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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by nhverve

  1. Sucks doesn't it?!! I was anticipating a difference but really there wasn't much at all. I have been looking foward to my next fill since the last now and I've had to reschedule it because my lovely supervisor "couldn't" give me tomorrow off!!! So dissapointed!!! But I've resch for the 31st. I've had a rough couple of weeks with freakin PMS! It's brutal for me and I've got to do something. To the gym tonight for me! I feel like I want to give myself a fill so I don't have to wait :) I won't but I could and I want to (im a phlebotomist at the moment).

  2. Hey! Thanks for asking about me. Everything went really good. I was at the surgery center for only 6ish hours. When I left I was pretty sore, the 1/5 hour car ride home wasn't too bad, I think I slept most of the way. Got home watched Project Runway then was off to bed. This morning I was very sore and needed help getting out of bed, but that was the only help I needed all day. Not hungry at all (yet) very very thirsty though.

    After reading the last note posted here I'm thinking maybe you didn't have your surgery? If you did how did it go?


  3. Congrats! My surgery went well too. Not one complaint. I'm quite sore but it's really not as bad as I thought it would be. I"ve had none of that gas pain either...I have 5 incisions. 4 tiny ones and one thats about 3 inches maybe smaller. It's still pretty swollen where that incision is. Are you on liquids? My diet is blended foods for 14 days, which I'm very thankful for. I wasn't interested in eatting anything but I had pudding with some protein powder a couple of hours ago. My stomach is still making some very interesting noises. I hope all continues to be well!


  4. Hello!! You were banded the 5th?!! How are you feeling? Is everything going as expected? I can't wait for the 15th!!!!

  5. Sorry!! I'm so bad at immediate correspondance! I'm over 4 weeks out and the burping has only got a little tiny bit better. I've always been a bit gassy that way so I just let em' rip :) I had a fill just over a week ago, i was still on mushys but two days later I was able to eat real food and it was AMAZING! I was very careful eatting but soon discovered that I didn't have an issue with anything I was trying to eat. I was at a party this weekend and was able eat anything I tried and I don't feel like i have any sort of restriction. So I'm having another fill in 2 weeks (if my freaking supervisor ever gets back to me about getingout early that day!!!)

    One thing that is frustrating is I haven lost a lb in a week and a half! Granted I started lifting and upped workouts overall so I've convinced myself that I'm gaining muscle plus im totally PMsing so thats not helping :( .

    Hows school? Do you work too?

  6. Hello Jadeite!!

    I didn't realize that it's going to be a solar eclipseon the 15th...thats pretty cool! I hope it means good things for us :)

    Have you started a pre op diet? I'm on the 5th of a 14 day and I must admit it's a bit tough. I"m trying not to complain out loud...It will be over soon enough and then we will be banded!! Where is your surgery? Mine is in Portland, Maine but I live in NH.

  7. Sooo hows it going? Have you started your pre op diet? The first few days are rough but then things should get easier.... I hope all is well!!!


  8. Hi Jade!

    Sounds like a blast over there! I wish we had something like that to make this freaking weather more bearable! At the moment the artic air is moving through New Hampshire and it's 7 degrees here at my office. I'm so ready for SPRING!

  9. ohh my goodness. I'm sorry I haven't been in touch lately. I kind of felt like I was obsessing and not losing much so I took a break. I am happy to report that I am back on track, lost 7lbs in the past 2 weeks.

    How are you doing?!!!!

  10. Anyhoo. I'm doing ok. Got my period this week and it was a lot heavier than it usually is, I'm guessing from the Lovonox (blood thinner shot I got pre op). I am only down 5lbs since surgery. Well I gained 8 during surgery and I lost that too but I'm not counting it. I think I haven't lost more because I have yet to consume more that 700 calories a day. I'm not really hungry and I'm a little scared to eat too much since I'm still healing and stuff. I noticed that leading up to the surgery if I went below 1000 calories my weight loss would stall so I think I just need more calories and I'll be golden. Today I'm trying to get more in. It's such a mind !@** to think that I have to eat MORE! After trying to train myself to eat less.

    No regrets. I feel 100% back to normal.

    You know thinking back and looking through my closet I realize that the weight/size I'm at right now is where I always seem to get stuck. Then start gaining again. This time that wont happen!!!!!


  11. Hi Shannon!

    Congratulations on starting this journey! I was banded Jan 15th 2010 so I'm about 7 months out and have lost 85lbs ish. :)

    The Co. I work for is basd out of Maine so my insurance is also so I had to have the surgery at Maine Med, but I've only heard good things about Portsmouth. I was thinking of maybe going to a post op support group there, but I'm not much of a joiner so I've not gone. :) Did you and your husband go to the info session yet?

