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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Drasan

  1. I'm pretty much over Protein shakes too. But I'm sipping them down. I think today might be the first day since surgery on 3/10 that I might finally get all my liquids in or at least get close. I see the nutritionist tomorrow for the next stage of my diet. Mushies! I'm shuddering as I try to imagine what pureed fish or pureed chicken tastes like. Maybe shakes aren't so bad after all. hehe
  2. Drasan

    Horrible News.....

    That is heartbreaking news. I'm very sorry for your loss.
  3. I was banded March 10, 2010 at Phoenixville Hospital, in Phoenixville, PA by Dr. Kaczmarski. I cannot say enough good about the people who work at Phoenixville Hospital and about my doctors who went out of their way to take good care of me. While I was waiting on the gurney in my paper gown, getting the IV and heparin shot, a nurse who had had bariatric surgery came and chatted with me and my husband. The things she said almost mirrored how I have been feeling about my weight. I couldn't have asked for a better pep talk for myself and my husband. I know she wasn't required to do this, it's just something she volunteered. She was one of the gems in my experience at the hospital. I remember a name, Cindy, the nurse who was finally able to find blood in a rock and get my IV placed. Apparently the catheter is an extra large one and after 2 failed attempts, the nurses told me they were calling in the big guns and Cindy arrived. Thank you Cindy! Another gem is the anesthesiologist's assistant. She stayed with me and calmed my nerves until it was time to go to surgery. But she went the extra mile when she came and checked on me the next day to see how I was doing. If that's standard protocol, kudos to the hospital. But either way, I got the feeling that she was genuinely interested in me and concerned about my well being. When I awakened in recovery, I remember intense pain in my chest and only managing to say the word "pain... pain" I'm not sure who was taking care of me at that point, but again, "thank you!" I was having cardiac issues, which I believe slowed my recovery. I don't remember much more than bits and pieces until the next day. But I do remember Dr. Kaczmarski, my bariatric surgeon and also my pulmonary doctor, Dr. Siva Ramachandran (who by the way visited me 3 times before I left the hospital -awesome) and members of my cardiologist, Dr. Krantzler's team, who also visited me at least twice that I remember. The next morning I was still experiencing a lot of pain and I wondered if I had made a huge mistake. This is when I first remember Sharon Thomas, RN, Bariatric Surgery Coordinator at the hospital. I vaguely remember her from the day before but at this moment and until I left the hospital, she became the best part of my experience. She told me that feeling of doubt and regret was normal. Then she pretty much stayed with me and coached me through everything that was happening. She was completely amazing and supportive. She told me that she had been banded 3 years ago. I recognized her name from a note I got in the mail about support groups that had just started at the hospital. I felt like I had my own private RN and advocate. She is a wonderful professional and a great person for this position. She even managed to get me to smile in spite of my pain. It's like she was one step ahead of everything that I experienced, letting me know what to expect and what to pay attention to and what it all meant. When I returned from xray and after drinking the barium, I got very sick and was experiencing a lot of pain. She was at my side, talking to me, telling me this feeling is the band telling me I'm full. I was given medicine to calm the nausea and more pain meds. Sharon walked with me, taught me how to cut my pills and how to take them. I love the lesson on sipping fluids .. she got little medicine cups, put Water in one and apple juice in the other and told me to sip them over a five minute period. This is how I learned the rate at which I need to drink Fluid until the swelling goes down in my stomach. My surgeon said I could stay another night in the hospital if I felt like I needed to. But I wanted to go home. The ride home was not so easy. It reminded me of rides to the hospital when I was in hard labor .. lol. By the time I got home, I was wasted, I took pain meds and slept. Everyday since has been better than the day before. :thumbup:
  4. Those comments are crazy! I especially love (hate) the ones from people who "had a friend who died from the procedure." I think the people on this board know more people who have been banded than all those characters put together. How many "friends" do you know who have died from the procedure? That one comment which is made in such a casual manner all over the internet has often scared my loved ones. I want who, when, and where when I see that comment or I simply don't believe it. Nobody knows what it's like to walk in fat shoes unless you've been there. Congrats Coach!
  5. Drasan

    Heellloooo onederland!

    Congratulations! I'm looking forward to joining you in onederland in the not too distant future!
  6. Drasan

    From Start to finish,

    The time varies for every person. I had medical issues that were discovered through the process that needed to be addressed which delayed my surgery. But .. Now I am understanding the meaning of the lap-band journey which begins with the first curious moments of its discovery. Some of the steps of the journey feel like the clock is standing still, insurance approval, doctor appointments, recovery from surgery, etc. Then there are the payoff days when it all seems worth it. I had the surgery on 3/10 and I've finally reached a payoff day YAY! 5 days post op and I am feeling so much better! No more sharp pain, just a little dull pain. I'm learning the feeling of the band and that feeling of when I am full and overly full. Let the journey continue! I wish you the best Tricia on your very individual journey!
  7. Drasan

    Last Meal Syndrome?

