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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by tryinagain

  1. Amen to every reply to your post. It's your body and you have made the choice to be healthy. Good for you!!

    It was because of the comments I received after getting the lap band and then when it failed, that I chose not to tell anyone about my revision to the sleeve. Only my husband and daughter know. I just say Dr. has me on high Protein and low carb diet. Which is sorta true...... ;) I am 63 and love my sleeve!

    Good luck dear!


  2. Only my husband and daughter know about mine. 4 years ago I told everyone about having the lap band surgery. That was a big mistake. When it went bad, I had to listen to everyone about how I shouldn't have gotten it. And questions like, why aren't you losing weight and etc. So I decided this time I would answer to no one but my self and it has worked out very well.

    I would NEVER post it on Facebook, NEVER. Good luck with your surgery!


  3. Thank you all for your suggestions and support. I think it was poison from the abcess and infection that caused my problem. It never happened again and where my ex teeth were is now fully healed. Now if I can just start losing lbs again. I am in a stall. LOL.... Again, thank you!


  4. A PPI is short for Proton Pump Inhibitor. It is an over the counter medicine that slows down the production of stomach acid since our stomachs are but a minimum of the size it used to be, and the pumps do not recognize this. I use Omeprazole (Prilosec) and it works really good.

    Hang in there!

    Thank you, I will ask my Dr. about getting some.


  5. Thank you all so much for your answers. I've had heartburn in the past (used to have HB quite alot til i got my lap band and it stopped after that) and it wasn't the same. I don't know what PPI is, I have only taken my Vitamins and a few pain meds after my surgery. My Dr. is 150 miles away and it was 4 in the morning. But you are right I should have called them. I can't help but think it had something to do with having 2 teeth pulled yesterday. Maybe some drainage from that. I don't know. But if it ever happens again I will be on the phone to my Dr. Again, thanks for your input!


  6. I am 4 months post op and have not had any problems at all, until this morning about 4 am.

    To begin with, I had 2 teeth pulled yesterday so I had only liquids to eat afterwards, when I became hungry. Took a pain pill before going to bed at 10. Then, at 4 am, I woke up choking......burning behind my breast bone......and bubbling in my throat (like I had swallowed an alka selzer tablet).....then thick clear liquid started pouring out of my mouth ( I couldn't swallow)......I was so scared. I got myself to sit up in the bed and it took about 10 minutes for it all to stop. I went back to sleep and woke up at my regular time and was ok, felt a little strange but ok.

    Is this what is called sliming or something else? I don't know whether to call my Dr. or not.

    I have taken these pain pills before and nothing happened, so I don't think it was that.

    Any input would be appreciated.

    Thank you,

    AKA Jeri

  7. I like the nectar Protein drink mix. I just finished a container of the strawberry-kiwi flavor. It was very good. Now I am trying the caribbean cooler flavor. The first taste of it was terrible, but then I added some crushed ice and now I like it. I haven't found anything that gives me the runs or upsets my stomach.

    I just ordered and received 3.2 oz vial of 50 g Protein. I haven't tried it yet, I got it for when we are traveling and it seemed easier that mixing a drink. It comes in different flavors. The name of it is Profect protein supplement. 0 cholesterol and 0 sugar. Has anyone tried this yet?


  8. I started losing my hair 4 years ago after getting the Lap Band. My doctor at that time, did not put me on any diet or Protein. I read on the OH site that Biotin would help. so I started taking that. I did get some regrowth and then it was discovered that my lap band had to come out. So I had revision to the sleeve 3 months ago. My hair fell out again, I am almost bald on the top, and the rest of my hair is very brittle. I ask my current Doctor about it after he checked all my Vitamin and protein levels. They were all fine. He said that my body had gone thru a lot of stress and that it would grow back. I hope and pray he is right. But if I had to trade my hair for major weight loss, I would do it all over again. Having my health is more important.

  9. I agree with all of you. The Lap Band is evil. I want to tell every one too, to stay far away from it. After 4 years of fills, unbearable pain, back to Dr. office for un-fills, er and hospital stay, and my surgeon quitting and leaving town, having to find a new Dr. to adopt me, finding out my band was leaking and eroding into my stomach, I would NEVER suggest anyone get the Lap Band. I am self pay, paid around $25000 for the Lap Band, fills, un-fills, ER, hospital and lost 32 lbs. Not worth it. I am so thankful my new surgeon was able to do revision to sleeve. It's been 3 months since my surgery and I feel wonderful, no problems at all, and I do not miss being jabbed in the stomach for fills. rolleyes.gif In fact, just saying "lap band" leaves a bad taste in my mouth.huh.gif


  10. I had my band for 4 years. Never found a sweet spot, had fills then extreme pain, then it was back for unfill the next day, and only lost 32 the whole 4 years! Then my dr. quit and moved away. I was forced to find another Dr. That was the best thing to ever happen to me. The new Dr. found out during my first fill that my band was leaking and possibly eroding into my stomach. After having a scope on my tummy one day, He did the removal of the band and revision to the sleeve, the next day. In that process the Dr found my band wasn't even buckled. I had the surgery on a Wednesday, and went home on Thursday. I have had no problems what so ever. I have lost 32 lbs since my surgery 3 months ago. I love love love my sleeve. I go for my 3 month check up tomorrow. Thats my story.....rolleyes.gif


  11. I hate to be a big poop head, but here comes my story. . . hopefully it won't be your story. . . i'm 1 year out and am still losing hair by the brushful i really hate it. . used to have really nice thick hair with a really thick braid, now my braid is thinner then my pinkie. . . i'm lucky that i don't have bald spots yet. . but you can see my scalp through my hair ontop. . .very sad. . Biotin never helped for me and neither did any shampoos or oils, or increasing my Protein. . sooooo i just do what is left and thank my blessings that at least i am losing weight and don't have all the other health problems that i had before. . . and that i'm able to do things that i couldn't do before and not be so darn embarrassed when i go into public or onto planes and have to ask for extensions etc. . . i guess i've traded one thing for another. . . i'm blessed though

    I am having the same problem as you thinoneday. Only my hair has been falling out since I got my lap band 4 years ago. I have tried everything too. Biotin, expensive shampoos and rinses, Protein. My hair is so thin on top that you can see my shiny scalp. Also, there is no bald people in my family, so its not hereditary.

    But, I am so happy to be losing weight finally, I will put up with the almost bald spot. I feel blessed too.

  12. Vicki S

    Wow, I had all the same feelings and thoughts as you do now. I am 3 1/2 weeks post op and believe me, it's a lot better. I am looking so forward to getting to the soft foods on Wednesday. I still get weak toward the end of the day. I am hoping that goes away soon. Hang in there and follow Doctor's instructions and you will be glad you did this when you see the scale!


  13. Ginny C

    I am 63 and had a band(that had gone bad) to sleeve revision 3 weeks ago.

    It was hard on me for the first few days. I stayed overnight at the hospital and my husband drove me 150 miles home. I had a migrane for the first few days at home. I was wishing I had never had it done. But after a few days I felt fine and was very happy I had it done! I have lost 23 lbs in the 3 wks since my surgery. The best thing that happened to me is I found this forum.

    I am on a pureed diet til next week when i go on a soft diet for 2 weeks. I cant wait. I walk a mile on my treadmill every morning. I still get weak at times, but they are getting less and less.

    good luck with your surgery!


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