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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by PattiCakes

  1. PattiCakes

    I've got a Real Date...

    Yes SS, let's keep in touch! I am trying to kill time waiting to be banded, so I have spent tons of time reading up on lapband (and lots of time doing my school work! UUGH). I probably will not have surgery until December or maybe even January. We only have one center for excellence here, so it takes a while for your consult (mine is Oct. 25) and then another couple of months for surgery <sigh> BUT, at least if it is on Christmas break I will not miss any school! Keep us updated and I will live vicariously through you while you have yours done and wait totally non-patiently for mine! LOL
  2. PattiCakes

    Thread Killers

    Okay 3loves, I graduate with my Psychology degree in May...please do not call yourself psycho until I am certified to verify! lol This thread is a blast...do you 'reckon I can get away without doing the rest of my homework tonight if I take the funny thread to my not so funny professor? lol Oh, I have had a mammogram when I was skinny and when I was ummmm not so skinny...the one when I was scrawny hurt worse, but I would still never skip 'em. Good luck!
  3. PattiCakes

    Thread Killers

    I am brand new, not banded yet and I have a question....do I have to have surgery to get the band put on or can they put it in through my belly button...or better yet, can I just eat it?? Ok, ok LOL this has been so much fun, I have been rolling! I will NOT read this after surgery as I would hate to bust a seam and erode all due to laughing!!
  4. PattiCakes

    I've got a Real Date...

    Congrats on the date! I have my first appointment Oct. 25th, so maybe I will get banded not long after you.
  5. Hey AussieChick, this is off topic....you look terrific!! I hope I can be as succesful as you have been!!
  6. PattiCakes

    Hello from Hong Kong

    HI! I have not been banded yet (waiting for my consult!) but I just wanted to say hi and that I hope you find all of the information you are looking for!
  7. Has anyone heard from her yet?? I hope she is fine and just enjoying her weekend, or resting...something. <fingers crossed>
  8. PattiCakes

    Gotta stop watching tv.

    I think they should call it food porn instead of commercials!!! :hungry:
  9. PattiCakes

    Cheating..No, not with food!

    Wow Molliegirl, CONGRATS on the Anniversary! Thanks for letting me know that it can work! It sounds like you were the same weight and height as me, I heard that I would probably lose slower....was it that way for you? Sorry, I know it is off topic! lol
  10. PattiCakes

    What is cushin's?

    Thanks Jude and Vinesqueen for the most helpful information! The sites were awesome! By what I have read it sounds like you all have to work even harder to lose weight, so you should be able to automatically double the pounds you have lost! Thanks again!
  11. PattiCakes

    What is cushin's?

    Can anyone enlighten me as to what cushin (sp?) is? Thanks! ~Patti
  12. PattiCakes

    FUN- What diets have you tried ?

    I bet I have spent enough money on diets and such that I could have paid for my Master's Degree or my surgery....or BOTH! We all probably know diets don't work (they made me fatter!) but we always hoped for that perfect one! You want a really truly scary confession? I would have stayed on redux knowing that I could die of a heart attack because it worked for me and I lost so much weight I was under weight!! I guess the trade off was I would rather have been dead than fat?? I can't believe I would have thought that...it makes me sad! :cry ~Patti
  13. PattiCakes

    Cheating..No, not with food!

    Yep Bettina, you are exactly right...we help people at work play nice! lol We also develop all those lovely psychological tests that employers now use. Now it has become big business for the mega giant corps to hire I.O. Psychs. to find the perfect fit for a job, or find a person the perfect job. It's a blast! I envy you being able to teach, I don't think I would have the patince...the older I get the more impatient I become! lol Hey Teresa, isn't amazing how they use work as a cover for a sex exploit! I can't believe he cheated on you when you were delivering!!! That is an all time low! It sounds like you have done quite well for yourself, you must be incredibly strong! Kudos to you! I understand the lack of trust you now have, been there..done that..have the T-shirt! LOL Maybe one day they will sale home kit lie detector tests!! LOL Now that would be fun! ~Patti
  14. OH Man Bettina, that would stink! Good luck, I hope you still get it done in August! ~Patti
  15. PattiCakes

    Cheating..No, not with food!

    Hey Bettina, which area of Psychology? Three more semesters until your Bachelor's or your Master's ? Psychology is such a blast! As far as my ex being in love in a month, he has been engaged four times in the almost four years we have been divorced! Some of these were engagements with women he had known one week and three week! :faint: I guess he moves fast! LMAO ~Patti
  16. PattiCakes

    Quit smoking for before WLS?

    Thanks LittleBird, I appreciate it! ~Patti
  17. PattiCakes

    What is cushin's?

    Yes, Neenagh...that's it! Thanks!
  18. PattiCakes

    Scared to WASH MY HAIR!

    Is hair loss common? I was told that gastric bypass could cause you to lose hair, it is the same for the band? Can you avoid by eating, drinking, taking something? Just curious! Thanks for your help! Patti
  19. PattiCakes

    FUN- What diets have you tried ?

