s. 101 for people.

    1) If you get a viral email, 99.9% of the time it isn't true. Go to snopes.com, or www.factcheck.org. Just because it's in writing somewhere, doesn't mean it's true. Look at your own biases, predjudices, and lack of critical thinking to see why you eat it up like candy.< /p>

    2) Don't ever believe a campaign commercial. They have no legal obligation to be truthful. They know if they repeat it enough, enough idiots in the swing votes will believe it. If you are accepting campaign commercials as fact, you are an idiot.

    3) Know your sources. If you see it on FOX, it's right off of a republican press release. Proven. Even if you agree with the source, know if it's slanted or not.

    More to come.

    I would guess that Patty and others like her feel as though listening to GB and RL is more valuable and relevant to them than anything the “left wing” professors are lecturing about. The sad thing is that too many people (those on the left and the right) get the majority of their information from sources that slant the way they do. Unfortunately, we seem to have lost the ability to be critical thinkers in this country. We do it on “our” side too, there are far too many liberals out there that only listen to Keith O. and Rachael M. on MSNBC. C’mon people!!! Wake up and think for yourselves.

  15. Well, true, but I am thinking we're not 300 pound all muscle heavy weight body builders.

    Not completely true - it depends on many things - when you last ate Protein, your metabolizm, and your general body make up - it can range anywhere from 20g -60g depending on the individual. Everyone is different and a one size fits all apporach is just not accurate.

  16. The pre-made EAS chocolate shakes are only 110 calories, 17g of Protein. The powder is more calories and Protein grams.

    I love them, they're not dripping in sweetness. And why have vanilla when one can have chocolate ... mmmmm .. :smile2:

    I just discovered the EAS powder at Sam's. The vanilla is only 110 calories but the chocolate is 130 and the protein in the chocolate is 23. Not substantially different enough for me to worry about since I dislike vanilla.

    They do taste good though, don't they.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