    It's funny but there doesn't seem to be many Hew Hampshireites on this site.

    Let me know if you have ANY questions.

    Nice to meet you too :)


  12. I totally am not motivated to do school work either! I have to get back into the swing of this as far as thats concerned thought. So hows the pain? I had none of that gas pain but I hear it can be awful. I stepped it up at the gym this week, and needless to say my body is very very sore BUT in a good way. Today I think I'll take it easy and just do the elliptical. Maybe a nap then then gym :)

  13. I'm sorry it's taken so long to get back to you. I don't know, I think I might have magical healing powers. I've been back to work for 2 days now and off any pain med for 3 days. Now my job is very low stress and I have loads of down time so it's been totally fine! I didn't have and of that dreaded gas pain which I am very thankful for. As far as movement, the worst day was the 2nd. I needed a bit of help getting out of bed. But by the 3rd day I went to the grocery store and was moving around just fine. It's wild that you have to travel so far and take a plane to get your surgery! You live in Hawaii? Where do you have to travel to for surgery??

  14. They gave me 20 oxycodone to tkae every 3 hours as needed. The first night I was up every 3 hours, I"m guessing because of the pain but since yesterday afternoon (so 2nd day post op) I've been mostly just taking 1000mg Tylenol every four hours or longer. The pain wasn't nearly as bad as I though It would be. Good luck!

  15. Hi Skippy!

    Your surgery is a day after mine! Hows your week on liquids going? I didn't have to do the all liquid diet, but it was a mostly liquid diet and for 2 weeks. I've been so anxious for months for this and now I'm a tad nervous. I suppose thats normal though. I hope everything goes well for you!!!!!!


  16. I have a feeling you may have just had your surgery!! I hope all went well and I'm sure it did!! I am now officially 4 weeks out and yesterday I had my first fill. For me it was painless, honestly. And I lost 10 lbs. Not as much as some but I lost 49 before the band so I'm ok with the 10, it's like 2.5lbs a week so thats good! So now it's 59lbs and I've only gone down 2 sizes :( It's me belly. I've lost the most fromthe chest up, butt and legs. I fear the belly will be the last to go for me.

    Let us know how your doing!!

  17. Wow!! Thats a lot of traveling!! I thought my 1/5 hour trip was annoying. But you know what on my 3rd day post op I would have been so okay with flying and driving (being a passenger of course). You'll be zonked but as far as the pain level on day 3 I was just sore. Like I had done a ton of sit ups, like a thousand :). Tollerable, very tolerable. I realize everyone is different but I hope you feel as good as I did. As far as the weight loss goes I lost 49lbs from Sept to op date. Should have been more but Thanksgiving - Christmas I let loose. I figured I had done so well so.... anyhoo I"m happy with the 49. 16 of that was lost on the 2 week pre op diet which consisted of 3 protien shakes and a lean cusine under 300 calories a day.

  18. After the 3 day of this I was fine but those forst 3 days suuuccckkked! So I guess I"m now n the 7the day of post op diet which for me consitis of 3 protien shakes a day and 2 blended meals (1/2 cup) a day. I am so thankful to not be on the liquid diet. I feel like I am feeling what restriction must feel like. So I'm eatting refried beans & salsa, eggs, cottage cheese, pudding with protien powder added, I have soups but I haven't ventured there yet.

  19. As far as hunger goes it's so strange. My stomach wakes me at like 4am groweling so of course I curse it and go back to sleep. Then when I wake for real I'm not hungry. Today has been different.

  20. It's now lunch time and I'm feeling hunger, but it's the first time during the day that that has happened. So it shall be another 1/2 cup of refried beans and salsa for me (I'm a little obsessed with the fiber these days so I"m having refried beans every day...maybe TMI but no constipation here.) Another funny thing is that pre sugery I kind of like the protein shakes, I have the powder and make my own various ways. But post surgery they smell different and I'm totally turned off but them! So that is the only thing I'm struggeling with. Not too bad. AS far as weight loss post op.. I gained like 7 lbs from the surgery (IV fluids and stuff) but as of today I've lost that and only 3 additional. I noticed in the months leading up to this that my body only responds when I have al least 1000-1200 calories and moving my butt.

  21. I haven't been getting near that amount of calories yet and I certianly have'nt been back to the gym (although i think i'm going to tomorrow!). I'm excieted for you!! You'll be totally fine! WOW sorry about all the posts..had a lot to say i guess :)

  22. ohh my goodness! Todays' the day! You're going to do great and you'll be home before you know it! Let us know how you are!!!!


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