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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by wantshealth

  1. Reggie, Mo, Riley and All,

    Well I got back on the scale Tuesday and it wasn't pretty. Since my big unfill July 1st I have gained 35+ pounds. I decided to update the ticker and be honest. I am really disappointed in myself and want to get this back under control. It is very much a head problem with me - I eat for all the wrong reasons. I still believe in the band as a tool to help maintain. I am thinking of emailing Dr. Park and owning up to what has happened to see if she will consider doing another fill. I am so glad Nicole is organizing us for a walk/lunch in a few weeks. Not that I am happy to see other people struggling, but I feel better knowing I am not alone.

    cyber hugs to all of you.

  2. Hi Jst, hi Reggie! I miss you girl!

    I have a band, and I did really, really well with it and lost 124 lbs in less than 2 years. I was 2 lbs from my goal weight, so they considered that I had lost 98% of my excess weight. I WORKED IT. I was in a size 10 and r e a l l y close to a size 8. Then I met my man, the chef, and stopped excercising and following my plan, and I have now gained almost 40 lbs back (!) and have to SQUEEZE into my 12s. I have lost some again, but it's a struggle and it always will be. So. should I have had the sleeve? (I did NOT want RNY, and if you tell them that they will respect you!) I wonder! If they had offered it at the time, I would have looked into it for sure. But I think I still would have gone with the band. It is adjustable even after you lose all your weight. With the band, as I have gained weight back it has gotten tighter and tighter, so I get to the point that I cannot gain any more - for the first time in my life!! If you want the band, request it. Most folks were RNY when I went through, and when I met Dr. Baggs I said simply, "I will only consider the band" and he said OK (and pulled one out of his pocket and handed it to me - funny guy!). Whichever you chose - IF YOU FOLLOW THE PROGRAM, IT WILL WORK!

    I had orientation early November and surgery late February - so it took 3 months for me. And surgery was a breeze - almost drive-thru! In at 8, home by noon. Back to work the next Monday.

    Good luck!!! :-)

    Hi Jst, Reggie and Riley,

    Gosh I miss all my girls so much. Where is everyone??? Has anyone heard from Heather - is she doing OK?

    Jst, I think you need to just research each surgery and listen to what your doctor has to say about your health condition as well. I was banded about 1.5 years ago and I think I would still make the same choice. I totally agree with Riley - if you do what they tell you to do it will work. That being said, you can eat around the band (and I have heard you can do it with the other surgeries as well.) I think a critical part of this process is eventually getting to why you over ate in the first place and doing something to change that reaction / behavior. The band is a tool like Riley said and it can help you lose and maintain weight, but it isn't a magic pill.

    I was plateauing in the middle of my first year and in October 2010 my surgeon increased me to 7 cc's even though she did not think it was the right thing - she likes to aways back off .5 cc's from full; it was too much but I didn't know it right away. About 6 months after I started having lots of trouble with acid reflux, pain and vomiting. I thought the band had slipped. On 7/1 of this year, my surgeon (Dr. Park) unfilled me to where I was at the time of surgery to 4 cc's (my 2nd fill was to 6.5 cc's where I should have stayed) and ordered an upper GI. Thank goodness the band had not slipped, but my esphogus was showing weakness from having to work too much to push the food down/through the band. She want me to stay unfilled for at least 3 months and then we will see. I was at 171.2 but am now up to 179.6, so I am heading in the wrong direction. That being said, I am not doing what I should be. I am eating sweets and snacking and eating bigger portions. So it is a life long process and journey.

    On the positive side, I am doing lots more Yoga and feel great about that. And I made a big decision: I started graduate school last night. I am going for a Masters in Counseling so I can get a Marriage and Family Therapist (MFT) license. I've wanted to do this for soooo long - so it is really exciting and a little overwhelming. I would love to eventually help women who struggle with the emotional aspects of over eating. I totally believe that individual psychotheraphy should be part of the pre and post surgery after care.

    Anyway, I hope more of our girls start posting. And we need to plan a fall walk. If anyone wants to drive to Petaluma on a Saturday, I am happy to host the walk and lunch.< /p>

    Love and hugs to all my sistas of surgery (and brother John)!


  3. Hello All,

    Thank you for your warm thoughts.:rolleyes: I am sleeved!!!! YES FINALLY...!!! I have been on this journey for over 2 yrs and I have finally arrived to the losers bench.


