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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by coltonwade

  1. coltonwade

    New Here Need Advice

    try weighting yourself weekly, the same day in the morning .. Daily can get frustrating .
  2. I dont know about making aggervating it .. Its all a brain thing, so if you have it you have it , if its bad its bad. Stress, less sleep can cause you to have more epsidoes. My guess is they are doing it to see if you have a co morbity more than an ything.
  3. coltonwade

    New Here Need Advice

    if you like pasta try Spagettie squash , coucsous also . they are both great subs for pasta !
  4. here you go http://www.cpap.com/productpage/resmed-swift-fx-nasal-pillow-cpap-mask-headgear.html This was the best mask I had and it worked awesome.
  5. After I lost my weight with the lap band the sleep apnea went away , my doc said my sleep study was one of the worsts he's ever seen haha . I never got into REM Sleep and I stopped breathing every 30 seconds or so . I had never felt so good after i started using the CPAP .. there is a mask I had to get because i too felt like i was being smothered with the mask ... let me find it
  6. You either have sleep apnea or you dont ... there is nothing you can do to "bring it " on . I actuallly thought i had it again , I had it before when i was over weight with my lap band ... and turned out I didnt have it now .
  7. coltonwade

    My Band To Sleeve Story

    I hope so too . I did not post much on here until after i got the sleeve, It was hard for me to read and see people loosing and wondering if i could or would ever get there again .
  8. So let me start by saying this , I got the lap band to improve my quality of life. Because I have PCOS ( Poly Cystic ovarian syndrome ) and migraines I am at greater risk of things like stroke, diabetes and high blood pressure as it is. Being over weight adds to that. So I wanted the band to reduce that risk BEFORE anything bad happened to me. I am a mother of 2 boys who need me . After I first got the band things were great, I could eat what i wanted, just smaller portions and occasionally threw up after eating too much , or so I thought .. I even changed the way I ate, what i ate , i felt better so I ate better. I was , as you can ask my doctor , the model patient, i did everything I was suppose to (with the expectation of working out and that lesson has been learned trust me ) Eventually what I ate seemed to come back up more often , But after losing 125 pounds I thought I was doing ok. At a year out a slipped my band , that is where my stomach comes up through the band and can potentially be very serious. After it corrected it self I gained some weight ... It slipped again , more weight gain . I was then told my band had scar tissue build up around it and I could no longer get the fills I needed to lose the weight the opening to my stomach would be closed off it was filled again . That was around 2-3 yrs ago . As time has gone on I have slowly gotten worse. You see because of where the scar tissue is I still have " restriction" Meaning , I am still limited on what i eat , so things like steak, pork, chicken , solid Proteins wont go down . The food literally sits on top of my band until it gets either pushed through , which is very painful , or it comes back up . If I throw up too much, my stomach swells and eating any form of solid food is impossible for several days. So i have to go to liquids, milk shakes, Protein shakes , mash potatoes things like that. Those type of things are high in calorie and cause me to gain weight , but what other choices do i have ? broth, Water ? Yeah those fill you up ?? NOT ! So my day goes like this ... Breakfast: Protein shake cause eating in the morning is nearly impossible. That's if I can get it to go down if I cant and anything comes back up then its liquids for me the entire rest of the day Lunch: I try to eat something semi solid but I usually end up eating Soup Dinner: Some times a salad works but most evenings I throw up my dinner several times over and end up in pain from the swelling . By that time liquids hurt to go down ... NOW that leads me to my "other issues" Joint pain Fatigue body aches head aches My teeth are deteriorating because of how much I throw up Cold feet cold hands numb feet cysts on my feet numb hands You see they are finding out now that people who have had bands for several years are developing auto immune disorders like Fibromyalgia .. Problem ? Docs done believe it yet .. So no doc will help me out . With out insurance I cant get proper diagnoses . You can read more about that stuff here . I am now 20 or so pounds away from my original start weight before surgery . That's right I have gained nearly ALL My weight back . And at the rate I am going by next month or so I will exceed the 250 pounds i was before my surgery . I had my revision surgery on 11-14-2012 after surgery they told me the band removal went fine and they were able to repair a hiatal hernia , that was a surprise to them ( and me ) and sleeve me in one procedure. I was SO relieved to have had it done in once procedure. The day after surgery I started throwing up water and unable to keep it down . After a couple more tried they ordered an EGD for me . They told me if the scope went through easily then and showed no obstructions I should be fine and not need another surgery , but if it did not I could have excess scar tissue from the band and I could need another surgery . WHAT !! Yikes . So they did it and it showed no obstruction some swelling around the band area ( where the band was ) they told me to take liquids slow . For several days I was still throwing up just water, in fact it freaked me out because it looked like I was throwing up some blood as well. Finally around day 3 or so the water was staying down . So finally I was able to go home today . NOT an easy process that's for sure , but I am glad its over. The doc told me to progress my liquids slowly , as long as I was keeping liquids down I was fine , the minute i started if i did throwing up liquids I needed to come back . But to just take it slow . I have been home for about a week now and its still a back and forth issue with food. I encourage ANYONE reading this to NOT get the lap band, do not ever tell anyone abou the band and Hope some day it falls off the face of the earth !
  9. coltonwade

