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Posts posted by MrsBerggren

  1. Hi everyone! So I just visited with my former boss who had gastric bypass six years ago. She told me about this website that sells Protein powders and ready-to-drink Protein shakes of all different flavors.

    Protein drinks and others!! Yay! We dont have to drink the same old crap from Walmart.< /p>

    This thread sounds like spam or some sort of advertisement, sorry for that. I just know that I have become so SICK of my same old Protein powder that I have to GAG down these days. I am THRILLED to have some variety and feel like I will stick with this protein thing much better if I have some options.

    Hope you enjoy!!

  2. Reneek--"My boobies now look like baseballs in tube socks."

    I'm sorry to laugh but that is freakin HILARIOUS!! What a great description. Mine are heading down the same road as well, I will definitely look into getting them fixed when I am near my goal weight. Everyone has said it already, but I would wait too, Id hate to go through all that pain just to have them sag more once you do lose the rest of your weight. I think youd be happy once its all said and done.

  3. Thank you all for your replies. I have been fine with the surgery until recently and I think it just may be that I am a tad too tight and am probably swollen yet from getting something stuck last week and I havent let it fully fix itself. I understand I HAVE to take a step back and stick to liquids to let this get better.

    Up until last week, I have been fine with not 'eating' as much as anyone else, that has never been the problem for me because I do still enjoy my smaller meals with my family. It was just that night during dinner that those two bites did not go down well. The same thing happened to us at the casino last Friday as well and I've come to realize both of those times were when I was eating out with a group of people. I am still pushing myself to eat the better things out there and while at a buffet Friday, I got caught up with the good food I saw and wanted to try it out with everyone else. Then, as a person sits at the table and you are talking to everyone else, you take a bite and do not fully chew like you should and there it goes...

    I have always gone in spurts with my diet my whole life.. I can really kick ass and it feels so easy to live healthy and then the next day I can't take it anymore, its like a switch that flips on and off. I guess its something I will always go through.

    But I have to say this.. I AM happy that I have a band rather than the latter. I realize I was just releasing my frustrations on the band when it is myself that needs to change. I need to be more aware of my eating habits when Im with others because its easy to get caught up in the moment and forget that Im banded and am not able to chow down like everyone else. Thank you all again for your replies.. I do realize I am fortunate to have the band and I am thankful for it.

  4. Ok, I am not sure if I am too tight or what is going on. I have 6.5 cc's in my band and things have been going well for me.. But in the last few days everything seems to get stuck.. I have hardly eaten today and tried to have dinner with my family and ate one pickle slice and one fry and it got stuck.. completely RUINED my whole meal as I was unable to eat a lick of anything else so I sat there and watched everyone else enjoy their meal.

    I am getting discouraged with this band and am honestly wishing I had done gastric instead. I want to enjoy my meals with my family.. I hate this getting stuck crap and watching everyone else eat. Is this really worth it to me?? I am seriously asking myself that a lot lately.

    I am definitely going to make an appt with my doc and have some taken out because this is no way to live.. at this point I am sure my stoma is swollen thus making things worse. I used to worry about over-eating and now I hardly enjoy a meal anymore and it just sucks.

  5. Its possible you dont have much restriction. I have seen a few people on here say that a 10cc band can really hold up to 14cc's. And my doc may have also told me that too but I can't remember for sure because I am no where near that.

    I will just say this.. I would consider myself at or very close to my sweet spot. I cannot eat anything in the morning. I have a light lunch and afternoon snack, but at dinner time I can eat a decent amount of food. Rarely will I eat till I'm actually feeling fullness, but I eat to satiety where I'm happy and do not feel the need to eat anymore. Most times I do not feel "full" and I know I COULD eat more, but I don't.

    Maybe try portioning your food and setting it out.. eat it and see how you are feeling afterwards, try to avoid that last bit of food. I don't think you ate all that much.. but that was a good amount of bread you had. I understand some folks are able to eat breads/cakes and some cannot. I, for one, cannot do breads/cakes, I feel tightness as it goes down, so I have not even tried anymore.

    Do you feel anything when your food is going down? Have you ever felt like something might get stuck? Those were my clues that told me I was getting some restriction. You could ask your doc too and see what he thinks.. things are SO different for every person its really hard to say what is going on.

  6. I HAVE FELT THIS WAY BEFORE TOO!!! I have to drive an hour to/from my fill and while on my way home from my second fill my throat started to hurt and I felt horrible that whole day/night. I wondered myself if it was just a coincidence and thought I have to just be getting sick.. it was weird. But the feeling came instantly after I left the doctor's office.

    I took a small swig of my leftover pain meds before bed and that took care of it. I did not feel like that with my 1st or 3rd fill.. hard to say if it was coincidence or what happened.

  7. Just want to say Congrats on losing! It feels awesome.. I am finally losing a little but nothing major yet. I have not been taking my measurements either but recently bought a tape and am starting! I know I have gone down in inches too but haven't been keeping track. The hospital did take my measurements about a month before surgery so I can at least compare back to that.