    I am so glad to hear from you and that all went well. You sound like you are doing great!!! The Water will come - after almost a year and a half I struggle some days too!

    I am so happy that you got to this goal after such a long journey. Hang in - it will get better.


  4. Upper Back pain can also be a sign of gallbladder problems. Gallbladders often flare up with rapid weight loss - even if you don't think 50 lbs in a year is not rapid - it is a lot of weight to drop. Mine flared up really badly after I had only lost about 30lbs. Usually gallbladder attacks happen after you have eaten something that has cholesterol - fat. The gallbladder stores the excess bile used by your liver to break down the fat and when the gallbladder develops stones they can cause pain and sometimes serious blockage to the liver. It can be diagnosed with an ultrasound and the removal is usually easy with laproscopic surgery.

  5. Heather - So sorry to hear about the delay, but it will go by fast. You have been so persistent and have not given up after all this time, so 4 weeks more will be OK. We are all rooting for you - you deserve this more than anyone!! Hang In - don't binge and it will be here before you know it.

    Kim - My thoughts are with you. I know it is scary, but everything will be OK. You are changing your life for the better - your health will be so much improved. Hang in over the next month and things will get better.

    Maria - so good to here from you again. 68 lbs is nothing to be ashamed of - I am sure it has made you so much healthier. You are so right that it is work and a journey - but worth it.

    I am down 85 lbs after starting this journey 9/13/2009 - that is 1 year and almost 10 months ago - so yes it has taken me longer than I thought, but I am so grateful for the weight I've shedd (not lost since it ain't coming back if I can help it!!!) I feel so much better and move so much better and know I've added years to my life.

    Miss all my girls - remember - when I get the next 15 lbs off - we are having a big 100lb party at my house and all my sistas of surgery are invited (and John too!).

    Hugs to all of you.

  6. Hey Ladies!

    I have less than 2 weeks until my surgery! I'm so obsessed. All I can think about is surgery/recovery/my future body! Agggghhh! Seriously. Today I kept thinking... "2 weeks from today I'll be discharged from the hosptial and drive home from SF..."

    I've missed seeing everyone, so I'm thinking about hosting a brunch in a month or two (Once I'm on solid foods again!) What do you think? I've so missed our get-togethers. I'll

    send details later, but I'd love to see y'all!


    I have been thinking of you - I am so happy for you. You deserve an award for perserverance!!! I know you will be successful - just be patient - it sure is a journey!! Do you have the cd to listen to to prepare for surgery? They really helped me to calm down - I put them on my iPod and listened to them when I went to bed.


    Sorry I didn't get the pics posted until now of our 5/14 walk. It was a small group but so good to reconnect with Analyn, Jess and her cousin, Kim, who I had never met. (Kim is having surgery the same day as Heather I think.!) I've been busy as Nate graduated from High School on 5/27 and we had a huge party on 5/29 - all of my sisters and brother came from out of state so it was really special. Family all left on Monday so I am trying to get back to business. I am applying to graduate school. Not sure how the money is going to work out given no job and Nate also going to college, but maybe the angels will smile down on me :) I am really excited about it - definately ready for a change. When you shedd a lot of weight and work on the emotional stuff that it represents, amazing things happen in your life!

    Hugs to everone!

  7. Hey there everyone, just wanted to remind you all that we are still meeting for our walk and talk this Sat, 5/14 at 9:30 am along the Vallejo Marina.

    Here is the address of the meet location, lots of parking.

    Brinkman's Marine Inc 1 Curtola Parkway, Vallejo, CA 94590-5807

    Hope to see you there 001_tt2.gif

    I'll be there - can't wait to see everyone.

  8. Hi Everyone

    Sorry I've been out of touch - life is crazy. The separation from my hubby has been hard - really hard to love someone but have serious issues with them. Pray for us.

    I had my first job interview since I was laid off 11/1. It went OK - I hope I make it to the second round. It was weird - not sure what they were looking for. It was a group interview with 3 guys - one never made any eye contact - so weird. It would be great if I got it since it is in Santa Rosa - most IT jobs are in the city, south or east bay which is a killer commute from Petaluma. Anyway, I got a new interview suit - a size 12 ! (And of course shape wear too! - shape wear and panty hose are cruel inventions but they work!) I haven't had panty hose on in years!