    My Band To Sleeve Story

    thanks im suprised anyone read my novel haha . I had my sleeve about 6 yrs after my band. the issues just kept getting worse. Solid foods became painful and i just had to stop eating them . that was about a year before surgery i was basically on liquids for that long .. It was not fun .. Im still not convinced i wont need a second surgery to clean out my scar tissue but we will see. Its just going slower than I thought.
  10. coltonwade

    New Here Need Advice

    have you tried eating more of your protein ? Instead of soup for instance eating a solid protein ? Also try tracking your meals for a week , Sometimes if you are not eating ENOUGH it will stall your weight loss.
  11. coltonwade

    New Here Need Advice

    what kind of foods are you eating ? Or drinking
  12. The sleeve works the way the band was SUPPOSE to but does not . If that make sense ?
  13. coltonwade

    Nov 14 Sleevers?

    Im still loosing about a pound a day or 2 . Which I am happy with , I dont want to loose too fast .. Protein , UGH that's a bad subject for me haha none of it sits well with me and due to artificial sweetners causing migraines i am limited to organic egg white powder and its just not going well. Makes me nasuated every time ! I see the doc on Thursday and they should give me the RX for B12 injections hoping that helps
  14. coltonwade

    Nov 14 Sleevers?

    Im still loosing about a pound a day or 2 . Which I am happy with , I dont want to loose too fast .. Protein , UGH that's a bad subject for me haha none of it sits well with me and due to artificial sweetners causing migraines i am limited to organic egg white powder and its just not going well. Makes me nasuated every time ! I see the doc on Thursday and they should give me the RX for B12 injections hoping that helps
  15. coltonwade

    Nov 14 Sleevers?

    Im still loosing about a pound a day or 2 . Which I am happy with , I dont want to loose too fast .. Protein , UGH that's a bad subject for me haha none of it sits well with me and due to artificial sweetners causing migraines i am limited to organic egg white powder and its just not going well. Makes me nasuated every time ! I see the doc on Thursday and they should give me the RX for B12 injections hoping that helps
  16. coltonwade

    November Sleevesters?

    Im hitting a wall when it comes to energy too ! I have none !! Ugh
  17. coltonwade

    November Sleevesters?

    Because i was a revision Its taking me longer due to scar tissue.. Liquids for the most part are fine .. I get in probably 36 oz of liquid a day but I cant drink any protein .. it does not sit will with my stomach , I was revised on the 14th and still am not on mushy foods or pureed foods like most people. The closest I can eat and keep down are refried beans .. doc told me to just keep trying .
  18. It takes a while for people who have the band to realize they have a problem . took me nearly 2 yrs . But when you finally realize its the band who has failed and not you its a huge relief to some point. Alot of band people throw up and think " im eating too much , too fast or not following the rules eating becomes a chore with the band, so you end up starting to eat junk , cause it slides through . So eventually the weight comes back on . In my case I slipped my band TWICE very badly and built up so much scar tissue had the band been filled again it would have closed off the openign to my stomach .. NOw after having it removed its been 3 weeks nearly post op and I STILL cant eat mushy foods. WILL I ? Yes but its taking me much longer to get there than others who just had the sleeve.
  19. coltonwade

    Nov 14 Sleevers?

    13 days post op and im down 14 pounds. I have hit a HUGE wall this week though , im SO DANG TIRED Anyone else ?
  20. I cant stress enough how bad the band is ! if you want to throw up for the rest of your life get the band. im not trying to be rude but at one point i thought the band would kill me . I went for nearly a year not being able to eat solid foods due to that crap band !
  21. The recovery time is the same. A week or less. My surgery was different , i had so much scar tissue built up from the band and had a hernia repair so it made me more sore than my band.. I will say this, I am on a Lap band complications group .... We all had serious issues with our band. As far as what would happen if you got stomach cancer down the road, My mom asked my doc just that and he said " what you mean when your 50 or 60 ? IF that were to happen we can still cut half of yoru stomach out and you will be fine ! I looked at it like this , if i DIDNt get the surgery I might not make it to 50 !
  22. PS the Band has a 40 % PLUS FAILURE rate now . http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1421324/
  23. PLEASE do not get the band !! I just converted to one and its a freaking NIGHTMARE.. Please read my story here .. http://tryingtostayskinnyintexas.blogspot.com/2012/07/day-in-my-life-how-lap-band-affects-me.html
  24. coltonwade

    Band Removal And Sleeve.

    its normal to be nervous about it , You just have to make sure you KNOW all there is to know about it and You KNOW you can do this ! You can never be prepared fully for this kind of surgery but you just have to educate yourself as much as you can and know that what you know about it you CAN DO !.
  25. I am 10 days post op and still having some issues keeping some things down , cream soups for instance ... So because i was in the hospital for 5 days post op throwing up my doc told me to " start " over to clear liquids for a day or so when i throw up and to keep trying new items.. Anyone consider Baby food ?? My dad took me to the grocery store to get some things and is telling me I should try baby food since i cant keep some stuff down .... I got a couple things .. Anyone tried it ? It kind of grosses me out .

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