    I had several last meals from my first consult to the final consult before surgery. As a result, I gained 9 pounds.. yikes! The surgeon threatened to cancel my surgery if I didn't lose weight on the 10 day liquid diet. I needed that liquid diet to interrupt my out-of-control eating. I lost 10 pounds in 8 days and got my surgery. I was told not to have the state-of-mind of the last meal, but for some reason, that didn't take. I wanted a really good steak before I started the liquid diet but I missed that meal. Now I still want a really good steak. But you know what? I'm going to be very ok with a small portion when I get on solid foods again. Successfully banded on 3/10/10
  8. "I choose to live." That was the title of one of the first threads I posted back in October 2009. It was a pivotal moment when I knew that lap-band surgery was the right decision for me. I've achieved a lot of success in my life, but I've never been able to win the war with my weight. The journey toward the surgery has been long. Things haven't always gone the way I had expected, I'd hoped to have had the surgery by December. But I've learned a lot about myself and my health issues have been addressed. Now, it's finally going to happen, Wednesday, March 10th. I view this opportunity as a chance to help me get healthy, live longer and enjoy life more fully. I'm looking forward to having a new gun in my arsenal. This time I am going to win the war and live!
  9. Drasan

    Tomorrow is the day

    How exciting! Good luck, we'll catch you on the flip side!
  10. A few things that I've tried that have helped: Make it pretty! I put the shake in a beautiful glass to make it look special and drink it very slowly. I have various glasses for different types of drinks. I rotate through the pretty glasses. (you can buy fun glasses at dollar stores) Ice I bought ice at the store instead of using common ice cubes from the freezer. I use LOTS of ice in another special glass for juice or flavored, no calorie Water. I love different textured ice. If you can crush ice or shave it, it gives you another nice variation. Peppermint herbal tea It's a strong flavor, it's hot and comforting, especially at night when I get head cravings for a bedtime snack. I try to think about and enjoy the variety of textures, flavors and temperatures of the liquids. I've heard some people freeze the shakes and eat them like ice cream. Oh and last but not least .. CHEERS Hold your Protein shake up to offer a CHEER with the rest of us! You're not alone!
  11. Hi Erika .. Yes! There is an alternative to the cpap machine. Google dental appliances for sleep apnea. Not all pulmonary doctors are on board with the use of dental appliances. I found one who is. My doc told me to use the cpap machine to get me through the surgery and to lose a little weight, then if I still need assistance with breathing at night, we will look at getting a dental appliance. btrieger .. you have been so inspirational with your compliance through your weight loss during pre-op! I can sympathize with your difficulty with the cpap machine. I still wake up at times in a panic feeling like I can't breath. But when my doctor explained the possible outcomes from non-compliance, I knew I had to make it work. Talk to your pulmonary doctor about a dental device. If he knows you can't tolerate the cpap machine, my guess is he'll want to help you with alternatives.
  12. I'm laughing reading the posts. I too thought it was the worst of the pre-op experiences. The wires, the goop, looking at the camera knowing you're being watched as you sleep. I have to say though, the technicians were professional and reassuring. I had to return for a second time to be fitted for a cpap machine and I was not happy about it. I'm a little claustrophobic and the masks put me in a panic within seconds. I was finally able to somewhat tolerate a little pillow mask that sets below the nose with inserts that go into the nostrils. But I could not sleep, not at all and I kept panicking, feeling like I was being suffocated. The tech had to come in to help me remake my bed (I'd managed to pull up the sheets and blankets in my twisting and turning) then about 3 or 4 hours later with me still twisting and turning (not sleeping at all)I sat up on the edge of the bed, the tech came in and I said, "Just unplug me and let me die!" :biggrin: I can be a little dramatic. Long story coming to an end. First week at home with the machine, there were a lot of frustrated tears, feelings of humiliation and me wearing the mask improperly (I really couldn't breath) but I finally got it figured out and now I am tolerating it, not loving it, but I am being compliant. I'm looking forward to losing the weight and doing another sleep test with the hopes of retiring the machine. If not, I will be getting a dental appliance to replace it. Keeping this goal in mind is getting me through. Good luck to you. Let us know how it works out.
  13. Michelle .. I just weighed in and I've lost 10 lbs in 8 days on the liquid diet. My surgery is a go .. March 10th! I am so relieved. I really needed the liquid diet to interrupt my bad eating habits AND the liquid diet has not been as difficult as I thought it might be. Good luck to you. I think you have a good plan.
  14. Pufferphish If it helps you to know this, I was in the bathroom the first several days. It slowed down but I am still in the bathroom a lot more than usual. My stomach is rolling at times and I'm also tooting a lot :smile2: I felt especially weak and tired the evening of day 5 but my energy level has picked up again. I'm at the end of day 7 now. Good luck to you. I think it would be a good idea to call your surgeon's office until you get a response or consult your dietitian.
  15. Drasan

    Surgery on my Birthday!