    You sound like me.. I haven't wore a pair of jeans in YEARS!! My friends have taken me shopping twice and MADE me buy a pair of jeans and wear them out, but I never wore them again either time. I just never felt comfortable and felt like a fat pig and was miserable. I always wore dorky cotton pants all the time. Now I am wearing jeans and it feels great! It's an awesome feeling to finally be going down in weight.

    Keep up the good work!!

  8. Thank you for your input.. this has helped me. I never thought that it would confuse me like it has recently. I think I do have good restriction right now and will wait another week or so for a fill, or at least see how I am feeling by then.

    I have never felt full so I didnt know if I needed more restriction or not. But I do measure my foods and eat just that amount to feel satiety, same as what my NP says to look for.

    I have gone down a couple pounds which is GREAT to finally see.. I was wondering what the hell was going on and when things would start moving for me. I'll just keep up with what I'm doing now and hopefully get good results.. thanks!!

  9. I've started this thread before but didn't get the answers I was looking for. I know that everyone's sweet spots are different, but please explain to me what your's feels like, I need details!!!

    I thought I found my sweet spot but then I wasn't sure.. is it like love and when you fall in it you just KNOW? lol. I can feel my food go down but it doesn't stay in my pouch, is it supposed to? Or is it supposed to pass? I thought I had good restriction but I have never felt "full" from it, do you think that means I need more saline?

    Help.. I'm a flippin goon here and I'm all sorts of confused.

  10. I am with you all on this topic here.. I am 10 weeks out of surgery, doing what I'm supposed to be doing. Working out daily, eating well and not seeing a change in my weight. I have completely cut soda out of my diet, no problem, drink my Protein shake every morning and sometimes evening as well, eat Protein throughout the day and I am only down 7-9 freakin pounds in 10 weeks! WTF does it take for this thing to do its job?

    I got a fill almost two weeks ago and am going in again this Thursday for my 4th. I don't even know what I'm supposed to feel like.. I can feel my food go down and thought I had good restriction but never feel full. I know I could eat more but stop myself, isn't the band supposed to give me that full feeling sooner? And is my food supposed to sit in the pouch or pass through immediately? I am so confused now that I actually have the band. I thought I understood it all but Im more confused now.

    When I take smaller bites and chew it really well, doesn't that mean it will pass through the band easier? Thus making me hungrier sooner?? Or is it supposed to sit there for a while? But if you take too big of a bite it gets stuck and is painful.

    Do any of you actually get that full feeling after eating a small portion? I just want to know what it feels like to someone who thinks they have good restriction that are actually losing weight. Im scared to get it too tight yet I dont want it too loose.. ugh, I wish it wasn't so damn complicated. I never dreamed that I would be so torn about this damn surgery after having it.

  11. Yikes! I think it is ridiculous to put everyone on the exact same diet.. some people need a bit more, some don't. And having to starve yourself certainly is not healthy. It's unreal that the nutritionist said to just stick to it till your doc says otherwise. Obviously you went there for a reason and needed some help.. Does she think you went there just for fun and because you had nothing else to do?? I can't believe she just turned you away like that.

    Thankfully my doc allowed me to progress through the food stages as I felt comfortable so I never had to stick to something for too long. I NEVER would have been able to stick to 2T-4T of food per meal.

    You are probably losing muscle mass with so little food and calories. A man needs more than a woman. Yes the ultimate goal of the band is to lose weight but for God's sake it needs to be a healthy weight-loss!

  12. Thanks.. I also got my period today so I think my emotions are all over the place lol.

    I would LOVE to do a 5k or something of the sorts.. however, I have shin splints at the time from running so I am allowing myself to heal. It has been a couple weeks since I injured myself and I am wondering how long it will take. I am also on a bowling league so every Wednesday I feel like I set myself back a bit with recovering because my shins are awfully sore by the time I get done. I do need to buy some good running shoes because that was part of my problem in the first place, the shoes I wore were bad.

    I have not run since volleyball in high school which was 10-11 years ago.. I slowly started getting back into running and I thought my shins were sore from being out of shape but after I got home from an evening run my legs were in so much pain I was in tears.. they've been sore ever since. Just when I feel like I am able to go for a run, the pain comes back instantly. I think I need someone to teach me how to run again lol. I feel like I'm damned if I do, damned if I don't.

    But you are right.. the first 6 weeks after surgery are the hardest part. I had no restriction even a week after surgery. I thought for sure the swelling would last longer than that but not for me. I was thankfully able to get in for my first fill after 4 weeks but it took me 3 fills to feel anything. I am now at 6 cc's and feel some restriction but may need to go in again, I'm just trying to figure it out still. It was extremely difficult to follow the orders when it came to diet right after surgery. I was always hungry and my doc said to progess as I felt I could, so I did and never had any problems. Some people dont need fills, others do.

    Try to hang in there.. your time will come. Patience is key with this surgery and sometimes I lose mine, but I know I am still trying to figure things out for myself. It's just hard getting there.

