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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Patterba

  1. Wow A.. that had to FEEL GREAT. I can't wait till I see that number.. Keep up your good work.. you inspire us all waiting to be banded :cursing:
  2. Lillmissy YOU ARE NOT GOING TO GIVE UP.. WE are going to get through this part TOGETHER.. Today is my first day on the fast, and I get banded the day before you, so let's get on with it. I want you to write down the top 10 reasons you are going to succeed on this pre op diet, and start each sentence with I will succeed because.. Forget about what you just ate, and get refocused. You need to tell youself that right now you are going to focus on this one hour at a time. Drink skim milk when you get hunger pain, its filling. Carry a water bottle with you and continually take sips to keep your belly full. DO NOT GIVE UP.. I am counting on you to be there with me after surgery..
  3. LilMissy, It doesn't sound like you are taking in enough Protein. I am about to start the pre op diet, and my NUT really stressed the importance of taking in my fully alloted protein (which based on my Height is 52 grams). I am using the EAS Protein drinks which are 17 grams of protein a shake. I can also supplement with skim milk, and other zero calorie drinks (broth, sugar free popsicles, and Jello, etc). I also think the first few days you go through a carb withdrawl which is very tough. Hang in there, but please make sure you are getting enough protein. Wishing you all the best Barbara
  4. Patterba

    The NinJa Blender

    I start my pre op diet tomorrow. I am trying to psych myself up for this as it will be T-10 days till the band.. I know if I can get through the first few days I will be ok. Having lost and gained weight so many times and for so many different reasons, this is the first time I am doing this for reasons other than vanity.. My knees are killing me, and ANY relief I can get is a victory for me. If this NinjA thingy can make it that much easier to maintain the different phases, then I am willing to try it. Good luck to you.. let me know how you are managing the pre op.. Barbara
  5. Patterba

    There is no turning back now.

    GOOD LUCK DANA. I will be thinking about you.. YOU will do fine. Keep us updated. ALL The BEST.. Barbara
  6. Lauren WONDERFUL.. you know what they say "Nothing taste as good as thin feels"!!! Keep up the great job..
  7. Thanks Guys... as I get closer to the date, all of these questions start to pop in my head.. So glad I have this board to get feedback.. It's one thing to get the WL center reply, it's another to get the answer from the people who live with the band. thanks again...
  8. I have not been banded yet, but I have one question that I am not getting a clear answer to when asked, so I am turning it over to you... Once you are through a couple fills, how do you manage any medications that you need to take that are larger than a M&M. There are just some meds that are not available in small sizes or in liquid form. How do you manage taking these types of meds, when you have a pretty good restriction. Why I ask? Right now I am taking Mucinex DM, on the package it states DO NOT CRUSH.. That made me think if I can't crush it and need to take this after I am banded, how do I know it won't get stuck?? Any thoughts... Thanks, be well
  9. Hello Bandsters to Be.. I am being banded on a Thursday Oct. 29th. I was planning on returning to work on Tuesday (that would give me 5 days to recover) before going back to work. I have an office job so no heavy lifting (other than lifting my butt). So what do you think, does 5 days off sound about what you were planning for your procedure before returning to a normal schedule? Thanks Barb
  10. Thanks for sharing your experiences/plans. So truth be told, I am kind of hedgy about missing any more time from work. First, I am not telling anyone about this, and you know when you are missing from the office for an extended period, you get the 100 question run down... I also already had my vacation, and absence due to the flu (and I had the flu shot!!). Prior to September, I never missed work, now I feel like I haven't worked a full week since, (had a D&C last week and have a colonoscopy on 10/22) perhaps TMI but I am trying to get all of that stuff out of the way before getting banded. I think that stuff is more stressful than the actual banding procedure.. I will be glad when it is November!!!
  11. Happyloser 10/1 bethany329 10/1 Timmers 10/1 Lindac80 10/1 Marfar7 10/1 Ca7696 10/2 Opus03 10/2 RedboneLA 10/3 ihavehope3 10/3 Viking_girl 10/5 leetie 10/7 Jtreece 10/8 MommyOf1 10/8 Suz-Q 10/9 Noodles 10/9 SharPei 10/13 Guy 10/13 Cshytle 10/13 MoniqueD 10/14 Jenfromtheburg 10/14 ncarreras 10/14 okiegirl79 10/14 Kme 10/15 Nooshie 10/15 Oliverdog 10/16 danyett 10/16 Wisteria75 10/16 We3601 10/19 Onikenbai 10/19 Mzcancer 10/20 Soexcited 10/21 erenstar983 10/21 pina3940 10/21 jenrobbar951 TBA HDmama 10/22 Crazychica133 10/26 Idahlem72 10/27 Daria77 10/27 Barley 10/28 4girlfamily 10/29 Patterba 10/29 - :thumbup: Cindylou00 10/23
  12. Hi everyone, I feel like it is going to be forever for me (Oct.29th). But I am glad to read that most of you are having good experiences. I go for my PATs on Wednesday, but my doc does not require a pre liquid diet, I am still practing the chewing part. I think this is going to be the most difficult thing for me to change. On average I chew three times and swallow, so this will be a BIG behavorial change for me. Wishing you that have been banded good luck, and those that are yet to be banded, you are in my thoughts and I am rooting for you. best to all.. barb
  13. Hey Beth, ME TOO.. My band date is the 29th and have a whole whirl wind of emotions. Right now I am reading the book "WLS with the adjustable gastric band" by Dr. Robert Sewell. It has really provided some good background and prep information.. I would love to be your buddy and share notes, pains, and hopefully no gains.. All my best Barbara
  14. Can I let off a little steam here? Got my band date of Oct.29. In advance, I thought I would be proactive and get a few health checkups out of the way. Got my physical and my doc was very supportive. Went to my GYN, my doc was very supportive. I have never had a colonoscopy, so I figured since I am over 50 I should get this done before banding. So today was my doc appt. I explained it just as it is, I am getting banded on Oct. 29th and want to have a colonoscopy before that date. And instead of saying, Glad you are doing this, or that was a good thing to consider, here is what I got. Nurse 1 - why are you getting that done you don;t look that big. Nurse 2 - gastric banding, isn't that a little extreme The Doc - how much do you weigh, I told her 220. She said that's about what I weigh and I don't consider my self fat. Then I got the run down, well where are you getting it done?. Who is doing it? Did you think this through? What does that have to do with my colon?? All I went in there for was a date for a colonoscopy. I probably should have never said I was getting banded, but after the reaction of the first two docs, I thought the butt doc wouldn't care. It kind of sealed it for me not telling anyone else about the surgery.
  15. Patterba