    I am also really seriously thinking of going back to school for a Masters in Counseling Psychology. I have wanted to do this for a long time and I'm not getting any younger. It is a big decision / big financial committment, but I know it is right for me. Say some prayers for me in this area too, as I am really struggling trying to figure out how to make this happen financially since son #2 is heading off to college also.

    I caught up on all the posts and agree with all that has been said. The band works when we follow the program, but it is hard to follow the program sometimes! I too have trouble with dense Protein and dense veggies - really have to chew and wait, which I don't do well when I am really hungry. For my emotional eating, I tend to go for the carbs - comfort food. When I don't snack I do so much better - 3 meals works. Anyway, I am 1 lb away from shedding 80 lbs! I wouldn't trade my band for anything - even with the discomfort and PBing that happens. 80 lbs I could not have done on my own. And I am so much healthier for it. It was the right decision for me.

    My new goal is 100 lbs instead of 116. Since I am about 20 lbs from it I think it is doable. So listen up ladies (and John) - when I get to 100 we are having a party!! (A walk here in Petaluma and a healthy lunch - I am hoping it will be in late summer / September!) Anyway, it is a really positive fun goal to focus on.

    OK - Jess suggested 9:30 on Sat 5/14 I assume at the Vallejo Marina. I am in big time! Can't wait to give everyone a big hug!

    Love you all

  9. It is so good to hear from everyone and what everyone is up to.

    Candra and Jess - I love you girls. Jess, I started walking again this past week after you wrote about your bridge walks - you were always an inspiration for me. Candra so sorry things are rough - I too believe in the meds if you can find a way to get them cheaper - I take Zoloft for anxiety and have for a while and don't want to mess with it - its not a perfect fix - like now with all the stress in my life, but I know I would be worse with out it.

    Tam - your car accident story sent chills up my spin! I am so so glad you and your daughter were OK. You must have a really good guardian angel! Maybe she can help with the eating too! Protein is good. I can't wait to give you a hug on 5/14.

    Tina - my nieces have done the juice shakes and they swear by them for how they feel (one of them has Celiac disease and it really helped her.)

    Monique - your pic is awesome - you go girl!

    Pam - good to hear you back too and that you are back at things. One of the things I've learned with my therapist is the right mix of Protein and healthy fat is important for sustaining us - keeping the hunger away - Atkins can do that. I do think it goes too light on the veggies. But it could be a good kick starter again.

    CoCo - I am so glad you are nearby (sort of). And thinking of trying for a baby - OMG he/she is going to have so many mama / aunties! I agree get the weight off now - I always found it harder after each of my boys - that was when I really started to pack it on! It felt like a license to eat (you know - the baby needs some!!!).

    Riley - where are you!!!???

    I have been busy and up and down. I just did a quick trip to LA with my son to look at the college he was accepted at - The American Musical and Dramatic Academy in Hollywood. It was a great trip and I am really excited for him. I just hope we can figure out how we will pay for it. I realy want to try to help do this for him, but I am also really torn about maybe going back to school myself, as I really don't want to go back to the high pressure job/work I had before.

    For all you ladies, I mentioned that I have been in therapy the last year with the Dr. who specialize in people with eating issues. As I read everyone's posts, I know that everyone is dealing with something. It is painful to dig into the issues of why we use food for other than nurishment, but I really believe that is the answer to this puzzle. Figuring it out and then figuring out a different way to deal with whatever emotion/ feeling, etc. is the key. Its very hard work. In the spirit of sharing, one of my insights has been the I use food to numb out and not feel or express my feeling and my needs. Not sure if this resonates with anyone else, but it has been powerful insight for me. I can actually start to feel me 'leave' my body when I do it.

    Anyway, I love you lots! Hope you have a good week. (I plan on having an awesome one - tomorrow is my birthday - I will be mumble mumble!! I had 2 gift certificates saved and I am having a massage and a facial tomorrow! I can't wait!)

    Hugs to you all!

  10. Just remember it took us all years of bad eating habits and emotional eating to gain this weight. We all want it all off yesterday. But if it takes a few years so be it. We have all lost weight, so we need to focus on that and know we can do it. We all love each other and want each other to be successful.

