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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by PostalRam

  1. How about a Cookie?!?!?! Well a friend told me about this, I was getting tired of my Protein Shakes so they show me how you can make a cookie out of it. Take a scope of your powder Protein put it in a dish, a small tsp "I can't believe is not butter" then a splash of Water and a half of pack of splindid. Mix it up so it turns like a dough stage put it in the Microwwave for 30 secs and you have ur protein cookie.

  2. Well same date here 7/20/09

    I'm up too the mushie stage, but was getting tired of the same foods, so I went ahead with soft meats, like small portions of fish, crab n lobster meat (what a treat!) I hadn't a problem eating it, no vomiting, still losing weight each week, I do drink a lot of Water throughout the day.

    I heard Recotta Chees is good, but just plain? anyone has a good dish?


  3. OK First things First...you need to call ur doc and let him know that you are vomiting daily. 2nd thing, you can not expect to lose weight if you are not eating the correct foods...I am following this Protein first rule, drinking my Water (crystal lite), and walking daily and I am down 28 lbs in less than a month- like I said you knew what you were getting into when you got the band..it is only a TOOL.... you have to do the work for it to work.... I get extremly frustrated when I see people complaining about it not working--- .

    I am being hard on you because the "hang in there it gets better" line is a crock of crap.... you have to be willing to do the work.... if you want this as bad as you wanted it xyz months ago that you had surgery you will get down and dirty and bust your butt to get the job done.

    YOU CAN DO IT!!!

    Kelly, very good points! My doc tell's me there 3 things to make this work. 1) Eat Right 2)Are You Happy and 3) Losing Weight.....

    If you are not doing all 3 then eventually you will run in trouble.

    Though the hardest part is the Mental part and getting used to new foods to replace those bad habits we had in the past if you don't they will just come back.

    Things can be discourage when they aren't going the way you want, but don't REFLECT in the past, LOOK foward to the next week or the next day.

    Once a month my doc office has a support group, I went to it after only 1 week after my surgery. There were about 30 there, about half were thinking about to have the surgery and the other 15 that did have the surgery only 3 had lap bands the rest had Bypass. 2 of those Lap said they wish they did the bypass and not the Lap cause they weren't losing enough weight or had problems. The only other one there with the Lap said he was in his 4 month and loss close to 50lbs. So surport was looking more discouraing for Lap band.

    Rather it to bring me down, I look foward to be back in this month next surport group and keep proving that Lap band also work, but it takes Hard Work!

    Like they say Money doesn't grow in tress, we have to earn it, so we aren't going to loss weight just cause we had the surgery.

  4. Hello Lou,

    You are doing well with your weight loss. My only concern is that you may not be getting proper nutrition. Do you experience dizzy spells?

    YES!!!! after sitting down for awhile and I get up I feel this rush,taugth I was about to faint.

    Though before surgery I had High Blood Pressure, and take meds for it with the amount loss so fast my blood pressure has been on the low side they cut it from 40mg, to 20gm, its been still low so now they took me off it.

    I noticed the spell are less, but still there at times.

  5. Well hello all,the name is Lou I'm new to all this computer forum stuff, so let me try to get used to it.

    Well I was Banded 7/20/09 just over 3 weeks.

    First week was amazing though I did not miss the pains and knowing I could not eat any thing just drinks for 2 weeks, but amazing weight before was 264lb after a week I was down to 242lb, 22lbs I was shock. after week 2, another 5lbs down to 237lb, and after week 3 another 4lbs, now down 233lbs. No fills yet. The reason I think I'm losing weight is cause I don't like much of the foods which I should be eating so I stick to Ice Water then chewing on ice, I try a lot of stuff but never finished due to taste blah blah

    I know this isn't healthy, losing is good but not eating much isn't either

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