    Thanks Everyone. I am not going to let this discourage me. It was hard for me to believe that a medical professional would question or judge my decision. But you are right it is one opinion, and opinions are like (you know what), everyone has one! :smile:
  16. Patterba

    Medical Alert wording

    What is the NG tube.. anything else like this we need to be aware of. I did think about CPR, but then again, if you are in that situation.. it is probably the least of your problems..
  17. I now know that excited feeling everyone expresses when you get the call. I got my date: Thursday Oct. 29th. Strange thing, I do not have to do any fast or liquid diet before, I was expecting to and preparing myself for this. Nurse did say i would be in for 2 days and go home saturday morning. So, finally... I am on my way YIPEEE... :mad:
  18. Start the car!!! I got my date!! Oct. 29th.. Well, maybe we don't quite have to start the car just yet. BUT, I am soooo excited as well. I will be anxiously reading posts from the Early October bandsters... Good Luck to all. :mad:
  19. Interesting topic. I just flat out told my husband I am doing this. I have spent soooo many years worrying and catering to my entire family, I decided this is my time. I only wish I came to this point 10 years earlier. Don't get me wrong I love my family unconditionally. But the kids are out of the house, my husband is consumed with keeping his job and I work too. This is my time. I have heard so much about women not putting themselves first. But not this mama ... she is going to the top of the list this time.
  20. Hello Pre-Bandsters.. Today I completed the last of my pre-op clearances.. so now I sit and wait for the call for my surgery date. In the meantime, this is what I dream about doing when I am thin. Standing up with out groaning:tongue2: Being able to JUMP into the pedicure chair Not dreading summer, because it's shorts season! Going into Victoria's Secret and buying something sexy in my NEW SIZE..:biggrin: What's your dream??
  21. Patterba

    What I dream about..

    And... not only buying clothese but how about shoes, and sandles and boots that FIT your calf. What about your car seat not squeaking when you sit (plop) on it. What about no more of the those "you have a pretty face comments" because there is nothing else nice to say. I did have some one tell me I had nice teeth once. What about browsing around the makeup counter at the department store and feeling free to jump up on that 2 inch wide stool to get a make over. Better yet, my daughter keeps telling me how relaxing deept tissue muscle massages are, yeah.. I would love to have my back and muscles massaged. These are the things that are keeping me motivated ... I want to start to do some of the things that I (for one reason or another) have not allowed myself to enjoy.
  22. Patterba

    Got my date!

    I am so happy for you Katyb.. I am sitting and waiting. All of my pre op stuff is completed. I have called the center a few times trying to get an idea of the date. Have you completed your pre admission testing yet?
  23. Ok, I am new and still researching this WLS. So here is my question: From reading the WLS boards, why do the RNY patients seem to loose weight faster than lapbanders. I realize they are re-routing the intestines, but isn't the stomach pouch the same size (after you get to your restriction point). Don't both groups have to follow the same rules, chew, chew chew, no white products (bread, sugar, etc.). IF both groups are consuming high protien, low fat, then why the difference? I am not a NUT (and I mean nutritionist not the other kind), but why so big differences??
  24. Patterba

    October 2009 Here I come

    Ok Gals and Guys, I do not have a confirmed Oct. date yet but I've got my fingers,legs, and anything else you can cross, crossed. I want to be an October bandster sooo bad. I feel like I have gone through so many different emotional phasese: curious, anxious, nervous, and now.. let's get it on... I don't want to reach frustrated. So, I will anxiously be watching everyone's update and entry into bandsterland.. and hope I will soon be there with all of you.. Wishing you all great great luck, and quick recovery and easly liquid phases.. Be well Barbara
  25. I have not had my surgery yet, and a million questions are still going through my mind, which to date I have been able to find some relevant post to answer Here is the latest question. Colonoscopies.. If you have the lap band; with the smaller pouch, how do you tolerate the prep. Usually this requires consuming large quanties of that awful liquid to clean out your system. I know that having a normal size stomach it is a challenge, but how do you manage it if you have the band? Sorry, not a glamorous question, but one that has crossed my mind. Be well...

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