    Love to all my banded (and sleeved) sistas and bro John

  11. Oh this is so great to hear from everyone. I can do 5/14 (I filled in the poll). It would be so great to get the whole gang back together and to start posting again.

    Riley - what are you up to - I need a hug big time!

    Candra, Jess and Tamra - I have missed you so much! Remember - this is about how much we love each other and support each other - not about being ashamed.

    Canolie - yeah you are back - I can't wait to see you!

    Pam, Heather, April, Ash - tell me what's going on.

    Bella - I won't be at the Santa Rosa meeting in April cause I have to take my son to LA to look at the college he is going to go to (which we didn't visit when we went to LA in the summer - go figure!)

    OK ladies here's a summary of what's been going on with me:

    After about April / May I didn't really lose much more and didn't feel alot of restriction. I also wasn't staying on program since I could eat most things. I have to say though, at least I didn't gain - but plateauing for 5-6 months is no fun.

    I also went back into therapy with the Dr. who specialized in weight / eating issues. Been doing a lot of hard work.

    I finally went back to see Dr. Park in October and though she didn't think I should get another fill (thought I would be too tight) she gave me another .5 cc so I am at 7 cc. It really did make me tight. I wish I had gone back sooner before I was so discouraged. I lost another 7 lbs after that. And I have to be really careful with what I eat, how much and how much I chew. In other words, the band is working like it is suppose to work. And everything they say is true: I can only eat a little of dense protein/ dense veggies, but can eat tons of sliders (had 2 pieces of chocolate cake today!!!)

    I lost my job November 1st, which really, in the long run, is a good thing since I was so miserable there.

    I went into a bad depression in January and February, but continued to go to therapy and have finally had some break throughs this last month.

    At the end of February I separated from my husband and began to start losing weight again (5 lbs in the last month). We've been together 26 years and married for 20 years. We are going to try counseling and I am hopeful it will work. We both know it can't continue as it has - there have to be changes.

    My focus now is on putting me first. Taking care of myself and getting the rest of the weight off (although I am not sure I am still headed for 140 lbs. I think if I can lose an even 100 lbs and get to 156 it might be fine. Right now I am a size 12/ medium in good clothese / 14 in cheaper clothes and my goal was always to be a size 10. So I think if I lose another 26 lbs I will be there no problem. I am also trying to figure out what I am going to do for work. I'm not sure I want to go back to the same high stress work in IT, so I am giving myself the month of April without any pressure. (That being said I spent the whole day working on a job application for an IT Director job up here in So. County - so obviously the guilt sometimes wins out over doing what is best for me.)

    Anyway, please post updates and let me know what has been going on with everyone and how you are doing.

  12. OMG - I thought we had lost everyone! I was amazed to see the emails from my old dear friends, Candra, Heather, Tamra, Reggie and Pam. I hope we can start posting again - I miss you all a bunch. I agree with Heather that a walk is in order once this rain stops. I just got back from Sunny Florida - it was amazing and I am freezing here! Lots to update everyone on.



    Howdy Ladies & John if you're still around :) It's been so long since I've been on here but suddently I'm getting emails that you girls are back! woo hoo!!! I miss my LBT group. I NEED my LBT group cuz I'm suckin at this band crud. Love/Hate relationship with this band. Im in any time!! Love you guys

  13. Hey 'erbody!!! All is well here. I am losing again... I was stuck for a while at 197, 196, 195... Then 191, 192.... Now I'm hovering around 185, 184 and working towards the 170's by the end of October. I have reset my goal weight to 170... I have 15lbs to go!!!! I feel great. Although I still struggle and want to eat a cow!!! It's just that I can't... I need to follow the rules and eat just enough...not to the point where it hurts.....

    We do need to schedule a meet and greet!!!! Soon!!!



    Congratulations! I am so happy for you. I hope to be following you now that I have finally broken my @!X&8 5 month plateau. I can't tell you how good it is psychologically to be out of the 190's! You are doing so great - it must feel so good to be so close to goal. I too am reevaluating my end goal. When people hear that I have 50 more pounds to lose they are shocked and don't think it is right. I am going to see what I feel like and look like when I get into the 150's.


  14. Pat!!!

    I have missed you SO MUCH!! Don't worry you will be fine!! Best advice I can give you is live on severence for as long as you can, and THEN collect unemployment. When Longs was purchased by CVS all of my co-workers and friends did it that way, so they had enough money to live. Don't let it get you down, I have been out of work a year this Oct, and still made things happen and so can you!! =) Think of this as a way to workout more :) hehe!