    My surgery is scheduled on my husband's birthday! I told him that I'm giving him a future with a more healthy, slender wife. Happy Birthday honey!
  16. I babsy. We're close in age, well, I'm a little older, 55. After my meeting with the surgeon, I thought about looking for another surgeon, I really felt bullied. But I'm so close, I just want it to happen. Another surgeon would just mean more delay.

  17. Michelle, I gained weight after my initial consult which was in August. My surgery date kept getting postponed due to the discovery of health issues that needed to be addressed. I got discouraged as a result and ended up gaining 9 pounds. I finally got a surgery date, I met with the nutritionist, I got on the liquid diet and then I met with the surgeon. After 2 days of the liquid diet I'd lost 3 of the 9 pounds, but the surgeon was not happy. My surgery may be postponed if I can't lose additional weight over the next 3 days. I am being 100% compliant with the liquid diet and I can feel the difference. I'm sure I'm losing weight. If I were you, I would go on the liquid diet or some restricted diet before you meet with the surgeon.
  18. How many grams of protein should be in our daily intake pre-op and post-op?
  19. 10 day all liquid diet Breakfast - sugar free Carnation Instant Breakfast with 1 cup skim milk blended with a fruit. ie 4 oz banana or 3/4 c mandarin oranges 3 Snacks in the day - 8 oz fruit juice lunch and dinner - sugar free Carnation Inst Breakfast with 1 cup skim milk blended with a fruit, also 8 oz creamy Soup or V-8 juice. 52 oz of Water I'm at the end of day 5. I haven't cheated at all. I was really jazzed the first few days, now I'm feeling weak and tired. I hope the weak and tired goes away and I can get my jazzed feeling back again. Holds up my carnation inst breakfast "Cheers All"
  20. Drasan

    Why Tell Anyone?

    When I was first looking into the surgery, I talked about it with my husband, adult children and some extended family, mostly to get a sense of what they thought and hoping for support. What I learned is that not all these people (extended family) felt it necessary to keep it to themselves. So now a lot more people know and they tell people and those people tell people. Now a whole lot of people know. Oh well. What I haven't appreciated is the horror stories that have been passed along to the people I trust by other's whose opinions I could really care less about. I don't need uninformed people worrying those I love. So, if I had it to do over again, I would only tell my spouse and adult children, period.
  21. Drasan

    Protein Question

    I just added up the grams of Protein I'm getting on the liquid diet that I've been put on, 44 grams a day. It's not enough but I'm afraid to add anymore protein because I need to lose weight or the surgery is going to be postponed. Any suggestions?
  22. Hi dontgoggilme! I'm counting the days down with you. I'm 7 days out now, I hope. I did all my pre-op work with the hospital and the surgeon yesterday. The surgeon was upset with me because I haven't lost all the weight he wanted me to lose pre-op. I have to lose 4 more lbs by Monday or the surgery will be postponed. I'm a little upset because all the surgeon focused on was the weight loss, I didn't even get to ask my questions. I feel chewed out and deflated. I've been doing so well on the liquid diet, I was ready for an encouraging word. I WAS sooo excited now I'm just feeling sad and uncertain. What a roller coaster ride this has been.
  23. I just had my pre-op visit with my surgeon and I am totally deflated. Starting back in November, I was supposed to lose only 5 lbs before surgery. I thought .. no problem, I can do that easily. Well, I ate my way through the holidays, then health problems were discovered which delayed my surgery and I sort of gave up. As of last week, when I weighed in with the nutritionist, I'd gained 9 lbs. yikes! I started the liquid diet, I'm on day 3, and this morning when I weighed in at the surgeons office, I'd lost 3 lbs since last week, which put me up a total of 6 lbs. The surgeon is talking about delaying my surgery unless I can get 4 -6 more lbs off in the next 5 days. My advice to you is this, begin the weight loss now, don't wait. Don't let yourself get in my situation. I am so angry at myself right now. I wish I'd been put on the liquid diet a week or two ago. I needed a radical change to interrupt my eating habits. This process has been a roller coaster ride of emotions. Yesterday I was so excited and today I am totally deflated. Thank goodness for this forum.
  24. How exciting for you! Best wishes and we will be thinking of you! Let us know how everything goes! woo hooo!
  25. Philligirl .. do you live around Philadelphia, PA? Your name leads me to believe you might. If so, what medical group are you working with? I'm in the area and I looked at several groups before making a decision. Anyway, I'm curious that you haven't been weighed since October which leads me to believe you haven't been seen by doctor since October. My surgeon won't do surgery with old data. Meaning I had to see docs and have tests, some within 30 days prior to surgery or I had to do them over again. I know all surgeons have different criteria, but not seeing anybody since October? Wow!

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