  13. I HEAR YA!!!!! Ugh... I am 2 months post-op and have been eating well, exercising and not seeing a damn thing on the scale. I've had 3 fills and have some restriction and I don't know if I should go to my appt next week for another fill or not. I am losing a few inches, but not weight.

    I know I cannot compare my journey to others because everyone is different but it's crazy how some people can lose so much and others not so much. I KNOW I have been doing and eating the right things. I have completely cut soda from my diet, faithyfully drink my Protein shakes, I exericise(elliptical, run, walk) everyday, cut back the amount of food I eat and I'm down oh maybe 5-7 pounds since surgery, and most of that was lost the first week after surgery.

    I know this is a slow journey but dammit I'm ready for it already!!!

    I completely understand how you feel about working hard and seeing nothing... those are the exact times I would get discouraged and give up..

    I think I am just down on myself today.. it's just so hard to see that some people are down 30, 40, 50+ pounds and all I can say I've lost is merely 5-7.

  14. I have GOT to buy myself a measuring tape.. I'm upset with myself that I haven't yet. I was measured at my doctor's fitness center before my surgery and I have not been measured since. I KNOW I have lost inches, I can see it and feel it.

    However, I am only down a few pounds on the scale... it's weird how you can feel like you are different yet don't see much on the scale, that part of it is driving me nuts. I am going tomorrow to get a measuring tape because I know I will be happy to see what I've lost in inches.. and I need to stay motivated with my exercise.

    I'm definitely ready to start seeing a change on the scale. It's really starting to get to me. One day I am thrilled with myself and the next I feel like I should be doing better. I hate the rollercoaster of feelings but I know I have to deal with it.. there are always going to be good days and bad days. Plus, my weight fluctuates SO much in a day. I know this is normal but I never know what I really weigh. My weight in the morning is getting lower and later in the day its 4-5 pounds higher.. ?? Oh well.. as long as I am feeling the difference and feeling better about myself, that is the most important thing.

  15. You will find that these first 6 weeks will be the hardest for you.. they are for just about everybody. Once the swelling goes down you are probably able to eat more. After a few weeks I was able to eat a pretty decent amount of food.

    Just try to follow your docs orders as best you can, but try not to feel guilty if you slip here and there. If it gets too bad, just talk to your doc and tell him you simply need more food. I hope everything goes well for you!

  16. Ok.. so I'm wondering if I have hit my sweet spot. I have 6 cc's in my 10 cc band. I definitely have to eat slower and take smaller bites. But it's rare that I feel "full." But I've also heard that the full feeling is not like what it used to be before the band. I eat a smaller amount until I feel comfortable, I could eat more if I wanted but I usually stop.

    I have another fill scheduled next week but am unsure if I should cancel or not. For those of you that know you are good with your restriction, does this sound like you? Do you really feel full after eating?

    I thought about emailing my PA to ask her but figured I would get the best advice from other bandsters.. help!

  17. I FINALLY just last week got some restriction with my 3rd fill.. and I think that was my problem. Until last week, I had zero restriction and have not had to really chew well or take such small bites so I am still training myself to slow down and be conscious of the bites I am taking. Well, that one time I forgot until I swallowed, then I knew instantly.

    Getting fills it such a weird experience.. one day you are able to eat pretty much anything and the next, you better watch it. You don't feel any different when you get a fill so you have to keep reminding yourself that you are unable to eat like before. But I learned quick enough!

  18. Starving is a horrible feeling! I'm sorry you are so hungry and are told to limit your food intake so much. My doc wanted me to progress with my food as I felt comfortable, if I was starving and felt like I could eat more, he said to eat more but obviously do not over-do it. I found that about a week after surgery I was able to eat a pretty decent amount of food, way more than a cup or so. I would wake up in the middle of the night just starving and frantic to get something in my tummy.

    Perhaps they are stressing such little food to allow you to heal properly. I was told not to worry about losing weight the first six weeks(which I only lost a few pounds) and to just take care of myself and heal. I am now two months out and just last week got my 3rd fill and FINALLY have some restriction.

    Every case is so different and well as each doc.. it's just too bad that you are so hungry and are told not to eat anymore than a few Tablespoons.. ugh. How soon do you progress to the next food stage? And how long are you limited to such little food?

  19. Just a quick comment... For those of you with sagging skinfolds, mention something to your doctor about rashes or any sores you get. At my first fill my PA asked if I was getting any rashes/sores in my skinfolds(belly and breasts), which I haven't really bad but I do get rashes ocassionally. She said she would start documenting it in my charts immediately for insurance purposes down the road should I need a Tummy Tuck or breast lift. I think the more they document it the more likely chance you will get your insurance company to cover it.

    My cousin got her insurance to pay for your tummy tuck.. and she looked a whole lot better from it of course. I think most of us would want to do something like that when we are about down to our goal weight but may not know how to go about it.

  20. Does it come up on its own or do you make yourself throw up? I was kinda waiting for it to come up but never did. It would have been better if it did. All I could do was sit and moan in pain my kid was wondering what the hell was going on and was starting to freak out lol, poor kid. And then, just when you think the pain is gone it comes back!! What the hell!! Such a weird horrible feeling.

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