    Hello everyone else, and welcome new comers!

    Tamra, triplet sista! Thank you so much. I miss you too. Let's get together. Your new avatar picture looks great. We are sooo sisters - can't believe we are now both at 7 cc's. (Both Dr. Park and Robin say that is alot - that most don't get that much - Dr. P thought it would be too much1) I guess we are special!!! I think I have your phone number so I will call you.

    Hugs to you and Brianna

  15. Heather I miss you whats up?? We haven't talked forever..........:-(

    Tamra: 70 is really good and I think it is important to count the pre op weight too. I know Dr. Baggs does :-) I am down 30 something from surgery but 60 totally and I often forget to count the pre op :-) I needed to lose 100 so I am more than halfway there........I like counting pre op too we all worked hard for that as well.

    PAT: You came and went. How are you?

    JESS/MONIQUE/REGGIE/ DONNA/CHRISTINE/NICOLE/PAM........who am I missing where is everyone??

    But than again where I have been as well!! I Haven't been on for a long, long time either............


    Thanks for the shout out. I am here, just coming to terms with being unemployeed. Have some good optomistic days and some down days.

    I have a question for you. I know that you have dealt with GERD - but I think you had it before surgery. I have noticed that I get a sore throat off and on - with no other symptons of flu. It seems like after I have overeaten and/or PB'd. It will usually last for a few days. I tried to research it - esphoagitis is listed as a complication from band surgery. All I can find on it is a reference to GERD which sounds much more like pain/heart burn. Nothing I have found mentions sore throat. Any thoughts?

  16. OMG!! where is everybody? Do I need to find new friends? :)

    Im hanging, I have lots of restriction since my last fill. Just need to know when to say when...and stop PB'n. It's hard though. other than that I feel great, doing Zumba twice a week and boot camp on saturdays.

    hope to hear from you soon....I need the support.


    Hey Jes,

    I miss you. I just got a fill on 10/6 and am 7 ccs. It is my sweet spot - I can't believe how much difference the 1/2 cc had made! I am actually full when I eat what the binder says I should eat - finally! I finally broke my 190"s plateau that I have been in for 5 months! I weighed in at 189.6 yesterday. I am so excited.

    Would love to try to get together for a marina walk before the rains come.

    So glad you are doing well. You have always been great at exercise. I need to get back on my exercise - I hurt my knee 3 weeks ago and have been laying low but it is feeling better so I need to reengage.


  17. Hi Lady - Happy belated birthday!

    The Sonoma County Weight Loss group meets the 2nd Saturday of each month at 10 am to 12 noon at the Wells Fargo Center in Santa Rosa. Yes, Dr. Baggs is going to be the speaker for the November 13th meeting. It is a good group. Every other month is a speaker and the non-speaker months are check in meetings where members can talk about their weight loss journey. Dr. Woodbury, a baratric surgeon, usually attends the end of the check in meetings and will answer any general questions.

    Would love to see you at that meeting - maybe we could do lunch after and walk.

    Hi Jes,

    I'm here! I've been off in New Orleans celebrating my 60th Birthday. Can you say "good food" ? My son met me there for 4 days to Celebrate. We went to Jazz clubs, walked the streets of several neighborhoods and ate great food. It was a wonderful way to welcome in the next decade of my life.

    I'm still doing my best to follow my eating plan and exercising 90 minutes a day which is what it takes for me to lose weight. I'm really learning about what a commitment to better health really means. Surgery is definitely not the easy way out. I go to the Kaiser support group meetings, have a WLS mini support group that I walk the lake with and have added Weight Watchers for the additional accountability. I want all the insurance in the bank that I can muster to not be one of the 1 in 3 that gains their weight back.

    Does anyone go to the Sonoma Support Group? Can I get information on where it is, time etc? I heard through the grapevine that Dr. Baggs is the November speaker.

    I hope everyone is doing ok. While I generally just post at OH and VST, I do peek in to see what all of you are up to around here. :)

  18. She's baaacccckkk.....

    After 2 months the wayward girl is back with her tail between her legs! She kind of got lost and strayed up to 201.8 after vacation in August, but has been fluctuateing between 196 and 198 for the last month. What can I say - I haven't been doing all the things that I know work - eating the right food, avoiding sugar foods, measuring, exercise and most of all getting support. So I am back.