    Hey Mysherrijo....Was it Michael Thurmond's six week body makeover? Count me in for all of the above. Did anyone try to live through the "anal leakage" of zenical?? OMG that was horrid! I have to say that was a drug that I only had to take for a day to know it was NOT for me! Does anyone remember that stupid vegetable soup diet stuff? You lived on just that "special made soup" for ever? Just wondering. Very nice thread NJ, I hope I never have to ever worry about adding to the list again! ~Patti
  20. PattiCakes

    Cheating..No, not with food!

    I too was married to a wonderful man with high integrity for 17 years, we got married when I was 18 and he was 21 (NO, I was not pregnant! lol). Four years ago he chose Christmas day to tell me that he had met someone and wanted a divorce. I never saw it coming. How could I have known that he was anything but faithful? They worked together and that is when they got together. His time was never not accounted for and he never "snuck out"...apparently you do not need to do that if you can mingle at work! lol Anyway, he is gone...she never left her husband, and now he is miserable. I don't take as much enjoyment from his misery as one would think, I believe everyone has a right to be happy. I will admit it did kind of make me happy at first! lol Now that he and I can manage to be cordial, I did ask him how long he had cheated before he told me and he said about a month. He said that he and she would call in sick together and not tell us (the dreaded other halves!) and then spend that day together. Apparently he was smarter than he looked! LOL Now I will fess up to something that sounds horrible...the woman he left me for was bigger than me and that made it better for me. I think I would been crushed had he left me for a size 5! (No offfense to any size 5's). Anyhow here is a cliche for you....it was the best thing to EVER happen to me. I realized I had to have an education and I went back to college. I have a 4.0 and graduate with my Psychology degree (Industrial Organizational Psych) in May. I attend college with both of my kids! lol Now next year when I am making $80,000.00 a year I am going to send both my ex and HIS ex a post card from Hawaii and thank them for their deception! :clap2: Thanks for letting me rant! ~Patti
  21. PattiCakes

    Medicare and fills???

    Hi all, just a really quick question: I saw where a doctor on a different post said that Medicare does not pay for fills and you must self pay; this was an older post, is it possible that it is outdated information or does Medicare truly not pay? (for fills anyway) Any help is greatly appreciated!
  22. Hiya Jodie, I have to pipe in my two cents worth. I have to say something that may not make everyone happy....You MUST get help for depression, at this point I believe it may be an issue that is second to your weight loss. Depression can be a debilitating illness and needs to be treated as such. As a Psych major I have spent countless hours working at the treatment center on campus and we offer our services for free. I can almost bet it will be the same for you. Your mom should never have thrown away your medicine, try to always contact your doctor before you make any changes (once it is under your control of course!). I of course want you to lose weight so you can be happy but PLEASE promise that you will seek counseling immediately! School may seem like a great escape but sometimes there are a lot of stressors there as well so you need to have a support group! The school can certainly get you in touch with free counseling services if they do not offer it (Corpus Christi has several free medical and psychological services for you to use). Pleae don't see this as preaching, I just worry about your mental well being (it's my job ) and I do not EVER want you to feel as if you are out of options. Okay...I will stop ranting hon! I just know that you are a beautiful girl with a bright future and I know you will do well! Sincerely, Patti
  23. Loveulots, thank you thank you thank you!!!! And Dena, will you adopt me? It will only be temporary (until I get my surgery) and you KNOW I wont eat much! LOL :hungry:
  24. PattiCakes

    How do you stand the wait?

    Mommy!!!! How funny! After I gave you the site I had a sneaking suspicion you would track me down! lol Have fun on the site mom, and I will see you Wednesday! Thanks to everyone else on the advice, they are all very good ideas and I will get started immediately trying them out! ~Patti
  25. It's so weird, I just went to the seminar and I already have all my paperwork and my psych eval done and now I am kind of dissapointed. I had thought about lapband and drug my feet, and then I decided to do it and now I can't seem to wait! lol I want to get started now! I want a ticker and want to be a great big loser too! Alas, since I can't stand the weight, I guess I have to wait! lol The doctor says he is back logged and I can't even have my consult until late October <pout>. Maybe by then Medicare will have already approved it and I can get a surgery date for December (If it's December then I wont miss classes). Well, I just wanted to vent and am kind of hoping maybe someone can tell me what they did to make the wait bearable... I am going home to Oregon next week and will see my family (I haven't seen my siblings for 3 years!) and now I am so sad that I did not get banded months ago so I could go home skinny instead of 60 pounds heavier AGAIN!!! Of course, I inherited the only fat genes in my family...my sisters are all size 4's. <sigh> Well, I guess if they see me really heavy this time, when I go back in a year or so I will have LOST weight!! Yay!! Okay, I did not mean to write a novel LOL Thanks for letting me rant! ~Patti :eek:

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