    Would love to hear where everyone is at - I am not sure I can read 2 months of pages! Tamra and Donna - thank you for reaching and out and checking in - I love my band sisters!

    I got laid off from work 2 weeks ago and am still processing it. On good - glass half full days, I see it as an opportunity. I wasn't happy at the job or company and wasn't doing the kind of work I wanted to do. I wouldn't have left on my own because my family depends on me and it was a good job, good pay and close to home. On bad - glass half empty days, I panic and think that it will take me a year or 18 months to find a comparable pay job and I only have severance for 6 - 7 months and I might lose my house. Luckily so far, there have been more good days than bad days and people have been really supportive and offering help/contacts.

    I do think this is an opportunity that I don't want to squander. I now can really focus on my diet and exercise. So far this week I have been walking on the treadmill to get a better cardio workout and I have been going to yoga classes. My goal is to go to yoga Mon - Friday.

    Love to all my banded and sleeved sistas - let me know what everyone is doing. :wub:

  19. Hi All - just checking in quickly to say HI. Been busy with work and family visiting from out of town. Like Jess - too much to catch up on so I am just jumping in.

    Pam - your ticker #s look great - this new program has really gotten you going. Don't stress about Robin - you are losing weight and trying to get to your goal and work on your food issues. That is what counts.

    I went back to my liquid diet from the Fresh Start program this week and dropped 5 lbs. I needed to get off the sugar and see the scale drop - it hasn't done so in months. My goal is to stay on it for 1 to 2 weeks with eating Protein and veggies for dinner on the weekend. Psychologically I just need to get out of the 190's and feel a little progress.

    Jess - good to see you back. How is Candra? I am up for a Vallejo walk. What if we were to try for middle of August - like 8/21 or 8/22?

    Lee - you are amazingly dedicated. I am with Pam that 650 sounds too low and your body may be really slowing down. I bet your son will up the intensity of your workouts not the time. Riley was similiar to you and then realized she couldn't add more time and actually needed to cut back because she wasn't doing other things in her life that were important. She started uping the intensity by working on the treadmill - faster and with steep incline. Her workouts shorten but she got good results.

    Everyone else - hope you are doing well. Lots of new sleeve gals that I haven't met yet.

    Wishing everyone a good healthy week - with lots of good energy.

  20. Pat I agree 100% that this is about way more than eating to much!! Taking food away as our addiction of choice means that other issues and cross addictions have to be deal with and put to rest.

    Like Kaiser says they can fix the hardware of the body but not the wiring.............(stomach vs brain).

    I told the doc last time I went in that Kaiser should require follow up group or individual therapy and he said the medical association won't allow it to be a requirement of the program or surgery and that is why they don't force the issue they just recommend it.

    I grew up eating whole wheat everything. bread, Pasta .......my mom is a health nut. I like the ezekial bread and the other one you mentioned Pat. But serious can't eat them now. Not worth the carbs or the getting stuck!!

    Pat what is your fill level?? I am at 5cc's and have decent restriction.........not perfect but I do feel the band. Of course TOM is over so I am getting back to the band loosening up alot today!!

    Tina - I am at 6.5cc. I had 4 cc at my surgery on 1/26 and my first fill was on 4/29 and I went to 6.5 - Dr. Park actually put in 7 but backed in off to 6.5. Everyone is different since our anatomy isn't exactly the same. I believe Pam is at 8 cc's and she seems to have very good restriction. I just don't think I am there all the way, but probably closer. I haven't contacted Dr. Park yet since I think I need to get the emotional eating back under control and lose some more. I am only down about 3 lbs since the april fill.

  21. Hi All - Yes, I am inside avoiding the heat outside. I am also procrastinating from taking my on-line driver training class (my punishment from the speeding ticket I got when driving back from our get together at Reggi's back in Feb.!!)

    Pam and Tina - I agree that everyone needs to make their own choice on which surgery based on what the research and what the doctor's recommend based on their medical situation. You are right there are pluses and minuses with all and no surgery is a magic cure because you can eat around any of them.

    Cole - keep researching and asking questions.

    Chrissy - My 2 cents: I think the size of our stomachs isn't what made us get fat. Our stomachs expand (including the pouches from our surgeries) based on how much food we take in. The stomach is a muscle and it can stretch like any muscle. I believe there are other issues at the heart of why we are all over weight. The issues are different for each person, but we eat more food that we need and eat when we aren't physically really hungry/need food.

    Tamra - glad you are having good results. I think when we see the scale move it can motivate us to make the right choices. Whole grain carbs are healthy, especially if they have no sugar and you have them in small quantities. There is a bread at trader joes that is nothing but whole grains with Water - no sugar - no fat - it is their brand called Daily Bread or sometimes they have a brand called Ezekelial bread. My fav is the cinnamon raisin, but the multi grain and sprouted wheat are good too.

    Pam - I think Tamra and I can still eat breads and pastas because we still are not at the right restriction levels. (I have no trouble with toast or with torillas; I have avoided un-toasted bread.) I have had some trouble occasionally since my only fill in April, but I think in general it is because we still aren't at our sweet spots yet.

    Try to stay cool eveyone. Have a good day - I can't put it off any more - gotta do my traffic school program!

  22. Hi everyone,

    I don't need a refill yet, but I am curious... do they even give you a refill on the liquid vicodin? I have a very low tolerance to pain and have already gone through almost half the bottle. (no worries I am following the dosage directions)

    thanks for info


    Hi Sherri - Just call or email your dr. if you need more. I only used mine for a few days after surgery and then switched to liquid tylenol. If we lived closer I'd give you my left overs since they gave me a huge bottle! It will get better soon! Hang in.

  23. OK I am now caught up on 7 pages of posts!

    A big big big THANK YOU to Donna!

    You were so sweet to reach out and call me last night after not hearing from me. I love you sister! Yes, we seem to have so many of the same struggles. At our 'mature' age (as I refuse to call us old) we share similiar challenges as well as goals that have changed over the year. It was so helpful to talk to you.

    Riley Jane! I know you are in love, but we need to connect. I know you have been struggling but we need each other. Email me, Call me girl! We need to walk!

    Mo - you are rockin' it - so proud of you.

    Tina - things sound a little better. My therapist has talked to me alot about research that says the body sensation for hunger are almost the same for anxiety. Really interesting insight.

    Ali, Ash, April, Cole, Laurel - hi - great to catch up and see where everyone is. You are doing great!

    John - avitar pic is great - finally - and you are a techie - OK your next challenge is to add a ticker! Reading your post and signature it looks like you have lost 125lbs so far - that is so incredible. Please don't complain about 1 -2 lbs a week as those of us that are stuck would kill for that - you guys make us jealous! Seriously, you are such an inspiration - I bet Nikki is so proud of you - you have added years to your life!

    Reggie, Jess and Candra - really miss you. Hope you are doing OK - even if you aren't let us know what's up. Sending a long distance hug.

    Anyone else I missed - so sorry - hope you are well.

    I am working really hard on the head part of the journey. I will share some things in the hope it may help anyone feeling in a similiar place.

    One of my biggest challenges is when I get home from work; I am usually very tired and often stressed. Neither of those things are going to go away. I use food to comfort myself. So in therapy I am working with my therapist on how to find other ways to comfort myself. One thing I discovered is that repetative motion and softness seem to sooth me. (I find myself rubbing my foot back and forth on a soft blanket or the sheets when I am in bed and having trouble getting to sleep.) We also talked about the repetative motion of eating, the movement of the spoon/fork back and forth or eating lots of small things like M&Ms, and for me lately, raisins! So I am looking for replacements to try. The pull to food when I am feeling like this is amazingly strong.

    So it isn't just about exercising resistance - which is very very important, but also about finding other coping mechanisms. I am trying a rocking chair - I have one in my bedroom and am thinking of moving it in the living room, since I tend to flop in front of the TV when I am tired and stressed. I know that I shouldn't watch as much TV when I am in that tired stressed mode, but I also believe you can't change everyone at once! So I will keep you posted on how this goes.

    I believe with all my heart this isn't about food or about WLS - it is about getting at the real issues of why I over eat/ eat things that aren't good for me. If I can address this my weight loss journey will be successful; if I can't the band or any WLS isn't going to help since you can eat around any WLS. That being said - it isn't easy - losing 100+ lbs and dealing with lifelong head issues is hard hard work - WLS or not!

    Love you all!

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